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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jul 1927, p. 5

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1 '~--Miss Mona Morrow, "will alse visit other friends in this «My, and Mi§. Bernard Junkin, "and family, of this city, "Mr¥, Thos, -w=Miss Jessip Bailey, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. Wilson, Mary street, ~Mr, and Mrs, Albert Lock, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. * Alma Armstrong, Bruce and Mary © streets, ~---Mr. Jack Armstrong, and Miss Hazel Heath, of the Whitby hos- pital staff, Apent the week end with Mrs. Alma Armstrong, r, D. EH, Steckley will he in London, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of {his 'week attending the' Drugless Practitioners' Conven- tion being held there. 'of Winai- Peg, is visiting with Mr, and Ms. B, J. Gay, of Arthur street. She feity, are visit- ing with Mrs. Junkins' parents, § | Mrs, W. PIPHER--BARRETY The marriage was solemnized at Stouffville, Ont., this afternoon of Hilda Vera, daughter of NMI. ana J. Barrett, Oshawa, to Wil- liam Westley son of the late Mr and Mrs. L. Pipher, Markham, Af- ter the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Pi- pher left for a month's tour of Pennsylvania and the New York state. On thelr return they will re- side in Markham, widaid ORR--BUCKLER The King' street United Church, beautifully decorated with palms, ferns, gladioli and Rubrum llies, was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding, when Greta Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, BE. Buckler, 232 Athol street east, became the bride of Mr. Orland Orr, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr of Kitchener, Ontario, the Rev. C. W. DeMille officiating. The bride entered the church to the strains of the wedding march played hy Mr. Bernal How- ard, leaning on the arm of her fa- ther, looking lovely in a gown of white crepe romaine with veil and orange blossoms and carrying but- terfly roses, lily-of-the-valley Gysop hila, and maiden Hair fern. She was attended by Her sisters, Miss Bessie, wearing yellow georgetie with white picture hat trimmed with yellow, and Miss Norah wearing yel- Mr, 'and Mrs. Charles Genge, of Peterhoro, | -~0n' Tuesday evening, Mr, and Beard, celebrated' their "@0th' wedding anniversary at their home, 260 Golf street, A very pleasant evening was spent among 'their friends, Mr. and Mrs, Qmar Latimer, of "Forest Hill, Long Island, and Miss: "brought before it. Dorothy Latimer, of Garden City Long Island ave visiting with Me: "Latimer's grandmother Mrs. J. O. Clifford 17 Athol street west, ---Mr, and Mrs, C, A, Buck, of Napanee, Mr. and Mrs, M, B. Trumpour, and son, Bogart, of low crepe romaine with picture hat of white, trimmed with yellow. Both bridesmaids carried Golden (i/phelia roses, The groom was assisted by Mr. Henry Dean. During the signing of the register Miss Leah Garrow sang, very heautifully "0 Promise Me." After the ceremony a luncheon was served to the guests at the home of the bride's parents, at which the bride's mother wore black satin and the groom's mother was dressed in rosewood crepe, The groom's gift to the hride was a white gold wrist watch, her only Kingston, have returned home af- ter visiting for a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. E. Bull Sim- coa street north, HYDRO RATES 0 COME UNDER FIRE City Connell to | to Hold Special Session en Thursday Night A special meeting of ihe City Council has been scheduled for Thursday night and aldermen noti- fied.. The business to be taken up is the question of hydro-electri® rates in Oshawa, both for light and power. Mayor Preston, who called the meeting, has information of ju-, terest to lay before the Councii members, and it is understood that the special session will merely mark the opening of a campaign against what the Mayor declares to be strik- ing inequalities in rates for this city as compared with neighboring muni- cipalities. What further steps are to be tak- en will depend, largely, upon the Couneil's reception of information to be given it by the Mayor. That he nec- ornament, during the ceremony, to one of the bridesmaids, an amethyst ring and to the other a vanity case, to the groomsman a white and yel- low gold penknife, to Mr. Howard and the ushers he gave gold cuff- links and to Miss Garrow his gift was a silver mesh bag. Mr. and Mrs. Orr left for a motor trip through Muskoka, Mrs. Orr travelling in a yellow georgette dress, yellow silk coat, yellow felt hat, with white shoes and hose, On heir return they will reside in Osh- TRANSIT STRINE [S CALLED OFF New York's Millions Breathe Easier as Announcement is Made (By Associated Progs) New York, N. Y., July 27.--Freed of the immediate menace of a tran- sit strike, New York's travelling millions breathed more freely as they rode to work today. The threatening strike, which was to bave tied up all New York's subway and elevated systems, was formally Ads. planning a vigorous and, if 'essary, lengthy campaign for lower bydro rates is emphatically stated. The probabilities are that, with Council support, the question will be taken directly to the Ontario Hy. 'dro Commission, though the Mayor does not commit himself in the mat- ter. © Thusday night's Council session will consider any other matters of 'special interest which may be Among these are plans for the proposed Jubilee Foun- tain in Memorial Park, police mat- ters, and such routine items as can- not be delayed until the resumption of regular work after the holidays. When the old fashioned girl was asked for a kiss she would reply: -- "Owing to The possibility of am observer coming nigh, I think it perfectly improper that we should 80 lose our sense of decorum?!' The flapper WEaY Says, "Cut out the frills b cailed off at a midnight meeting of the Amalgamated Association of Street. and Electric Railawy employ- ces, following am earlier discussion of the situation with Mayor Walker. WILSON S FLY PADS Socally Grown No, 1 Grade Per 45¢ Per 6 quart 35¢ Montmorency Cherry No. 1 Grade 6 quart Basket 65¢c | Bake $1.30 CHERRY SEASON WILL BE VERY SHORT 3 Blue Berries reir $1.36 Lasge CABBAGE sb each 10c Little Covent Garden Ea THE OSHAWADAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. JULY 27. 1 Kedron, July 25.--Miss Kathleen 'Gawker of Oshawa, was the guest of Misses Helen and Ruth Cole last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ballard and daughters: Margaret amd Ruth and Mr. and Mrs, A, R. Sgott and son 20, SEC ta Ottawa on Fri- it Mr, Frank Lee. wet. weather of the past two weeks bas hindered the hay- ing in this vicinity and ejoiled much of the hay. . Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Cole | ond Mr, Willlam Pascoe motored Bobcaygeon ' on Sunday. Misses Olive Luke, Edith Holiday. and Mildred Cole returned with them, having spent a. very enjoyable and profitable week at the of Quinte Summer School. Mrs. John Nesbitt of (Oshawa. has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. HK, Davis. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, is cpending a week's holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Orono, are visiting at Mr. Hoskin's, HARMONY | Harmony, oly a7. --Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow and daughter, Misses Maxine and etty of Colum- bus,, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackie. Mrs. G, Heath and Miss Mamie Heath, of Richmond, Quebec, are visiting Mrs, Heath's sister, Mrs, J.. Johnson. Miss Ruby Greentree left on Sa- turday night to visit her brother, Mr. W. Greentree and family at Govan, Sask, Mrs, J. Browns, of Lindsay, heen visiting her daughter, H{. Woolacott. We all wish Master Ross Woola- cott a speedy recovery from His sickness, dut to a nervous strain. He has had to spend the most of his holidays in bed. Not a pleas- ant place for a small boy. Mrs. A. Stewart, of Whitby, visited her sister, Mrs. J. H, Baker on Sunday. Mrs. A. Scott and son, are visiting her parents, Mrs, J. B. Hutchison. Mrs, L, Brown of Lindsay visited Bay family. Wood, W. N. has Mrs. Russell, Mr. and The Oshawa Daily Times 7 SR Eres pat Sa T= Li 3 ef If . Hi B : I i t ! ] its = be : » 5 E $ iit , his splendid performance The farmers are making good use of the last few days, oe to finish the haying. deal of harm has been dome, by loss as yet. We are glad to see Mr. Chas Mackie getting along so well with his mew house. We are greatly pleased to report the schol grounds being fixed wp. The cellar where the hall was torn down is being filled in and the ) grounds leveled and seeded down. i It will add greatly to the appear- ance of the school, also please the sehool children. The work will be all completed and the grounds ready for use by the time school opens. Mr. R, Gimblett is doing the wark, Quite a little excitement was aroused on Monday afternoon, when a4 team of horses appeared on the highway, harnessed but had no driver, They had been left stand- ing untied to eat dinner, after cutting' hay and had decided to take a stroll. Getting among so many cars the horses became fright- ened and began to run, the owner trying his V best to catch them. The passing motorists had to make several quick turns te avoid hit- ting them, They were finally head- ed off the highway into an orch- ard by one of the ladies of the neighborhood, where they were caug 3 The horses, were pone the worse' for thelr run; TORONTO YOUTH IS DROWNED IN TRENT Gordon Malcolm Loses His Life By Diving Into Deep Water (By Canadian Press) Peterhoro, Ont, July 27.--Gordon Malcolm, 18, Toronto, was drowned in the Trent River last night when he dived into deep water. A gallant at- tempt at rescue hy his companion, Ralph Conacher, almost ended in a second fatality, when the drowning youth dragged Conacher under the water. The hody was recovered. OUR DAILY RECIPES Swiss Steak Get 1 pound of steak (a cheap cut) about 2-3 inch 'thick. Into this pound 5 tablespoons flour, using the edge of a plate. Brow this in a tahlespoon hot bacon fat or drippings. Now low- cr your flame, Nery low. Add 1 bay leaf, 4 teaspoeny'sale, 4 teasposi' pep- per, Ya cup wafer, 1 tablespoon onion, 2 cloves. Cover and cook very slowly ly 12 hours. Add more water if n sary, but it! Woil't be if you ety i well coveredtand $our heat very! iow. This serves three people. . VARGINIA DARE. in Cal ath Shred 1 pour Peahiake atrd JY Stand in cold water one hour; tis 2 itahle- spoons chopped pimento, 2 cup chop- ped pickle, 2 tablespoons sweet green pepper, not forgepting to drain jaf jwa- ter. . Spread with mayonnaise. , OHO. i Lk Not a deat | coe ATTRACTIONS Bo THE t As i Regent The ever pleasing Richard Dix, whose athletic ability has become a byword in cinema circles, is again dis- playing his own particular brand of physical prowess Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week at the New Martin theatre, where "Knockout Reilly," his latest Paramount starring offering is to play. Cast in a different role from any- thing he has hitherto portrayed, Dix plays the young wage earner who climbs to fame as an exponent of the "squared circle." As Dundee Reilly chief puddler in a steel mill, he finds little time for recreation, except of a Saturday night when it is his habit 10 repair with his friends to a cabarct where Mary Malone is an entertainer. Reilly suddenly discovers that he .is the possessor of a wicked punch when he knocks out Killer Agerra Renault) champion fighter, for making advances to Mary. Mary's brother Pat, former champion who has fallen before Agerra in a fight that he learn- ed afterward was framed, upon hear- ing of Reilly's escapade, offers to train him for the ring. But Reilly prefers the industrial life to the packed arena. He changes his mind when he is beaten to a pulp by the vengeful Ager- ra at the latter s gymnasium, From this time on, life for Reilly is a series of successful fights. Under Malone's tutelage, he rises rapidly un- til he is matched to meet Agerra for RICHARD DIX, MARY BRIAN "Knockout Reilly" at Regent Thursday. In ve Fred Thompson and his der horse, Silver King, will breeze across the New Martin theatre screen tomorrow night registering another on conclusive motion pie- ture triumph. As in previous films of the great West, Thomson wanders off the beaten path in this latest of his starring pietures for FBO "Silver Comes Through" and by virtue of in an unique story wins his way char- acteristically into the hearts of his enthusiastic fans. "Silver Comes Through" possesses a liberal quota of thrill material developed to the nth degree by the vital per- formance of the popular Western star, aided by his wonder horse, and it has a well-defined love theme of a most wholesome type. Edpa Murphy, who plays the leading feminine role, is again seen at decided advantage in this, though it is her first oppesite Thomson. Apd the remainder of the cast in- won- | | Miss Wonderful Show At New Martin Theatre Thursday cluding William Courtright as Murphy's headstrong rancher father, whose love for horses near- ly proves his undoing, Harry Woods as the "menace" and Mathilde Brundage, is splendidly chosen. Briefly, the story recounts Thom- son's adventures as a rider of the cattle ranges who champions his "Pal," "Silver King," in a thrill- ing cross-country race, in an ef- fort to win the hand of the wo- man he loves and at the same time to save her uncle from financial ruin. The story moves freely through its picturesque Western atmosphere and works up to a tremendously appealing climax to the accompaniment of a surprising series of thrilling episodes. Lloyd Ingrabham's direction, so |} adequately displayed in the in- stance of Thomson's "Pon Mike" is again much in evidence in this. Ingraham also wrote the adapta- 'tion based om Frank M: Clifton's story. stamps or coin. Wrap coin sarefully. RICHARD: DIX in 'KNOCKOUT THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Richard Dix Is Conving to Theatre Thursday In Pleasing Feature Film (Jack | the ' coterie the championship. Agerra on hearing of Reilly's remarkable condition trem- bles for his laurels. But before the fight comes off, Reilly finds his carcer as @ boxer suddenly cut off. A lum- berjack is shot in a fight at a village store near Reilly's training camp and Reilly is convicted on circumstantial evidence of the crime. Life behind: the prison bars does not prove a physical softener for Dix. Under Mary's urg- ing he applies to he sent to the rock pile where for two year, he keeps up his training, On his release a clever ruse wins for him his long sought chance at Agerra. still the champion. How he manages :o take the place of a fighter matched te meet Agerra makes a deliciously humorous incident The Reilly comeback is a spectacular one full of thrills and gasps. How with help of the faithful Malones he succeeds in proving his innocence of the crime for which he was convicted gives rise to a series of dramatic scenes that had last night's audience sitting on the edge of their seats. Mary Brian, who sprang into screen prominence as Wendy in Paramount's version of Sir James Barrie's "Peter Pan," and who subsequently was much in evidence in "Behind the Front," the Beery-Hatton comedy classic, plays Dix' sweetheart and gives further proof that she is another Paramount screen find. Malcolm St. Clair always to he de- pended upon: for the subtly humorous touch, directed. Fred Thomson New Martin Appearing at the Friday and Theatre .on Thursday, Saturday. BOY DROWNED Peter West, 10-year-old son of Captain and Mrs. F. J. West, 170 Sorauren Avenue, Toronto, was the victim of a drowning accident near Barrie at Tollendale, where he was visiting with Mrs. Davis of Toronto. It is thought that the boy while swimming swallowed some water, causing him to vomit, blocking his windpipe, stopped his breathing, A number of other children near by failed to notice his distress in time to help him, so he went to the hot- tom. In two or three minutes he was brought to the surface hy G, 0, Murpel-Wright of "Toronto. Four doctors were on the scene in a short time and worked for an hour in an effort to, resuscitate the child. Silver King Takes Lead In Fast Moving And Love at New Murphy, who feminine 'role in Through," Fred ThomJjon's latest starring vehicle for FBO, is one of the younger of screen: artists. Comedy, melodrama and intense drama alike find this delightful young actress able to adapt her portpayal with remarkable ability. In "Silver Comes Through" which opens Thursday at the New Martin theatre, Miss Murphy plays a spirited role as the charming daughter of a ranch owner of the West, at home in the saddle or in evening gown. Miss Murphy was selected for the exacting role in the Fred Thom- son: picture purely on her merit of Vivacious Edna plays the leading "Silver Comes artin | earlier peformance on the screen and her popularity among screen fans, - Her successes in the fem~- inine roles in "McFadden's Flats," the first National comedy; in "Tarzan and the Golden Lion" for "BO and in "All Aboard" oppe- site Johnny Hines, are among her most recent accomplished portray- als. Thomson is seen in the role of a debonair rider of the cattle ranges in "Silver Comes Through," and "Silver King" is his insepar- able companion in this as in other successes. Lloyd Ingraham, whose remarkable succe @ in the Mirec- tion of "Don Mike" again wielded the megaphone. He also wrote the adaptation of Frank M. Clif- Drama ton's story. A-ouly \uaded ducing who bikiss he: tows is 8 of laughter a. fl

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