------ A ------ 4 . \ MALL i : NCVER A | \] \ Bio JO! "9 ERTS 2 WG A pp "i ' 1dg., Simzoe and Bond, ofreets. Phone 1496. ' (121:ma) WGONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Bte. Con- veyancing and general practice af Law, Offices 73 Simcoe St. Oshawa. Phone 63, -G. D, Conant, B.A, LLB; A, I, Annis, BA, LL.B (38tN ha W, 8, N. SINOLAIM, K.0, BANK af Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSHPH P, MANGAN, H.A.,--BAR- naten, Solicitor, Notary. Publie, Con. veyancer, Money to 'loan, Office 84% King St, east, Oshawa. Bhone 146, ' Residence phone 887. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lle, ete, Office over.Standard" Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 12, J. ¥, Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, WA. SWANSON GERMAN & MAQC- Kenzie, (Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, ete, All branches of Oriminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, ' Office over Lamble's store, 8 King St, east, Phone 840, D, A, J, Swanson, H, N, German, F, G, Mackenzie, A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, S0- leltor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Jones to Joan. Haney Bis. appo- 08 ee, "Phones, office 3614; . veidence, 2238). ' ri LOUIS 8, H¥MAN & Co, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete. Over /Engel's -store, '16 'Simcoe St. North, Money to loan, 'Phones-- nftige 47, Residence. 2101, (tn) | a. G, REYNOLDS, BT. East, Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing, Wark guaranteed. Before painting get our prices, (tt. RN Ua i A bb 'Signe #. RN, COULDRRY ARTISTIO DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, wie) show cards, price tickets of every description, ey Block, cleaning, floors polished, screens and store windows put on and removed. Phone' 08w, nop artation OL aye of - kinds, Phas Sine bur trod, hand TORO, (IVip WAG) | oy i an TEE oar Faison se vice, rr ath Se ------------------------------ COLEMAN CARTAGH "AND 'S8TOR- age, 856 Bond' St, 'West, " " "Phone 82, 6 trueks 'for prampt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64-41) ky TOOL AND A Park Rd. N ten roamed house, .convenien- ces, very central, now renting for TOWN OF WHITBY. SMALL COT- tage, st chicke fei of all kinds. North Garden St. For quick sale, cheap. Albert W. Jack- son, Real Estate, Whitby. of first class land, six miles from the Four Corners, Oshawa. cash payment of $1,350, or any sum - | above that balance to run on mortgage for term of years. Intending buyers should see this property before buying clsewhere. \will give you the barn and land. Box "R," Times. FOR SALE_MODERN "SIX-RDOM- ed, brick' veneer, all conveniencds, vak Ap- (2lc floors, French doors, Close to G.M.C., paved street, 10. suit purchaser. Box "G," Times. (2c) I NEW BUFF BRICK HOUSE vor f 64 (19-1) [i sale. Apply C M. Larmer, FINE NEW Hard- paved IFOR SALE--$5,000, seven room brick bungalow. wood floors, laundry tubs, street, Lot 40 ft, hy 200 ft. Horton and. Frengh. Phone 1207W. (18f) OR" SALE--WILL SACRIFICE. | # year. Easy terms, Hox "S" Times. | ] (21d) | house, 2 acres, [8 (22) | FOR SALE--GOOD BRICK HOUSE, | barn in good condition and 1214 acres | Price $4,850, / You'thgy ithe house dnd 1 | )'fi fire-place, garage. [# Terms [f First -- 13 'conte Miolmum charge---80¢, "Hach 'subsequent 'insertion Ae per word, \ Three 'consecutive insévtions Mar the price af two :fivet } insertions (thvee conta a B ward). : 2 ! Minimum charge for "three [| Insertions, 60 conta, a | Hox aumber---10c additions! | Professions! or Rusiness Cards, 98:50 'per month for 230 words or 'less; 10 conta a word per month for each 'additional word, TIMES" CLASSIFIED ADS COST LATHER; ACCOMP. 'LIAH MUCH TELIPHONE 88 -Awk Por Classified Ad. Depart. | Work Wanted SACRIFICE SALE OF LOTS, ROX- horough avenue, five minutes walk | from GMC, only $300. Terms $40 cash, bal '$5 per month. Phone LEB'S TAXI SERVICE -- LONG trips a specialty. Car hy day or week, Prices reascnable. Phone 2441W. 308 Magy strap. J, (67-1) 1207W, (18f) FINNISH GIRL WANTS JOB AS good family, Arpiy DI (22a) | housemaid in King 8t. W. IFINNISH GIRL WANTS JOB AS chousemaid in good family. - Apply FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE gt 125, Alexandra street. Call after six at abgve address or phone 833]. (73tf) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 | {0 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 80 pugable Fire Companies. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. FP, 7, BRYANS OF 16 LOOR © Bteest West, Toronto, will om his office over Jury '& Lovells Drug Store. each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and trestment of of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments At drug store 'Phone 7, "ia goon, her. Office and resi dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. Re- (218:th) | FLOORS PINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics. Sereen windows and screen doors, Estimates free, Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone 481, "Res. 180 r 2 (tf) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors Whitby, lumber and .woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 334. 60st FOR SALD -- ( f CRMRNT FLA dr A 'Money to Loan B, |#6.7 apd interior trim. F, L. Beecroft, 'MASSON STREET.' South of Coh- naught. An exceptional opportun- ity to purchase a really nice home in this fine vesidential .distviet for CUTLER & PRESTON 64 King Bt. 'W. : . Relephone 572 iI'pbone 1251F after 6 o'¢lock. (20c) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- Ing contractors, 'Masonry work of pia description, Bowmanville, phone ZW, tf 'WOOD-WORKING -- MISCEBLLANE- ous 'woold-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 8, B. Edmondson, 361 Simcoe St., B. (17-41) For Rent FOR "RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment, all conveniences. No children. Apply 172 Mary St. Phone 49%. (22h) FOR RENT--2 LARGE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, and 1 furnished bedroom, all conveniences, use of tele- phone. Phone 1251F, (22¢) TO LET--NEW 6 ROOMED HOUSE Hillcroft street, possession Septem- ber 7th. 264 Athol east, phone 254J. (21-¢) MONEY T0 LOAN--6W%% OFFV and farm losns. No commission; building loans. Frank S. Ebb, bs No sommission, Building losns. Je- gal work done at this ofics. A. J. Parkhill, Narrister, Dax. Phone 1614. M78th DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICB OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. oxide oxygen gas admin- Mtoted for t. 2087. DR. 8. J. PRILLIPS, fice over Botte, DRNTIST, OF 059; 4-1 pr. DR.'H. M. COOKS, 9 SIMCOB ST. Store. 'Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING BT. East. Ambulance. Residenes, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east. Phone 210J. a SS Watch Repoiving F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPBRT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage fs. i (29-41) Floor Surfacing & r= rister, Roysl Bank Bullding, (26-11) #3% OITY AND FARM LOANS. |P WFOR RENT--GARAGE, central, 13 Simcoe St. N. Phone 627F. (21h) FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE, for the month of August, at William's pint, Lake Scugog. five rooms fully furnished. Phone 185, A. W. Pickard; Bowmanville. (21d) GARAGE FOR RENT, CENTRAL. Apply J. V. Hill, phone 1947). (21tf) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, modern conveniences. Board if desired. Phone 781W or apply 184 Burk St. (2lc) FOR RENT--2 UNFURNISHED. rooms. Vacant August 1st. 165 Simcoe St. S. (20-¢): TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping. Phone 1578W. (20c) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed. OG. A, Con- stable, 143 Colborme Bast Phone B20F. (75t0) ALEXANDER & CO., CARPENTER- ing, etc., building repairs, .altera- tions, shingling, painting, etc., exe- cuted promptly. Estimates free. Plone 1208J. 19% Simcoe south, i (July 7-Aug.7) Wanted 10 Buy LARGE CLEAR TITLE FARM AS going concern, where good first mortgage on city property will 'be accepted. Apply Box *'D." (22-¢) UPRIGHT PIANO WANTED, MUST be in 'good condition and cheap. Btate full particulsrs and price to Box "A," Times. (13-tf), )| dition. : FOR SALE--A FOUR BURNER (| new perfegtion coal oil stove with ov- en and an wmpholstered sofa Phone' 1585]. bi 'walker, 'chiffanier, kitchen cab- hy other agticles. 11 Ar- lington Ave. 'Phone 1865W. | (21a) {FOR SALE -- A BED, DRESSER land table. 'Very cheap. Phone ou HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO FOR sale, 1 year old, geod as new. will sell at sacrifice. Apply 'Box "H, Times. (22¢) FOR SALE--6 WALNUT DINING chairs, used one year, Telephon e 1812W. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD! furniture. "Practically all new. Apply Mrs. J. D. Crawford, 126 'Gibbon Ber FOR SALE -- MOFFAT COOK, stove, large rug and carpet, divanette, Must be sold at once, May be seen at 33 Colborne St. E. tonight, (22a) SQUARE PIANO, VERY OHEAP, and in geod condition, Apply 1678W, (21-¢) FOR SALE--BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, Phone 1155. (20¢ FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING room table, Practically new, Fions 20h) SQUARE PIANO IN GOOD 'CON- Would like 'to sell at Apply 83 Buckingham. (20-c) $1 DEPOSIT WILL BECURE either of the following: Rogers' Sllverware, complete set 26 pieces $20; China Dinner Sets '97 Pieces $86. Ladies' or Gent's Watches, "Rings and jewelry' of 'all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per week. Order now. 0. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe South. Phone 1656, (Jly 28-Aug. 23) LARGE SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Cheap. Apply 633 Albert Bt. ; (230-e -- FULTON REAR Apply Peter once, FOR SALE wheel in Al condition. Martin & Sons, Bowmanville. Phone Ww. t FOR BALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, alse 'Player Risnos, high grade only. Terms arranged. Used pianos op hand, ©. Trull. Phone b63J. (o6tr) MIXED HARD AND SOF] WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood. "Rhone 660. Waterous Meek Ltd, os (Mar 26-tf) CEMBNT, 'LUMBBR, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphsit robfing, 'hardwood fooring, gypree. Phones #60 and 1888, Waterous- Meek, 144. . . BY (34-20) MR. 8. JACOB, "DEALER IN RAGS ahd all kinds of metals. I am pay- Ing tor scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 156-tf WANTED--A SMALL UPRIGHT piano of modern style. 'Will exchange a' 6 tube Super-Neutrodyne, walnut cabinet 46 inches high, built in Bald- win Loud Speaker and all ipment, new. This is a beautiful instrument 20d the Pwnacle of Radio perfection. Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- h 108. (3) FOR RENT--FRONT ROOM, SUIT- able for two gentlemen. With board in private , in east. of city, close to motors." ¢ 213M. (20c) Help Wanted--Fomale WANTED--A WOMAN TO BO ips, Pot and corm. Richard - de dW, os Richard Jou A EE a SESE For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE---CHEAP. Cottage, Heydenshore Park, 6 rooms and jatchen, water, light, garage, plenty of shade. M. W. Collins, Whit - by. (22h) 'FOR SALE'OR RENT--9 ACRES ON Ritson Rd. N. with house and barn. Privilege of buying crop, mangles, tur- Pets and Livestock YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE, SIX weeks old. Apply Norman Oke, phone 1689 5. (22c) IW. uly. oh (oH YOUNG LADY CLERK FOR JEW- elry store. Please apply by letter to box "K." Times. (2c) Money Wanted WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO wants $2000 on a 3 year 'Ist mortgage. Will pay 7':% for immediate. Bradley Bros. (20c) Lost and Found LOST--IN OSHAWA, LOWER SET of artificial teeth. Finder please phone 1941F. Reward. (2ib) Motor Cars (2e) |. | FOR SALE--KITCHEN GURBOARD, ) |eved in a vast concourse for ARCH IS UNVERLED King Albert of Belgium Takes Past in Impressive {Ceremony Ypres, July 26.--In memory of 56,000 soldiers of the Empire who fell in the Ypres salient during the war @and were interred in name- less graves, the dignified Menin Gate Memarial Arch was unveiled Sunday by Fleld-Marshal Lord Plumer, High Commissioner for Palestine, in the presence of King Albert of Belgium and some 4,000 relatives of the dead, Seven hundred poor mothers who lost their sons in the salient were granted a free passage to Ypres to participate in the ceremony, Around the gaunt ruins of the old' Cloth Hall a new Ypres Is arising, and 'the resurrected Sunday was bedecked with flags in honor of the occasion. Parents, widows and children of the dead, as well as wartime comrades, made pilgrimages from Hngland by spe- cial trains'and steamers, and goth. ne city DIAMONDS ceremony. The memorial was erected hy the 'Imperial War Graves Commission, It is. an arch of stately propor- tions astride the Menin road with a "Lion Vigilant" facing the di- rection form which the German armies were flung, during several years. An inscription that is im- pressive in its simplicity is at the heal of the 'list of names engraved 8s an imperishable tribute. Sir Laming 'Worthington-Evans, British Secretary of State for War, after a hymn had 'heen sung requested Lord Plumer to unveil the memorial. Lord Plumer who himself held the salient for so long against' heavy odds, upveiled and dedicated the memorial, He re- cited a prayer whigh had heen specially written by the Archbishop of Canterhnry. Minute's Silence The ceremony was conducted with one minute's silence. The reveille was then sounded, and the spectators sang the Belgian and 'British Anthems. His Majesty sent a message thanking the King of the Belgians for his presence at the ceremony in honor of those "who made the su- preme sacrifice in the /dmmortal defence of the Ypres salint." The names of 57 members of the Canadian military forees are among the 56,000 names engraved in al- phabéthical order on panels inside the aré¢h. The memorial comprises a "Hail of Memory," which is 120 feet Jong by 66 feet wide, and from the centre broad staircases lead to .the ramparts and opel sided galleries which run the length of the building. "Now it can be said of each one in whose honor we are assembled, that he is not missing; he 1s here," Lord Plumer said in unveiling the memorial. King Albert said: "Truly. for 50 months Ypres was the threshold of the Empire. 'Its pame will stand throughout the centuries as a symbol of British heroism and endurance." The whole ceremony was trans- mitted to London over special ap- paratus taken to Ypres by engin- eers of the British Broadcasting Ci , and from London it was FOR SALE--1924 FORD COUPE, excellent condition. ~ Pelco <igmition. Phone 2092W. (22¢) FOR SALE -- McLAUGHLIN 35 touring, in first class condition. Cheap fori quick sale. Phome I724W. (2ic) SALES GIRLS WANTED--APPLY after 6 pm. 3 King St. E. (22) WOMAN FOR FEW HOURS DARLY to ce Spirelia A Ghrmets, Hosiery and Lingerie. Spec- Box "TT." Times. (22) "Havenit you ever thousht of go- ing to work?" asked the farmer's wife. "Wes'm," replied Hobo Harry, "I thought of if once--but I was de- at de times" TONE DURHAM COW FOR SALE. FF Car: Apply 3rd house east WANTED TO RENT--6 ROOMED GOOD DRIVER OR WORK HORSE and cow for sale. Apply second house Amer Drive single or double, bay, 9 years. Apply J. Watson, RR. 1, Enmickiion rf Whit. | PASSoRgers. Apply | 1 Asply at cotner of Mary streets, TWO BOYS FROM 15 79 48 FES. as office hops. Apply F. G. Cars- well, 212 King BE. © "21c) shopse uptown. Apply Box "F," Times. (22h) Personal Spring and. 322 Col- f wo from S Works. Apply Preston's, St. ' (Bc) --Olosed car leaving Friday evening dor Ottawa, sill accommodate three 37% Veodun Rd. (21h) | Er ---- Motor Boat for Sele MOTORBOAT FOR SALE 22 FT, 2 cil. Lockwood-Ash engine. Revorse. Scats . Car sop. Excdflont fam- boat. First class ovder. At Pont a uk Wanted to Hire | Jeomyn, G1 A Ao home, Apply 2a tide Wasted--Male or Femelle i 3) os i il F 2 g 2 of it 2 i i $3 ; Pr 2 thE Zz 8 ii 3 £ by q » £ r: £. 2 i 3 1 4 2 1 £55 ! } HL | £ fF { f ft i : | £ iL B 3 i 2 50 £ i 3 38 he 2 5 : kh +] -] Hp % 8 g $ 1 MEX OR WOMEN, FOR WHOLE or space time, can make £5 to $19 day with us. We instonct you an the work. Write for personal appomtment. Box "E."- Times : TT £20) 'For Sale and Remowal FOR SALE AXD REMOVAL -- A two swney frame catpenter shap mn, WANTED SIX TEAMS AT ONCE. and Bond | 21-4) | Fompon Village. Apply Mrs. A: folms, Hampton. Phone Bowmanwille 2r4, (22c) § ei i y diay, July 18th, A ail sell ghe flands or so much of the lands for he taxes and costs against them, or for whatever lesser sum may be of- devel, PROVIDED HMOWEVER that, if the price offered be less than s anf o@sts, or af no price is offeved. fhe Conporation wesorves #he might 10 pucchase the same for #he amount duc. i Dated at Oshawa Sadly 25th, 1927, P. A. Bladkhnon, City Tocasnoer. broadcast all over Britain, TRAINS COLIADE. Cape Town, S. A. July 27.--Thir- ty Africans and two Europeans were 1--1085 Star Coupe, 1 Studebaker Sedan in fivet " Chadborn Motor Sales PRINCE 87, PHONE 1100 | Doin on "For Better Shoe Values" METAL 'BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR WE LEAD IN RADIO Adams Furniture Co Por Your PHONE 22 Dos yess Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe Bt. 8, We Deliver 25 doz. Men's Fine Shirts, Reg. #2. $1.65 50 to $3.00 C. W. DETENBECK KING SREET BAST killed today 'in "a 'head-on Mlisi between a Natal mail train and a freight near Heidelberg. Many Eu- ropeans and natives were injured. Husband (arriving home late) -- "Can't you guess where I've been?" Wite-I can; but tell your story." al; 1] i