K You u tried what the skilled hand of a trained Chiropractor can do to improve your health? Consult Chloa Brown, Registered Drugless Practitioners, 201 King St, West. (26a 27a 29a) PRINCE DISMISSES ESOORT TO RELIRV SWELTERING HORSES Montreal, Aug. 1.----It was hot here this morning, beastly close. The Royal Canadian Dragoons, who formed the advance guard of the Princes' parade to further public acclaim, worked under extreme dif- ficulties, So did their horses. The Dragons, with their heavy helmets and uniforms, to a man were wet through. So were the horses, The Prince of Wales, noticing their evident discomfort, beckoned an aide, A moment later it became known that he had requested that the escort be dismissed. ONE DEAD ANOTHER MAY DIE Chatham, Aug. 1.--Miss Mabel Watson, 10-year-old daughter of Pr, and Mrs, Clarence B. Watson of Detroit died in the General Public Hospital here at 1.30 p.m. today as a reswit of injuries received when her father drove his ear into a four- foot ditch to avoid striking a car ead of him. The young lady received serious injuries to her stomach when she was pinned under the overturned car, She was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital where everything was done to save her life, but she died three and a half hours after the accident, from internal injuries and shock. Her father, Dr. Watson, is still in a serious condition, and his recov- ery is doubtful, He is suffering from a broken chest, Mrs, Watson is also suffering from shock. Died HOLLOWAY--At the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Saturday, July 30, Edward, infant son of Mr. and . Mrs, Herbert Holloway, 254 Burk " Bt., aged three days, Funeral (strictiy private) will be held from Luke Burial Parlors, Tues- day, August 2nd, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Union Cemetery, (26a) Card of Thanks Mrs. Hoar and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors also the boys of the Hood and Wheel Department of General Motors; the Wheel Paint Depart- ment, Association of Employees, General Motors; the Hospital staff; also Dr. Hazlewood of Oshawa and Dr. MacFarlane of Toronto, for their kindness during the illness end death of hushand and father. (26a) ANNOUNCEMENTS . Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, 102 Ritson road south, wish to an- fiounce the marriage of [their Aaughter, Viola May (Ollie) to Mr, R., M. Robinson of Edmonton. The marriage was solempized at Banff om July 23, ° (26a) [4 "Mrs. Alex. Ailkens of Detroit, formerly of Quebec, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Effie Aikens to Cecil D, Hornby, gon of Mrs. David Horpby of this city and also a former resident of Quebec. (26a) Lots of American money has gone up in smoke, but the public willingly will see some government funds go up in the air.--Chicago Evening Post. ~v, SIMOOE ST, SOUTH Felt Bros. he LEADING JEWELER! 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 'Where Botisiaction is © Oeriainty = OSHAWA AND DISTRICT | STOCK NARKETS STOCK BID Bell Telephone. ...... 150 B, C. Fishing. ........ 18% Can. Ind. Alcohol. .... 33% City Dairy. eee. 192% Hiram Walker. ...... 47% Int. Petroleum. . 28% Imperial Oil, .. 45% Int. Nickel. ... Massey Harris, Seagram. .. . ... Shredded Wheat. Twin City. ASK 160% Mines, Argonaut, .. . ---- ATOR: were ene Amulet, ... Barry Hollinger. Reaver, .... .. Castle Trethewey. Central Manitoba Keeley Silver, Kirkland Lake. Hollinger. Lake Shore. Laval, ... .. Macassa. . MelIntyre, Noranda. . Mining Corpn, Nipissing. Potterdoal, Premier, ... Pioneer, Terk Hughes, Tough Oakes. Towagmac, Vinond, ut ty ™ Wright Hargraves. .. 620 Mining Sales to Noon. 641,016. Sliver, 66: 27 21 2600 2210 316 67h 15% 218 20 845 30 346 CHICAGO GRAIN (Supplied by Stobie, Forlong & Oo.) Open High Low Close 136% 140% 104% 107% 00% 94% 43% 46% GRAIN 142% 130% 53% Wheat Sept, Dec, Corn Sept, Dec. Rye Sept, Dec, Oats Sept. Dec 137 141% 106 107% 01% 94% 44 46% (187% 138% 141% 142% 106% 106 108% 100% 91 02% 06% 065 43% 44% 46% 47% WINNIPEG 144% 141% Wheat Oct. 142% Dec. 139% Oats : Oct, 55% 6% 50% bl% 60% Dec. NEW YORK STOCKS (Supplied by Stoble, Forleng & Co.) Stock High Low Close Amer. Tel. .168% 167% 168% Atchison ..190% 108 108 Amer. Can. 61% 61% 61% Balt. & Ohio 122% 121% 122 Bald, Loco. 251% 261 Can. Pac, ,.108% 198% Chrysler , bs 55% Dupont ....296 2906 Dodge "A" . 17% 17% Erie 64% 64% Fam. Plys. . 95 93% Gen, Motors 229% 228% Gold Dust .. 57% 7% Hudson .... 91% 90% Int. Comb. 448% 48% Int. Harvest 195% 195% Int. Nickel , 66% 65% Kan. City 8. 87% 67% Loews Incor. 61% 61% Lehigh Val. 114% 113% Maphatt., El. 129% 127 Miss. Pac. .. b8% 57% Mont. Ward , 9% 887% Overland ... 17% Phillips Pete. 11% Radio Rock Island 10% Studebaker . 653% St. Louis San 116% U.S. Rubber 49% U.S. C.I. Pipe 230 U.S. Steel ..138% Woolworth .160% 159% Yellow Cab 33% 33 STOLEN DYNAMITE Hamilton, July 28.--Belleved to have been stolen from a Quarry, seven sticks of dynamite were found by children on the Caledonia Pro- vineial Highway pear Mount Hope. More of the dynamite was found earlier in the week in the same vicinity. Chief Clark of Wentworth is investigatinz the matter as the explosive was dying right omy the crown of the road where it might have caused serious loss of life if set off by the impact of the wheels of a truck or heavy automobile. 143% 140% 54% bl 135% PRIVATE NOVEL DUEL FOR WIFE IN VIENNA Rivals Fought With Tank: ards of Beer as Weapons Vienna, July 23.--""Three cheers for the bride and three sneers for Albert Hampel," gioated Hans Ku- gel, downing his thirteenth quart wnkard after winning the first Viennese beer-drinking duel over & woman. As Kugel drained the tankard, he collapsed om the floor, When, a_few minutes later, he was revived with a bucket full of water. Hampel, his defeated rival, had gone home with pretty blonde Weiss, over whom the duel had been fought, Kugel searched for them unsue- cessfully but next day came to the cafe where the duel had been fought. Hampel approaching Ku- gel. sald simply: "Meet the wife." The novel means of settling the argument between Kugel and Ham- pel over the love of Fraulein Weiss had heen proposed by the cafe owner when they came to blows after a long rivalry which Frauiein Welss had seemed wumable or un- willingly to settle hy accepting the hand of either. The duel was ught with guart tankards of eer. Hampel dropped out after the twelfth--not, it deeloped, be- cause he was drunk, but because he could not hold any more. Kugel claimed a foul, but Frau- lein Weiss, by marrying Hampel, had rendered a decision between the contestants, and lef voretet was accepted as final. WELL-KNOWN OTTAWA BUSINESS MAN DIES Ottawa, July 29.--George W. Shoul- dice, president of a local bakery com- pany which was established here by his fother 100 years ago, died yesterday after a lingering illness, aged 68. He had heen connected with firm for 44 years. Hevreand There Living births in Cannds * rp 1026 totalled 282 20K; the Birthornte for the nine nrovinees heing 24.8 per thousand nf noontatinn. Deaths at all ages numhemd IN7.318 in the Dominion, a. rate of 114 per thou- sand. Excess of births nver deaths in the vear was 124887. A total of 66,670 mavriages were reported during the year. The general conl wasther for this season of the year in British Colum- bis and the amount of moisture about has saved 8 great deal of timber from destruction by fire. So far this year there have heen only 218 forest fires in the province, as compared with B70 for the similar period of last year. The present fondition of the woods are excels nt. As 8 sign of agricultural progress in the west and industrial pros. perity here, the International Har. vester Company, Limited, have just sent two of the largest trainloads of threshers ever shipped to the est over C.P.R. lines from the east, the first train consisting of 43 cars 111 threshers and the other of 40 cars containing It 108 threshers. the The ratepayers ors of Victoria have endorsed a id law providing for civic support of 8 praposel for the establishment by British interests of 8 motion picture producing in- dustry here, by a vote of 2,137 to 663, The city was horeb suthor- ized to gparantee bo; the con- cern to the extent of 200,000 after $500,000 had been raised by British motion picture distributors and ex- bibitors. A thriving new industry in South- ern. Alberta, which is making }ro- gress and is full of promise, is that of the r of polo p ree Faneches are engaged exclusively in in this and ranchers Sia In are coming Fo engage in it as a side line, t five carloads or ome hundred polo ponies leave Southern Alberta an pually for the United States. The Development Branch of the Pacific Railway in co- PERRI SAYS HE "HAS NO INCOME Hamilton, Ont., J 29.--Ro¢co Perri, whose mame ured prom- inently in evidence before the Roy- al Customs Commission, was be- fore the local court of revision Tuesday regarding am income as- sessment and declared that he was not liable to tax because he had no income. He explained that his| wife kept him, As one member of | the court was not present, no de- i was I Evidence before the Royal Cust- oms Commission was to the effect that Perri had enough money in the banks to yield him an income of $28,000 a year. The city as- &sessed him on this amount and it was this levy which engaged the attention 'of the court. Quebec, July 29.--Tuesday 8. Resenstein took cpurt action to prevent a firm of music dealers from playing a gramaphone, with loud-speaker attachment, bn the street. Rosenstein claimed that the gramaplone was a disturbance, A fine of one dollar and costs was imposed fu the music dealers, RULE SEIZURE OF VESSEL JUSTIFIED tends N.S. Craft Violated Customs Laws Boston, July 29.--The United States attorney's office here ruled on Wed- nesday that the seizure of the Nova Scotia schooner Silvia II, ten miles off Cape Cod last week by the coastguard patrol boat Active, was justified be- cause the vessel was violating the cus- toms laws. The vessel thereupon was taken to the appraisers' stores and work was begun unloading her cargo of alcohol amounting to 530 drums of ten gallons each. Customs authorities will ask forfeit- ure of the vessel. Captain Peter A Thomas was expected to appear in Federal Court later in the day to answer to a technical charge of as- sault based o nhis alleged resistance te the seizure. Too Late to Classify LOST--A LICENSE PLATE 297- 820 between Oshawa and Rouge Hill. Phone 1806J. (26h) BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, Phone 2443F. 296 Haig St. (25¢) FOR SBALE--GAS STOVE, KIT- chen Cabinet, and Davenport. 276 Burk Street, (26a) FOR SALE--MODERN SIX ROOM- ed bungalow, hardwood (floors, French doors, fireplace. Large lot. Good location, Phone 1960J. (26c) NEW SIX ROOMED HOUSE WILL rent to responsible party without children for one year. Phone 24656W, (26h) WANTED--GIRL, FOR LIGHT housework. Apply 387 Masson St. Phone 307M. (26b) FOR SALE--CHEAP, FIVE ROOM house new, wired for electric, light. Hardwood floors. Apply 5 Valencia Rd., Cedardale. (26a) The rainfall might be worse. Ni- agara district fruit crop is not yes ruined by hailstones as big as base- balls.--St. Catherines Standard. | HENDERSONS New Wallpapers -- RI -- Window Shades Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST. WEST Canadian operation with Macdonald Agricul- College is d mepts on the farm & of Donald Fraser at Plaster Rock, N to ascertain whether gypsum, of 'which there are lasge deposits, has specig] value in connection ith [peta culture. Members of the staff of the col are supervising field the Prairie Provinces are ex- to furnish 71.724.000 bushels. ven at 12,169 600 10664.000 is alomed for Provinces" flax- the seed, 5.319, bushels is pl ted. of 5 a0 107 006 rion is allowed for the Prairie Provinces. eis Kodaks Kodak Film Finishing Make snapshots of your sum- mer fun, and come to this store for real photographic service. Kodaks as low as $5 and Brownies beginning at $2.25 will give you an inexpensive start, if you haven't a cam- era. Both are Eastman made. Kodak Film, the de- pendable kind, is handy on our shelves, as well as the latest accessories. And our Finishing makes the sort of prints you want, KARN'S DRUG STORE Next the Post Office U.S, Attorney's | Office Con- mers in the Dominion. small as important ranches go, it is high grade land and is one the richest "AUG. 4 THU. AUG. 5 FRL AUG. 6 SAT. SALE ENDS SATURDAY has on record. mentioned on the bill, There is considerably over a hundred sale items that are not You must see the windows and come to the store for the greatest examples of value-giving this store f---- I TC E. P. RANCH READY FOR ROYAL OWNER Prince of Wales Will Find Many Improvements Made to His Alberta Property High River, Alta., July 23.-- When the Prince of Wales revisits his ranch near here in August he will find many improvements have been introduced since his last visit in 1924. The property, under the management of Prof, W. L. Carlyle, is heginning to make some return to its royal owner for the sums he has spent in stocking and developing it. It has always been the Prince's ambition to make his ranch more than anything else, a model of its kind and an example for other far- The E.P. 6,000 acres, but Ranch extends over stock- Western and in grain-growing raising regions found America. The ranch house has been enlarg- ed and otherwise improved since his Royal Highness last saw it. A new lounge hall and extra bedrooms have heen added. The whole dwel- ling is simply furnished. A few comfortable lounge chairs, a well- filled hook case or two; and one or two water-colour pictures of the neighborhood beauty spots are the only appearance of "luxury." sport Paradise Its sporting equipment, however, is very complete, and the Prince will he able to enjoy good sport when he comes. On his own proprty wild duck abound on one or two small lakes and a tributary of the High River that winds through the ranch and provides it with water. Moun- tain trout are numerous in this stream, some of them attaining con- siderable size, while not far away prairie chickens and partridges are to be found in flocks at certain sea- sons of the year. When bigger game is sought, the Prince has not much farther to ride before he comes across the trail of herds of wild deer that range over the foot- hills of the Rockies. The ranch house is solidly built of logs. The farm buildings are up- to-date fin every respect and are placed in crescent shape facing the south, Th view from the house, which is 3,000 feet above sea level, is pic- turesque and impressive with the peaks of the Rockies in the distance The Camera As Hawk J --e-- seen over a vast intervening area of rolling prairie, One of the Prince's firs; steps was to place on the ranch a herd of pure bred Shorthorn cattle, selected from his farm in Dartmoor, Eng- land, To this herd has been added some of the best strains of Canadian cattle, and these are all ready tog breeding purposes, ! Royal Stable ¥ The Prince later turned his attens tion to the raising of useful horses; The King presented his son with his thoroughbred **Will Somers," and although this horse proved a disap» pointment on the Turf his value ad stud has been considerable. The first stud of sturdy Dartmoor ponies that Western Canada has known was next established on the ranch, and there is a brisk demand for them, Next to attract the Prince's at- tention were sheep. He brought some prize winning rams and ewes from the famous herd of the Duke of Westminsters, principally Shrop- shire and Hampshire breeds. These have flourished so well on Canadian soil that many ofher farmers have established similar herds from stock established by the Prince, A considerable area of the ranch is under tillage, so that the property is practically self-supporting, pro- viding almost the whole of the fod- der required for the horses, cattle and sheep. This area extends to about 200 acres, and oats and sum- flower seeds are the principal crops. These provide winter feed, the am- ple grass lands offering all that is necessary during the summer months, The week-end holiday, which was a time of pleasure for many thous- ands, also took its toll of human lite on the highways of the Prov- nee. AUGUST SPECIALS Watch these columns each day for FACTORY- TO-YOU SALES SPECIALS Milk of Magnesia TOOTH PASTE Large Size Tube , Regular 50c. for 39¢. 30ur windows ace full of VIFISi win tI Wit ivi Sis iwi ey Seivhi, a"