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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1927, p. 13

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A ne z= = = A SA YO NY \ Bil "FRANK 8, EBS, BARRIST Solicitor, Notary Public, pon : ancer, money to Simeon a Royal Bank Bldg., streets. Phone 1496. home) CONANT & ANNE, BARRISTERS, | Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Can veyancing and gencral practice Law, Offices 7% Si Oshawa, Phone 63; "G,'BD, B.A. LLB; AF Nana, 7A Ain W. B. N. SINCLAIN, K.0, BANK of Commerce Ruliding. aie LAM y IOSEPH P. MANGAN, 1A ~BAR- nater,' Solicitor, Notary Public, Con veyancer, Money to loan, O pA 84% King St, east, Oshawa; Phone T45. Residence phave 837, Ei ARIERSON & OREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrahice Simene 8t, Thats 18, 0 J. F, Grierson, BA. T, ®, Creighton, Shed i simonizing, of | corating. Aste Painting - Phone 693. Auto painting Work guaranteed: d | Before painting get our prices. (it: IE EES TS Signe H, R, COULDERY ARTISTIC DR- Signs on paper, wood cots show ecards, price tickets encription, Plsney Frivty THE Sw TWImew CLEAN: ars--house ea ine woodwork and floors' polldhed, #eveens and store windows put en and removed. Pnane 1802w. Transportation CITY OCARTAGE,:=::EOCAL AND long distance. Two trucks. Cart- fige of all"kinds, Price" $1.75 per hour with two men, . Wark guaran: teed Phone ARAOW: {duly 6-Aug.6) tod, brick; ot his: 'd GERMAN & * MAG. "Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, eto, All branches of Oriminal era Civil Law, Money to loan, King St, east, J, Swanson, H, N, ¥ Mackensle, «A; J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- leitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 'money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- 'site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; vesidence, 2289), (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete. 'Over Engel's store, 16 Simeoe St, North, Money to loan. :- Phones-- _nffice #7, Residence 21901; (tr) SWA NSON Phone 940, D. A German, F, G, Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest 'Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, (118-1) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist 'DR. FP, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Biteat West, Toronto, will he at his ce over "Tury & Lovells Divs Btore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 "P.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nbse and throst only. Appointments 'may be made bt Bt' drug store" 'Phong 87, (49-tf) Medical over Lamble's store, 2° S RT \TION LIMIT SMITH THAN St, §,, ph AT. 840°, 212 [Prom St, "E,, Tovouto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Transportation Sdr vir. TT (42-th) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS ~FINISERD 6OMR.ATH by expert mechanics. Screen windows hd screen doors, "Estimates free, 3; Haynes, 10 161 Mal) St. W., Phone (tf) Building Supplies WR HAVE ROVUN AND DRESSAD lumber,' lath, shingles, snsh, doors and interior' trim, F. IL. Beecroft, WHhithy, lumrhér and woodyard, Osh: awa, phone 324, (89-1) FOR BALR -- CHMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement hlocks, R. Duizendstra 15 Alhany St. 'south, Nshawa (7:41) Money to Loan TO LOAN=--§100 TO $2;500. HARRY Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. (28¢c) MONEY TO LOAN--6%% CITY and farm loans. No commission; building loans, 'Frank 8, Ebb, bar- rister, Royal Bank Bullding, (26-t1) i8% UITY «AND. PARM LOANS No commission, Bullding loans, 1e- gal work done st this office." A, J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. » MeKAY, ¥n¥YBICIAN, BSUR- , Aeeoucher, co snd ves dence, King St, Bast, corner Victoria Bt. Oshawa, Phone 94, 4 pi ANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN peril references "of ts Bud children. ; one vention #7 Bond east, : ya Bye dy BAZLEWOOQD, PHYSI- Surgeon, special attention "ray work and 'Wleetro- « Fheopy, ' Office, "Dimey Blos : Phope 2060; ~~ er ini 2. : ifs DR. D. R. DAYYS/ OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous' oxide oxygen' gas sdmin- | istered for'. extraetion, nurse at- Boor Phons 281, Reslaonces ow 5 Fyre DENTIST, 5 - over » ; ' Residence won RL Phone 1614. 17621) FUNERAL SERVICE, DALTON Sedan Ambulance, South, Phone 47. A6-56 LUKE BURIAL co,, 67 KING ST, East, Ambulance, - Residence, 19 Division 'Bt, 69' King Stheot oat, Phone 2107, Watch Repairing. F, AX Yon ODNTEN;" EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair - -8) 44% King' Street "west, our Tonsge is. 'solfeited," > rv ¢ tgp t) Floor Surfacing NBW MBPHOD:* : BURP, ing (Including sanding, waxing, # ing and Agi ing; ON floors Ad new, "2h PY Bimeoy Bt. 'South, hone | sani ys fg) i DR: B, M,,GO0KE, 9 SIMGCOB or, , orth, Mg Mitsholis ia Drug Siors DR: LB Thy ig © DR Won ry oe OFFIC, th Thittre Bldg. Phone 1780. : bs of 'DR. BR, B. ADAMS, ong ; Roe. 11L0W, 1114W, 18411 sa i i DR. Mog ie. Block, 107 397 Sinioe Street 8 bp . MRS. ANNIE -PBNPLAN), PRO: FESSIONAL Spirells Co 228 Dearborn Ave. Phos 1988, ner hy "dppnintiment | So mw L. 3 BLOOR oT. | 199 Simcoe Street ) particnlars "phone 11047. BRICK HOUSE ON "PAVED HIGH-y| pantry and collar," 2 'vera fikturea aud' ghate." tiie Tange,' Lot" RAEI | Whitby. vr A REAL BUY AND BARGAIN IN (Oshawa, a frame cottage for sale, ac-4 tual value $1600. : Will sell at big loss ii I can get a good: dawn payment on th; full' size divided "Wired fof 'blec- Box 137, (house, lot 93x33 with factories all with- in JA0. minutes. walk. Ror 'particulars, apply John Hawkins, ox 188, Post ( Miffee, Walkerville, Ontario. FOR SALE--FOUR. ROOMED) Hose, double lot and stable. North | Oshawa, fult south of C.N.R. Stewart, R.R. No. 4, Port Perrv. (28¢) FOR SEVEN ROOMED brick house on Celina street. $3,300, | $600 cash, balance as vent) Harry Salter, 24 Royal St: 185. Phone 4 (28¢) conveniences, near G.M.C. Price only $3,200. Cash $700. Balance as reft. Phone 1207W. 22 Bruce St. (28¢c) 9 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHROOMS, garage for 4 cars; very central, This is a suap at $5,000. Cash $700: Bal- ance as rent, Apply 22 Bruce St. (28¢c) FOR SALE--BLACKSMITH SHOP, wood shop, complete with tools and a good' paymg' business, also an (eight roam house. Located in the village of 'Norland in Victoria County. Apply Box ", " Daily Times Office, Oshawa. (27¢) NEW BUFF BRICK HOUSE FOR sale, Apply C M. Larmer, 64 Park Rd. N. (18-1) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE 'at 125° Alexandra street. Call after six at above address or phone 833), (73tf) OSHAWA HOUSE & LAND COM- pany. See our window for real bar- gains in houses and lots. We' have them too numerous to mention. '88 Simcoe street north, Open evenings. Phones 464 1339W. (26-1) For Rent FOR RENT--TWO- UNFURNISHED rooms, with young couple, north end city. Apply 636 Carnegie Ave, (29-c) RENT--THREE ROOMED Apply 271 Albert St. (29-a) TO flat way, Whitby, 8 rooms, sewing room, binds, elebtriey| same. Dimension--8 rooms and sum! | mer kitchen, garden with large chicken' 264K star 1: tion. ' Far particiilars apply Narearat 1 # ROOM NEW BRICK HOUSE, ALL | Treg, congeciitive tndortions BER gd i omiio-sige eadyipam or Business rs wordy oF teams i cents a word: for each daira WANTER rv Tr TO learn registry office work, an active young man of good ability and char- 'acter, accurate in his work, and a good penman: Apply to Registrar of Deeds, Whithy, Ont. (261) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing sontractols. Poway work of every description, Bowmanville, phon 497W. P WO00D- -WORKING -- MISCRLLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, faslies and doors made, also repairs. Bn. Bdmondson, 261 Simcoe #t., 8. (17- tt) UPHOLSTERING O07 ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order, Work- manship guaranteed. G, A, Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Ty 5201. 75¢0) ALEXANDER & CO,, CARPENTER- ing, ete, bullding repairs, altera- tions, shingling, painting, ete. exe- cuted promptly. Fstimates free. 'Plone 1208J, 19% Simcoe south; y Pe 7-Aue.7) Help Wanted---Male WANTED--MAN WITH" €AR FOR canvassing in country. Pleasant and profitable work. Old established busi- ness. Box "G" Times. 290 WANTED -- QUALIFIED DRIVER TO LET -- TWO UNFURNISHED | or partly furnished rooms. Suitable | for r op e without children; ' 207 Court thet 4 1 (28c) SINGLE OR FURNISHED ROOM, double, responsible parties only. Apply 74 Bing West, « (28¢c) T0 RENT FURNISH BEN SJT- 3 room, Board if desired, 46 Ken- noth Ave, Phone 18987, (1 (28D) 40 RENT --. TWO. FURNISHED rooms, ground floor, -private entrance. No children, - 102 'Agnes street. R7c 7 TOONS FOR. HOUSEKEEPING. 'Also 1 oaree room Inlunished Im- mediate possession "APY YAO Ag- fies | street. did! (27-e) 2 BEDROOMS, SOIT 4 GENTLE men roomers with privilege of Wreakydst. "328 Faris ptrebt. : nriviieso(274) 70 RENT--ROOM WITH PRIVATE family at Oshawa-on-She-lake, For Y(27-¢) TRAE TRE ty ig Bank Building. oY 1496. Res. Phone 9027. Auctioneer » E. J. POMERY, 18% KING ST, east, Oshawa, Opt., Licensed Auer Veterinary Surgeon C. S. DICKINSON, 'VS. DISEASES of all domestic animals meientific- plly treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 1067. (131-t1) Music ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG Conservatory, ). Teacher of Singing. Pupils pr examinations ah ppera. Studlo, 11 , concert, Oshawa, Fridays. (72-48) MRS. CG. A. STANTON, A.LCM., : feacher of piano. Pupils prepared for examinations. Studio, 92 Sim- Loe St. N. Phone 3717. Machinery Repairing. DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO kinds of machinery repairing. | starter ring gears install- ed; SOBRE rods re-babbited, 2 gears or pimions supplied for makes ot cars. 161 King St, Phone $19 me "Paiating 4nd Decorating _ i GUTSOLE, P. PAINTING, PAPER. banging, eraining, Wg rears' experience. right. ork guaranteed. 161 oa Phone 2067W. (4540) tioneer for Counties of Ret iA Northumberland, Ontario ty | of Oshawa. Solicits your patrongge. All phone ealls receive prompt at- tention. Phone 1013M. Satisfac- tion guarspteed, {June 2141) ALL KINDS OF-TIRB-REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (tf) |2 NICELY, FURNISHID $00¥5, as firemen. Application to be made to Pire Chief Cameron at fire sta- tion' in person. (28-h) BOY WITH BAKING EXPERIENCE , wants work of any kind. 337 Enlalie' Ave, (28h) WANTED -- TWO SALESMEN, neat appearing, for permanent posis tions. Specialty, piano or insurance experience valuable, Apply with res ferences, Mr. Horn, 263 8109, 5 to 7, or by letter, 27¢) Iniveive registers, in usé two yeard, sgit- | FOR SALE--A QUEBEC HEATER il:ohcé." FOR Ke ill -Fusaned, -with- pipes and able dor medium sized house. The | gates Horn Knitting' Cou Lad, Linde Gurmey, ' with oven neatly new, also f kitchen sink. * Phane | 1 A BABY CARRIAGE, "GOOD CONDI- tion. Chel LL 00. Reveréihfe. 49 | Ontario* St! FOR SALE--ALL BUILDING terial incliading furnaces, plumbing fix., tures, bricks, lumber, doors, lath, 'stairs, verandas, hardwood flooring, 'ote, from*hddses heing' wrecked: at of to 84 Division St. + Must be sold at © Salesman' on preérhises "a | way. Vw Wrecking Co. pba PRIVATE SALE--DINING RR! suite; consisting of ' Buffet, @¢abinét, Table, chairs; Hall 'Rack, witrrol 'te 'Match; Carpets, two dres- sers, linolennis, kitehen cabinet, ets. £11 Colborne 'street 'east. (28:h) for fire truck, also two young men | ary street, | ( FOR SALE--MOFFAT coo 'stove, Kro#hier dhvenport, large un- fifilshied whrdrobe "and rug. Apply 221 Arthur St, (28h) | FOR SALE--A BRAND NEW LUD- wig Trap outfit consisting of § c¢ymbols, 3 hardwood blocks, Tom Tom and other effects, Will: sell cheap. Phone 1948). ase) FOR SALEB--REVERSIBLE WICK- er Baby Buggy in first' class condi- tion, Apply 622 Carnegie Ave: (28¢) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, IN- cluding 'Ladjés' bicyecle arid Hawal- iad" gWithr! For partieula's, phone 1504) "or '156 'Agnes street. * - (27%c) | FOR SALE--NO, 30 SUNSHINE | hot air furnace, in good . con ition. Apply 212 King cast. Phone Ww: ) c SALE -- -- "FULTON REAR Apply Peter i Phone Hey FOR wheel in Al condition. Yartin & Sons, Bowmanville, 497w, FOR SALE -- Piados, a Player Pianos, grade only, Terths "arringed U plas op hand, C, Troll, hsb, Phong (96tr) MIXED HARD AND 307) WOOD slabs, $8.50 per lost; Also bone dry body. wool, Phone 660, Waterogs Meek. kid; Pa (Mar 26-t1) CEMENT, LUMBER, . FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, 'ash dif roofing, Mardwéod 'fooribg, Phones 660 snd 1888; Walerous- Meek, Ltd, (84-10) ied $1 DEPOSIT WILL SECURE. EITH- wm' of 'the following: Roger's Silver- ¥are complete set, 26 pieces, $20. Fine assortment of Ladies' and jents' gharanteed watches, $20; al- 80 rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per week. Order now from O. H. Dell; 22% Simeoe street south, Phone 16686. (July 23-Aug. 23) Help Wanted--Female FOUND--_LADIES i GOLD Wrist Wateh, Owner may have same | by proving property and paying for ad. 126 Burk St. (28h) LOST--A BILLFOLD CONTAINING a sum of money and liguor permit. Reward if returnell to' 377 Simcoe St. N, Phone 171r31. (29h) WANTED-=-A GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Apply 70 Celina St. 29% WANTED--EXPERIENCED GEN- eral. Apply 104 Brock St, East. Phone 980. (28h) WANTED--WAITRESS. BOWMAN House, Bowmanville. Phone 55. (27¢) Wanted to Rent LLOST--A SMALL, BEAGLE, SIX weeks old, speckled, finder please rotify J. Lesnik, 145 Olive Ave. (29-b) suitable for light £| every 'convenfeiice; "Also giitide tor floor, {rént. 118° Tyler Crescent. Phone 1241W. (26d) Wanted to Buy WANTED--BY SEPT. 1, room modern house. St WwW. Phone 483 MR, 5, JACOB, DEALBR .] RAGS and alf kinds of metals. [am . ing for scrap batteries $1 L¥. $1. Buyjag old cars. Phone 764. 166-4¢ WANTED--A SMALL UPRIGHT piano of modern style. Will exchange a 6 tidbe" Super-Neutrodyne, walnut cabinet 46 'inches igh baie in Bald- win Loud Speak new. This is a : ands] instrument and the Pinnacle of Radio perfection. Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- 105, (3¢) 7 OR 8 THREADGOLD BROS., "GENERAL CONLrACOrS. Let us give s. Write, OF phi (Y Veterinary E. J. SHIRLEY, V.S., SPECIALIST diseases domestic animals, cat and dog bospital Jong e Masson St. Phone 629. our e Tae. by) 255. Agents Wanted ) | DISTRIET. MANAGERS -- ONE year and ome-half ago we introdue- ed our wonderful roof coating ih Canada. Today we have many sat- isfied customers. We need a few men to cover unoccupied territory, capable of handling territory : hiring sal This is an excep- i DEALERS IN 'SECOND™" HAND furniture. Buy and sell. Apply 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. : (July 25-Aug. 25) Painting and Decorating' YOUR HOUSE LIKE NEW. GET IT painted. Reasonable prices. Pure materials. Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept. 4) tional opportunity. Write at once.' Roof coating shipped from Canad- ian factory and branches. The Am- erican Oil and Paint Company, Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. . (29-3) SGENTS, EITHER ~ SBX-- $75 Apply 286 King |' p. JS Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD! 75 COLBORNE' WANTED TO RENT--SMALIL FIVE roomed house with all conveniences and garage possession about 16th Aug- ust. Will' lease for twelve months ahd' if suitable, purchase at end of that time. Box "B" Times. IWANTED TO RENT=6 OR" 7 roomed hawae. Apply McWatters, 36 King' St. E. 29a St. West, one 15L0M. (28b) YOUNG a MAY HAVE FUR nished room with privaté family. Cen+ tral. Phone 846. (27¢) Under or) by Rr of The pow- ers contained in' a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale by ip 'publie auction 'on Wednesday, the 17th day of August, 1927, at 2 o'¢lock p.m., on the préntises of 199 King Street West, Oshawa, all and singular that certain" parcel of Jan Jn 'the City of Oshawa' and g 'composed of part 'of Lot number Five (5) on thé south side of King Street according to Plan 408 havi {p a frontage of Thirty feet (30) on Kipg Street by a depth of Ope bhun- |! dred and ten feet" (110') with and subject to a mutual side drive Eight | feet (8') in width, which land is more particularly ° described in a deed registered as number «+ 23468 tor the 'City of Oshawa. "0d the lands 15 said to stand a and six-roomed brick-veneered dwelling | kibw 'as 199 King Street West, with" ali modern conveniences "The will Ye offered subject to a first registerfd mortgage for about $2500.00 bearing interest at | principal | J per cent. per annum, | payable $50.00 haif-yearly and bal- ance due in about three years. And, also subject to a reserved bid and {weekly easy selling Palep cleaners. Cleans everything like magie. Req moves road tar without injury tp paint. Sells on demonstration. Free: samples. P. A. Lefebvre & Co. Alexandria, Ont. oaat. 'an existing monthly tenancy. For additional terms and econdi- tions of sale apply to W. J. Sulley, auctioneer; Conant & Annis, solici- tors. 4 WANTED--BY SEPTEMBER 187 | three or four room apartment cen- \trally located. State rent. Reply to Box "C" Times. 29¢ 'RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS to rent § or'7 room house by Sept.' LAA sl (28¢) WERE "UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | o lor" 8 house, nelir 'car line. El- | nérly wouplet Box 11%, Oshawa P.O. |! (27) Live Shock for Sale dry j CHEAR, Whe! Bye -, , hone ~Bosdan Wanted BOARDERS WANTED, APPLY le Jpryis- St. A28tL) 4% bigor wi -'(28¢) and Bosrd Wanted ' AND BOARD fouled B31 Albert Str 2 GRIN ; BOARDERSL I dor 2, mens "Appl ArABAS ATRrn abana se ----|1fnes was héld up for an hour dur ing the rush hour Monday, with the eurrewt cut off, the company 'fearing a short circuiting.of the third' ral K.| ter resumption of service that turnm- i ASON_AND RISCH |, Thole who have sufficient limits at vind lice officers who investgated VAT VPAGE THIRTEEN New York, Aug. 4 --New York '129-¢) |on Tuesday enjoyed its first tho 0 MA-: ugly pleasant weather in weeks. A Volkii¢ 'rdinstorm broke the Heat wave late Monday. , Tuesday's comfort was ample re- |= ward fo the commuters for the in- | = conveniénce' chised to thousands by 1 the Horm. 'Traffic in 'the subway 1186 Ford Tudor, 1--Studebaker Sedan in first slags shape. | Chadburn Motor Sales PRINCE 87, PHONE 1100 by the water pouring into the un- der-ground caverns, The crowd in the Times Square [Station became so packed waiting stiles were locked, Guards feared the -peaple waiting for trains would be pushed down on the tracks ir' the fam hecame thicker, . Most of the trains stopped at a gtation, wherd the light gavé them assurance that there was no danger. But ome of thé' trains halted two blocks from a dtation, ip the dark gtunnel. Many passengers, including 'Women; became paniky and climbed out of the train. MRS. CHAI CASH § Frio ASUTRAGANST HU HUSBAND Yo Angbles, Cal Cal, "Aug. 6.--An offer of approximately $1,000,000 failed to dissuade Lita Grey Chap- SES IN a8 Simeoe ft, N, . Phone 287 "For Better Shoe Values" MPING AND ALY KINDS OF Bony WORK MERRITT AUTO AND: REPAIR King St, W, Oshawa WE LEAD IN 1in' in' her determination for a finishy fight in her suit for divorce from i Charles Chaplin, her fil star hus- band, Lyndol L. revealed in support of hig demand: for attorney's fees. ol Young, 'représénting the legal firm which withdrew from the case as her counsel testified in court here that Mrs, Chaplin' not only réfused' the cash settlement, but remalfted insistent upon naming a "prominent mbtion picture act- ress' with whem she alleges Chap- lin was unduly. familiar, Several times the name of the aetress in queston has almost came to light vened thus far. The case now is set for trial on August 22. The héaring was held in the Superior Court to determine the amount of fees due to the firm of Young and; Young whieh withidrew from Mrs. Chaplin's side of the case avowedly | because she had gnce tentatively, agreed to accept the cash settlement ! 4 offered her. TIMBER LIVITS BEFORE CABINET [li Quehee, Aug. 6,--Timber Hmits and paper production occupied the attention of the Provincial Cabinet at a lengthy session Thursday, a delegation consisting of the leading manufacturers of pulp and paper in the provinces headed by J. A. Montgomery, of Montreal, on the, Government, some of them | urging that no more timber limits be placed on the market, as there were already sufficient, while oth- iers argued that moré limits should be placed on sale. Premier Taschereau stated after the meeting that no decision had J* been made by the Government. "Ag the Province of Quebec pro- duces over 25 per cent of the em-, tire Supply of pulp and paper in the" Dominion," he stated, "we. feel 'that the guéstion was a rather im- --+'gne, and urged the manu- nant Young, who until§ recefitly headed her legal staff, has 43 do Your PHONE 2 Thompson's Drip Store 10 Simeoe St, B,.. We Deliyer but legal complication have inter- | waiting [[# TT A, G, BROOMFIELD Hatteries, Eiectric Repairs {25 doz. Men's Fine Shi S165 C.W. DETENBECK | KING SBEET EAST w- p. i ' ' Dominion Clothing 'Co. 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 faeturers to wait upon us, and dis- cuss the matter from all angles, -presént are 'opposed to a more ,beipg 'placed. on sale, while natur- ose who feel they have not ent want us to place more on || the market," he concluded smiling- Wy. siraln, Po ed + stoedl go- the shooting affair between officers of the Upited States Saint Clair river patrol and' allegéd bbotieggers, de- clare that: evidemece -indjcatés that the latter were in Canadian waters when fired upop dy the Americans, late rR wounding Harold H Toronto. Holmes," it J said, returned the fire. wound- § ing slightly 'Arfliur Lazelle, United iBtates officer. Lazette claims that the gasoline boat was in Uni States waters and that the Canadians fired first. Ps the latter strongly oy or United States authorit ve » ho BS for the arrest of 7 lly now hid a Chatham YOUR HEALTH ~-- HAVE YOU tried what the killed' hand of a tralhed Chiroppractor dan do to improve your health? - Consult loa Brown, Registered Drugless ragctitioners, 201 King St. West, @9) | FRE LR hid

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