. Mra. Alex Walker, Wenneth St., spent Wednesday with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bruce Glover, Mrs. Walker has purchased two lots on Orchard View Blvd, It is rumored that the Massey- Harris Company has purchased y here, ah I) wa +. Columbuy played Whitby a Whitby on Thursday evening. Result 14-10 for Columbus, + "Phe Trimmers Social Club will hold a big piemie at Mr, Grass' 'Grove on Saturday, Aug. 6. Miss Velma Hamilton accompan- jed her grandmother, Mrs, Wood- cock on a visit to Ardendale. They will remain for a week. Mrs, R. Brittan of Smith's Falls, vr. and Mrs, A. Blight and Miss nker all visited with Mr, and , . Will Glover on Thursday. . Mrs, G. Walker of Taronto is staying with her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Alex. W, Walker on Kenneth Ave, Miss Frances Barrett is spending this week of her vacation with friends at Orono, .. Mr. M, Martin spent the week- end and holiday at hie home in Peterboro, In writing congratulations to Mr. George Dennis and bride in a pre- vious issue the mame of the bride should have read Miss Lily Stone- house instead of Miss Louise, Mrs, Dave Warren is at Fenelon Falls where her father Mr. Arscott had taken sick, Mr, Arscott since died, The funeral took place Thurs- day, Mrs Warren has the sympathy of the community, + Mr, and Mrs, Grimshaw and fam- fly of Detroit are visiting Mr, and Mrg. Will Parker here and other relatives in town, EBENEZER Ebeneser, August 4, --The Junior Gifls' Class of Ebene- zer Sunday School neld their annual pienic on Tuesday afternoon, Aug- ust 2 at the home of their teacher, Miss Aura Osborne, The weather was ideal for the occasion and the girls had a very enjoyable outing. Games and sports of all Kinds were held and a splendid afternoon of fun was topped with a sumptuous sup- per which was, as usual, enjoyed by all, The class always have their picnic to look forward to and are very seldom disappointed, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Oke and family of Toronto were holiday visitors with his sister, Mrs, William Bickle, Mr. Frank Walter spent Tuesday in Troonto, My. and Mrs, BE. Worden, Miss Irma and Mr, Hepbert left for their home in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, on Tuesday last after a pleasant visit with their relatives here. Before their leaving a pleasant gathering in the form of the Worden-Rundle picnic was held on Monday after- noon and evening on the lawn of the home of Mr, and Mrs, F. W. Run- dle. The Worden and Rundle fami- lies and their descendants gathered in goodly wumbers and a very pleas- ant fime was spent by all Toward evening a splendid repast was in- dulged in, where almost anything one could wish for might be had, At an early evening hour the gathering parted after the best wishes of good luck were extended to Mr, and Mrs, Worden and family as they started on their long journey home, Those present at tne picnic from g distance were: --Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and daughter, Mary, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Rundle and fam- fly, of Hampton; Mr, and Mrs, Otis. Worden and daughters, of Toronto; Mr. Harry Osborne, of South Bend, Indiana; Mr, and Mps, R. E. Os- borne, Miss Louise and Master Nel- son Osborne, and Mrs. A. E, Clemens of Bowmanville, Miss Beryl Wilkins, of Oshawa, is bolidaylng with her cousins, Misses Helen and Doris Wilkins. Weather has been a little improv- ed during the last few days and we hope it will continue so for those farmers who are threshing peas from the field, BROOKLIN Brooklin, Aug. 3.--Mr, Stewart Grigg of Detroit, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. Grigg. Misses M. and E. Routley and Mr. J. Routley of Torontd, spent . Draper spent 8 few days in Omemee. Miss Hilda DDorman of London, is visiting with her aunt Mrs, Wm. iss C. Hall of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. » Hall, fw Mr. snd Mrs. Gordon White . and Mrs. Ralph White have returned home from a week's holi- os HE 1 SE : Ril dill i fh Hunter. unter spent the week to. turned home last week. Rev, and Mrs. P. L. Jull and family have gome ons a month' holidays visiting relatives and friends, Miss Morrison of Peterboro vis- ited last week with Miss R. White. Mrs. K. Beamish underwent an operation last week om her nose mn "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1927 Miss D. Devitt who has been tak- ing the summer course in Toromto has returned home. Dr. Jas. Moore underwent am op eration on his nose last week, He is feeling quite well again, Women's Institut: Home and School Club, and Par Com- mittee have decided to have a mon- ster "Field Day" om August 17th in the Commnity Park. All kinds of sports will eb held in the after- noon, also a baby show and a tea in the evening and The "Alde Ty- tyrone Quartette" of Toromto, Can- ada's most popular entertainers have been e ed for the comcert at night, The committee are spar- ing no expense and have this a wonderfu\ success. Any teams of and is feeling quite well again. Rev. Ratcliff of Whitevale, vis- ited with his brother, Mr. Wm. Rateliff, Rev. and Mrs, Mustard of Scar- boro Bluffs are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBrien vis- ited their son in Detroit last week. Mrs, Vick and daughter June, spent last week in Aurora. Mrs. May who has been staying with her sister Mrs. JJohnston has gone on a visit to Bayfield. Miss A. Oliver spent last week with her sister at the Thousand Is- lands, Mr, Don White pent a few days in Oshawa visiting his son Mr, Gordon White, The Ladies' Giuld held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Don White. The usual amount of 'business was transmitted 'after which a good program. was given. A dainty lunch was then served by the ladies which everyome enjoyed. Miss Laura Mackay spent the week end in Kingston, word to committee, Good will be given for all sports, Household Hints You need not ll kisds of have berry- serves your stained hands. be quickly 'actually leaves the skin smooth and soft. Because it contains pure, soothing glycering and the finest soap, SNAP is good for the hands, SNAP is sold by all druggists, grocers and hardware stores, A Fass Booxwar veruno now SNAP wgue iv HousawoRs WiLL BS SENT YOU ON REQUEST SNAP CO, LIMITED 91 Reading Screes, Montreal 163 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache = Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART LJ ho only "Bayer package which contains proven directions, Handy | ayers boxes of 12 tablets tles of 24 and 100--Druggists. [J Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Osnads) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoscetie- scidester of Balicylicacid (Acetyl Salleylie Acid, "A. 8. A"). While it is well known thet Aspirin means Barer manufacture, to assist the Public aupinst imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Compsny will be stamped with their general mark, the "Bayer Cross." g---- She OSHAWA, LIMITED Monday-- Starts a Week of Special Economies SPECIAL SAVINGS In Every Department Auto Cushions To clear out one lot Leather Auto Cushions, made in wedge shape so as to be comfortable when riding, A Pure Thread Silk Hose First Quality Harvey Pure Thread Silk Hose. New shades, all sizes. Monday, Ladies' and Misses' Pretty Frocks One big lot Ladies and Misses' Pretty Frocks, Crisp and new, all sizes to 44. Monday, Dainty Dress' Voiles To clear all Volles, dainty pefterns. light and dark shades. Values up to , 800. Monday, yard, Rayon Silk Bloomers EASE on Monday, Turkish Bath 1owels Good Quality Striped Turkish Towels. Size 38 x 20. Monday, pair, ~Get It at The Arcade~ Ladies' Rest Room 2nd Floor COURTICE Mn Glenn Liddy of Montreal, son of Rev. J. J. Liddy, Toronto, call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice recently. Glenn was a resident of Courtice parsonage when a little bey and he also called on Rev. and Mrs. Stainton who reside at the Parsonage at the present time and had a look at his old home. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses Patty and Doris, of Toronto, motor- ed from Muskoka where they are spending the holidays and were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundle's. Mr, and Mrs. Rundle, Bethesda, are visiting at their daughter's soft ball wishing to compete send | Mrs. Esli Oke. przes Mr. and Mrs, B. Harrison have returned home to Cleveland, Ohio, after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Misges Jean and Eileen Wight, Providence, are holidaying at Mr. k J. Courtice and Mr. Blake Cour- ce. sd A family gathering of about forty met at Mr. and Mrs. F. W., Rundle's on Monday afternoon to have a last visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wor- den and family before returning to their home in Weyburn, Sask. The tables were set out doors and laden with many good things and a most enjoyale evening spent to- gether. The old Toronto "astern Railway is busy these days with the train going down with numbers of men who are takngl up the ralls and ties. This will be the end of the long looked for Toronto Eastern. HORSES SAIL FOR RUSSIA TOMORROW Canadian Animals Will Be Shipped to Lenin. Quebec, Aug. e_ Jy horses from the Canadian West left the port of Quehee Friday aboard the Russian steamer Dekabrist for Leningrad, as the inaugural ship- ment to be made on behalf of ahe Soviet Government. Some 8,300 horses arrived dur- ing the course of last week, while the remainng shpment reached here Thursday morning, travelling by train from British Columbia, Al- berta and Saskatchewan. Each horse will cost the 'Russian Govern- ment about $100, landed at Lenin- grad, Louis Kon, the remaining member of the Soviet delegation to Canada, who is a naturalized British sub- jeca, is looking after the shipment of the horses on behalf of the Sov- jets. It is improbable that the 8, 000 horses scheduled to be sold to the Russians will all be delievered, in view of the commercial rupture between Soviet and Canada. WOMAN FLIER T0 START AIR TOUR German Aviatrix Plans a World Flight Next Spring Curtiss Field, L.I., Aug. 6.-- Fraulein Thea Rasche, German flier, announced Wednesday upon her return here that she intended , to make her first cross-country , flight next week with a short stop at Boston. Miss Rasche said that she will visit Washington and Philadelphia before deparfng on September 16 | for the Spokane, Wash., air derby. | Some time. Jater she plans to visit 'various cities of the United States, Central and South Aemirca. Next spring, she sith, sne intends flying from South America to Africa across Euroope and Asia to Australia | thence across the Pacific to the South Sea Islands. She will then return to New York eity, SUSPECT HURDER PLOT IN RELAND Free State Government Said to Know of Gang's Existence Dublin, Aug. 5.--The Dail sat all night on the Public Safety Bill, and President Cosgrave declares that he will force might and day sittings until the measure is , The Montreal Star is informed on the best authority that the Gov- ernment has full knowledge of the existence of a gang of 50 armed desperadoes who intend to carry on the murder campaign. Some even declare that the gang con- tains 31 actual paid assassins, and information in the possession of the authorities revealed the fact that besides the murder of O'Higgins, President Cosgrave and other mini- sters were to have been murdered | the same day as O'Higgins, and were only saved because the murder par plans miscarried. There fis some nervousness lest the Governmenj, when empowered by the Safety Bill, will find itself in armed clash with the gunmen, + whom fit is determned to clear out. When a man sings in his bath it means one or two things. Either he is happy or the door won't lock. --Toronto Globe. Killing 2 man r woman seems to be a mere incident in the daily pro- gram of these hit-and-run motorists. ~Kitchener Record. AUTHOR OF LETTER NOT AN AMERICAN Sydney, New South Wales, Aug. 6.--As residents of this city sus- pected, the so-called American named Boardman, who stirred up a veritable hornets' mest by writ- ing a letter to the Sydney Sum de- nouncing Great Britain, has proved a "fake." Following a protest by the United States Consula-General, Ezzra Law- ston, that Boardman was not an American, the Sun immediately in- stituted inquiries "which failed to saaisfy us as to Boardman's Ameri- Water," plained, to and not to the Scotch whiskey now can citizenship." Mr. Lawton then issued a state- ment that Sydney's American ecol- ony was too well treated by its Australian hosts to hold any such views as those expressed by Board- man, adding: '"Now that he has been proved a fake, I hope the writers of the letters replying to Boardman will forget the harsh things said in the heat of argument and natural resentment." The letter responsible for all the trouble referred to Bitain as an Empire "which murdered and rob- bed all." The current refers, song hit, "Muddy it should be ex- the Mississippi River being served in night clubs.--Life. FIXTURE SALE 12--2.Light, Brown Tone Fixtures 24--3.Light, Brown Tone Fixtures 12--4.Light, Brown Tone Fixtures 6--5-Light, Brown Tone Fixtures These are not pan fixtures but covered dust proof styles. ing and inspection Price includes hang- 11.PIECE 6-Room Set of Fixtures Price includes hanging and inspection $24.75 KITCHEN UNITS INSTALLED - $2.00 See these while they last BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP 70 SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 1075" Take Advantage of the nF aa Sil Bo Special Phone Order Delivery inaugurated by the .Nut-Krust Electric Bakery Makers of HIGH CLASS CAKES BREAD BUNS : PATTIES FOR CHICKEN OYSTERS, ETC "DOUGHNUTS -- WEDDING CAKES -- CHRISTENING CAKES BIRTHDAY CAKES "Good to the Last Crumb"' PHONE 936 Nut -Krust Electric Bakery 24 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH