THE OSHAWA (DAILY ibES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1927 chm Road 6 O OWrooms. Two T es of Road Sign Used In British Columbia Teo Dosis in Lise Serve " Rellwey- Crossings Marked By Striking Warnings for a brochure on highway You ng signs in British Columbia as recently.aprpoevd by the Pub- fie Works Department of British Columbia and copies were then inted and forwarded to munici- lities and automobile organiza- tion sthroughout the province. The mew British Columbia sign system epnsists © of two distinct type of , One series of five types of ns will be white with black let- ing. movie is The yellow and black signs are designed to help enforce safe driv- ing laws. The first of these consists : a yellow circle = with the word "Stop" painted on it with large hlack letters. Beneath is an oblong gellow board with the words "Inter- geting Highway, [Proceed with Ghntion." These signs will be placed t* the intersection of cross-roads and main highways where, accord- ing to law, all cross traffic must come to a complete stop before pro- Geeding, ; Fhe second sign carrles an octa- nal yellow plate with the words op. Motor Stages" and in an oblong. piece below are the words "Railway . Crossing--Procqged With Caution." This will help enforce the regulation requiring all buses to mon before crossing a railway. *i.The third, and perhaps the most | OvLon¢ sign, is diampnd-shaped the single word "Danger." Be- ' hon a ngerow strip of wood 411 be: printed ap abbreviated de iption of the danger ahead, as, instance, 'Narrow Bridge" or "Bad Hill." These signs will be cted only in dangerous places as ir use where they are not really uired would soon lead motorists t disregard them altogether. 11The fourth sign carries a strip of gllow wood with the word "Slow". neath in a large yellow square is slion an arrow indicating the che agter of the road ahead. Thus, if there is a sudden turn to the right, the sign will carry a black arrow ciireyd to the ight of the sign, Left curves will be indicated in the op- posite way and arrows with a double twist will warn the moterist of a itchback ahead. Beneath the ar- rl are the words, "Keep to J t.! ) + A special sign is provided to ANA vent speeding past schoels. This is af{tri-angular-shaped sign carrying word "School". in large black fetters apd beneath a strip of wood wi the warning, FTen Miles an Bur"'--the British Columbia legal limit past schools, fhe railway crossing warning sign ig ja large oblong sign with a heavy ck cross set diagonally across it, and.the legend, "Caution, Rail- way 300 Feet, To, distinguish them from the warning sighs, the official ection signs will be white and ack, 'like those used on many roads of British Columbia now. The signs and posts are both white with black lettering indicating the di- tion and mileage of different es with arrow points. Square mile posts with beveled tops are also provided for, and special informa- tion, like the location of water or automobile camps, will be carried on a2 heavy white sign hung on an outstretched arm. Beside railways, the familiar white cross abrs with black leitéiing will stand as a rinal warning to approaching cars, after :A car is not old fashioned now because it was made a few seasons back_ changes. are conservative--as to" boldly nes, ONTARIO HIGHWAYS IN GOOD CONDITION A three thousand mile automo- bile trip which included many parts of New York state, through the Cat- skills, Adirondacks,. eastern and western Ontario, Ohio and Michigan has just been made by the writer and one of the most outstanding and pleasant memories of the trip were the roads of Ontario. Euter- ing Canada at Prescott, tario, provincial highway number was followed to Windsor. This five hun- dred mile stretch was driven under most ideal conditions, has heen over many states in the U. 8, Aut has never met a finer piece of road which extended over such a disatnce. The Ontario motorist who crosses the boundary line will not find the highways quite so good as in OQutario, T° F a2 MOTORISTS =~ LOSE LICENSES Cancellations Made During Past Week for Various Infractions Quebec, Aug. 5-- Fifty-two licens- es were cancelled during the course of the week for various infractions of the Motor Vehicles Act, stated Hon. J. L. Perron, Minister of Roads, this morning, thus swelling the number of licenseless autoists in the province to nearly the 700 mark. The minister stated that a slight. decrease had taken place in the num- ber of those who had lost their li- censes, the figures for the week of July 16-23 being 76, as compared with 52 last week, which would in- dicate that the campaign of severity was bearing fruit. The writer: One San Diégo man who knows every foot of ground on half a dozen golf courses has to be told every morning what drawer his clean collars are in.--San Diego Union. If there is anything harder now: adays than finding the money. to pay for silk stockings, it must pe finding names for all the new shades.--San Diego Union. 1--1923 Ford Sedan 1---1924 Ford Sedan 1--1925 Ford Sedan 1--1926 Ford Sedan 1--1923 Studebaker Spe- cial Sedan. 1--1922 Special 490 Se- dan, We have a few open cars which it will pay you to see before purchasing. Your present car taken as part payment CHADBURN MOTOR CO. St, Oshawa 1160 9 Prince Phone _---- by seciberlings are Cor, King St. W. and 100 per cent motor coach used more than 1,000 and truck fleets, F.J. McDONNELL EXCLUSIVE DEALER Phone 1568 Park Road Firestone Gum-Dipping--by which each fibre and strand of cord in the tire is impregnated and coated with pure gur--adds the extraordinary strength and flexibility . which makes the Balloon construction practical. Firestone Dealers are kept up-to-dateon 00 Lizedevelopment end service--continually progressing and improving their ability to serve you better and save you money. See the means Kissacese Dealer and let him handle your tire CANADIAN WEST Rocky Mountain Playgrounds Show Tourist Traffic Increase Last summer three-fifths of the motor tourists' cars in the motor camp at Banff bore Saskatchewan license plates. This summer Alber- ta cars are most numerous, cars from United States and Saskatche- wan following in numbers, accord- ing to a report received by the touring department of the Motor League. "An increasing number of Mani- toba cars is noticed and no doubt as many of the Manitobans who mo- tor here state, if the Saskatchewan and southern Alberta roads were in anything like shape for comfortable and steady motor travel, then the thousands who journey from Winni- peg and the towns of Maritoba 10 the Yellowstone Park, would turn their cars Alberta: and Banff-wards, bringing an immense amount of revenue to these parts which at pre- sent: finds its way across the line," the report continues, emphasizing the need for water-proofing the prairie section of the Traus-Can- ada highway. "A great percentage of the thou- sands of U.S. motorists who yearly motor from the States south of Manitoba to Winnipeg and back home, would extend their trips 10 the Canadian Rockies, thus bring- ing yet more new wealth to the west, That a thousand U.S.A. cars are seen daily on the Winnipez streets throughout the summmer is the information vouchsafed by one Winnipegger visiting Banif this week," the report concludes. WOMAN MOTORIST 10 TOUR ARCTIC Will Take Car Used in the Tropics Into Far North «The, Hon. Mrs. Victor Bruce of Esher, Surrey, who recently return- ed to England from a tour of 9,000 | mites in Europe and Africa is now | starting off again with the object of | penetrating ultimately as far be- i yond the Arctic circle into Lapland i as it is possible to drive a car. Starting from London and cross- ing to Ostend her route will take her through Belgium, Holland, Ger- many and Denmark into Sweden. After paying a visit to Stockholm. Mrs. Bruce, accompanied by her hus- band and a friend, will start north into Lapland and Finland. She wil! then cross the Arctic circle and journey into the unknown where motor cars have never been. In contrast with other expeditions of this kind, Mrs. Bruce is making no special provision whatever, and will use the same car as on her Af- rican tour. ALWAYS LOCK CAR WHEN NOT IN USE With a view to saving hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for the automobile driver, the motor car manafacturers have started a campaige urging the private car owner always to lock his antomo- bile when rot using it. Directors of the Nationai Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce have recommended that each motor eom- pany include in its instruction book a page on the fecessty of locking the car. Thousands of vacations have been, are being. will be spoiled this year because of this inattention on the part of the automobile user. The unlocked car is an jnvitation to the. casual thief, the joy rider who helps himself. as well as to the professional car stealer. Still more serious both to soclety and to the owner are those cases where cars are stolen for use In crimes. This preventive campaign is heing carried on by the insurance commit- tee of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce of which Wil- liam E. Metzger is chairman. Curtiss Field, N.Y., Aug. 6.-- Roger Wolfe Kahn, jazz band lead- er, will compete in the New York- to-Spokane, Washington, flight in September. He has made applica- tion for entry in the derby. He plans to fly alone in a special Bellanca monoplane, with a single Wright whirlwind motor, which is being constructed. Young Kahn has been coming to the field daly from the Kahn sum- mer estate at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, for lessons. He has obtained his license as pilot. He flew alone om his third lesson. If you are going to descend a steep hill in second, shift gears at the crest, not half way down. Remem- ber the motor and car have to be gears will mesh properly. CALLS MOTORISTS | MOTOR SPARKS When parking a car on a hill, the careful driver will put his car in gear--just in case his brake sheuld slip. Seven poopie were killed eleven injured in automobile dents on Ontario Highways week-end. -- Fred Hammel, a 76 year old "leg- less" automobile tourist of East Haverhill, Mrss., spends most of his time travelling. Instead of regula- tion pedals he controls the machine by a series of levers arranged within his reach. The car contains a stove, "running water," a folding bed, table and other comforts founa in a home. "Here "ligs one reckly ss driver, You may be next!" is the caption lettered on an unusual sign which has been erected on a dangerous curve of mountain highway neas Truckee, California. It is believed that the warning was ereced hy a driver who narrowly escaped death as the result of the reckless driving of another motorist, Fortress-like concrete pillars are to protect some of the traffic safety islands in the most dangerous streets in Paris, France, Recklessly driven cars have so often wrecked lamp-posts and hurt people on these refuges that the city traffic commis- sion has decided that solid masonry is the only adequate protection. An- other aid to traffic is proposed in the standardization of regulations. Philadelphia with the "distin- Charles Duryeh of was recently presented William Pynchon medal for guished public service," and "in ro- cognition of his service to the world" by building the first auto- mobile. He huilt the first horseless carriage in a tiny shop located in the heart of Springfield, Mass, in 1892. Duryea destroyed his first car to secure parts for the second, which is now in the permanent Na tional Museum in Washington, D.C now pre- for rehel General is We there A Mexican in Chicago on a holiday. sume that he has gone he shooting.--Punch. A fine way to break your back Is to walk Into te living-room In "thé dark and sit down where the dav- enport was yesterday. ----Detroit News. OTTAWA FROWNS ON LONDON FLIGHT London, Ont., Aug, 5.--The list of |more than a hundred applicants for the right to make the B non-stop London-to-London flight for the $25,000 Carling Prize was |turther slashed oday by the de- | leton of the Department of Defense Ottawa that no leaves will be jo Canadian airmen to mage 3,900-mile | the trip. It's Our Move OWDEN'S GARAGE Is now catering to the wants of the discrim- inating Car Owner. AT 44 BOND ST. W, Next to Tod's Bakery Service and Is our Prices Reasonable If you are in trouble take your car to ROWDEN'S GARAGE A First Class Job Guaranteed Satisfaction motto Note new address 44 BOND STREET WEST tnGreater Value a Lower Prices BEAUTY --which reflects a superb achievement of Fisher Craftsmanship. COMFORT --a luxury formerly restricted to the higher priced cars. DISTINCTION--in appearance and performance. POWER --speed, stamina, assured by the most powerful engine of any six at Pontiac price. SMOOTHNESS --driving ease--effortless performance --proved on the General Motors Proving Grounds. Only the New and Finer | Pontiac Six has ALL of these, at prices so phenomenally low: (--now made LOWER dian ever, as Pontiac shares with the public, the economies of volume purchasing and production. See the even greater Value at Lower Prices, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six. P-2208 Moftat Motor Sales, Ltd. 88 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont. -- Phone 915 going at the same speed Before the | OF CANADA, LIMITED