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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Aug 1927, p. 11

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. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1927 FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- anger, money to loan. Room 2, Royal Bank Bldg., Simos and Bond streets. Phone 1496. (121-ma) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Bte, Com- veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. soutds Oshawa. Phone 63, G. D, Conant, B.A, B.; A. F\ Annis, 24. LLB t -- EE PA £3 TTT TT. 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST East, Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed. Before painting get our prices, (tf. H, R, COULDERY ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description, Disney Block, Oshawa. (239-1) W. B. N. SINCLAIK, K.C.,, BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A.,,--BAR- nater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 84% King St, east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837. 'Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW OCLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put on and removed. Phone GRIERSON & ORBEIGHTON--BAR- visters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 18. J. ¥, Grierson, B.A, T, K, Orelghton, A. SWANSON Fenzie, Barristers, Notary Public, ete, All branches of QOriminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east, Phone 940, D. A, J. Swanson, H. N, German, F, G, Mackenzie, A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- liettor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence. 22307. (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, etc. Over Engel"s store, 18 Simcoe St. North, Money to loan, Phones-- office 67. Residence 2191, (tf) GERMAN & MAC- Conveyancers, Insurance - DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 18 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putahle Fire Companies. (118-¢1) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Blore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment Wf diseases of ear, nose and throat mly. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97. (49-tf) Medical PR, McKAY, PnYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Accoucher., Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria Bt, Oshawa, Phone- 94, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd surgeon Special referencer to diseases of infants and children, Of- flee and residence, 97 Bond east, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- ¢lap and Surgeon, special attention Fron to X-ray work and Blectro- Office, Disney Block. py. hone 2050. (tf) ---- Dental DPR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas #dmin- fstered for extraction, nursk at- tepdant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087. (te) 1302w. } Transportation SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simeoe St., 8, phone 346-, 242 Front 8t., E.,, Toronto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Transportation ser- vice, (42-1) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETR by expert mechanics. Screen windows and screen doors, Estimates free, B, W, Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone 481. Res. 180 r 2, (tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. PF, L, DBeeeruft, Whithy, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 824. (69-1) 10 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Centgally located near General Mo- tors. For price and particulars apply to Joseph P, Mangan, phones 445 and 837. ¥ (38d) FOR SALE -- $2500, 0 FRENCH street, cottage, all conveniences, hard- wood floors, garage. Cash $300, and $25 monthly. "Phone 825, (38¢) FOR SALE=TWO GOOD STORES in Whitby, apartments over, Apply H, Wilkins, cor. Gibbons and Louisa Sts., Oshawa. (38c¢)- FOR SALE--- LARGE HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen, bathroom, boarding house, furniture jneluded. Redecorated, Central, Phone 799W. 20 Maple St. ' (37-1) SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE IN north end, eak floors and French doors, built-in cupboards, coal bing and fruit cellars, $5,000, reason- ahle, Cash payment down, Wm. (i. Miller, 8 Bond St. W, Phone 1851, (37-¢) 51X ROOM HOUSE, IMMEDIATE possession, Oak floors, all eonveni- ences, $3,700, small cash payment down, Wm, G. Miller, 8 Bond St, Rates for Classified Ads First insertion «-- 134 cents per word, Minimum charge---80e¢. Each subsequent insertion { ie per word, Three consecutive imsertions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents, | Box numbers--10¢ additional Professional or Business Cavs, $2.50 per month 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH : TELIPHONE 88 Ask For Classified Ad Depart- | ment, |W. Phone 1851, (37-¢) | FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK | house at 151 Colhorne street east, hardwood floors throughout, all con- veniences, garage, Phone 1244). (36-c) HOUSE FOR SALE--ALL CONVEN- iences, hardwood floors, garage. 125 Stacey Ave. 36-3711 Money to Lean PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Lowest interest rates and favorable terms, Grierson & Creighton, Barristers, ete, Stan- dard Bank Chambers. (Aug, 12-1mo.) LOAN--6%% CITY and farm lpans. No commission; Luflding loans. Frank 8. Ebb, bar- rister, Royal Bank Building, (26-tf) MONRY TO HOUSE AND TWO EXTRA LOTS at 167 Olive Ave, 'Apply 45 John St. (35-) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, GARAGE and garden close to Whithy and' Provincial Highway. Possession Sept, 1. Phone 146R 15 Whithy, (87h) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street. Call after six at above address or phone B33]. (73tf) 64% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No commission, Building loans, l.e- zal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg, Phone 1614, (176tf) Undertaking Wanted to, Rent WANTED--HALIL:, WITH for dancing school, once weekly. Terms, full particulars to Beth Weyms, 34 Breadalbane St, Toronto, (38-41) PIANO DALTON FUNERAL SERVICE. Sedan Ambulance, 199 Simcoe Street South. Phone 47. A.6-5.6 LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING BT, East, Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east, I'hone 2107. Watch Repairing ¥. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is sglicited. (20-t1) ROOM SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping for two high school girls wanted. North end of city preferred. Unfurnished room con- sidered. Box *S" Times, (38-h) WANTED TO RENT--MODERN house, wired for electric stove, ete., by October 1st. Best of references. No children. Phone 2173W. (37c) | THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished rooms wanted. Phone 1393J. (37e) Painting and Decorating YOUR HOUSE LIKE NEW, GET IT painted. Reasonable prices. Pure materials, Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept, 4) R. GUTSOLBE, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed. 161 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (46-40) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. Coleman's Cart- age and Storage. Corsetiere MRS. ANNIE PENTLAND, PRO- FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 223 Dearborn Ave. Phone 1988W, Even- 'nes bv appointment. (tr) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Seeond floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 9027. Auctioneer E. J. POMERY, 18% KING ST. east, Oshawa, Ont., Licensed Auec- tiodeer for Counties of Durham Northumberland, Ontario apd City of Oshawa. Solicits your patronage. All phone ealls receive prompt at- tention. Phone 1013M. Satisfae- tion guaranteed. (June 21-tf) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 re) over Bassetts', Phone 959; noe 306. 4-1 yr. h, over Mitchells Drug Store. for extraction. Phone 54. 1d Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 86-tr Theatre Bldg, Phone 1780. 669. : bs tt Blogk, 107 Simcoe Street 8, X-ray, extraction. Telephone 604. Veterinary Surgeon | E. J. SHIRLEY, V.S., SPECIALIST dog hospital Long experience. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. | of all domestic animals secientific- ally treated. Dominion Government | 1057. (131-1) | ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of | examinations, also church, comcert, . Studio. 11 south, MRS. G. A. STANTON, ALC. | teacher of piano. Pupils prepared coe St. N. Phone 371J. all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OP- PR, H. M. COOKE, 9 BIMCOP ST. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- DE. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- DR. BK. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE 1114W. 13481 | diseases domestic apimals, cat and | C. 5. DICKENSON, V.S.,, DISEASES | Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 1 i Music Binging. Pupils prepared for al: | Oshawa, Fridays. (72-0) i for examinations. Studio, 92 Sim- DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO rods re-babbited, makes Floor Surfacing NBW METHOD FIOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fill- ing and polishing). Old floors made | Edmondson, 251 Simeoe St. South, phone 440. 1) 1 3 a > : | THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our estimates. Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73tf) DEALERS IN SECOND HAND furniture. . Buy and sell. Apply 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (July 25-Aug. 26) Transportation FIFTY OR ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm wanted to rent. Must have good hunildings and good fences. Box "P" Times, (36-c) WANTED TO RENT--STORE CEN- rally located, Phone 382r4. (35-d For Rent TO RENT---TWO NEW APART- ments, 3 rooms, bath, electric stove, refrigerator, hot and cold water free. Ready October 1, lease for 1 year. Phone 1400. (38a) 100 ACRE FARM NORTH OF Phornton's Corners, with stock and implements, Possession for fall 'ploughing. Apply Box W. Times. (37e) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO RENT. 200 Celina St. (38-a) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM Lo let, suitable for business couple or two gentlemen, with breakfast or board, 83 Ritson road. (38-¢) FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. 277 Albert street. (37tf) TO RENT--ONE FURNISHED BED- room. 165 Simcoe St. 8. (37c¢) TO RENT -- FRONT BEDROOM and garage. Apply Box "K" Times. the Jake have same by proving property and paying for ad. A ---- Articles For Sale GOOD QUARTER CUT OAK DIN- ing room set, cheap for quick sale, Also other articles. 50 Colborne St. EE, or phone 101W, (38h) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, 15 iron and brass beds all sizes, steel spring, new felt mattress at $9.50 to $10.50, sliding couches, complete with new mattress $8.50, child's cribs, sideboards, extension tables, kitchen and centre tables, dressers, chiffioniers, easy chairs and rockers, haby buggies and go-carts, kitchen cabinet, coal and wood range, laun- dry stove, carpets and rugs, 17 Prince St. | (37¢) LEFEVER NITRO SPECIAL DOU- hle 12 gauge shot gun. New condi- tion. Apply Robertshaw's Book Store, (38-41) KENNES PIANO, LIKE NEW, CAN be seen at 10 Bond St. W, Universal Motor Sales, (37-c) QUEBEC STOVE WITH OVEN FOR sale, $20, Apply 296 Haig St. Phone 24430. (37-¢) OLYMPIC (By Associated Press) Amsterdam, Aug. 17.--The Olym- officially on July 28, with the track and field events commencing the day after. The closing ceremony and distribution of prizes takes place August 12. The icé-hockey and winter games of course are separate 'and will be staged late this winter. Field-hockey takes place in May while association football is sche- duled from May 27 onward. The demonstration of lacrosse takes place August 7. Another peculiarly Canadian sport, paddling, is not on the program but followers of the sport expect to have it recognized in 1932. The officlal program follows: Athletics Track and field from July 29 to August 4 and August 6, Individual Events Track Events: Men--100 metres flat; 200 metres flat; 400 metres flat; 800 metres flat; 1,600 metres flat; 5,000 metres flat; 10,000 me- tres flat; Marathon (42 kilometres 196 metres) (26 miles 385 yards); 3,000 metres steeplechase; 110 me- tres hurdle race; 400 metres hurdle race, Women--100 metres flat; 800 me- tres flat. Field Events: Men--Running high jump; running broad jump; running hop, step and jump; pole vault; throwing the javelin (javelin held in middle, best hand); Throwing the discus (hest hand); putting the 16 1b. shot (best hand); throwing the 16 Ih. hammer, Women--Running high jump; throwing the discus (best hand.) Decathlon: Men--(1) 100 metres flat; (2) running broad jump; (3) putting the 16 1b, shot (best hand); (4) running high jump; (5) 400 Help Wanted--Male WANTED--HIGH- est wages paid. Apply at once to N, A. Campbell, 9 Celina St. (38a) WANTED--A PARTNER IN GOOD growing business, Middle aged man with some capital preferred, Box "C." Times. (38¢) FIRST CLASS CARPENTERS wanted, Apply on job, rear of north Simcoe school Thursday am. W. H, Martin & Co., general contractors, (38a) PLASTERERS FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel. in Al condition. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanville, Phone 497w. 1 FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Planos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand, C. Trull. Phone 5537. (96te) MIXED HARD AND SOF} WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Phone 660. Wateroes- Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphait roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe. Phones 660 and 1288. Waterous- Meek, Lid. (34-12) f1 DEPOSIT WILL SECURE EITH- ar of the following: Roger's Silver- vare complete set, 26 pieces, $20. Fine assortment of Ladies' and ients' guaranteed watches, $20; al- o rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per! Order now from O. H. Dell, Simcoe street south. Phone (July 23-Aug. 23) Lost and Found LOST--PLAIN GOLD BAR PIN with markings; Saturday at Lakeview Park. Finder please leave at Times office. . (38a) FOUND--BLACK SILK DRESS AT Saturday. Owner may week. 221, 1656. 58 Brock St. E. (38-a) LOST--ON SATURDAY, PURSE containing money and two books of stamps on Burk street. Finder please return to 177 Burk. Phone 1396W. (37h) 36¢ Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK WANTED. LOST--MASONIC SIGNET RING and $5 bill at Lakeview Park om Saturday. Finder please return to 304 Golf St. Reward. (37b) Materjals must be supplied. Apply 55 King St. E. Phone 2380. (351) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- LOST --A DARK ROSE COAT, size 6 years Saturday at the Lake. Return to 2 o 71 Verdun road. (36-tf) ing contractors. Masonry work of every description, Bowmanyile, phone 497W. WOOD-WORKING -- MISCBLLANE- LOST--A PAIR OF WHITE KID til gloves on Division St. or Alice St. Phone 1571W or 74 Yonge St. (37¢) ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. S. B. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St., S. Ja (17-42) LOST--A ROYAL BANK BOOK and Liquor Permit, also G.M.C. em~ ployee's 2038W. Reward. Phone (36-c) card. UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- = Agents Wanted manship guaranteed. G. A. Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 520F. CI540) © GIRL WANTED STORE EXPERI- ence preferred. Apply 18 King St. MAN OR and appoint agents. # ~ | manent. Help Wanted--Female 700", 7 Winston Co., Toronto. WOMAN TO TRAVEL Position per- yearly guarantee, and write $1092 weekly average) xpenses. For particulars West. (36-c) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age. 85 Bopd St. West. Phone R82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to znd from all trains. (64-1£) Wanted 10 Buy For Sale or Rent MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. 1 am pay-|. ine for scrap batteries $1 aud $1.50. Bugieg old cars. Phone 764. 156-1] bungalow. Possession September 7. Phone 825. (38¢c) {Colborne street east. {ILLCROFT ST. NEW SIX 'ROOM hardwood floors, modern, ash payment $500. Terms arraneed. MESSENGER BOY WITH WHEEL, also to work in store, references required. Apply at drug store, 17 King street W. (37-h) plad at Amsterdam next year opens WANTED -- MALE STENOGRA- pher, . competent and experienced. Alger Press Limited. (36-c) WANTED---MAN WITH CAR FOR canvassing in country. Pleasant and profitable work, Old established busi- ness. Box "G" Times. 20tf Motor Cars SALE--McLAUGHLIN = K45 41 Oshawa Blvd. (38¢ FOR touring, cheap, $85. FOR SALE--1923 FORD TOURING in good condition. 4 new tires. Starter, speedometer. Best offer. Apply 45 Oshawa Blvd. (37¢) FOR SALE -- 1924 HUPMOBILE, mechanically perfect. Very easy terms. Universal Motors, Bond street Oshawa, (36-c) FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, FORD Coupe, 1926 model, electric washer, refrigerator and iron bed. E. J. Shirley, Veterinary Surgeon, 503 Masson steet. Phone 629. (36-c) FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1923 in good order. Also one Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Me- Laughlin. Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Evenings. (346) Board and Room WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD for young lady. Central. Apply Box "B." Times. (38¢c) BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE gentleman. Phone 1540J. (37¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 young men, good copking. 3 minm- utes from G.M.C. Apply 318 Di- vision St. (37¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen. 139 Huron Crescent. (37-h) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE on Thursday, August 18, 1927, at 1.30 p.m. at McCulloch's store room, 41 Ritson road north, con- sisting of the following: 1 mahog- any library table, settee, book case, ball tree, wicker chair, morris ehair, fumed oak diming room furmiture, 2 bedroom suites, porch chairs, re- frigerator. sewing machine, kitchen utensils. This furniture nearly new and jin Al comdition. Terms cash. Maw and Sulley Auctioneers (35-37-38) Wanted WANTED--A PARPY TO GIVE (38-a) jdancing lessons to young couple. Ssate terms. Apply Box "R." Times. (37-¢) Boarders Wanted BOARDERS [new home mear General Motors. 322 WANTED IN NICE (37-0) GAMES PROGRAM AN INVENTORY OF SPORT | metres flat; (6) 110 metres hurdle race; (7) throwing the discus (hest hand); (8) pole vault; (9) throw- ing the javelin (hold in the middle, best hand); (10) 1,500 metres flat. Relay Races: Men--400 metres relay (4 x 100) team of four men; 1,600 metres relay (4 x 400) team of four men, Women---400 metres relay (47x 100) team of four women. Nautical sport Rowing, Aug. 6 to 10, 1928-- Pair oared boats, 2 men with one oar each; double sculls, two men, two oars each; two-oared shell with coxwain; four-oared shell without, coxwain; four-oared shell with coxs- wain; eight-oared shell with coxs- wain, { The order of finals will be:--(1) Four-oared shells with cox; (2) pair-oared boats without cox; without cox; (5) with cox; cox; (7) eight-oared shells, Swimming, Aug. 4 to 11, Individual races, men--100 metres, free style; 100 metres, back stroke; 200 matres, hreast stroke; 400 me- tres, free style; 1,600 metres, free style; high diving (plain and fancy) from 5 and 10 metres; diving from springboard, one and three metres. Individual races, women -- 100 metres, free style; 1000 metres, hack stroke; 200 metres, breast stroke; 400 metres, free style; diving from springhoard, one and three metres; high diving (plain) from five and ten metres, Team races: Men--=800 metres re- lay, four competitors, free style. Women--400 metres relay, four competitors, free style, Waterpolo--Qne team of 7 men and 3 substitutes per Nation, Equestrian Events Aug. 0 to 12, 1028 Gymnastics, Ang, 8 to 10, 1028, Men: General exercises--Apnara- tus: One prescribed exercise and one voluntary exercise at each of the following: Horizontal har, par- allel bars, pummelled horse, ring,s, Jumping: (a) prescribed jump pummelled horse with hard spring- board 10 centimetres in height in front; (bh) voiuntary jump at long horse, board stiff or with spring Height of horse above springhoard, 1 metre 40 centimetres, without pummells, Women---Each participating na- tion presents a team of 16-18 wo- men gymnasts, each executing the following exercises: General exer- cises; exercises at apparatus; jump- ing. Exhibition exercises, men and wo- men. Defensive Sports Fencing, July 29 to Aug. 11, 1928. Wrestling, Catch - as - catch - can, July 30 to Aug. 1 1928--Bantam, feather, light, welter, middle, light- heavy and heavyweight. Greeco-Roman wrestling Aug. to 5, 1928---Bantam, feather, light, middle, light-heavy and heavy- weights, Boxing, Aug. 7 to 11, 1928--Fly- weight, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, welter-weight, middle- weight, light-heavyweight, heavy- weight, The matches are in three bouts of each three minutes, Combined Sports Modern Pentathlon, July 31 Aug. 4. July 31: Shooting, 20 shots in 4 series of 5 each, pistol or revolver at 25 metres, Aug. 1: Swimming, free style, Aug. 2: Fencing, sword. Aug. 3: Horse riding, 5,000 me- tres, cross-country. Aug. 4: Athletics, cross-country. Association Bootball: 27 on. Field Hockey; May 17 to 26. Cycling: Aug. 3 and 5, 1928. Road race, Aug. 3; track race, Aug. 5. Weight lifting: July 28 and 29. 1928--Feather, light, middle, light- heavy and heavyweights. Exercises: Spreading with both arms (2 hands military press); wrenching with two arms (two hands, shouldering and uplifting with both hands (2 hands, clean and jerk.) Yachting: Aug. 2 to 9--One de- sign yacht, sailed by one amateur; yacht of six metres sail by five ama- teurs; yacht of 8 metres sailed by six amateurs. to 300 metres, 4,000 metres, From May Don't brag. It isn't the whistle .hat pulls the train. (3) single sculls; (4) four-oared shells two-oared shells) (6) double sculls without] 1928: FOR SALE 16 Choice Building Lots Gliddon Avenue and Yonge Street GOOD VALUES Terms Amanged Apply (evenings) Warden Brown. 89 Ritson Road 8, TURKISH FUNERALS ADHERE 70 CUSTOM No Undertakers as Yet There ~--Hearse Meets With Small Success Angora, Aug, 17,--Turkish funer- als are resisting western influence, and the hearse, with antomobhiles or carriages for the mourners, has been tried in Constantinople with small success so far, There are no undertakers as yet in Turkey, 'and women, however much emancipated they may have heen hy the aholition of polygamy, still do not go to cemetery services. Burial is rapid in Turkey for bodies. are not embalmed. Inter- ment occurs frequently the day of death and always on the morrow. The body is bathed, wrapped well in cloth and horne on a sort of wooden stretcher by mourners afoot. The procession starts with the men and boys of the family and male relatives and friends but in the street strangers often come up to help carry the hody a short dis- tance. The Moslem religion and tradition encourage such action as pleasing to Allah, A baby sometimes is carried simply on a hoard held by the father. The mourners do little mourning. The Moslem regards death as in- evitable and the dead as having gone to a better home. There is sadness and regret hut none of the bitter sorrow that frequently affects west- ern homes. The body is placed in the grave. Then the mourners withdraw while the priest talks quietly, not to the living about the dead, but directly to she dead about where he or she is going and the peage that will- be there. Hollywood is 40 years old, But you would never think it from the way it cuts up.--Buffalo. Courier- Express. A METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK AUTO AND BEPAIR King St. W. Oshaws WILSON & LEE 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388 snatch); § Everything in Music "ep puroY MS WIRES BEST LOUD SPE BE EVER RADI = She speaks her mind quite freely about the coal situation. She saps, "Ed.! Now js the time to order coal * We wal until Santa SAYS

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