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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Aug 1927, p. 11

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y " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. AUGUST 18, 1927 © EE pr Real Estate for Sale 'money to loan, Bank Bldg., Simoa and Bond Phone 1496. (121-ma) ANNIS, BARRISTERS, itors, Notaries Publie, Bt ¢, Com- ing 'and general practice of Offiges 7% Simeoe St. wa, Phone 63, G, D, LL.B; A, F, Annis, B.A, LL.B (a8 sould, Conant, f) 8. MBBS, BARRISTER, |q. G, REYNOLDS, § , tor, Notary Public, pOemver ist, Phane 493, 8 BLOOR. ST, Auto painting and simonizing, Werk guaranteed, Before Painting get our prices, (tf, ER I TTR fH. R, COULDERY ARTISTIO DE corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show Salve, Dulce tickets cf every description, ney Block, Oshawa. (229-11) TN. SINCLATM, K.0, BANK mmerce Building, (116-1 yr.) BPH P. MANGAN, H.A,--~BAR- r, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- neer, Money to loan, Office King St, east, Oshawa. Rhone Residence phone 837. Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN: ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, &creens and store windows put on and removed. Phone ERSON & OREIGHTON--BAR- ars, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ete, ance Simcoe St, Office over Standard Bank Phone 13, J, Grierson, B.A, T, K, 'Creighton, ANSON izle, Barristers, lary DPublie, ete, ininal 'and Civil Law, h, Ofice over Lamble's g St, east, Swanson, skenzlp, Phone 040, H, N, German, F, G, GERMAN & MAC- Conveyancers, All branches of Money to store, 2 D, A 1302w. Transportation SMITH TRANSFORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St,, §,, phone 346-7, 21 Front 8t, B,, Toronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation ser- vice, (42-tf) Machine Floor Sanding PLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics, Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free, W, Haynes, 161 King St, W., Phone 481, Res, 180 r 2, (tf) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE} brick veneer, very desirable home, large bathroom, summer Kitchen, || fireplace, garage, lot 130 ft. deep, 100 ft. front. Modern conveniences. |, Westmount. Twelve minutes walk from ' Post Office. Good invest-| ment, Moderate price. Apply Box "L" Times or phone 1373W, (Mon, Thurs, 27tf) FOR SALE--IN COLUMBUS, FIVE room cottage and lot, wired for electrieity including fixtures, hard |, and soft water, good stable and driving shed, For further particu- lars apply to John Hislop, Colum- bus or to Mrs. Gordon Scott, R.R. No. ~2, Oshawa, (89¢c) HOUSE FOR SALE---4 'ROOMS 20 x 24. Double lot, full sized cellar, Eleetric lights and water, Sink in || kitchen, Bargain for quick sale. Ap- ply 396 Mitchell Ave. (39¢) veniences, hardwood flodrs, garage. 125 Stacey Ave, (36-37tf) ONTARIO HOTEL AT PORT HOPE ness, good location in Al condition, All conveniences, steam heat in every room, Reason for selling, proprietor leaving this country, Ap- ply proprietor, P,0, Box 98, Port Hope, (38d) ,» PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- or, Notary Public, Conveyancer, hey to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- Post Office, Phones, office 1614; dence, 22390J, (621) I8 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- , Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, r Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St, th, Money to loan, pe 687, Residence 2101, Phones-- (tf) 'Insurance VIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 8 st, 'west, Oshawa. able Pire Companies. The oldest Agency in Oshawa, 80 Re. (118-41) » Nose, Throat Specialist » P,P, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR et West, Toronto, will be at his ce over Jury & Lovell's Drug re each Saturday, from , for 'consultation and t 1 til 4 reatment diseases of ear, nose snd throat vy. drug store Phone 97. Appointments may be made (490-11) "Medical McKAY, pn¥YSICIAN, BSUR- n, Accoucher, 8, King St, Bast, corner Oshawa. Phone 94, Office and resi- Victorias , GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN 'surgeon. Special referencer to of infants and children, Of- snd residence, 97 Bond east, "B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- snd Surgeon, special pitention to X-ray work snd A 0 y 2050, leetro- Disney Block. (tf) Dental R. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER rd's store, Simcoe street south. rous oxide oxygen gaa red for extraction, pdant. Phone 231, admin- purse at- Residence, (tr) 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- over Bassetty', 306. 3 Phone 959; 4-1 yr. H, M. COOKB, 9 SIMCOB ST. th, over Mitchells Drug Store. for extraction. Phone 54. Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doore and interior trim, JF, L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324, (69-11) FOR SALE--TWO NEW SIX ROOM brick houses, All miodern conveni- ences, Close to Motors, Good lo- cality, Ready for immediate occu- pation, Small cash payment, balance as rent. Call 1747J or see W, V, Peacock, 25 Brock St, W., between 6 and 7 pm, (38¢) Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Lowest interest rates and favorable terms) Grierson & Creighton, Barristers, e Stan- dard Bank Chambers, (Aug. 12-1mo.) LOAN--6%% CITY No commission; MONEY TO and farm loans. building loans. Frank S. Ebb, .bar- rister, Royal Bank Building, (28-1) 63% CITY AND rARM LOANS. No commission, Building loans. J.e- gal work done at this hr AT Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg, Phone 1614, (17618) Undertaking 10 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS. Centrally located near General Mo- tors. For price and particulars apply to Joseph P. Mangan, phones 445 and 37. (38d) | Rates for HOUSE FOR SALE--ALL CON- | for sale, good buildings, good busi- || ' hy . Classified Ads First insertion == 134 cents per word ; Minimum charge--=80e, Bach subsequent insertion---- 1c per word, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60' cents, Box number--10¢ additional Professional or Oards, 50 per month for 20 worde or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH iN 0 TELIPHONE a8 Ask For Classified Ad Depart. ment, ina ---- i ---------- A, Articles For Sale FOR SALE-CREAM WICKER baby carriage. Electric range. 612 Hortop Ave, (39¢) FOR SALE--ONE FOUR BURNER gas stove in good condition, Apply 254 Nassau St. Phone 450W. (38¢c) HONE (39b) GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH office work, cost records aad type- writing, 'shorthand not essential. Give references and experience. Box "E" Thnes, (38tf) 'Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE orders for the finest line of Personal Greeting Cards ever shown in Canada. Regal Art. Co, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, 39a $4 A DAY PAID CHRISTIAN MAN or woman for distributing religious lit- erature 'endorsed by Protestant de- nominations. Write for particulars stating age and church connection. Mr. Conrad, Manager, Religious Edu- cation Dept, Spadina Bldg, Torenta, Motor Cars COLUMBIA SIX TOURING CAR IN perfect running order. Must pe sold in two days, Apply Central Hotel Garage, (38¢) FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN K4§ touring, cheap, $85. 41 Oshawa Bie c FOR SALE--1928 FORD TOURING § in good condition. 4 new tires. | Starter, speedometer. Best offer, Apply 45 Oshawa Blvd. (87c)d FOR SALE--ONE FORD TOIf truck 1923 in good order. Also ong Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Mcyr Laughlin, Apply 609 Carnegie Avi: Evenings, (34tf) WAITRESS WANTED -- P 2214. GOOD QUARTER CUT OAK DIN- ing room set, cheap for quick sale, Also other articles. 50 Colborne St. E., or phone 10I1W, (38h) FOR SALE -- $2500, FRENCH stree® cottage, all conveniences, hard- wood floors, garage. Cash $300, and $25 monthly. Phone 825. (38¢) FOR SALE--TWO GOOD STORES in Whithy, apartments over. Apply H, Wilkins, cor. Gibhons and Louisa Sts., Oshawa. (38¢c) FOR SALE-- LARGE HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen, bathroom, boarding house, furniture included. Redecorated. Central, Phone 799W. 20 Maple St. (37-f) DALTON FUNERAL SERVICE. Sedan Ambulance, 199 Simcoe Street South, Phone 47. 8.6 LUKB BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance, Residence, 19 Pivision St. 69 King Street east. Phone 210J. SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE IN north end, oak floors and French doors, built-in cupboards, coal bins and fruit cellars. $5,000, reason- able, Cash payment down. Wm. G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W, Phone 1851, (37-c) Watch Repairing PF. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (29-t1) * Painting and Decorating SIX ROOM HOUSE, IMMEDIATE possession, Oak floors, all conveni- ences. $3,700, small cash payment down. Wm. G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851. (37-c) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street. Call after six at above address or phone 833]. (73tf) YOUR HOUSE LIKE NEW. GET IT painted. Reasonable prices. Pure materials. Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept. 4) R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- banging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience, Prices right. Work guaranteed. 151 Boron izest. Phope 2067TW. 5-8) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 85 Bond St. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- Royal Bank Bldg. , 1878M. Phone 948; 86-11 W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICB RE- Thestre Bldg. Phone 1780. West. Phone 82. Coleman's Cart- age and Storage. Wanted to Rent ROOM SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping for two high school girls wanted. North end of city preferred. Unfurnished room con- sidered. Box *S" Times. (38-h) WANTED TO RENT--MODERN house, wired for electric stove, ete., by October 1st. Best of references. No children. Phone 2173W. (37c) THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished rooms wanted. Phone 1393J. (37e) Corsetiere For Rent MRS. ANNIE PENTLAND, PRO- FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 223 Dearborn Ave. Phone 1988W, Even- ings by sppointment. (nf) Architects J. SHIRLEY, V.S. SPECIALIST domestic animals, cat and 4 kospital Long experience. 503 St. Phone 629. S. DICKENSON, v.S., DISEASES all animals scientific- treated. Dominion Government 34 Brock St. E. Phone (131-41) Music C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 9027. Auctioneer E. J. POMERY, 18% KING ST. east, Oshawa, Ont., Licensed Aue- tioneer for Counties of Durham Northumberiand, Ontario and City of Oshawa. Solicits your patronage. All phope calls receive prompt at- tention. Phone 1013M. Satisfaec- tion guaranteed. (June 21-tf) FOR RENT--ROOM FOR TWO RE- spectable young ladies. Breakfast if desired. 62 Emma St. (39¢) FOR RENT--NEW FIVE ROOMED brick bungalow. All conveniences with three piece bath. Is centrally located. No children preferred. Phone 45. (39¢) 100 ACRE FARM NORTH OF Thornton's Corners, with stock and implements. Possession for fall ploughing. Apply Box W. Times. (37¢) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM to let, suitable for business couple or two gentlemen, with breakfast or board. 83 Ritson road. (38-c) TO RENT--ONE FURNISHEDsBED- room. 165 Simcoe St. S. (37¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE. 15 iron and hrass heds all sizes, steel spring, new felt mattress at $9.50 to $10.50, sliding couches, complete with new mattress $8.50, child's cribs, sideboards, extension tables, kitchen and centre tables, dressers, chiffioniers, easy chairs and rockers, baby buggies and go-carts, kitchen cabinet, coal and wood range, laun- dry stove, carpets and rugs, 17 Prince St. > (37c) ENNES PIANO, LIKE NEW. CAN be seen at 10 Bond St, W. Universal Motor Sales. (37-c) QUEBEC STOVE WITH OVEN FOR sale, $20. Apply 296 Haig St. Phone 2443F. (37-e) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al conditidh. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanville, Phone 497w, 11k Help Wanted--Male WANTED--A PARTNER IN GOOD growing business. Middle aged nan with some capital preferred. Box "C, Times. (38e) WANTED--MAN WITH CAR FOR canvassing in country. Pleasant and profitable work. Old established busi- ness. Box "G" Times. 29tf Board and Room FOR ONE BOARD AND ROOM gentleman. Phone 1540J. (37¢c) "ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 young men, good cooking, 3 min- utes from G.M.C. Apply 318 Di- vision St, (37c) Wanted WANTED--A PARTY TO GIVE dancing lessons to young couple. State terms. Apply Box "R," Times. (37-e) FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Planos, bigh grade only. Terms arranged. Used pianos on band, C, Trull. Phone 5563J. (96t0) MIXED HARD AND SOF) WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterogs- Meek Ltd. (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphait roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe: Phones 660 and 1288. Waterous- Meek, Ltd. (84-10) $1 DEPOSIT WILL SECURE EITH- ar of the following: Roger's Silver- ~are complete set, 26 pieces, $20. Fine assortment of Ladies' and jents' guaranteed watches, $20; al- 0 rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per week. Order now from O. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe street south. Phone 1656. (July 23-Aug. 23) Lost and Found LOST BETWEEN BOWMANVILLE and Oshawa black club bag tagged "Ruth McKenzie, Harriston". Fin- der kindly express C.0.D. to Har- riston. Reward. (3%¢) LOST--A PAIR OF WHITE KID gloves on Division - St. or Alice St. Phone 1571W or 74 Yonge St. (37¢) LOST--A ROYAL BANK BOOK and Liquor Permit, also G.M.C. em- ployee's card. Reward. Phone 2038W. (36-c) Wanted to Buy MR. S. JACOB, PEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.59. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 156-tf HUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG ory, Toronto). Teacher of . Pupils pr Lio ap Mog iio Studio. 11 Simeoe , Fridays. for ph concert, south. (72-41) 5. G. A. STANTON, A.LCM., examinations. St. N. Phone 371J. of piano. Pupils prepared Studio, 92 Sim- |[THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL Tire Repairing Work Wanted ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 428 (tr) CARPENTER WORK WANTED. Materials must be supplied. Apply 55 King St. E. Phone 2380. (351) Contracting building contracors. Let us give you our esti i PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- WANTED TO BUY--MACHINIST toolbox. Must be in good condition and cheap. Phone 2077W between 5 and 7 o'clock. (29h) Notice to Creditors ing contractors. Masonry work of every description, Bowmanville, phone 497W. tf WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- IN THE MATTER of the Estate of ELLEN KIRBY, deceased. All persons having elaims against the Estate of Ellen Kirby, late of the Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WANTED IN NICE new home near General Motors. 322 Colborne street east. (37-c) For Sale or Rent HILLCROFT ST. NEW SIX ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, modern, cash payment $500. Terms arranged, Possession September 7. Phone 825. (38¢) Room and Board Wanted YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND board, refined home. Piano essen- tial. Box "F" Times. (39¢) GORBEL; STUNT ~f FLIER; WINS | «| '(Continued from pags 9) for the safety of two planes which' left | Oakland yesterday bound for Hong lulu and the Jan,es D, Dole prizes: were expressed tonight when estimates of the cri ising radius of the ciraft--the Gbl en Eagle and the Migs Mildred D'gran, showed that they (would be forced down after a || maximum of tairty hours in the air.' The [rolden Hagle, the cigar-shaped mono {lane "piloted by Jack Frost off Santa Monica in the navigators cabin, | Should have arrived at the Hawa §ian Islands before nightfall in San (Francisco, Wednesday. If it was 'hat forced down on some isolat- ed flection where communication with; the outside world was not im- me giately available, alternative fat #5 were possible. Either it pass- ed. the Hawaiian Islands by an error 0't navigation or it was forced down 'at sea off its set course. It carried #50 gallons of fuel and its greatest cruising radius would have been thirty hours, it is estimated. 400 Gallons of Gas The biplane in which Miss Mil- dred Doran took to the air carried 400 gallons of gasoline, a supply sufficient to keep it up for twenty- eight hours, experts said. This es- timate made no extra gas consump- tion allowance on account of the three persons riding in the plane, as their combined weights (only equalled that of the two men in the other planes. The Golden Eagle was hest equip- ped to meet the situation encoun- tered hy a forced landing at sea. For days hefore the take-off the crew held daily conferences on im- proving the ship to meet just such a situation. The latest life-saving devices were installed on the plane. It was waterproof and watertight under the system outlined hy its crew. The plane in which rode carried ordinary equipment, consisting of a rubber inflated lifeboat with paddles, a flare pistol and rockets. Lieutenant V. Knoppe, navigator of the plane, is a naval man, acquainted with the Pacific and could be counted upon to move into the line of passing ships after a forced landing. Searching For Fliers San Diego, Cal., Aug. 17.--The aircraft tender Aroostook and the aircraft carirer Langley, left this port at 7 p.m. to join in the search for the two missing planes in race from Oakland to Honolulu. Borrowed the Money Santa Monica, Calif., Aug. 17.-- Art Goebel gambled his life to win the Honolulu Air Derby, emptying his own pocskets and begging or borrowing the rest of the cash to get a plape for the hop. The game flyer who quit his stunts before the movie camera in quest of transoceanic fame, was not thinking so much of the $25,000 prize at the end of the sunset trail when he finally succeeded in get- ting his friends to come in on a pot. This is proved by the fact that he eagerly offered anyone half of the money he might win if they would finance his venture. Financial Disaster The money was finally raised. A few of his friends and associates in the picture game chipped in and a start was made. Near financial dis- aster followed, however for one of Miss Doran emergency WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD for young lady. Central. Apply Box "B." Times. (38¢c) Notice THOUSAND ISLANDS RAILWAY COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Thousand Islands Railway Company will be held at the Office of the Company in the City of Oshawa, Ontario, on Monday, the 12th day of September, 1927, at the hour of 9.30 a.m., for the election of Directors, and for the tramsaction of amy other busi- mess that may be brought before the said meeting. H. W. COOPER, Secretary. THE (39-45-51-57) BAILIFF'S SALE Of High Class Millinery: Stock including hats, forms, trimmings and accessories, also store fixtures including tables, chairs, hangers, stands, er. Sewing machine. reading lamp and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything will be sold without reserve om the premises, the Rose Marie Hat Shop, | No. 1 Felt Block, 14% King St. E. Saturday, August 20, 1927, at 2 o'clock sharp. Terms cash. J. R. Bullied, auctioneer. : 3 (25-36-39-40) his backers found at the last minute that his funds were tied up and that / A FOR SALE 16 Choice Building Lots* Gliddon Avenue and Yonge Street GOOD VALUES Terms Arranged 5 Apply (evenings) Warden Brown 89 Ritson Road 8S. ETA -- still about $3,600 short of the goal. His plane was already being built in Wichita, Kansas, and Goebel would not he downed. He flew to Kansas City where he was to. take delivery of the craft provided he could raise the halance of the money. The officials of the Phil- lips Petroleum Company of Bartles- ville, Okla., came to his aid and he made the full amount. Means "Good Luck" It took only one or two test flights at the Oklahoma oil town to prove to Goebel that he had the plane to make the 2,400-mile flight. So he named it the Woolaroc, a name horrowed from a famous old Indian chief of Oklahoma, which meang'*'good luck" in the red man's jargon. After a few more took wing for the west, At first the stunt flier thought he would make a solo flight over the Pacific. But finally he hecame convinced that that a navigator would be necessary and Lieut. William B. Davis rode over the Golden Gate he- side him when the trim monoplane drove out over the Pacific, tests Goebel LEAGUE REQUESTED TO ENFORCE PROHIBITION Geneva.--International measures of enforcing prohibition under the auspices of the League of Nations will have to be considered by the League Assembly, as the result of a petition received by the Secretar- iat, The document is signed by Foreign Ministrs Benes, of Czecho- Slovakia; Zalaski, of Poland; Lof- gren, of Sweden; Voionmaos, of Finland; Vandervelde, of Belgiym; and Moltusen, of Denmark. FIND FOSSIL SPECIMENS IN CANADIAN ROCKIES New York.--The collection of several rare fossil specimens and the discovery of a domal structure near Lake Louise, Alta., in the highest portion of the Rocky Mountains, by the Harvard BSum- mer School of Field Geology, is re- ported by Henry Arthur Rusch, of Oyster Bay, one of the twenty students who have completed a five weeks' expedition into the Canadian Rockies. METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK he would be unable to help. Then began a long search for money. Goebel sold some of his be- longings and much of his flying equipment. After adding the pro- ceeds to the pool he found himself MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR _ King St. W, Oshaws WILSON V&LEE | 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Everything in Music RRR Write, or phone (Whit- (736) City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 17th day of July, by) 255. ous wood-working shop. Screens, and doors made, also repairs. Second Hand Desler for ot cars. 161 King St, DEALERS IN SECOND HAND furniture. 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. Buy and sell. Apply A3uly 25-Ang. 25) S19 LL 2 Transportation Floor Surfacing WwW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- REE (including sanding, waxing, fill- |**- COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- 85 Bond St. West. Phone S. B, Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St., S. (17-41) UPHOLSTERING OR ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to orde:. Work- manship guaranteed. 6G. A. Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 520F. T5410) 1927, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of August, 1927, full' particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the last mentioned date the assets of the Estate will be distributed amongst the parties FOR SALE -- THREE WELSH entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 3rd day 6 trucks for prompt service. | Hackney Ponies. Two 12 hand size. | of August, 1927. and polishing). Old floors made {Moving van and storage warehouse 11] phone . equipment. Baggage Quiet for children. One show pony transferred to | 13 J, ize. A. G. Dowson, Port a Se ae), CRIERSOXN & CREIGHTON, Solrs. for the above Estate. ATO ttt la A One mew Chevrolet | ton Truck. High rack and extra heavy springs. Pullman top. At a big She speaks her mind fodely about the coal She says, "Ed.! Now is the time to order ooal" * We shouldn't wais antl. Santa Olaus wakes up to his for fastamoes Ordering coal of §

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