NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, wa, Aug. 16.--Mr. Bunner of Bowmanville, preached a4 forcible sermon Sunday evening. His text was St. Mark, 9th, chap- ter and second verse, "And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James and John, and leadeth them up into a high moun- tain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them." We were glad to meet Miss Bun- ner who accompanied her father. all to attend church on Sunday evening. Little Wilfred Tattersall contin- ués to he quite ill. Hope the little chile will soon begin to improve. Ta Mr. and Mrs, Hverett Fice on Sunday, August 14, at their home here, the gift of a son, Oongrat- wiutions! Migs Hthel Skinner of Toronto, spent the week end with her sist- er Mrs, George Scott and attended the G, M, C, pienie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and family motored to #nd Scarboro, My, and Mrs. George Hamilton and family motored to Toronto Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Avery and family. Mr, and Mrs, McElwain and fam- ily formerly residents here spent the weék end with Mr, and Mrs. John Knox, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Brown and his children of Trenton, spent the wack end with Mrs, Brown's cousin Mrs, Robert Brown, Jr. Mr, and Mrs, George Port . Hope, spent the renewing old acquaintances. Moffatt Markham Bently of week end While ed when the- Rathoring adiovine ad; here they stayed with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson, daughters Camilla and Beulah and Doreen of Toronto, My. and Mrs, Archie Blight, Oshawa," visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Glover, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Vallant, Port Whitby, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Glover." Sorry to know "Mrs. Glover is not enjoying very good health lately, improve soon, ASHBURN Ashburn, Aug. 17.--Rev. McOul- lough, of Toronto, occupied 'she' pulpit of Burn's church on Sunday morning and evening as the pastor, Rev, Mitchell was absent. Mr, and Mrs, Russel Taylor and family, spent Sunday with Mis. Taylor's father, Mr, Tom Duff, of Myrtle. Mr. Hzra Pickett, of Essex, is vigiting his brother-in-law, Mz. jeorge W. Mole. Harvesting operations are well on a number of acres of grain being threshed or garnered in, A goodly number from hcre at- tended the garden party at Myr- tle, last Thursday night, and all report a splendid time. Our local merchant, Mr. George Holiday was in charge of the hooth, The monthly meeting of the Wo- mens' Missionary Society wag held | in the basement of the church on; with a goad Wednesday, Aug. 10, ly number present, After the hale had been packed for shipment anil the other bueiness tramsacted;y-eake and light refreshments were serv- at the Rotary Street Fair TUESDAY, | S| Mr. A Bl (| Chevrolet Landeau. AUG. 23rd SPECIAL PRIZES offered for the following Best Dressed Elderly Couple. Best Dressed Young Couple. Best Comic Couple, Best Comic Single Make-up, We trust she will | || General Motors Picnic at | caused when Mr. 1(| ful in | Bl | visited her grandmother Mrs, Jas. i Bickell, for a few days of last THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 192? ourned to their respective homes ling that they were glad to be in a posi- tion to be of service to those less fortunate. . Several donations from those who used to attend services at Burns' church years ago and who still! have a great deal of respect for fit have heen received by the treasurer and all are mueh appreciated. ' Her family have received word from their mother, Mrs, Edward Fisher that she has arrived safely in British. Columbia, and she is enjoying a pliasant holiday with her friends there. | Bethesda, Aug. "16.--Miss Berta Cole is visiting her cousin, Miss Nora Johns, at- Thornhill. Mrs. Blosa, of Rochester, visited | Mr. and Mrs, T. J. T. Cole, last | week, | Mr. and Mrs, Everton White motored to Elizabethville on Thurs- day and visited Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sel Whita, Mrs. Bloss, Miss Cole and Miss Ethel Cole, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilson on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Rundle and Mrs. White en- tertained the youngey set of the neighborhood in honor of their guest, Miss Hisie Oke, Miss Winnifred Cole of Toronto, has been holidaying at home , Mr. and Mrs, D, K. Fraser visit ed friends in Lindsay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Werry, Mar- jan and Helen motored to Toronto and spent Sunday with friands, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Pearce, of | West Orange, visited Mr. J. R. RR. | Cole on Thursday. Several from this meighborhnod attended the General Motors Vle- nic at Oshawa last week. 'COLUMBUS | Columbus, Aug. 17.--Quite a number from here attended the Oshawa- on-the-Lake on_ Saturday. Miss Lizzie Ball of Toronto, | spent a few days with Miss Ethel Wood this week, Mr. and Mrs, Bert James and daughter and Mr, Howard James have returned to there home in Detroit after spending the past 3 | week with there mother Mrs, John | James. Quite a bit of excitement was John Hislop's i chimney caught fire one morning this week, hut they were success- getting it out before any | damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cooper and | Miss Mildred Snudden of Toronto, visited the latter's parents here on Sunday, Gross sports a new Miss Rosena Grills is visiting her aunt Mrs. A, Cook, Brooklin, this week. Miss Hazel of Brooklin, Magee, week. Mrs, Morris and Mrs, Brown and baby of Toronto, spent a few days with Miss E, Lawrence. Mr. E. Tink has returned home after visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Taylor of Pickering, for a few weeks, A Mrs. E. Plowright and children of Oshawa spent Sunday at T. Wood's, SOLINA Solina, Aug. 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Avery, Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. John Avery, Burketon, Mrs. Gage, Toronto at Mr. F. Westlake's. tleton will preach next 'Sunday. in ; CE Sd (CHATHAM IN- THROES) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Allan at Uxbridge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Gordon, Zion, at Mr. Clarke Wil- bur's. Miss Iva Everson, Oshawa, Miss Gwendoline Bray, Toronto, Mrs. L. ¢. Snowden, and Bobby, of Maple Grove with Miss Vera Baker. Mrs. 8. Thompson with Mrs. El- len Hancock Courtice. Miss Alice Hallowell, Starkeville, with Miss Vera Shortridge. Mrs. A. Gibbons and Miss Eve-| dead, several at the point of death lyn Hughes, Toronto, with Mr. Harry Argve. BONDS STOLEN Windsor, Ont.--S8. A. Cox, a De- troit attorney, reported to the Windsor police that $5,000 worth of negotiable United States bonds disappeared from the seat of an automobile driven by Ernest Le- mire, while the car stood in front of 3656 Moy Ave. last Saturday night. Lemire is a bond sales- man, HENDERSONS New Wallpapers -- AN -- Window Shades -- -- "Let the Clark Kitchens Help You" CLARK'S The selection of Clark Soups includes Tomata, Ontal Yesets See 'Canada Approved' 9 labels of all meat Proved OF FEVER EPIDENIC Milk Vendor Closed -- One Death Reported, Six Others Critical Chatham, ont, Aug 17.--One and nearly 90 ill is today's standing of the typhoid fever epidemic, which has held this city in. grasp for the past ten days. Late yesterday Charles Maxwell Beamer, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson Beamer, died at the family home on Lorne avenue, after an illness of about a week. At least half a dozen others, mostly young people, are reported tonight as having a hard fight for life, and in a couple of intsances it is feared that death may come at any mo- ment. One milk vendor has heen closed for several days, but an announce- ent was made today that delivery of milk would be resumed on Thursday. In a public announce- ment the proprietor of the dairy declares that provineial health au- thorities have inspected his plant and found conditions satisfactory, Dr, T. L. McRitchie medical officer of health, has made a public state- ment, stating that the water fur- nished the eity is not responsible for the outhreak of fever, and that tests show it to he satisfactory. He has not made any public statement as to the probable cause of the outbreak, and is reticent about dis- cussing the case, Dr, McNally, district © health of- ficer and Dr. Bell of the provincial health department have been in the city for some days. It is reported that an inspection has been made of herds of which the lacul milk supply has heen secured, but no official statement has been forth- coming regarding the matter, Contradictory reports are heard | as to the character of the disease, Some style it as mild in type, while others declare that it is most viru- lent. In the majority of cases the patients are very seriously ill, Local physicians are not ready to make any statement for pub- some have styled the outbreak as most serious. Every physician in the city is working to the limit, anil some hardly find time to pleep because of almost constant attention at the bedsides of pa- tients. Practically whole families are stricken in some instances. In one home a mother and three children are ill, and in a number of homes there are at least twe under care of doctors while from other homes two have been removed to hos: pital and their condition reported as extremely serious. ¢ Sc, 10¢ and 23c everywhere, Grooved to break in cubes, lication, but it is reported that ez) ART Aylmer Bani» yey CORN CHOICE QUALITY 1) NT y pic AL Wi i | iors UATE E- CARRY SERVE ------ with Ihysamopese \ and confidence as AFA ULURITE [TITOTTENE p rom your own / ffpanirg V/ Nice. F resh * » JELLY BEANS 1 Ib. box 16¢ No. 2 tin 10%c Best Fancy Dressed Lady. Best Fancy Dressed Gent, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin , Woods, and Murray, Bowmanville, at'8S. Best Fancy Dressed Girl under 16 years, Best Fancy Dressed Boy under 16 years, Best Fancy Dressed Boy and Girl under 12 years. Everybody _invited to take part -- Come in your fancy dress. For information regarding the above Carnival apply-- ROBERT HENDERSON Sil Mr. and Mrs. || Grace. Helen and Jack and Stanley, Y3| Edna Reynolds, at Mr. Williams. Mr. Russell Thompson, called on his mother at S. Miss Edith Pascoe. Hampton, at Miss Ruth McKessock's. Mr. Harold Ellocott, | Ont., with W. T. Taylor. Miss Evelyn Tink at Hastings. Mr. Les. Gibson and Miss Ruth McKe=sock and Miss Myrtle Viee {and Mr. Hilton Tink at Bobcageon Thos. Brown, Miss Toronto, London, | Bar]l and Miss Ruth Taylor, Cherry- || wood with Miss Edna Reynolds. Mr. A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edwin Rey- nt t--] 1 Miss Mae Westlake nolds, Bowmanville. Mrs. Sam Tink, Miss Muriel and | Mr. Everet Tink, Brooklin, at Her; bert Tink's. at Lindsay | and Little Britain. |. Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton, Tor- | onto, Mrs. James Hancock. Courtice, Jack Sleightholm, Werry's. | | Zwieback National Brand Biscuits, . . Pkg., ' 19¢ Viment Enelion, Ver 10, 43€ Wears, sci hg Liiiiing Wig i 15¢ sicily TI Bon Ami, Cake or Pow. 25¢ wh wos 73¢ Toilet ash Diamond Brand .. . Can Chef Sauce, ldeal for Meats, Fish, ete... Bel, 24c PRESERVING mepts igo Rings, Red and White, BEQUIRE- Zine Jar Rings. , ; boz., 15% 4 Jars, Crow Brand, -- oR $1.12 Jars, Crown Brand, .v. Doz., 97¢ SPECIALS are on sdlé at to LOBSTER small Size, these prices August 18th 24th. Chateau loaf Cheese, 1% Ib. Pkg. ....% Ib. 19¢ Roguefort Cheese, Finest Quality, French Imgont- "42¢ Peas, Quality, N Halves tin 39¢ Flavors, Root Hires Fruit Drops, True Fruit 19 c ib, Pure Ex- ! fract, A 5 gallons, Bil, 29¢ Mufiets. You cam always de- pend on these being real 27 c fresh .. . 2 phgs, 48 orn Flakes, Kellogg's. | Shredded Krumbles Kellogg's, Tomatoes, Aylmer Brand Choice quality, 2 tins 25¢ Brand, Asparags Tips, EE Brand or im, 0. 2 w 39¢ . & pkgs. ~ 21c 25¢ Choice Er i | Mr. and Mrs. Small Green a Haricot Tiger Catsup 19¢ Vets, French Mnporied. 21¢ Large Bal. Cocoa, Frys. 3% Wb. Can, 24c¢ Peaches, Libby's Rese- dale, No. 2 Can. .. Can, 21¢ Figs, | Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Wiil. Wil- liams, and son, Ross, of Bowman- | ville, at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blan- | chard's. Mrs. W. E. | Mr Roy Langmaid's. Mrs. Ellwood Lick, with Mrs. Thos. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. James Moorey amd! | Mrs. Charles Bink and Miss -Rutal | ns. of Rochester, took a motor | {If f ] 1 Packed under strictly approved sanitary conditions in Government Approved Canneries, sd eh a EE \ A A Aeros. Ao a Ma No. » dy 17¢ Spinach, Booth's Brand, Chelce " 53¢ Fines, Soni. 99 W. TE , 25e Pollard Salem, Bacon, Arrow i, Oshawa. 5 QUALITY BRAND wxeo PICKLES MIXED 35 0z Bottle 41c AKE y arats gol gi cold by erecting Gyproc and partitions in your home, 4 prod ca be pt up ia half the time required for lath and plaster-- saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any decoration. Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. grt i Feit Ao Bh cd ns tL Insulex will reduce your Zul bill from 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, trip to Beaverton, Ijndsgy and | {| Cambray and visited with Mr. and] | Mrs. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. James Reynolds. | to, at Mrs. Fanny Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. XN. C. Yellowlees and family at Mr. Donald Yellow- ' lees, Columbus, and at Mrs. Less | | Thompson's, Tyrone. 2 Rev. and Mrs. Johnston. New 3 i York State, at Mr. Absalem Abcama. | re Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and | ji Irene, New Toromto, and, Mr. and | Mrs. Morley Gilroy and familr, © 2l- | ; umbus. at Mr. Harvey Hardy's. | Mr. M. A. James and Mr. N. | James and Mrs Washington, Bow- | Waterous-Meek, Ltd. manville, Mrs. Lewis Guy, Colum- | F. Flintoff & Sons [bus at A. 7 Pagea's. any | Mr. and rs. Ceci run Cleve Fox Hardware Gorden at her father's at I Gale & Trick - - Mr Tom Brown igo! he ©€r 2 L. A. Koch Fr at Eldad, on Sunday and deliv» edi a splendid sermon on Ww. J. Trick & Co, Ltd. ~ = Oshawa, Ont. a "The Atone- SPECIAL KING BEACH BRAND (RED RASPBERRIES Norman Reynolds Toron- | ment." Mr. Emmerson Nes-