aily Times The he Oshawa'Daily Reformer JOL. INO. #2 42 i SR Sha i --GSHAWA, ONT. TARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGFS PAGFS SACCO, VANZETTI TO DIE TOMORROW 6TH YEAR MAY, BE ADDED AT COLLEGIATE In. Line With the Idea of Premier Ferguson's Recommendation RELIEVE COLLEGES The Oshawa Education Board | May Consider Such Move in September eed Establishing of a sixth year at the Oshawa Collegiate Institute, in line with Premier Ferguson's recom- mendation thta Ontario's senior high schools relieve the colleges of the « provinees of the first year of honor courses in arts, may be considered at the Beptember mepting of the Oshawa Board of Education, Secre- tary J, A, MeGibbon stated today. The proposal as outlined by the minister of education is to add a year to the collegiate course, thus reducing the time required for a for # university arts degree hy one or two vears, General arts courses are op n to students with junior ma- triculation, and can be furnished un- der existing conditions in fdur years, With two years added, the general arts degree could be earned in two years. it is stated, while honour courses could be completed in three years. The atituda of city Boards of Ed- ucation In general is favorable to the innovation, but definite action depends largely upon government grants, Initially, it is believed, such Erputs. mays be. xoky considerable in a to get the system well estab Yished, If Oshawa's trusteas take the mat- ter up at thelr next meeting, his city will have the honor of being the first to give Premier Ferguson's sug- gestion oMelal consideration. Lead- ing, possibly, to the establishment of a sixth year here for the fall of 1928, MAYOR TO SPEAK BiG CONVENTION Mayor Preston to Reply to Mayor Robért D. Preston will re- ply to the address of welcome to Op- tario Municipal Association dele- gates who convene at the City Hall, Toronto, on August 31, for a two and a half days' congress. Mayor Foster will deliver the Queen City's official greetings. Mayor Preston will probably be accompanied at the Municipal Asso- ciation convention by City Treasurer Blackburn. Nothing directly affecting Oshawa is scheduled for the congress of civic heads and officials, but who under- stood that many matters will be un- der discussion that have a bearing on all Ontario cities. Urgent resolutions regarding town planning will be put up for consid- eration, it is understood, and in this matter the Oshawa delegation is pre- pared to give earnest co-operation. PAVING PROGRAM UNDER WAY TODAY Fifty Men Employed on the Work--Civic Work is Up to Schedule With fifty men employed, Osha- wa's two mile paring program for Work on sidewalk and sewer con- struction is up to schedule, it is un- derstood, and that the end of the yard authorize | §,. serving the public. Of Church; to Secure Stay Without ing the corridor, into the death chamber, series of electric switches, will take his position, Witnesses So Refuse Last Rites All Appeals To Courts Have | F Failed Prefer to Die as They Have Lived, Outside the Church-- Execution Will: Be Carried Out Some Time After Mid- night, Order of Execution Being at Warden's Discre- tion -- Attorneys Work Frantically in All Direction. Avail -- Unlikely That Las Minute Effort Will Succeed (By Associated Press) Charlestown State Prison, Boston, Mass. , tails of plana for the execution of Nicolas Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, due to die in the electric chair some time after midnight tonight were completed at the prison today. for the death chamber soon after 11,30, They will walk within the prison to the death house, a small which houses the death cells and the chamber with the chair, Sacco, Vanzetti and Madeiros occupy adjoining cells, fac: On the opposite side of the corridor a door lead: he chair stands at one side of the room a few feet away is a small niche in the wall in which are hidden # There the executioner, Robert Elliott Aug, 22,--All de. Witnesses will star; one story brick building At Warden's Discred The order in which the three men will be executed lies in the discretion of the Warden and it may he altered up to the final min- ute, although it Is likely that Maderos will go first, If that Is the case he will start from his cell within a minute or two after mid- night, On each side will be a guard. Thirteen norma) steps will take him across the eorridor, through the door of the death chamber to a place in font of the chair. Sacco probably will Le the second to go to the chair and Vanzettl ast, krom 25 to 30 minutes is expected to suffice for the execution of the three, After the execution the wit- nesses will. yeturn. to the prison (Continued on page 3) ROTARIANS WELCOME NEW MEMBER TODAY C. C, Stenhouse Joins Worthy Body -- Prominent Guests 'C. C. Stenhouse, architect of the Osh- awa Board of Education, was admitted to membership in the Oshawa Rotary Club at its meeting today. He was in- troduced to the club by Rey. Dr. Doy- gall who read the ritual "Conditions of Membership in Rotary" very eloquent- lv, and presented Rotarian Stenhouse with a framed copy of the Rotary Cede of Ethics. Rotarian Henry Eward, president of the Campbell-Eward Advertising Agen- cy of Detroit, was one of the Oshawa Rotary Club's guests at its noon meet- ing today. Edmund Ferris of the Campbell- Ewald Company Limited, Toronto, and W. M. Robertson, advertising manager of General Motors of Canada, Limited, were also welcomed as Rotary visitors. The three visitors were .introduced as the guests of M. DD. Bergy of the Gen- eral Motors organization and member of the Oshawa club. London, Aug. 22-- uke of Devon- shire, who was taken seriously ill, just before bidding farewell to the King who had been the Duke's guest at Bol- ton Abbey while grouse shooting and was leaving for Abbeystead, has com- pletely recovered, according to reports received tollay, ARE GUESTS IN OSHAWA TODAY Mr. J. B. Bryan, vice president of the Lawyer's Co-Operative Publish- ing Company of Rochester, New York and Mr. R. R. Cromarty, presi- dent of the Canada Law Book Com- pany of Toronto are guests im Osh- . Bryam is aL Cana- dustrial development They also enjoyed a game of golf over Oshawa's beaulluus course. FIRE AT ary puMP Fire broke out in the dump on the south side of Burke street west at 12.30 oclock today moon and required the attention of the firemen for some twenty minutes before it was put under control. 'The alasm was sent in from Smith's Transport garage and for a time it was feared by the firemen that x » was a fire in the the garage which they ad to contend with. No damage was oat to amount to any loss in woney. wil find places opposite the chair. IT PAYS TO SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN Willis Brookes, a roomer in a local boarding hou house slept yesterda Warning with only one eye ji ho 4 e other he saw a young Ind who was staying at the house for a short time come into the room and remove from his vest porhst a gold watch and chain. The then attempted to leave the room. The boy is not yet sixteen EAA uven rt, char ith theft Magistrate Hind oped the eo the boy and an. that judgment would be given this afternoon. AIR LINER FORCED TO LAND, MECHANIC IS REPORTED KILLED (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Seven Oak's, England, Aug. 22--The Royal "Dutch airlines monoplane, which left Croydon for Amsterdam to- day with eleven passengers, was for- ced to land in a field near here, Mech anic is reported to have been killed and seven passenge rs injure d. GETS SEVEN DAYS ON LIQUOR CHARGE Local Man Drives Car While Under the Influence of Liquor William Davis, Division street, who drove a motor car in Oshawa while intoxicated will have thirty days in the jail at Whitby in which to consider the error of his ways. it was William's second offence and taking this significant feature into eousideration Magistrate Hind im- posed a more severe sentence than is meted out customarily. The accused appeared in court this morning with one hand com- pletaly swathed in bawglages and gauze and supported by a seca which circumsribed his neck. He orplained that his injury was the result of his escapade and pointed out that he had been unable to work since as a result. These facts he stressed in pressing for a lenient sentence. "I know the law mow and i am willing to abide by it," Wil- liam advised His Worship. But His Worship reminded the aocused that it was a second of- fence. It was admitted by the ac- cused that it was indeed a repeti- tion of a previous transgression. rf | track star. HOPES FADING FOR SAFETY OF SEVEN FLIERS Aircraft, Naval Vessels and Merchant Ships Continue Search SCOURING PACIFIC Unfrequented Reaches East and West of Hawaiian Islands Searched (By Associated Press) San Francisco, Calif, Aug. 22--The Aviation World, its eyes held west wards, with a heavy heart today wat shed aircraft, naval vessels and mer thant ships continue their intensive earch in the trackless wastes of the 'acific for the seven fliers who flew 'own the airways from Oakland to ard Honoulun last week and have ot heen heard of since, Efforts of 58 naval vessels, aided by nerchant craft steering a course along 1 2400 mile great circle between San rancisco and Honolulu after a six-day arch failed to reveal any trace of he three missing planes--Miss Doran, 'he Golden Eagle, and The Dallas pirit, Unfrequented reaches on hoth ast and west shores of Hawaiian Is ands have failed to give any indication of aeroplanes or their crews. Failure f naval vessels to find any trace of he Dallas Spirit, carrying Captain Villiam Erwin, which = went down thout six hundred miles from San 'rancisco Friday night has led avia- 'ion experts to believe that his plane rashed and gave the JEEupants little hance to get a life raft, FORMER OSHAWA BOY WINS TRACK EVENT R. Morrison Mitchell Defeats Best Half Milers in Dominion R. Morrison Mitchell, well known University of Toronto track star and a former student at Oshawa Collegiate and resident at Llewllyn Hall defeated the hest half milers in the Dominion | of Canada at the at) , tic competitions held at the University stadium in Tor- onto on Saturday afternoon, His vic- tory practically assures him of a place on Canada's 1928 Olympic team. His win is a popular one both in Oshawa where he obtained his secondary edu- cation and in Toronto where his ability as a half muer 1s well known. The half mile event on Saturday was run in four heat. The Oshawa at present a student the fifth year at the University of Toronto Medical school, was content to lag be- hind in his heat and come in second youth, © who is With considerable reserve thus saved for the crucial test he went out and won from Canada's best in the event. His time was one minute and fifty seven seconds which is close to the re- cord. "Mo" as he is kuvwn to his college friends, is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Matchell, missionaries to ( 'hina who are at present in Toronto enjoy! ing a year's furlough. While in Oshawa "Mo" did not astonish the track experts at the Collegiate with his ability but after re- ceiving coaching at the University of Toronto he dey into a versatile Though his specialty is the half mile, he has made exceptionally good time in the 440 and the events. At the present time he holds the in- tercollegiate championship in both event and is leading intercollegiate harrier as well. SELECT MARSHAL OF STREET PARADE Rotarian D. M. Tod to Have winch gave him 2 piace in the finals. d Rotary Club at » at Open Meeting Today Final'y Discuss the Great Program -- Heart of City to Present Carnival Appearance Tomorrow Night STREETS TO BE GAILY DECORATED Splendid Prizes for Entries of All Classes in Parade -- Hundreds of Features in Store for Mammoth Crowd Expected ---- What will be probably the longest and in many ways most interesting street parade ever held in Oshawa will wen tomorrow night's great Rotary Street Fair. Official announcement was made at today's open meeting of the Rotary Club that while the head of the parade will form at the Arm ories, provision has been made for the rest of the parade to stretch out on all streets cast as far as Harmony The second great feature of the Fair which will occupy the four blocks nearest the Four Corners will be the presence of hundreds, perhaps thouws ands, in fancy costumes. Flood lights will turn the fair area into noon-da brilliance; over a score of booths will each offer as many different forms of amusement and entertainment, A feature of the parade will be the presence of a truck load of children from the Red, Cross Cottage at Lake view Park, giving visual evidence of the fine w way in which the profits from last year ¥ H Rotary Street Fair were used. oP The ptt "features" will be the sections devoted respectively to the decorated automobiles and decorated trucks; a parade of automobile anti ques, both cars and trucks: marching (Continued on page 3) DEATH OF MR. J. J. WTIER PANGAN Occurs in New York---Was Father of Mr, R. S. Mc- Laughlin's Son-in-Law (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Aug. 22.--Overhauled by a racing speed boat whilst he was crus ing this morning on his schooner 'Azara", R. 8S. McLaughlin, President of General Motors of Canada Limited, of Oshawa, was told that J. J. McTier Pangman, father of his son-in-law, Jobn Pangman, of New York, was seriously ill and it was feared he was Ying. Mr. McLaughlin immediately put back for Oshawa, where his son-In law is at present staying. Later in the morning word was received of Mr. J. J. McTier Pangman's death following an operation. Police are sear™h\ug for the driver of a car which cut in on a car driven by Louis Pleau of Osh- awa on the Kingston hizchway about four miles eas. of this city last night foreing it into the ditch with resulting injury to Mr. and Mrs. Pleau and their three children and complete wrecking of their car, a Ford touring model. The driver of the offending car went om without stopping. None of the injuries were of a serious mature. MONSTER PARADE OPENS ROTARY STREET FAIR PLANS NOW COMPLETE WEIGHT AND FORTUNE ART GARRUTT Who Is running one of the Rotary Street Fair's welgh scale sinnds Tuesday evening. Toledo Sciles will give guaranteed reports while mystic Viking urns will tell your fate, No one ean afford to miss these élficient sections where the present is illuminated and the future revealed FAILED TO GIVE NAME, FINED $25 L. Murphy, However, Agreed to Make Arrangements With Owner of Other Cat Refusal to give his name and address following an accident to the other party in the mishap cost William R Murphy $25 and costs amounting to $3075 in police court this morning. "We want you to understand that re- fusal to give one's name and address following an accident is a serious mat- ter, but because you have agreed to make satisfactory arrangements 'with the owner of the other car, the fine will be the minimum," stated Magis- trate Hind. Edward Smith owner of the other expressed himself as satis- fied with the agreement which he had reached with Murphy. The accident from which the police court case arose occurred on the morn- ing of August 11 when both men were driving to wogk. Smith's car came to a stop and wis rammed by Murphy's An altercation followed in which Mur- phy after refusing to give his name and address drove off. Murphy will pay for the repair of Smith's car. FLOOD LIGHTS FOR STREET GARNIVAL Flood lights are being brought cown from Alexandra Park today by Chief Cameron of the Fire Depart- nient, who will install them in the *rea where, tomorrow night, the Ro- tary Street Fair will Le stationed during Oshawa's big Carnival night. These lights, it is stated, will flood the blocks mearcst the Four Cormers with artificial sunlight and add to the pleasures of the big pight's many features. Captain R. Pollock of the depart- went. who is ill, will not be able te assist the chief in this work. but it is understood that he is making a sure if slow recovery at his home. City This Building In Suburbs of Year $500,000 Oshaws's 1927 Building Record Up to $3,800,000 --Building in Suburbs Alone This Month Reaches $100,000 Official estimates made today show that building in Oshawa's immediate suburbs during the current year totals $500000. The total for Aus alone. and dealing only with pat beeun this month, is § These figures bring greater O<hawa's 1927 building record up past S3800.000 1 for the first oight months of the year: and the current month's total, within the city and in the nearer suburbs, is already over $400000 wath much ot tc be recorded. The suburban expansion of Oshaws is said to he most significant, and clearly indicative | a time in the near future when the city's east and west boundaries will he forced out to in- dude thousands whe work i the aty but are nut officially listed as rvesi- dents While some believe that the city limits will remain as they ave for five years at feast, theve is considerable weight of opinion to the effect that a | Greater Oshawa movement will be a line issue in the coming municipal elec- tion. and that decisive action will be | nogossary wd laier than 1928 A LET CONTRACT NEW ADDITION T0 G. M. PLANT Anglin-Norcrosm Co., Toron to, to Build New Dry Lumber Storage Building 266 BY 75 FEET Electric Wiring Contract Let to Comstock Co.--Both Jobs Total $50,000 Contracts for the new dry lumber storage hullding and the electrical eulpment for the extension to the new paint plant were let today hy General Motors of Canada, Limited, The dry lumber storage building contract was awarded the Anglin: Norcross Company, Limited, Toron- to, already erecting the paint plant e tension, The Comstock Company o! Toronto gets the electric wiring contract. The value of these two construction jobs totals some $50, 000, The new dry lumber storage build- ing will be erected between Factory No. 38 and the Mill Plant. It will be 265 by 75 feet in area, one story high, and of brick and concrete con- strnetion, Work on General Motors' huge building program for the current vear is well underway. Foundations for the new lumber mill, being erect- od hv W, J. Trick and Company, Limited, are practically completed, Fixcavation for the paint plant exten. sion is well underway. TWO FIN H HOMES \ BEING . EREC™ || Recording of two fine residences un- der construction begins Oshawa's build- ing statistics for the current week. H. H. Cross is erecting a brick veneer house on Jarvis Street, which will cost $3,500. The building will be 24 by 30 feet, heated by a hot air furnace and modern throughout. It will be one and a half story in heighth. Murray and Coulter are erecting a $4.000 house on Drew street. ill be stuccoed, cedar shingled, and finish- ed in oak and fir. Specifications call! for a hot air heating plant, and thor- oughly modern plumbing and electrical installation. SWEPT HALF MILE INNEW YORK SEWER Boy Picked Up By or Press) ' Aug. 22--Swept more than half a mile by swi un- derground waters of New 8 sewers and finaly w into Ea: worse for his ex- River, seven-year-old Anthony tino today wae Ii A perience. e fell into a sewer 'mh hole while playing with Police raised manhole Sr aay route of the sewer, but "Tom: just passed in each case. Fi arrived at the East Rives where ception committee of police hadi waiting for him. He was ied a boat. "It was terribly cold he said, as he was being rushed to the hospital. w THE jn and warm. Twesday--Partly fair with local thundershowers. MADAME NEVADA. PALMIST A 46 Keaneth Avenue tll W, only. ALL MASONS AND THEIR F. iL Cedar AY jes are Anvited to poned Basket Picnic at x Park, Saturday alterncws. Aug 2 TONIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION. Finals in the $50 contest, Mi awa, Mass Bowmanville, Miss by will be present. Nowtral § will select the winnor, wha a cove the ash Vor of $50 Come and see charm rv Andy Danowmg A Todeine 0.30, GML Revadeasting © ra. )