ile James Bishop's car was parked on Alexandra Boulevard on Saturday night seme. person stole a spare tire, tube aid rim, The theft was report ta the police, rrested on Olive avenue on Sunday afternoon, Joseph Hackett appeared in police court. this morning charged with ing intoxicated in a public place. He pleaded guilty and was assessed the "|" OPENS STREET FAIR | (Contisiuea from page 1) masqueraders; uniformed boy scouts, jazz bands on foot and in trucks, and many other novelties. Visiting Rotary delegations from Cobourg, Port Hope, and Bowmanville will be in the par- AY ERECT LARGE APARTMENT BLOCK Mr. L. V. Disney, However, Declines to Comment on Project Rumor has it that the erection of a large apartment house with stores on the ground floor will shortly be started hy Mr, Disney, Oshawa real estate dealer. The site which has 7 i ---- i 7 MINING SALES AT NOON STOCK BID ASK Argonaut. 36% a7 Area. .. 80 Amulet. . 5256 Barry Hollinger. 41 BEAVOI, .. communes + a 144 Castle Trethewey. .. 66 Central Manitoba. .. 202 Dome. .. .... 740 93 186 1760 2300 Hollinger. Lake Shore, 'RESULT OF QUARREL Samuel Royk Alleges Woman Spent Money He Saved to Bring Family to Canada (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Aug. 23. --That Mrs. Medwedz had been spending money which he intended to use in bring- ing his wife and family over from STREETSVILLE MAN INSTANTLY KILLED -------- - 3 (By Canadian Press) Sudbury, Ont., Aug. 22.--James Stitt, of Streetsville, Ont., was in- stantly killed, his sister, Etta, sus- tained injuries from which she will probably die, and three other oeeu- pants of the car in which they were driving were less seriously injured 48 a result of an accident here to- day. The automobile, while passing down the deep guleh, struck the bridge was badly wrecked, The Life of the Party Was sound asleep, and little knew how much fun he was providing for the rest of tha | family, Thrilling Adventures flashed on the silver screen GIANT WHEAT POOL FOR MIDDLE WEST U. 8. Agricultural Depart: customary twentv and costs, TWO FINED $50 been mentioned is that on Simcoe street south at present occupied by Wright's Funeral Service and onw- ed by Mr, Disney. The building at present on the property would be torn down to make way for the suggested structure. Though defi- nite information cannot he obtained at the present time it is likely that the Old Country, was the tenor of a note scawled in Russian, which was pinned on the door of a room in which Samuel Royk yesterday shot and killed himself, after murdering Stefan Medwedz and wounding Med- wedz's wife and Isaac Zatz, aged Rumanian. 63 24 2866 2390 302 Fava), « - Macassa, .. Melntyre. Naoranda. .. Mining Corpn Nipissing. Patterdoal. Premier, .. . ade, Bogymanville's Club expects to he. repreyented by its entire member- ship. Pdues will be appointed to award prizes for' the parade, and they will serve later to reward the various classes of costume comaetitors, for each of which handsome prizes are ON THEFT COUNTS a Cals Shit Severe Reprimend "You ave just a pair of sneak thieves and 1 hope you realize how miserable and mean an aet it was," Aaclared Magistrate Hind in passing sentence this morning en Harry CQraves and Russell Clarke, two Gen- eral Motors employees who were caught stealing a tire by Ohlef Friend last night, "Vin are convicts now, hut hecause you are young I am going to impose a fine instead of sending you to jail, You would do well to make use of the opportunity you now have to live this down and become respectable eitizens," His Worship then imposed a fine of §60 and costs aniounting to $64.40 on each of the young men. The alter- native of thirty days was given, On behalf of the young men' it was stated hy W. N, German, their counsel, that there had been no pre- vious convictions against them, One of the pair is a married man and the other is the sole support of a widow- ed mother and a family of brothers and sisters, "Yon should have rea- Vized these duties and responsibili- ties hefore you attempted the theft," Col. Grierson, who prosecuted, advis- ed the accused pair, Chief Friend testified that he saw the two acting suspiciously near a ear which was parked on Vietoria street, Immediate invéstigations confirmed the suspicion that some- thing uestionable was in progress and the arrest of the pair followed pt once. I want the people of Oshawa to feel secure when they leave their cars parked on the gity streets," ohserved the Bench before proceed- ing to lecture gcathingly the acens- ed, "Youn own a car yourself," he conginued, looking at Clarke, "and how would yon like to have some cne come along and remove nw tires?" Chief Friend interposed with the information that Clarke had already bad two tires stolen. Magistrate Hind pointed out that he did not wish hir pction giving the accused the optior of a fine to be taken as a precendent WDERMOTT LIP "IN BARRIE COURT Is Charged With Attempting to Rob Alex Hodge With Forsythe (Be Canadian Press) Barrie, Ont., Aug. 22--The charge that Joseph MeDermott "did attempt to rob Alec Hodge with Daniel For- ysthe, while armed" has been laid wgainst McDermott by Sergeant F. B. Creasy of the Provineial Police. and the information was in the papds of Magistrate Jeffs at the pre- liminary hearing of McDermott and Frank Skelly which opened today. Joseph MeDermott, cattle drover of Reetom, was committed for trial on certain charges of cattle stealing when a preliminary hearing of charges against him opened before Mavistrate Jeffs today. Country Council Chamber, fin which hearings of others jin the same connection had takem place on Friday, was again jammed with farmers and their folk who came from all pants of the county and had waited since early morming. A mew charge of conspiracy with Daniel Forsythe to rob Alex Hodge, as well as charges of perjury, were yet to be heard. Inspector William Stringer of the Provincial Police testified that Me- Dermott had confessed to buying cattle which he knew to be stolen. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fenn, Spring- Omt., Madoc, Ont. the marriage to take place in the early part of September. 42a (Belleville Papers please copy). Ave making a trip to Detooit on or about Aug. 29, 1927. Any- one wishing transportation service for furnituve or other goods, to any point west of London o Call 82 ia be given, President Storie at today's weekly neeting of Oshawa Rotarians voiced 1 deep sense of gratitude for the splen- lid co-operation being given them in heir efforts to make the fair a success. Volunteer helpers whose names have wt yet been listed owing to their wmber, will make for efficiency in the Fair's real object which is to make noney for the Children's Playground m Centre Street. Among these are v score of young women who will pet 15 Rose Girls nnder the direction of Rev. Dr. Dougall, chairman of the Flower Booth; the Oshawa Boy Scout troop, one or more members of which efficient body of lads will be stationed at each booth. Lewington the Florist was made the subject of public comment for his lonation of roses, and for the use f his store. Jack McGill has also turned over his store premises and lights to the Rotary Club, as has Ari. |( Felt, whose fine awning will become | ( the balloon storehouse for the night. |¢ The Oshawa Railway Company has || donated advertising space on its cars, ind has made arrangements to hreak its service during the fair at Athol street to the south, and at Bond strect I to the north, | A. Ingham, boys' secretary of the YMCA, and scoutmaster of the Oshawa Troop, was also thanked for ( his own and the lads' efficient help. | A particularly fine assistance was rendered the Rotary Club and ihe fair ! hy John Carew of the Carew Lumber ' Company, which organization is lend- ing all the lumber needed for over a score of booths, which are being erected by a committee headed by Albert Swail. Chief Cameron of the Fire Depart- ment, and the Toledo Scale Company of Toronto were presented for members' applause for their eordial efforts to make the fair a success .. Eat Supper Down Town Citizens are asked. to forget supper Fuesday evening, and to enjoy their evening repast at the great hot dog stands that will begin operation abou 4.30 in the afternoon, probably. The aroma of the sizzling vox will be the first token of the night's gaiety. ~ From then on, feature after feature in bewildering array will develop to entertain the Fair's thousands of VISILOrsS, Music for the parade and throughout the evening will be furnished ny the Ontario Regiment Band, the Salvation Army Band, and the Oshawa Canadian cgion post's kilted pipers. Io say thing of a score or so of impr pty azz orchestras that will add to the vight's festival of melody and fun. All Rotarians will be marked by pecial uniforms of white coats aad listinctive hats, City Engineer Smith is making ar- angements to clear away the booths ter the last group of merrymakers | as gone home, and promises, with the issistance of the booth managers, to ave Simcoe and King Streets in a vholly normal condition Wednesday 0rning. : In building the tented city, he ises the Rotarians to e » quarter of an inch, t 'asy withdrawal. Decor, lent Storie advises, s vithout tacks to avoid damage to auto nobile tires the day following. Everything points to the greatest ight of carnival Oshawa has ever | cen. The Rotary Club invites all ages | ut to join in the fun, and not only | rom Oshawa, but visitors from the | shole district will be made welcoue The object of the fair is to raise | ome $1,000 needed to complete "the | hildren's Playground on Centre Street | le 8 ud aG- eave nails out wm which the Rotary Club has already pent Some Sol. i ihe completed playground will pro-! ide healthful, supervised FRc ea dn for | all ages of children in safety. By sup- | porting the Rotary Street Fair tomor- OW evening, citizens in general will take a share in a splendid devel pment ledicated to the city's childhood. | Te Canadian National Exhibition | this year looks like a big swecess | alreaqy. A whole crowd is getting | into the swim.--St. Catharines! Standard. gibi Too Late to Classify FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE, CAB- wet gas range, nearly new, $35 or best offer; kitchen cupboard, $10; sewing machine, $15; Quebec heater, cooking top, stove pipes, curtains, etc. Terms cash. No dealers. 182 King St. E. 42a FOR SALE---BABY BUGGY, GOOD condition, cheap. 199 Ritson Rd. S. #2¢ Phone G62). FOR SALE -- BABY BUGGY IN| good condition. #9 Count St. A2c TO RENT-TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. All conveniences. Phone 14715] 42c 1 this afternoon, to confirm the rumour or comment, I have nothing to say at your rumor is very vance" Mr, Disney said, Jessie Noble, eldest and Mrs. John in hetter,-- the building, if proceeded with will contain several suites and be larger than the apartment at Simcoe and Quebec streets completed hy Mr, Disney. recently completed Times refused In conversation with The Mr, Disney present, much in ad- Owners of the vacang lot situated it the corner of Simcoe and Bagot streets stated to The Times this af- ternoon that the heen sold, Weddings BURGESS--PARKER On "Saturday, August 20th at St. weorge's Church, Oshawa, hy the Rev. 'anon de Pencier, Eileen Nancy, laughter of Mr, and Mrs. George F. arker, to Leonard Burgess. GRAHAM--McNAB At St. Stephen's United Church, Sdinhurgh, Scotland, 'on August 16th, 027, by the Rey, Oliver Russell, M.A, daughter of Mr. McNab, 304 Golf St. )shawa, to Mr, Alexander Smith Gra wm, MA, son of Mrs. Robert Gra 1am and the late Robert Graham, Ash ree; Renton, Scotland, By Cable. property has not So far, Premier Baldwin's speeches Canada have been distinguished by eloquence than hy good ense and good feeling, which are Hamilton Herald, 88 : sm---- chib | ® _--_-- Fell Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUT POE) Make this store your headquarters for all your photographic needs. At our Kodak counter where Kodaks, Brownie and Craflex Cameras and Cnie-Ko- dak for movies, are al- ways in stock, vou'll of course find a complet: | line of albums. Albums for storing away your pegatives and for keeping this summer's spapshots. And they're Kodak Albums -- attractive styles, attractive prices. KARN'S Store J Post Office A Next Planeer, . any Tack Huehes, . Tough Oakes, . Pawagmar, . ViRORG. wes cosmos 6% Wright Hargraves. 640 G43 Mining Sales toe Noon. 1,671,802, TORONTO STOOKS Nell Telephone, .. 150 n. ¢. Fishing, ..... 17 Mart, . N .. ; 60 (tan Tnd Aleohol . 1% City Dairy. . Hiram Walker, Int. Petroleum, Tmperial Oil, . Int. Nickel. .. : Massey Harris. .. Seagram, .... .. Shredded Wheat Twin "CHY: wm 151 17% fil 24 145 50 31y 49% 67 26% 22Yy fis 62 ONTARIO GOUNTY HAS GOOD CROPS County Agricultural Repre- sentatives Advises How Tremendous Increases Car Be Obtained--Better Seed Campaign to be Staged Next Year, amet V4 M. Coskery, Agricultura) Representative). Uxbridge, Aug. 18.--Hay was » heavy erep, hetter than average and most of it saved in good condition I"all Wheat is a good crop, fully up to average. In talking to Frank Batty nt Brooklin he reports 2 vield of 40 bushels per acre of 0 A. C. No. 104: 1 have noticed ex ecllent erops of Fall Wheat in every township. One of the besy crops ] have seen was on M. Hugh Doyle's place, near Rathburn in Raman Township; Spring Grains are a fair erop. J think np to average. Splendid crop: of Oats and Barley are to he seer in Scott township, but the same may he said of every township in ths County 1 was in an excellent field of Banner Oats the other day or the farm of Graham Brothers near Brechin. It stood 5 feet in height was well headed and clean. How, ever, the fly in the ointment ir our spring grain erop fis Sow Thie- tle. Sow Thistle has taken a ver) (By W, it {trel crops that we have. heavy toll, especially on land that i= inclined to be wet. It is worse of course jin some sections thap others. Good drainage plays a very imnortant part in the control of this weed. Alfalfa and Sweet Clo- vor also play an important part ir the controlling of such weeds. There is a very marked increase {im the acreage of Alfalfa in Ontaric County in the last two years. Swee' clover is also gaining favor steadily as a silyge crop and as pasture and has lois of supporters as a hay crop. The fact that jt is cut early for silare and the land then plow eas a rule, in preparation for Fall Whe t, Potatoes or Roots makes it one of the hest weed con- The sams applies to Alfalfa although Alfalfa is usually left down for longer thar one year. Root Crops Potatoes and roots throughout the County seem to he doing wel! and present conditions point to ¢ good crop. Alsike is not yieldine zg heavily as some years but stil) is reasonably good. Four and five bushels per acre have heen raoported There are two or three factors in field crop production which can- not be emphasized too much and if they were followed more neligi- ously than jis being done at the pres- ent time a tremendous increase in general yields would be the result. I vefer first to the use of hetter vanieties. Our College farms and Dominion Experimental Farms fur- nish us with some wery valuable data which it would pay the awver- HOUSE FOR SALE of Ahe property fis: WANTED TO RENT--A FARM. manage or work on shares with stock and amplements. Experienced in all' kinds of faoming. Apply Box "RR" Times. : 2 42a | TO RENT--GOOD GARAGE AT 33 King St. E. Phone 1880] Ae | FOR RENTALARGE FRONT BED- poem, living poom 242 x 88 with five place; sunreom, 19 x 39 om fest Slogr, fowr Aange squave bedoooms and bath, with Aange hall on soconnd floor, well room for ome or two business people who desice hoeakfast. 251 Bruce St. ! Phone 1276M. 42a LOST--_NEAR OSHAWA BLVD. ON | King St. 2 brown feather hand bag | containing doctor's equipment. Phone A155 Ac 7 lighted, full size attic, hard- age farmer to give more attention 'to. Some of the mpecommended varieties ave as follows: In Oats, Banner, O.AC. 144 and In the note Royk chavged Mrs, Medwedsa with misappropriating funds which he had entrusted to her, It is believed that Mrs. Med- wedz had invested funds for Royk, and neighbors declare she opposed Royk's intentions of bringing his family from Russian Ukraine to this country. Royk had lately placed $170 with a steamship company for passage money, and it is asserted Mrs, Medwedz had prevailed upon him to withdraw this money, Royk, like the Medwedz couple, was Ukrainian, He roomed in the same house, Late yesterday he rushed from the room with a re- volver in his hand and fired at Mrs. Medwedz, slightly wounding her, He then followed Medwedz who sought shelter in the home of Isaac Zatz, Royk fired at Zatz as the latter was on the doorstep, wounding him in the shoulder, Then the enraged Ukranian fired at Med- wedz and as he collapsed, Royk fired three shots into his body, toyk then went hack to his room and shot himself, Translated, the note left by Royk vas as follows: "She soaked me out f all money. 1 would have sent $170 to my children. She insisted I should turn. I returned and she grabbed verything, I was working for two years for her. I bought everything for her. She said to me that I am wt the only fool she discovered. 1 ald she will not have to discover ie. I did her." 30TH REFUSE LAST RITES (Continued from page 1) office where The Associated Press representatives acting as representa- tive of all press, will describe the execution to all pewspapermen so hat the story may he sent out sim- ultapeously over a dozen or more Telegraph and Press Assogiation wires that have been installed for he purpose. Attempts to save Sacco and Van otti early this afternoon were al- 1st wholly back to Governdr Ful- or and the Massachusetts State 'ourts, Four United States Supreme 'ourt Justices, Holmes, Brandeis, Taft and Stope, had refused to in- tervepe, counsel for the two men hen went before Governor Fuller for a stay to allow them further ime to seek Supreme Justices, and ire also seeking to have Fuller yrder an examination of the Fed ral Department of Justice records for possible new evidence. Refuse Rites of Church Sacco and Vanzetti today re- used the last rites of the Church, saying they preferred to die as uey had lived outside its pale. Washington, Aug. 22.--Petitions of counsel for Sacco and Vanzetti asking reviews of the proceedings a their case in Massachussettes wurts were docketed today jim the supreme Court. Boston, Mass., Aug. 22.--The al- otted hours of the life for Nicola acco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Iwindled steadily today while legal :xertions and sympathetic demon- JArations mutiplied in spite of re- )eated failures. Before another lawn the men will walk to the hair unless their counsel, working i several widespread points, ob- ain another respite or stay of sen- ence. With them will go Celestine Jadeiros, convicted of another mur- ler, bis confession which execul- ted Sacco aud Vanzetti, although tiscredited, served to stay his xecution pending their fight for ite. Taft Refuses Petition Michael Mussmann, of the Saeco- Janzetti defense counsel announced hat Chief Justice Taft had sem aim a flelegram jin which le an- nounced his refusal 190 receive a petition for a stay of execution secause the matter was outside his jurisdiction. Mussman mow withheld the text of Chief Justice Taft's telegram but added that Mr. Taft had advised aim 10 zo before ome of the three Supreme Court Justices now im this district, if he wish gy action on such a petition. The defense attorney has appealed in vain to Justice Holmes and Brandeis and today Attorney |0.AL. 72 ave three outstandi | main crop Oats; In Fall Wheat O. (A. © 184 and Dawson's Golden [Chaff ave of course well known; {in Barley. OAC. 21 is practically the Barley of Ontario; In Peas, Me- | Kay, Ottawa No. 25 and 0.AC. 181. There are other good varieties and [darmers who know they have all ready got something zood other than the varieties mentioned might {ot gain anything by changing. | Better | The other two factors I refer to 'ave, the move efficient use of the | fanning mill in cleaning up seed | eran and the treatment of grain for smut. It has been proven year wood flears throughout. Apply: Pooprictor Central Motel or your own Bosker. after year at the Ontario Agricul- aural College that large plump seed will out yield medium plump seed or small plump seed by several ba- Arthar D. Hill place a petition for a stay before Justice A. Stone at Isle Au Haut Me, lie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barris, 20 Mc- Gregor St, a daughter. 2-2 WALKER--At Hospital, August 19th, 1927, to Mr and Mrs. Arthur Walker, 271 Alben St, a daughter (stillborn). A2a Died at the pavent's vesidence, 376 Shont shels per acre. This applies ia practically all grains. Celina 'St, Oshawa, Verna, infant daughter of Earl and Minnie aged 8 months. ment Co-operates in Attempt to Control Price (By Associated Press) New York, N.Y, Aug. 2--A special despatch to the Herald Tribune from its correspondent at Rapid City, S.1,, says that with co-operation of the Federal Departments of Agriculture Machinery, has been set in operation 10 band middle-western farmers together in a gigantic wheat pool to attempt con- trol of the winter wheat price situa- tion, according to a plan laid before President Coolidge, CINE-KODAK in the home is the Royal sport. "Ask for a Demonstration." kor Perfect Prints"-- Developing and: Printing By Experts only Leave your films at 7he Rexall sire Jury&Lovell King RE. Simeoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68! Ati Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. Boyce Waram and Frank desire to express their sincere thanks to all their friends and neigh- hours for their expressions of sympathy 3) and many other kindnesses 'in their p------ time of deep sorrow. 42a aah ' -- hl Mrs. Etta Craig and Roy wish to convey their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbours also Cor mthian Lodge 1L.OOLF, for their kind- ness and flowers during their recent hereavement, 42a SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Stobie Forlong & Co. | STOCKS BONDS GRAIN HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto MONTREAL KITCHENE HAMILTON } OSHAWA BRANTFORD ) IST. CATHARINES 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C.P.R. Office, Phone 144 8. F, Everson, Local Manager | Private Wire System MILLS--On Friday, Angust 19, 192, Mills A2a ENGEL'S SELLING 5 A LE ouUT Don't be one of the disappointed ones on early -- Store opens at TUESDAY'S SPECIALS these items, Come 8.30 daily. The way the early morning Specials are be- ie snapped up leads many to believe that the anid ay ined wets never ut on e, you come gl Hit fhe govie on honey Tr TOU |] SOO sep Ladies' Hats Here is a lot of Ladies' Hats, good styles, Straws, Velowrs, Velvets, etc., hundreds of them. Out they 10c was on his way to} HARRIS In Oshawa, August 18th, tcf the Oshawa Genera'