bg SELECTION OF BEST FOR TIMES READERS Il | : Cin . te : ll i Over mie peer | (MIGEIRGE i I : 4 LIE SEA! ~ THIS 18 WHAT I lt : iL | } | ua anc Bincric | [cALL A HAN ONE OP pall CSS 1 London, Aug, 23---Behind the are stowing BUT MY ) OUT MUCH LONGER) IVE GOT announcement that Sir Josiah ther way to R ; ? al. 1 CouLD BVEN A Stamp has heen elected a director - NewVorke -- hy HAND HAS SWALLO of the London, Midland and Seot- 4 f ARE N 'tish Railway lies a story of the ro- an ' + i mantic rise of a boy clerk' in a Government office, 'earning $4 a - week, to one of the pinnacles in the [} business world, He will suneceed |] fir Guy Granet as chairman next October, while retaining his position of Presdent of the EXecutive of the company, A Sir Josiah's appointment is ol the more interesting from the faet that 18 months or so ago he was in no way connected with the rail way. That in so short a space of time he should Decome not' only 016 el Ol Baars sie ea the L.M.A., hut one of at OF Copynght 1927, "Big. Pant" in the. id gol OR rina Sec is a tribute to his genius as an bree organisor and a statistician, Sir Josiah, who is only 47 years of age, entered the civil service in 1806 at the age of 15% as a boy | Clas --By Geo, McManus clerk in the Inland Revenue De- | partment, | Before he was 18 he obtained - a . - = fivst place in the competitive ex- - 5 siilbeadt " wohl di aad WP ' OOK "JIGAD - A NEW YORE BY COLLY- THIS (UY E amination for 'the second division : 'D GIVE A LOT YO | od ] «| EVERY clerkghins, and was appointed to IT'S BAD iil SEE A PAPER WITH | PARER SOME OLD aN MOST HAVE BEEN A THING the Maripe Department of the ' AL ENOUGH TO THE PALL DCORE LEFTY IT ON A CH ™ BOY WHEN HE BOUGHT DEEMD Board of Trade, He then earned \ ER ry TA afr READ ENGLISH: INIT = IM GT TINY THE HOTEL LOoBRY - TO BE the modest 'salary of £70 a year. BUT | CANT READ Thi 50 OuY Nv HOME SICK - ANCIENT Boon afterwards he was transfer- ITALIAN - AT APAPER ved to the Inland Revenue and at y 19 was Assistant Surveyor of Tax- es, ER} TTT ; PHONE 7085 ~~ - Kelly's Drug Store 34 King St, W, Prompt Delivery i Rh LF , | 7 por © 1927, by Int) Feature Service, Ine Great Britain rights ressrved. 8 22 * EXHIBITION fl | August 22nd-27th REDUCED pe je iwi "TRIP 2 hounn | , ; J ko dLEX. HESLER, A PHOTOGRAPHER OF GALENA, ILLINOIS, TOOK 3 Going August : ; b of S0ME PICTURES OF MINNEHAHA FALLS IN 1B52,AHD GAVE 22 to 26, MINNEHAHA FALLS OF MINNESOTA, hE Vi. / SOME OF THE VIEWS TO GEORGE SUMNER, A NEIGHBOR "- RAN DRY, IN MAY, 1925 BUT ENGINEERS : --_ DROVE A 1000 FOOT WELL TO RESTORE 3 all | Tn R BEAUTY. d ] 2 TO, A " WIAWATHA LOWS. SUMNER GAVE LONGFELLOW _ OME OF THE PICTURES FROM WHICH HE CON- CEIVED THE THOUGHT AND POEM OF | "HIAWATHA", RIOR © 1927. by King Features Syndicate. Inc, reat Brings sights seserved. J . \ FALLS THAT INSPIRED AND WERE THE 'C 10 P BACKGROUND OF HIS CELEBRATED POEM, { In 22 Days That's going some--but skinny men, women and children just can't * help putting on good healthy flesh when they take MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. . Chock full of vitamines--the kind ¢ ghat are extracted from the livers of the cod--the kind that are a real help to frail, rundown, anaemic, skinny men apd women. ' "a Try these sugar coated tasteless 'tablets for 30 days--if they don't shelp greatly get your mopey back. Ope woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, six- ty cents. Ask Jury & Lovell 14d. Lor any druggist for McCoy's Cod . Bdver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula on each box. "Get MeCoy's the original and genuine." . RAILWAY ee i lie. SSOP. J IDA 1 HAD A WONDERFUL TIME - ANG JIMMIE 15 SUCH AN THEY MAVE A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE - J. | ADORABLE - DANG 11's AUTOMOBILES ~ HORSES BRERERELE ii iti Ie ERR EREREEEEED