on Asault Charge. nski wanted on a charge a police since August 4, into custody here this - He was brought before Hind, and pleading not remanded in custody un- 'mber 8, It is several days > Domanski's erstwhile belle n at the Oshawa police sta- bog. her hands and toled a brutal treatment at the [her spouse, A warrant was r the arest of her husband mwhile had disappeared for * known, APPLICATION lan boys should lend an ) ear to the advice of Colon- les A. Lindbergh that they ach education as they | The youthful flying hero tes that there is no limit jossibilities of knowledge g it is applied to the task "ation is the greatest thing Il education, . The . college } who merely rests his »n his diploma will not get education is only the on for the work that lies de must use the knowledge gained during his years at nd college to help him In r he takes up as a life work, lear," remarked the young "did you ask the milkman fe is never any cream on our | 4 | darling, and he explained tisfactory., I-think that it's credit to him," t-did he say?" ihe always fills the jug so le is no/-room for cream." ER ------" IN / MR.YORK. YORK, YORKS, | soon be here' writ ew Martin THURSDAY The Funniest Film of the Year be Sh (4 " he' hs af | FOR SALE--MecCLARY ELECTRIC STOCK MARKETS TORONTO §' STOCKS Bid Abitibi Paper ,.....108 Bell Telephone .., 157 Brazilian .. Brompton B.C ishing - Burt, FN, , . Can. Bread ...... Can, Ind. Alcohol City Dairy , Hiram Walker . Int, Petroleum ... Imperial Oil Int. Nickel ...... Massey Harris ... Seagram , Shredded Wheat .. Twin City MINING SALES TO NOON Stock Bid Ask Argonaut, , ,..., 86% 36 ATER + + ssvssnn 84 Amulet, ,! ,...... 510 B15 Barry - Hollinger, .. 38 Beaver, . ....... 153 166 Castle Trethewey. M% 72 Central Manitoba, 192 193 Dome, , , +000. s 800 860 Keeley Silver, ,, ,., 92 93 Kirkland Lake. ,. Boris Hollinger, ., Atk 33 152 Meclntyre, Noranda, Mining Corpn, Nipissing. , Potterdoal. Premier, , Pioneer. . +v.... Teck Hughes. ...., Tough Oakes, ... Towagmae, . .., Yivotad: . +++. Wright Hargraves, Mining Sales to Noon. ,, 785,008, (Supplied by Stoble, Forlong & Co,) OHICAGO GRAIN Open High Low Close 132% 137% 106% 100% 94% Wheat Sept, 1335 Dec, 137% Corn Sept, 106% Dec, 1105 Rye Sept, 95 Dev, 98% 08% 07 97% Oats Sept, 44% 44% 43% 43% Dec, 4885 48% 48 48 WINNIPEG GRAIN Wheat Sept, 141% 141% 132 137 134% 138% 106 100% 106% 110% 05% 139% 140% Too Late to Classify TO RENT---THREE ROOMED UN- frnished flat, hardwood floors, Ali conveniences, including blinds. North end of Oshawa, Possession Sept, 12, Phone owner 2443F. (50c) FOR BSALE--NATIONAL CASH register from 1 cent to $20, Very reasonable, Apply 300 Albert St. (60c) EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER 0 take full charge, Family of four adults. Phone 2356W at noon hour or anytime after 5.30, (50b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. 181 Verdun Rd, Phone 2509J. (50¢) range with back three elements and oven, Cheap $40. 281 Mary St. (604) FOR RENT--SELECT GARAGE ON Masson St. Phone 956M. (50b) BICYCLE FOR SALE. PHONE 956M. (50b) HAYTON "The Roofer" Roofers, Lathers, Ete, REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, Ire Cream, snd Light Lanches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2264 Sobic Foriong © Co. STOCKS HEAD Par ig Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above CPR. Office, Phone 144 8. F. Everson, Local Manager PR 136% 68% 52% Dec, 187% Oats Sept, 59% Dec, 66% 138% 136% 59% 58 86% 65% Amer. Can, Amer, Tel, Atchison Balt, & Ohio 119 Chrysler .... 80 % Dupont vere vae 899% Fam, Plyrs, ,.108& 101% Gen, Asphalt 68 68 Ge Motora $48 245 Gold Dust 1! 58% 68% Hudson ,..,. 84% 81% Tot. Nickel av 49% 48% n Int, LLU .. ia iH Int. Paper ,, 66 64% Kan, City 8, 61%. 61% Loews Incor, 66% 54 Lehigh Val, 105 105 Man, Elec, , 61 61 Miss, Pac, ,. 61% 61% Mont, Ward 73% 2% Overland ....17% 17 Radio ,,,, 68 62% Rock Island 108% 107% Phillips Pete, 42% 42 Studebakey . 518% 51% St, Louis San, 112% 112 U.S. C.I, Pipe 189 194% U.S, Steel ,,146% 143% Woolworth ,170% 169% Yellow Cab , 38% 31% 196% 143% 169% 32% GOOD FALL SEASON IN BUILDING During the past month construc- tion awaras throughout Canada have fallen off to tne usual pre-tali levels, Compared with the past few years the total is quite normal, $20,581,000 worth of contracts is the estimate of awards during Aug- ust, The wotal tor the first eigut months of this year now stands at $272,086,000 or four per cent in ex- cess of that for the same period of 1926, Contemplated new work continues at high level indicating that there is much work in pros- pect for this year, According to MacLean Building Reports Ltd, residential work came to the front again during August having accounted for 34 per cent of all construction on a valuation of $10,220,800 business buildings fol- lowed close, awards in that classi- fication totalling $9,630,400 or 32 per cent. . Engineering contracts took care of 25 per.cent or $7,642,- 200 and .industrinl 8 per cent .or $2,687,600, By Geographical divisions the August contracts were divided as follows: Ontaslo 40 per cent or $11,044,000; Quebec 32 per cent or $9,677,000; British Columbia, 12.5 per cent or $3,730,100 and the Maritime Porvinces 2.8 per cent or $838,400, The extensive development this year of building coming under the heading of Business Buildings puts this classification well in the lead for the first eight months of this year, 34.6 per cent of all construe- tion has been undertaken in this classification at a valuation of $93,- 923,600, Residential construction, which includes apartment houses, keeps right up with the usual levels having accounted for 29.8 per cent or $81,027,700, Public Works and Utilities now show a total of $66,- 847,000 or 24 per cent. Industrial work is down considerably from a year ago on its total of $30,287,700 or 11 per cent. Over forty-four per cent of all construction to September 1st has been undertaken in the Province of Ontario where the investments have been made to the extent of $120,- 650,400, In the Province of Quebee 32 per cent has bees awarded or $87,016,300. The Prairie Provin- ces record $37,187,600 or 13.7 per cent during this period. British Columbia has undertaken 7.6 per cent or $20,545,900 and the Mari- time Provinces $6,685,800 or 2.4 per cent. Madge--have you had many pro- posals? Marie--Yes, but not one from a man worth suing for breach of promise. is the reason Johmmie gets along so well in school. He starts school with all the es- sentials necessary for a sue- cessful student. Give yow Child the right start Provide him with a $1.50 SPECIAL FOUNTAIN PEN Made by Waterman at 98¢c For One Week Only Sept. 5-11 JURY & LOVELL The Store LH, King Kast : RIP 3 af LAS of THUR. eV. Va. ---- "2 Phone soa (24 EY. ENDS SEPTEMBER 1-2-3 SArTruvurDAY TEE ny OWT 2211 That | Body of Pours By James W, Barton, MAA EYE CARE AND EYE STRAIN Muscle Anomalies (Irregularities) Part 3 By C. H. Tuck, Opt. D. yright 1926. I would not say it was unwise, today that we forget the past for after all its something to have dreamed. [| would not atta'n but I will say we are unwise when the records we possess and knowledge we attain are only laying up a heritage unsound, for future lives to stain. Some peculiarities may be noted and interpreted for instance, Indirect Vi- sion, evidence of a change in the visual field due to irregular functioning of certain muscles, This condition was no condition just celine ei except "that 1 the periods of suppression alternate, first one eye and then the other. (Continued next week) NEVER HESITATES The man with $1,000 never hesi- tates these days about what kind of car to buy. He always buys a $2,000 one. "What are "you doing here?" de- manded the irate farmer of the boy he had surprised in his chestnut tree. "Nuttin', sir," replied the frank little chap as he strove to hide the nut bag behind his back. OTTAWA GOOSEBERRIES ARE NOW MENACED Ottawa, Aug. 30.--The battle be- tween the white pine and wild gooseberry and black currant fac- tions which started in the suburban village of Rockeliffe now threatens to involve the City of Ottawa itself. Dr. H. T. Gussow, Dominion Botan- ist at the Central Experimental Farm here, now advises that it is not sufficient to cut down the gooseberry and currant bushes in Rockeliffe alone, but that all such bushes in the New Edinburgh and doubt started as in many cases by suppression momentarily unnoticed in the beginning Fut as each subsequent | moment of suporession was succeeded by the one foilowing the periods ot | suppression become of greater dura- tion until finally the vision was com- | pletely submerged and even if in" its development it were successful yision could only be regained step by step as it was lost the periods of development only being a matter of régaining by development what was lost providing nature would permit. Some organs whose powers of functioning are al- lowed to lapse, after a period of years will not return without new troubles coming with them. It may also be the cause of an al- ternation suppression which is like the Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Powless wish to thank their many friends for kindness shown in their recent be- reavement. (50a) Died TAYLOR-- On Saturday, -August 27th, at the residence of her par- ents, Leah Rebecca, beloved wife of Bert Taylor, R.R. No. 3, Osh- awa and much loved daughter of William and Mary Saul. Funeral service from 95 Millwood Rd., Toronto, August 30th, 2.30 p. m. to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Deeply regretted. (59a) Lindenlea sections of Ottawa and in the Town of Eastview should also be destroyed if the white pine trees of Rockcliffe are to survive. The Ottawa Commissioner of Works is to make a report in the matter. Owners of gooseberry amd currant plants in the mew zone threatened are already mobilizing to defend their beloved bushes if the order for their slaughter goes forth rom the City Hall. Pruett Beats Kramer The Phillies held Pittsburg to an even break in a double-header at Philadelphia today, inning the first game by a 3-2 score in 10 inmings, and 4 ing the d, 12-6. Hub Pruett outpitched Kremer in the op- ener and gained the verdict when his team-mates clubbed two runs over in the tenth after the Pirates had scored a run in their half of the inning. A pinch double by Jack Scott and singles by Spalding, Wrightstone and Leach scored the winning tallies. Harris starred im the second game by hitting three sin- gles and a double and driving in six of the Pirates' runs. He hit a dou- ble that scored three runs in the seventh inning and broke up a 616 tie Hugh McQuilan had the better of Pete Donohue jin a pitchers' battle at Boston that went 11 innings, and Bost defeated Cincinnati, 2 to 1. The former Giant star held the Reds to four scattered hits and up to the minth the visitors had ob- tained only one safe blow. Donohue was hit hard, but was strong in the | [ vices: | The WInVINE run came when Richbourg, with the bases fill- eq, sent a single over Kelly's head in the 'eleventh. Ed. Brown, who was sent into the game late, raised his total of successive games played to 540. Dazzy Vance and his Brovhin Robin team-mates handed the St, Louis Cardinals a 5 to 3 beating at Brooklyn that shoved them back to third place in the .league. Vance fanned eight men with his fast ball and allowed but six scattered hits. LON CHANEY 'THE UNKNO N Gripping Mystery Story of the underwortd-.. Has many scenes staged under canvas. Comedy and Pathe News B= 2 W ai ~T @