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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1927, p. 9

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gn . Block, 107 Simeoe Street 8. X-ray. WAN AT ---------------------------------------------------- _ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1927 Real Estate for Sale FOR, SALE--DELIGHTFUL HOME Hillcroft street, the more cash down the better the bargain. Pos- session September 10th. Swanson, German & MacKenzie, 2 King St, E. Owners. Phone 940, (53-b-56) FRANK 8. EBBS, BARRISTER. 0 G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOUR ST. Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey-|Rast, Phovn 693. Auto painting er Heh idk, Stoo sud opt {aad simoutsthg. Work guaranteed. streets. Phone 1496. | (131-mo) hdl a. ~ our priges. (11, CON. & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Signe Solicitors, Notaries Pu He, Ete, Con- pr ------ veyancing and general practice of |H, R, COULDERY. ARTISTIC DE- Law, Oftices 7% Simcoe St, soutd, | corating, Signs on paper, wood cot- Oshawa. Phone 63. 'G. D, Conant, | ton, brick; show eards, price tickets B.A. B; A. PF Annis, BA, a3 of every description, Digney Block, 88tf) | Oshawa, J ! (229-t1) W. B. 'N. SINCLA K.0, ei ! Cum rce Bulidtng. | (1161 Yr) Window Cleaning JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A.,--~BAR- nater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- Office 84% King St, east, Oshawa, Phone veyancer, Money to loan, 1456, Residence phone 837. THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLRAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put on and removed, Phone 1302w, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Office aver Standard Hank. SMITH TRANSPORTATION LI MIT. le, ete, Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13, ¥, Grierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, Transportation ed, Simeoe St,, 8., phone 346: 21 Front 8t, B., Toronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation ser- SWANSON Kenzie, Barristers, Notary Public, ete, QOriminal and Civil Law, loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St, east, Phone 940, D. A, J, Swanson, H, N, German, F, G, Mackenzie, GERMAN & MAC- Conveyancers, All branches of Money to (42-t1) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transférred to end from all trains, (64-11) vice, A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyanecer, money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 223897, (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co., BARRIS- |W, Notaries, ete, 16 Simcoe St, Phones-- (tf) ters, Conveyancers, Over Engel's store, North, Money to loan, office #7, Residence 2191, Insurance SEND FOR MURDOCH. HE WILL insure it, 139 Agnes St. Phone 1932M. Motor: Car, Fire, Sickness and Accident, Life, Plate Glass, etc, (Sept. 3-1 mo.) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE hy expert mechanics, Screen windows and screen 'doors. Estimates free. B. Haynes, Jor Pa St. W,, Phone Res, 180 (tf) 481, 6 rooms, conveniences, close to Motors, owner moving. Only $3,200. Small cash paymnient, balance arranged. Ap uly Bruce St. 5 FOR SALE--A FEW CHOICE LQTS left on Oshawa Blvd, Reduced to $350 for one week only. Apply Horton & French, 22 Bruce St. 52¢ 7 ROOMED HOUSE NEAR FAC- tory, large lot, well painted, price thirty two hundred--three hundred down, balance twenty per month, Phone 1297, (52-¢) FOR SALE--NEW BRICK HOUSE, | FOR SALE--3 ACRES OF LAND and frame house, barn, good well, good place for poultry, Corner of Wilson and Bloor Hast, Oshawa. Bargain price, Apply to Geo. Toll. (52-¢) FOR SALE--LOT AND BUILDING material, small payment. 'All con- veniences, near Fittings Limited. 170 Gibbs 8§t, (63-c) 4 ADS COST Any VISH MUGH m TRLIPHONE 85 Tor he hi THESE are our reg- 4 ular stock of Used Cars -- sald under our regular guarantee of satisfaction but reduc- ed in price for this spe- cial selling. It would be well to take advan- tage of this for such I values as these are rarely found. FOR SALE--25 ACRES, SIX ROOM brick house, combination heating, banked barn, stone foundation, ma- chine ehed, soil excellent for gar- dening. Six miles from Oshawa. $5,600, Small cash payment. Box "W'" Times, (62-c) EIGHT ROOM FRAME HOUSE, AT Building Supplies 300 Montrave Ave. for sale, All conveni Apply 656 Ontario St,, Toronto, or phone Randolph 3687, (63-c) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. WF, L./' Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodysard, Osh- awa, phone 824. (69-1) Money to Losn DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Re- PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages. City or farm lands. Lowest interest rate. Louis F, Hyman putahle Fire Companies, (118-41) g Coq > Tisters, 16 Simcoe tN Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist [PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ON . first mortgages, Lowest interest DR, P, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & ' Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment Mt diseases of ear, nose and throat mly. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 87, (49-tf) Medical rates and favorable terms, Grierson & Creighton, Barristers, ete, Stan dard Bank Chambers, (Aug, 12-1mo,) FOR SALE---NEW 5 ROOM HOUSE on Montrave avenue. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply 60 Park. road sath or phone 235M. FOR SALE--FOUR ACRES LAND, four roomed house, stable, chicken coop, pig sty and also young orchard, situated on Lakeview Gardens. Apply 588 Front St. (40n) For Rent i) FARM TO RENT -- HOUSE, 20 acrés of oats, possession at once, op- posite Union Cemetery. Apply 163 Colborne St. E, 53f ROOMERS -- SLEEPING ACCOM- modation for four men. Breakfast if desired, 169 Celina St. 52¢ RA AA Articles For Sale = FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SUITE, quarter cut oak, $90; stove; 3 burriér Perfection coal oi station, North Oshawa. 4 burner gas stove and oven (new), $15. Mrs. S. Switzer, 2nd house south of service 54b Eg FOR SALE~ALL BUILDING terial inchiding windows, doors, cheap; lumber $20 per 1,000 ft.; verandas, 'stack pipes, storm doors, 75 cents. chicken coops, 75 cents. premises. water MA- lath, back 497W tf pipes, ; Windows for Salesman on Dominion Wrecking Co., in back of junk yard, Ontario St. 53c PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors, Masonry work o every description, Bowmanville, phone WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 8. B, Edmondson, 3651 Simcoe Bt., B. FOR SALE-- Sable trim. A bargain, PERSIAN LAMB COAT Phone 548. 52c (17-t1) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, pieces best qualit. dollar deposit, balance $1 weekly also Rogers' silverware. Ladies and Gents' watches, weekly, Order now. 22% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (Aug, 24-1 mo.) A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 97 china, $40; one Diamond rings etc,, payments as low as 50 cents 0, H. Dell, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed, G. A, Con- stable, 148 Colborne East Phone | 520F, (75t1) CARPENTER WORK WANTED. Estimates given. Apply M. Davis, 140 Tylor Crescent, Oshawa. Aug, 22-1 mo) Fumed Oak. neat design, Oshawa Daily Times. (42tr) LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- $12.00. Wanted ' PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, 68% CITY AND FARM LOANS, No commission, Building loans, J.e- gal work done at this office, A, J. Parkhill, 'Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 16814, + AVI6LL) On McEAY, FnYSICIAN, BSUR- goon, Accoucher. Office and resi- denes, King St, Bast, corner Victoris Bt,, Oshawa, Phone 94, DPR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- elan and Surgeon, special sttention given to X-ray work snd Eleetro- Ofce, Disney on DY, Phone 2050, Dental DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas sdmin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087. (tr) DR, 8, J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DPR. H. M, COOKB, 9 SIMCOB ST, porth, over Mitchells Drug Store. Gas for extraction. 64. 'Undertaking DALTON FUNERAL SERVICE, Agents Wanted PERSONAL GREETING the finest line ever shown in Cane ada, Regal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto. (54-a) Sedan Ambulance, 199 Simcoe Street South. Phone 47. A6-S56 LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residénes, 19 Division St, 69 King Street esst. Phone 2107, 4 Watch Repairing ANYONE CAN EARN $25 WEEKLY up, in City or Country, in spare time taking Orders for the Best- Known, Highest-Grade, Lowest- Priced line Canadian-made Christ- mas Greeting Cards. Magnificent sample book free. Write Canadian Publishing Co., 51 Wellington W., Toronto. (Aug. 23--Sept. 17) Agents wanted to take orders for |49, two men well up in the trade wish to wheel in Al condition. FOR SALE --- FULTON REAR Apply Peter Yattin & Sons, Bowmanville," Phone 11tf hear from builders constructing houses in Oshawa, that will sell two houses. First payments will be allowed for painting and decorating. Reasonable Pianos, also Player Pianos, grade only, pianos on hand. ©, Truil. 5637. (96tr) FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH high Terms arranged, Used Phone terms. Box "T" Times. 54h FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING All work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. An- drew Menko, 80 Bond Street West. 54c MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also bone dry bady woo wood, Phone $60. eek CEMENT, (Mar 26-tf) FRAMES, LUMBER, roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe. FP, A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair 'shop al Help Wanted--Male Ph id snd 128s, Waterous- Meek, (84-10) Waterogs- sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt CHIMNE Y CLEANING AND RE- pairing, also chimney building. 93 Wil- liam St. W. Phone 2582W. Guaran- tee first closs job. WANTED--TWELVE dollars wanted on first security. Box "W" Times. Notice HUNDRED (52-¢) 44% King Street West. Your Aes ronage fis solicited, (20-1) work after school and Saturdays. Ap- WANTED--SEVERAL BOYS FOR ply 267 Division St. 4-6 o'clock.* 54a Painting and Decorating #. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, rAPER WANTED AT ONCE bicycle for grocery store. Rr. S. Phone 1611. 53¢ --BOY WITH 64 Ritson hanging, graining, yA years' experience, Work guaranteed. 151 Haro Phone 2067W. re EE Furniture -- WANTED--JUNIOR ' DRAFTSMAN with one or two years experience on drafting. ete. Box "R" Times. State age, experience, "Draftsman." (53-e) Mark envelope, FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR OF- fice and warehouse. Imperial Oil Tenders Wanted NOTICE OF PROPOSED TENDER FOR BRIDGE Sealed 'tenders, plaigly marked as to contents will be received by the under- signed up till 3 o'clock Daylight Saving Time, on Monday the 12th day of September, 1927, for the construction of a 70 foot Span Reinforced Concrete Arch Truss Bridge, 20 foot roadway, and one 5 foot Cantilever sidewalk. Plans 'and specifications: may be seen at the offices of the undersigned, and any further information obtained. The lowest or any tender not neces- ate compartments, 86 Bond St. sarily accepted. DR. L. E, HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- | West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cert. | C° COUrt St. (52-41) Signed fice, Roysl Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; | cc and Storage, BOY WANTED FOR BAKESHOP. D4 Kean, Engineer, Whithy, Ont. residence, 1378M. 86-1 Apply Holland's Bakery, 183 Bloor 5 w C. Smith, City Engineer, Oshawa, 3 n DPR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- Architects - EB. (52-¢) ) Son Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. 669. bs of DR. BR. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Telephone 504. 13480 Ree. 1115, Veterinary Surgeon E. J. SHIRLEY, V.S., SPECIALIST C. C. STENHOUSE -- OENBPRAD Royal Bank Bullding, Phone : ; Res. Phone 9027 id JUNIOR CLERK, ABLE TO OPER- ate typewriter. architectural work. Secomd floor, | ence, etc. Mark Clerk." Apply Box *S" Times. State age, experi- envelope "Junior (52-¢) 0 Live Stock E. J. POMBROY, 18% KING ST. E., FOR SALE --IRISH BETREIVER Oshawa, Ontario. All phone calls re-| male, 5 months. Apply 328 Jarvis St. 54c Owner may haye same by pro Lost and Found FOUND--LADY'S WRIST /ATCH Ng Ppro- perty and paying fér 'this ad. Phone 967W or call 76 Brock St. W. 54a LOST--IN FHE REGENT THFA- tre a small, leather purse containing $12.50 belonging to a 'working girl. Finder please phone 2357W or 482 Al- STRAYED ON TO LOT 21, CONCES-| cil will hear in person, or by his coun- sion 6, Darlington, 1 one year old! sel, solicitor or agent any person who heifer, red, owner can have same | claims that his land will be prejudicially diseases domestic apf) ls, cat and |ceive prompt attention Phone 1013M. bert St. 53a dog hospital Long e 503 (Sept. 1-1mo.) FoR SALE--2 YOUNG REGISTER- LOST -- - ON THURSDAY NIGHT Masson St. Phone 629, ed Holstein cows T.B. tested, 1 duc| aller containing drivers license and G8. DICKENSON, v.5., DISEASES Floor Dufais 0 Jaihen in Sent TY to Noble | permit. Apply 36 Buckingham Ave. pf oY lo Saimais aclentite- Yow MBPHOD To AC- a a > y . n ¥ : y Vetorinary. 34 Brock St 5, Phone | of (ndadine ws di Help Wanted--Female 1062. 3a) | 28 Oe ontaos, rd WOMAN WANTED TO MIND outh, phome 440. Bimeny Bi small child. 542 Simcoe St. S. MRS. J. LEE TEACHER OF PIANO. 613 Carnegie Ave. Phone 2351J. igi (51-¢) BARITONE SOLOIST WOULD GIVE | 'ne tor scrap batteries $1 and $1.69. | EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED for zemeral "housework. Please give services to any Protestant chureh; MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER Phone 2051W. hi (53-b) Wanted to Buy 4 WANTED--CAPABLE WOMAN TO help with housework one day a Week: by proving property and paying ex-| affected by the said By-Law and who penses. Peter Walter, Bowmanville, phone 167r23. (53-b) x "0 Times. Second Hand Dealers if steady work could be procured. Five years amateur theatrical ex- perience. Box "J" Times. (61-1) ARTHUR W. LINDE ( OURG | OU examinations 11 Simcoe south. THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL Let us give you (72-4f) | aM © Tze Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE at ldeal references to Box "P" Times. (510) DEALERS IN SECON miture. Bloor St. E. Phone 16170. HAND FUR- Buy and sel Apply 186 (Aug. 27-Sept. 27) Room and Board Wanted ONE wanted. 3 iy S| Wanted to Rent GENTLEMAN BOARDER Three minutes from Mo- 5 69% Simcoe St. N. (53-¢) 1 King 8t.| pigiNEsS 0 | ¢ortable bedroom. Private Box "X" Times. MAN DESIRES COM- WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED children. 10 pam. ight housékeeping rooms. Central. No Phone 1971) from 6 pam. | A I Also breakfast. family preferred. Apply (53-b) REP, WANTED--BY GENTLEMAN. SIN- WANTED TO RENT ---TWO TEA- chers desire suite of three or four fur- hished rooms for light housekeeping. Box "G" Times 54c WANTED TO RENT--SIX ROOMED house or flat. Box "B" Times. 494 Phone 438 (10) Shop. Tires for yd gle room. Central location. Apply Box "Q" Times. . 2c BY-LAW A by-law for closing or stopping up of lots thirteen and fourteen, fifth con- | i cession, township of East Whitby. he 'Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby enacts as follows :-- t the 5th concession of the Town-|a ship of East Whitby described as] c follows :--Commencing on the] Easterly limit of said lot 13 at a 54c | y ou belong. mortgage spective lodges represent seryice--giv- You carry humanity in your bosoms, you hear the cry of the needy, your idealism is not confined to a few, embraces in our arms all need. whose flag is tyranny; faith of and for selling the soil and frechold of | breed dissension and rebellion. Organi- the highway or road allowance, parts | zations whose foundations are mater- upon some one class of the community. bodies, your idealism is based not only 1. That the Highway or Allowance|on a purely social and for road through lots 13 and 14 in| basis, such as those mentioned, but on McLaughlin 20.0% Tour "Guaranteed good tives, top lke ' new, priced' ay Chevrolet Coach, 1027, perfect every way. This car has been driven small mileage and has had the priced at + "9100 Priced at ... mech. 115 Ford pio 8 Ceontiiom, Tires OK, price CHAPLAIN PAYS A FINE TRIBUTE (Continued from page 7) breach to the last man. There is such a thing as honor in war and dishonor in peace. "Anyone in this audience or else- where who would say that we are wrong in expressing these sentiments cannot do so without defaming them- selves and bringing dishonor to their country and all that is best in her. "Now to the men: Am I my broth- er's keeper? This question, the ques- tion of alt ages to men of thought and whose world is» no larger than the small space that circumscribes their ho- dies, has to he faced. And the best answer that I know possible is that men exist, and those not a few, who manifest in their lives their respect for the proud call of life--Service and Humanity. "And you men, idealists all of you, supply the answer. To yon wearing the King's uniform, what idealist you are. You symbolize service--an offer- ing to your country of the best of you. Your presence shows your en- thusiasm, which idealists are ever prone to show, for your King and Country--your regiment -- your unit, your flags. You stand ready to up- hold and to keep unsullied the name and fame of the regiment to which "To you men in the fraternal or- ders: You are idealists too. Your re- ing, helping, not primarily receiving. but those in "There are organizations abroad who are wolves in sheep's clothing, pretenders to the idealism, whose doctrines ialistic and bound to wreak injustice "But you men of H.M. Army, of he Great War, and of all fraternal matelrialistic Divine foundation, and it wins be- ause it is founded on a principle, as learly cut as crystal, by the Founder point distant 2911 feet North from the South-east angle of said lot; thence North 16° West 66 feet; for Quick "Selling Chevrolet 1 188 model A real good buy for Theriot Sedan; oa model, Splendid" tiom, Mi A bargain for $250 Ford Sedan, condition every po tires, Not a spot on 65 holstering. $26 price'... Reasonable Terma to Responsible People Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. 99 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa of true 'idealism, and in obedience to the "prinéiple * which seeks 16" heriefit the human race as one mighty whole." Veterans of the Port Perry Cana- dian Legion Post of the South African war in the parade included: Sgt. Ma- jor John Hayden, commanding, 'R. Ireland, B. W. Middleton, (President Post No. 43), G. R. White, Charles Heayn, R. Jenkins, A. P. Ingram, C. W. Freebel, A. Shelley, M. L. Caudell, M. Mooney, F. G. Gibbs, D. Partridge, Isaac McMillan, Dan. M. Douglass, W. A. Sangster, William Stoutt, Perey Lavington, J. A. Mathers, M.D., Roy Scott, E. Greaves, R. J. Tinsley, J. €. Cockburn, M. Campbell, G. 8. Wisite, W. B. Middleton, W. E. Roberts, R. J: Ireland, J. Sutherland, James Reid. Mothers of Sacrifice Mothers of Sacrifice, who held a re- served section in the grandstand, were Mrs. M. Hooey, Mrs. W. H. Clark, Mrs. Joseph Hood, Mrs. J. E. White, Mrs. T. Raines, Mrs. A. D. Peters, Mrs. George Raines, Mrs. W. Aléxan- der, Mrs. William Steel, King Edward L.O.L. No. 223, Port Perry, members included Worshipful Master W. McKinley, C. Stevenson, T. Beard, W. Cook, M. Malcolm, Wil- liam FEttey, Ed. Williams, H. Blake, and Charles Stabback. Sons of Eng- land members included President Jo- seph R. Beard, T. J. Whidden, Frank Woodley, William Davey, Charles Hodgins, Thomas Palmer. Warrener Lodge No. 75, included N. Ewars, past grand of Lodge No. 473; M. Hodgson, M. Malcolm, and Chief Constable Nesbitt. Port Perry Citizens Band was led in the procession by Lieut. Ted Jack: son, veteran of the Royal Canadian Naval Air Force, and included John Roach, W. MacGregor, Bert MacGre- gor, R. Willan, I. R. Bentley, Tho- mas Blight, F. McIntyre, W. Webster, George Davey, George Palmer, Wes Powers, Alf. Andrews, P. Densham, Lewis Palmer, Charles Gordon, Ross Roach, and Harvey Beobson. + oF ny Your money back or good results, by using Mrs. Sybilia Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Sore throats, Cough, Bronchitis, Whoop- ing Cough, Catarrah, Head colds, and Oshawa Druggists. Tonsil Diseases. Motor Cars feet; thence South 16° East 66] rc feet; 2622 feet to the place of beginning, thence South 73°56'30" West 2622] FOR SALE -- SCRIPPS BOOTHE thence North 73°56'30" East | cash. Brock St. W. Phone 412W. vadster, in good condition. Snap for Owner leaving for States. 16 be and the same is hereby stopped up or closed. so stopped up and closed be sold CADILLAC SEDAN CAR IN GOOD 2. That the soil and freehold of the! order. Would exchange as part pay- said highway or allowance for road | ment on house. Phone 2441W. (53-¢) and conveyed to F Corporation of the Township of East Whitby after the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first pub- lication of this Notice. The said Coun- ies to be heard. plies] at Columbus, Ontario, this Twentieth day of August, A.D. 1927. Warren Dearborn, P. G Purves, Reeve. Clerk. ' 49-54-60 DIAMONDS DS Jr Notice is hereby given that the above | truck 1923 in good order. Also one is a true copy of a By-law proposed | Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Mec- to be passed by the Council of the Laughlin. Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Eveni (340) OR SALE--ONE FORD TON fufomrs Pu | nk |

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