Mr, Sweet, 289 Albert street, es to state he ia not the Er- t Sweat who was recently ar< for' theft of an auto from tt Motor Sales, or any of his ves. Collide A left hand turn at King and meoe caused an aceident about 20 p.m. yesterday when a car by May Tosland, going south | Simeoe street, was struck by an- her car driven by Fred Gilmore, 27 Rigin street east, who was at- Ping BY left hand turn, A, L, aland, 1 street was with May osland b the time while Martin rrell, 140 Elgin st. east was In e Gilmore car. Sunday used to be a day to think f the hereafter, Now it is mainly oted to getting there.~Border ties Star, THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1927 C.N.E. COMMITTEE REFUSE TO FOSTER SIMILAR EVENT (By Oanadian Press) Toronta, Sept. 6.--~The Cana- dian National Exhibition, believ- ing that one big swim is enough, will make no move 0 cover the $283,000 donated al ready towards the third world's "Witting marathon, according to both Johm J, Dixon, presi: dent, and H, W, Waters, gen. eral manager. "We certainly want no more 2%-mile events," Mr, Dixon declared today, The exhibition may put on an aquat. fc event mext year, but if it is « swim it will not be longer than fifteen miles, = Provincial Constants, H, 0, Tay- fer, of St, Thomas, formerly located r Oshawa and Whitby covering territory in Ontario County up until 8 year or to ago, muda a not- e showing in poultry exhibits : the Canadian National Exhibi- mn now under way, His collection ot Rhode Island Reds at the poult- show last Frday won for him, e Blyth silver cup, the Paige ver cup, the Canadian National xhibition bronze medal as well {as the trophy for the hest collee- fon, In addition to these honors, the also captured the National iehampionship Rosette, for the best i#olid color female bird, with rose Here's Speedy Relief From Bunion Pains and Soft Corns rald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction or Money Cheerfully Refunded Get two-ounce bottle of oone's Emerald onl (full trength) today. Every well stock- d drug store has this, with the istinet undersanding that your oney will be cheerfully returned f it does not reduce the inflamma- fon, soreness, and pain much uvicker than any remedy you ever sed. | Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oil and in fif- teen minutes the pain and soreness ) disappears. A few more applica- "tions at regular intervals and the inflammation is gone. And as for Soft Corns a few ap- plications each' night at hed time a Big Selling Out Special ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Engel' GREAT wr SALE FORMER PROVINCIAL CONSTABLE HERE WINS SEVERAL TROPHIES AT THE C, N, E, POULTRY SHOW and single comb in Rhode Reds, He scored 34 points to win on the best collection of this variety of fowl, his nearest competitor at- taining only 22 points, The C. N. E. bronze medal went to Constable Taylor for the best young pair, cockerel and pullet, on display. Constable Talyor's individual wins were as follows: First prize on pullet; sccond and third prize on cockerel; third on hen and sec- ond on young pen, Constable Taylor showed his stock in competition with 565 en- tries, representing some of the best Rhode Island Red flocks of Canada Island and the United States, and they just seem to shrivel right up and scale off. No matter how discouraged you have been with pads, shields, or other applications, if you have not tried Emerald Of] then you have something to learn. It's a wonderful formula--this combination of essential oils with camphor and other antiseptics so marvelous that thousands of bottles are gold annually for reducing varl- cose or swollen veins. Jury & Lovell and W. H. Karn, Ltd.) and every good druggist guarantees the first bottle of Moone"s Emerald Oil to end your foot troubles or money back. Boysand Girls | Don't Miss It! $1.50 J and L FOUNTAIN PEN 14 Karat Gold Nib, Self filling, with a clip or ring, O8c For This Week Only at rae Rexall sure Jury & Lovell King BE, Simeoe 8, Phone 28 Phone 68 SENSATIONALISM IN | PRESS OF CAMADA Seen By he + British Paper Editors Now on Tour in Dominion (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Sept. 6,--British news- paper editors now in Toronto In the course of their Canadian visit, see a tendency to "American sensa- tionalism" in the press of Canada, "I don't like your big headlines,' John Sidney King, president of the British Weekly Newspapers' Society, declared, "They exaggerate the story far more than it worth." He admitted they are 'not so bad as the American newspapers," "Yourp apers, too are leaning tow- ards the sensational. Here again, however, you are not nearly so bad as the American newspapers', he went on, Born MOORE--Born at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, Septem- ber 5th, <i to Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert H. Moore, (nee Mary Davis) a son. Both doing fine. SNELGROVE--At the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, September 7, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Snelgrove, daughter. a Married ALLIN-HENDERSON --- At the Christian Church parsonage at 2.30 ocloeck Tuesday afternoon, Christine Henderson, of Wingham, to Hugh Allin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allin, 108 Church St. Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher performed the ceremony, (54a) For Yow | PHONE 22 poi ves Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver SPECIAL li ; | ceeds is really! 1927, to | ENROLL AT 0. G. 1, (Continued from page 1) will report. In addition, there is al- (ways a certain percentage of casuals to accommodate. The total enrollment for the day's gessions will approxim- ate between 800 and 900 students. 'With the evening classes which open in October, Oshawa's Collegiate en- 'rollment may pass the 1,000 mark. 1f the pupils keep coming in as the |rt year students did this morning," 'Principal O'Neill stated, "we are due 'for considerable increases." Mr. O'Neill believed that the en= rollment of new students for the 1927-28 term would not exceed 300 pupils, The addition of the unexpect~ ed 50 is striking evidence of Oshawa's rapid growth--that many more famil- ies with children of high school age having come into the city or vicinity during the summer holidays. | Great interest is being shown in the new one-year secretarial course which the Oshawa Collegiate inaugurates , with this term. This course, it is pointed out, gives students as thorough | training in one year as any business 1school can offer for the same period, In addition, its pupils are brought in contact with collegiate activities which 'today take the place formerly held by the small college in fostering school spirit and friendships, Ten new teachers joined the Col- legiate staff this morning, represent» | ing a net gain of four, The total number of specialists and teachers on the Collegipte staff is now twenty five, George enry, B.A, (Queen's Boni By joins the staff as special- ist in commercial subjects and suc {Seeding Miss Mamie Quinn as head lof that department. Mr Henry has distinguished teaching record at the Woodstock College and the Brantford Collegiate Institute. Norman Mcleod, M.A,, (McMaster University), comes to the O.C.I. as specialist in English and History, ialist in stenography, joins the com- mercial department staff succeeding i Mr, Stanley, ' Albert F. Brown, B.A, (Queen's University), specialist in science, suc» Mr. Shelton, Mary Dryden, B.A. specialist in | physical training, will have charge of girls physical culture, Miss Dryden is !a daughter of William Dryden, of Columbus, and is a graduate of Mec- Master University. J. Eugene Durant, B.A, (University iof Western Ontario), specialist in mathematics and physics, joined the teaching force of the Collegiate this morning along with Ernest J. McGirr, B.A. recently of the Galt Collegiate Institute, as specialist in physical | raining and teacher of history and English. Cecil S. Patterson, | College, University of ybe in charge of the (training department, Freeman D. Wright, B.A, joins the commercial staff, and Arthur Slyfield, as librarian, will be in charge of the new lecture course in library science, The Collegiate grounds smiled a welcome to the hundreds of new stu- dents who enrolled today. New linol- eum has been laid in the older build- ing and much painting and decorating during the summer holidays left the school spick and span for the open- ing of its greatest year. B.A.,, Victoria Toronto, will boys OVER 800 STUDENTS | Henry J. Armstrong, B. Com., spee- physical | Special Offer on DELINEATOR for a limited time only, Regular Price-- Too Late to Classity FOR SALE--GOOD SOLID BRICK house, also one huilding lot. Apply 59 Park Rd. S. (54¢) FOR SALE--QUANTITY OF FUR- niture, extension tables, several tea tables, washstand and bedroom suite, walnut sideboard, chairs. 16 Bond St. Ww. (54¢) FOR SALE--K45 McLAUGHLIN touring car. Apply Gordon Drew, 211 King St. E. Phone 135. (54¢) { FOR SALE--GENUINE INDIAN rug, 9 ft. square, never been used. Cheap. 93 Nassau St. (54¢) Chines, The balance of our Piece Goods is now on the tables For Final J you need anything in this line we advise KARN'S DRUG STORE Det the Post Office -- FOR SALE -- ONE HAPPY thought range, $8 for quick sale. 305 | Nassau street. (54h) | | FOR SALE--BED AND SPRINGS. In good condition. Apply 178 Athol | strect east, or phone 2116W. (54a) NEW HOUSE FOR SALE ON COL- borne St. Six rooms, chestnut trim, oak floors, electric fireplace, all mod- ern conveniences. Terms. Apply 118 Oshawa Blvd. , (54¢) WANTED--A DELIVERY BOY. 8S. A. Gates, 22 Simcoe St. N (54h) WANTED_CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework. Apply Mrs. Leo Gray, 426 Simcoe St. N., phone 668. (54c) LOST--STRAYED, YOUNG HOUXD itan and white. Please phone a A (54¢) LOST--WOULD THE PARTY WHO found black rim glasses Friday might after 'accident at Mclaughlin Blvd. and Simcoe please phone 1213M. Re- ward. (54) {LOST--BETWEEN 127 ELGIN ST. | E. and 340 Simcoe St. N. via Mary and 'Aberdeen Sts, crescent brooch set with pearls and emeralds. Finder please leave at either of above ad- dresses and receive reward. (54h) {FOR RENT -- HOUSE, FIVE 'rooms, all conveniences. Reasonable rent. Phone 1552). Call at 754 Sim- jcoe 5. 5, S., Cedardale. (54b) 'A SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE with every convenience to rent. Pos- Eas September 21. Apply 29 Brock St. E. (S4c 'FOR RENT--SELECT GARAGE, Masson St. Immediate possession. Phone 956M. (542) FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE furnished bedroom. Suitable for two gentlemen or married couple. Apply 196 Albert St. or phone 832F. (54¢) {HOUSE WITH FIVE or SIX lacrive as per schedule, Aogardicss of rooms wanted before Sept. All conveni Box "M.)" Ang (54c) ces. ) ing on Olive avenue on September Toronto stores or Blankets 70 x 84, white or grey with Ends, Genuine Leather Sho Fancy colors, with two Black, Reg. $3.50, 6 Dozen Girls' Fal English Fel Good range of colors, Reg. $2.25. For, each Fancy Brocaded 54 x 54 inches. some medallion patterns in Green and Blue, pink or blue border, Per pair., September Towel Sale White Bath Towels with Fancy Jacquard Regular $ .65 for 43¢ each Regular $ .79 for 49¢ each Regular $1.00 for 69¢ each Regular $1.25 for 88¢ each Linen Huck Towels With colored ends, Good medium size, Regular 50c for 39¢ each Regular 75c for 59¢ each leather Green, Blue, Red, Brown and For, each Smart shapes for girls of 6 to 14 years Oilcloth Squares White ground with hands Special, each .... Price for Price---Value for Value---We Believe That 95 p.c. of Oshawa People Would Rather Buy In Oshawa--- .- T'S Up To Us To Tell You Through Our Advertisements and Store Displiys, That We J "can Do Just as Good Sometimes a Little Better than you -can do either in the mail order, Yet in spite of our effoits along this line sible, Colors: $2.10 colors, Reg, $1.95, Standard service weight, dozen to sell in a good range of the best Sizes 81% to 10, For, pair ioe : there are some people who send in their orders to Toronto stores without knowing or inquiring our prices, We would appreciate your inquiries, 100 Pairs [Ibex Flannelette 40 Inch French Wool Santoy Popular fabric for Fall dresses. purchase makes this exceptional value nns- A special Green, Blue, Navy, Black, Rosewood, Sand, Brown, Reg. $1.39, For, yard Substandard Puritan Maid Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose Only about 20 $1.29 Ecru Curtain Panels Handsome borders, finished with fringe, Size 36 x 69c 81 in, Special ea, Best Quality White pping Bags handles. $1.49 | Hats in ts Table elastic, pair Rose, 69¢c 25 cents for the copy, $1.50 for One Year or $3.00 for Two Years SUBSCRIBE NOW! SENTENCED T0 FOURTEEN DAYS Walter Schuk Drove Car While in an Intoxicated Condition Two charges against Fred Holk which have been held over several times were disposed of in this morn- ing's police court when Magistrate Hind fined him $200 and costs or three months on a charge of receiyv- ing liquor preferred some time ago under the O.T.A., and $100 and $6 costs or 30 days for having liguor in his possession not re- quired for his own use under his own permit. Hoik pleaded guilty on the first charge and not guilty on the second, and will appeal the sec- ond conviction. From the evidence submitted, Hoik and a friend Schuk had gone to Toronto on June 29, and while there Schuk had purchased a case of whiskey and a carton of beer, ap- parently on his own permit. He asked Hoik to deliver it to him at his house that evening, and it was while in Hoik's possession that iz was seized by the police. D. A. J. Swanson a for the defence while Crown Atlorney Grierson conducted the prosecution. Walter Schuk then appeared on a charge of driving in an intoxicated condition on August 1 to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 14 days in jail and costs of $16.80 or an additional 7 days. Magistrate Hind said that it was very mneces- sary to stop drunken drivers on the highways by imposing stiff penal- \tles if necessary, as it was a very | dangerous practice. George Wrestick, who pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless dniv- ist, was remanded until the 14th instance to give him a chance to make good the damage he had done when he ran into a store front on that street, causing over $100 damage to the store and damaging his car beyond repair. Meanwhile the ocean liners sail or airplanes the weather that keeps the Fancy Colored Hose Supports sizes 4t06,6t09,9 to 12 years, Table Oilcloth 45 inches wide 39¢ yard 54 inches wide 49¢ yard Four Smallware Specials 50 Strong Safety Pins, in assorted sizes, for 365 Brass Pins, assorted sizes, for Sew-on Garters, pink silk aa B¢ for girls, Jl book is given only with the two-year subscription offer, MONTREAL HAMILTON BRANTFORD From Fohuong uC HEAD Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto | Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C P.R. Office, Phone 144 8. F, Everson, Local Manager KITCHENER OSHAWA ST. CATHARINES Of $500,000 collected by communists ostensibly as a Sacco-Vanzetti defence fund only $300 reached the organiza- tion formed for that purpose.--Kit- chener Record. 4 | "dark The problem of delegates to coun- ventions is how to capture them. One of the most successful plans is the horse."--Owen Sound Sun- Times. in port. TOuawa Journal.