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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1927, p. 5

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pore ET ews " --Mr, Morley Canning spent the week-end in Taronte. : --Mr, Percy Canning is visiting with friends in Toronte for a few days, --Mr, William Allison of Athol street spent the week-end in To- ronto, --Mpr, and Mrs, A, W. Bell, Sim- coe street north, spent the week- end in Kingston, --Miss Dorothy McEwan of De- troit is visiting with Miss Dorothy Patten of this eity, --Mr, C, Cheesehoro' of Eldon avenue spent the week-end with friends north of Maddoe, --Miss Ella Ogden and Miss Mar- tha McDermid of this city visited friends in Kingston over the week- end. --Miss Lily Stevens, Mary street, has returned to her home after spending a few days with friends in Toronto. --Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Byers of Peterboro' were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson, Bond street east, --Mr. and Mrs, William Hogg and daughter Betty of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs, H. A. Ross, Divi- sion street, Mrs, Irene Guy has returned to her home here after visiting with her sister Mrs. George Armstrong, Detroit, Mich. --Miss Fern Young, of South Bend, Ind., who has heen visiting with friends in Toronto, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Young lived in Oshawa until six years ago when she with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Wilkinson removed to South Bend, Ind. » --Mpr, John Allison of the Avia- tion Corps is visiting with his father, Mr. William Allison, Athol street east. --Mj. John Howsam of this city spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howsam, in Uxbridge. --Mr. David Sterritt, Mr. W. Goodwin and Mr, Frank Simmons were among those who attended the C.N.E, yesterday, ----Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Griffen and family of Columbus visited with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brown of North Oshawa recently, --Mpy, and Mrs, Shutron, son and daughter of Detroit, visited with relatives in this city over the holi- day and week-end, --Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Young and family have returned home after visiting in Toronto where they also attended the C.N.E, ~--Mpr, and. Mrs. L. Slack, and Mr, Ted Gray all of Detroit are visiting with Mrs, Slack's mother, Mrs, J. Servige, 72 Brock street west, ~--Mrs. and Miss Elizaheth R. Kmsley returned to thelr home here on Monday after visiting friends at the Pacific coast and Alaska, ~--Major and Mrs, PP. H, Jobh and family of Brock street east spent the. week-end in Campbhellford the guests of Major and Mrs, J, M. By- | gott, --Mr. and Mrs, H. Boyce and sons Frank and Gegrge, have return- ed to their home on Oshawa houle- vard after spending two weeks' EA WE MAKE AND FI7 £088 CT STYLE OF TRUSS AND GUARANTEL TO HOLD RUPTURE SECURELY. EXAMINATION FREE, wv ialize BE AUTHORS & COX. | 135 CHURCH S11 LI # TORONTO You must try RED PEKOE, A little higher price than other a real difference in quality, Now teas, but ROSE ORANGE A packed in Aluminum, Bamby ws poted vig Bos Jug ond Sandwiches are best when made with CANADAGEBREAD COMPANY = Albert Lee, Manager at Oshawa che rn | THE'OSNAWA visiting in Collingwood, their form- er home, --Mr. and Mrs, Warren Germond and Mrs. Archie McMaugh, of Ham- burgh, N.Y., visited over the week- end at the home of Mr. A, Germond, King street east. --Mnr. and Mrs. George Armstrong and sons George and Boyd of De- troit are visiting with Mrs. Arm- strong's mother, Mrs. H. Gray, and other relatives of this city, --Mr, and Mrs. BE. L. Vickery and family 198 Kisg street east, have returned from their summer camp in the Muskoka Lakes district after a long vacation. While in the north country they were guests for some time at the Windermere Ho- tel, Lake Rousseau. --On Friday evening Miss Flora Hawkins was the hostess at a de- lightful kitchen shower that was held at her home on Higin street, lv' her friend Miss Mae Fenn who is to be married this month, Miss! Fenn received many" useful and , beautiful gifts from = her many friends and the evening was made | very enjoyable with musie then re- | freshments were served by the host- e888, t for Weddings : -BROWN-=HOGKEL Very quietly at the King street | riage of Muriel Bernice, nlece of Mr. ond Mrs, G. C. Allison, Mary | street, and Douglas Hogel, only son | of Mr. and Mrs. | Rev. C, W. DeMille officiating. They were attended hy Miss Emma | B, Hallon of Picton and Mr. Howard KE. Hogel, also of Picton. Mr. and Mrs, Hogel will reside in Picton. [ | COLTIER--RUCK On Saturday, the marriage of ' Clara Matilda Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ruck, Colborne | street, and Mr. James Collier, son | of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Collier | of Ontario street, was quietly sol-| , emnized at the St. George's church, with the Rev, Canon dePencier of- ficiging They were attended hy Mr. Charles Taylor and Miss Al- berta Ruck, sister of the bride. Af- ter a short honeymoon, TAYLOR--YORK t parsonage on Saturday the marriage of Marjorie Bernice, eldest daughter | j of Mr, and Mrs. Marshall York, El- | | liott avenue, and Arnold Howard | | Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Taylor, of Bowmanville, was solem- nized, with the Rev. C. W. DeMille officiating. The bride, who looked charming in a blue crepe de chine gown with large felt hat to match and blonde shoes and hose, was attended hy Miss Alleen York. the bride's sister who wore honeydew organdie with large white picture hat, black satin shoes and hose to match her dress. After a luncheon which was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left by motor for a short honeymoon to he spent in Napanee. On their re- turn they will reside in Whitby. ALLIN--HENDERSON Very quietly this afternoon the marriage of Miss Christine Hender- son, Wyngham. to Mr. H. M. Allin. son of Mr. apd Mrs. William Allin Church street this city, was solem- nized with the Rev. Dr. W. P. Flet- cher officiating, in the Christian chureh parsonage. The bride looking lovely in poudre Bread iveding | Tinited church pasonage the mar | A. Hogel of] 9 Picton, took place on Monday, with {who had previously given the name Mr. and to the morping hreeze, Mrs. Collier will reside in Oshawa. Lieut. Bvans with a color guard om 5 (By Associated Press) | New York, N.Y. Sept. 6.--A trail extending from the alleged bomb factory in Brooklyn to the Panama Canal zone and to Halifax was being followed by police tody in an effort {ta pin the blame on to the six ar- rested suspects of the bombing of the Supreme Court Building in Brooklyn, | Material used in the manufacture |- "of bombs, pictures of public build- ings, and marked maps of New York 'subway lines were found in the raids (of two apartments occupied by the men in the foreign quarter of down- town Brooklyn. The police also an- nounced the seizure of anarchistie literature and books of the manu- facture of bombs, "The men under arrest are Mario Medreno, Mexican, charged with the ossession of dangerous weapons; esus Silva Mexican charged with the possession of dangerous weapons and bombing; Julian De Hoyas, Bugenio Fernandes, Cuban, ! nvestigation as to complicaty in {the bombing; Victory Fern, Mexi- can, held for investigation, and Joe pany 100 yard dash for "A" Com- Roa. Christozal, held for Investiga- | pany; and in the tug of war finals bi | tion, FINED $20 AND COSTS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 6.-- Francis Stoker of Frank Johnson, and John Chap- man faced Magistrate Willis on Sat- furday night on charges of being in- 'toxicated and consuming liguor in {a public place. The penalty was $20 [and costs or a month in jail. Both chose the jail term, TROOPING GOLORS SPORTS TOURNEY (Continued from page 1) and the King's Color was unfurled Borne by consisting of a color sergeant and four riflemen, with the band playing At the King street United Church | The Garb of Old Gaul", the colors were paraded through the open lines in the army's impressive slow-time On the colors taking post at the right of the line of companies, the band played a bar of the National | Anthem with the Regiment at the The National followed hy *The Maple Leaf" and "0 Canada", Following this the regiment fired a feu-de-joie of three volleys. This demonstration, in which blank cart- ridges were used, is a rattling sal- ute of musketry which begins with the right hand man of the front rank and followed In instantaneous hut successive firing by each man through all the lines. The rattle of the musketry rolled out over Lake Scugog and was echoed back by the Island's bills. An exceedingly diffi- cult bit of practice ever for season- ed troops, the Ontario Regiment performed the feat with extraordin- ary precision. Following the noon ! luncheon served by the ladies of Port Perry's patriotic societes an intensely in- teresting program of sports was staged, A baseball game between Port Perry casuals and the Regiment re- Fulted in a seven to one score in favor of the military unit. A cup blue georgette, with picture hat tn match, black satin shoes and black hose, and carrying sweetheart roses was pttended by Miss Winnifred Nickols of this city, while Mr. C. Anderson also of this city, assisted the groom. After a luncheon. held at the home of the groom's narents, Mr. and Mrs. Allin left for a short honey- moon to Toronto and points west. On their return they will reside in Oshawa, TOAZE~~DAVIES A very interesting wedding was solemnized at the Simcoe street Upited Church Saturday afternoon when Ann Mary, daughter of Mr. W. T. Davies and the late Mrs. Davies of V¥stoad Mymnack, South Wiles, was married to Mr. Clarence Alford Toaze of Hamilton. Rey, Dr. H. 8. Dougall, minister of the Sim- coe street Church officiated. The bride was a charming picture of girlish loveliness when she was led to the altar by her brother, Mr. Arpott Davies who gave her fn marriage to the happy groom. The bride wore a white georgette gown trimmed with silver lace. She wore a white felt picture hat, and carried a bouquet of white roses and moss which was the prize of this event was presented to Lieut. Hardman for the Regiment. Cpl. Brown cap- tained the winning team, E. Salmon of the Signal Platoon took. the open 100-yard dash in reec- ord time and won the trophy cup. A tug of war preliminary between "A" apd "C" company stalwarts was won by "C" Company. In the Victoria Cross race Bugler J. Smith and Pte, Weeks were the winners. (EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, ovine Ragas a gown of shell pink georgette and a picture bat to match. She carried pink roses and sweet peas. Mr. P. D: Hilton was the groom's attendant. After the ceremony a luncheon was served at the home of Mrs, D. Puch, 95 Phillip avenue. Mrs. Toaze's going away gown was bois-fle-rose crepe de chins trimmed with beige with hat to match and a black coat. The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to Hamilton and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside at their home on Elmgrove Avenug, West- mount. One way some mations have of "banishing liquor" is by shipping # to the United States.-- Toronto Tele- gram. Some men, when left alone whil their wife is om yacation. forget fc feed the cat, but are too geneous i the "kitty."--St. Catharine: N Hymn was | > a iis 6 1027 | Porto Rican, charged with bombing 100 yard open race for School' Ca- held dets, boras. oa HON £ Miss Nancy Davies, sister of the r bride, was the bridesmaid. She wore | **%ey Dyyrmite Post pied ION SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES we lH A ONII clean by washing with apailof water con ful of Gillex, No soap is\ scrubbing, Gillex is dirt is greasy in Try E. Salmon took the 220 yard dash for the Signallers against all comers; and Tom Harris of Port Perry, a 16-year-old lad, took the Tug-of-War Pte, Weeks won the inter--com- etween "B" and "C" Companies the cup offered passed into the proud hands of the "B" Company team, Pte. Weeks took another cup for "A" Company hy a 220 yard sprint; LAR Te], I FLY PADS I KILL MORE FLIES S8°° WORTH OF ( f ATCHER IHAN Clean to handle, Solid by all ts, Grocers and - eral Stores CLEANI taining a teaspoon- needeyd--and no hard rubbing or , r--and practically all ter, | just once, Then we know you will use it allithe timefbecanse it saves time and MFA | Odorl NICH Gritless S(OF MAGIC BAKING and in the bicycle race for boys un- der 12 over a half mile Bobbie Car- negie of Port Perry was the victor, A pencil case was his reward, Boys under 16 competed for a cup in a hieycle race and John Bar- rowdale of Oshawa, won, the cup. Lieut, Hardman and Cpl. Wright of "B"" Company gave an interest- ing display of military acrobatics, In the intercompany relay race Signals was again the winner and was awarded four medals, A feature of the program in which members of the Regimental band competed was a race to play a given selection, Bandsman BE. Wood won a hox of cigars hy play- ing "The Maple Leaf' on his trom- bone without striking a false note and in record time, Boxing was the next feature, Pte, Coad of "A" Company was defeated hy Pte. Fudger of "A" Company. Cpl. Miller and Cpl. Wright for the N.C.0.'s battled to a draw. Young Champion In the flyweight division, Jack Bier, aged 6, and Bob Nasmith of Port Perry put up the y's most interesting mill, Jack Biér won in points and was given an ovation, Majors Battle A burlesque boxing match was then staged hetween Major Robert terested sulery roaring with laugh- ter from start to finish. A blindfold bexing set between Lance Cpl, Maedonald and Cpl. Smith ended in a draw. This pair hit each other "from memory", Cups and prizes for the milifary tournament were presented hy the ladies of Port Perry, the Port Perry Canadian Legion Post, and officers of the Regiment, Prizes were presented by Reeve Sweetman and Rev, and Hon. Cap- tain 8. C. Jarrett, "chaplain of the Regiment who is rector of the Port Perry Anglican Church. 2 Simeoe St N, Phone 1200 Boys' School ; . $2.25 Boots, Special... Smith and Major Bert Smith, broth- ers and brother field officers of the | Ontario Regiment. A chap named | Smith won- Their mill had the in-| Dominion Clothing Co, King 8t, W, Phone 2141 H---- a ID ay Aft FROM OSHAWA .. .. $160 | WHITBY . . 140 $2.05 .. A25 War tax : included low fares Ask M. R. JOHNSON or any Ticket Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC Propontionately from other points. Standard, we LUX ond te son" LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED bath overnight ~&v Al 3a « A FEW precious holidays , , the innate tendency of a limited wardrobe to lose its freshness with amazing quickness . , . a Lup the silk hose, the underthings , , . -- perfect safety to all delicate gar- etna the sich yiog, lean our top-to-toe feeling the next day, wi none of the embarrassment attendant upon soiled clothes . , . Portify the weekend bag with LUX |" [The above lesser was written by Mos, George A. Lyghs, Homiliom, Omsario. } The cleansing and protective qualities of LUX are preparation of the LUX flakes. LYS PAS for the sport-skirt,

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