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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Sep 1927, p. 9

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---- Be ioe 204 and Bond streets. wy Nee, | U21-me) | 2¢ QONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, 'Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Con: 'veyancing and general practice of Law, 'Offices 7% Simeoe St Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D. Conant, B.A, LLB; A, F. Anais, B, oe LB 'Real 'Estate 'for Sale 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOUR ET, East, Phovna 693. Auto painting and slmonizing, Wark guaranteed. Before paintiag get our prices, (if, Signe Masson street. Between Aberdeen and Oonnaught. Attractive residence in desirable district. $6700. Ritson Road near King. Brick resi: CUTLER & PRESTON 64 King St. 'W. Tel 572 six rooms. 'Very convenient H, R, COULDERY ARTISTIC DK- sould, [corating. Signs on paper, woed' cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description, Disney Block, Oshawa. (239-tt) W. BE. N. SINCLAIR, KC, BANK of Commerce Building, ( 1161 yr) Window Cleuning -JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A,,--BAR- mater, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 84% King St, east, Oshawa, Phone 145, Residence phone 837. THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and 'store windows put on and removed, Phone 1302w. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Me, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13, J. F, Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, B.A, GERMAN & MAO- Conveyancers, SWANSON Kenzie, Barristers, Notary Public, ete, -All branches of QOriminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, Office over Lamble"s store, 2 King St, east, Phone 940, D, A, J. Swanson, H, N, German, F, G, Mackenzie, Transportation SMITH TRANSFORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St., 8., phone 346, 212 Front St, E., Toronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation ser. vice, (42-tf) COLEMAN CARTAGH AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Plone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, . 'Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (G4-t1) A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- leftor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg, oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 2239J, (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notarles, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. North, Money to loan. Phones-- office 67, Residence 2101, (tf) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics. Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free, W. Haynes, 161 King St. W,, Phone 481, Res, 180 r 2, (tf) Building Supplies Insurance SEND FOR MURDOCH. HE WILL insure it. 130 Agnes St. Phone 1932M, "Motor Car, Fire, Sickness and Accident, Life, Plate Glass, etc, (Sept. 3-1 mo.) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and Interior trim, ¥, L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 824, (69-17) location, Hardwood floors. '$5600. Olarke street, Stucco residence six rooms $4,000, $500. Bungelow, stucco, Five rooms. Cen- tral. Gladstone Ave. Five roomed frame dwelling. $2500. cash. Cas finance with $2900. Down payment $500. Requires: §1,000 CUTLER & PRESTON > 64 Kify St. W. Tel 572 (60-62-64) FOR SALE--ONE LOT ON WEST- moreland avenue, Apply 21 West- moreland avenue. Phone 1677W. (60a) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK Veneer house newly decorated, large summer kitchen, electric lights, 3 piece bath, large lot and garage, Aly a Maple St. SIX ROOM HOUSE, WITH BATH, newly decorated, Apply 91 Eldon Ave. Phone 1759M, (60-¢) Mintmam charge---800. Each sibsequent insertion 1c per word, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three conte 8 word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 centa, Hox number---10c additional - Professional or Oards, $2.00 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word ' per month for each additional word. ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH Ask For Classified Ad Departs ment, 'Insurance and Real Ee | Qa) i FOR house, ete, aun Road. FOR SALE--~PORTABLE G!/ ARAGE, nearly new. B. |v phone 2283, 10 Prince street, SALE--SIX ROOM FRAME conveniences, light, furnace, | Apply Frank Robinson, 297 Ver- Acticles For Sale (59¢) Reasonable price, Call FOR SALE--C. C, almost new. Will sell cheap, Apply 78 Eldon Ave. Phone 2495, M. BICYCLE, (60¢) (59) FOR SALE -- FIVE ROOMED brick all conveniences, north end, FOR SALE--GOOD SEWING MACH- ine, Cheap for cash, Phone 1806F. (60¢c) price thirty-eight hundred, three hundred down, balance monthly, Phone 1207, (68¢c) HOUSE FOR SALE--FOUR ROOM brick cottage hartwood floors, all FOR SALE----STEEL RANGE coal or wood, warming closet, ervoir. Good as new. Cheap. 94 Osh- awa Boulevard, Phone 1458W, (60c) FOR res~ conveniences $2,300. Small cash payment, Apply 90 Eldon Ave. Phone 790M. (68¢c) Money to Loan INSURANCE, 19 The oldest DAVIS AND SON, King st. west, Oshawa, Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Re- putable Fire Companies, (118-tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist : DR, F,:'T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR 1 Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment Mt diseases of ear, nose and throat mly. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97, (49-tf) Medical PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages, City or farm lands, Lowest interest rate, Louis F, Hyman & Co, Barristers, 16 Simcoe St, N, Phone 67, 52tf 68% CITY AND #»rARM LOANS, No commission, Building loans, Le- gal work done at this office, A, J. Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg, Phone 1614, (1761) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT. Bast, Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St, 60 King Street east, Phone 210J, DR, Me¢EAY, PnYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Vietoris Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd surgeon. Special referéncer to diseases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east, DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- glsn and Surgeon, special sttentlon ven to X-ray work snd Electro- py. OMce, Disney Block. Phone 2050. (tr) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas sdmin- Istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087, (te) DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice 'over Bassetts', Phome 959; Residence 306, 41 yr. PR, HL M, COOKS, 5 SIMCOB ST, porth, over Mitchells Prug Store. Gap for extraction. b4. Watch Repairing F. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (20-t1) Painting and Decorating R., GUTSOLB, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, graining, ete, Twenty years' experience, Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45-48) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments, 856 Bond St. West, Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- ge and Storage, Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 9027. QUICK SALE--SIX ROOMED house on King St. West; over 80 FOR SALE--1 Balloon Tire. 1 partly used, year. Sizes 20-475, Apply to J, A, Thompson, Oshawa Post Office, (60¢) NEW GOODYEAR Good- ft. 'frontage; conveniences; $4,200. Will accept payment. Apply 204 Montrave Ave, (59-c) FOR SALE--ONE 9x12, one brussels rug 9x9, one electric fixture, Apply 114 Agnes St. SANDURA RUG 59¢ 3 ROOMED HOUSE ON KINGSTON Rd, W, Woodshed and garage. Apply R, Cutts, 148 Simcoe St. 8. (58-c) FOR bargain, SALE -- BEAVER COAT, Phone 1085W after 6.30 p.m. 59¢ For Rent FOR heater as new, SALE--GURNEY and cooker 95 Wood St. QUEBEC combined, Good (60-¢) FOR RENT--ROOMS SUITABLE for 2 gentlemen. Would take one willing to share with another, Apply 31 King St. E, Apt. 1. (60h) CABINET GAS condition, $15, STOVE Cost $48, Phone 2606J, IN GOOD will sell for (60-c) rooms for light housekeeping, Logue's garage at Harmony, Apply TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED Nice and bright. First house east of to Mrs, Times. 8. T. Branton, or Box "U" (60c) TO RENT, THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, in Whitby. Suitable for light housekeeping. $12 per month. Ap- ply Kirby, Athol St., Whithy. (2nd block south of Kingston Road). (60-a) GARAGE TO LET. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, Suitable for young man, Up to BIG spring sizes, SALE OF and steel couches, 'chiffioniers, pints, and quarts, FURNITURE--1? | iron and" brass trimmed beds steel new felt mattresses, regular $18 at $9.60 to $10.50, all child's cribs and new mattresses, extension and kitchen tables, sidebeards, dressers, washstands, set rockers and chairs, carpets, rug gem jars, coal range, with water front, as new, gas stove in good order, $5; oak heater one coal and gas range, in good order cost $110; baby hugs gles and gocarts. The People's Fur niture Store, 17 Prince St. parlour coa BOO (58e) date conveniences, Phone 2606J, (60-c) 4477, PHONE OAK TABLES, ROUND RACKS, table desk, cash register and mirrors for sale at Engel's store. (58¢) (60-h) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for two respectable young men. 62 FOR linoleum, Phone 956M. SALE, nearly new; . size CHEAP--KITCHEN 8x9 (58¢) Emma St. (59-c) Help Wanted--F emale GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH general housework. Phone 1234M. (60a) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Phone 2378 before 6 pm. 59¢ housework and care of children. weekly, A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 07 pieces best quality china, $40; one dollar deposit, balance $1 weekly, also Rogers' and Gents' watches, etc., payments as low as 50 cents 0. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe south, Phone 1658, (Aug. 24-1 mo.) silverware. Order now. Ladies' Diamond rings MAID WANTED TO ASSIST WITH Phone Mrs. Alloway, 1264. (59-tf) LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Fumed Oak. neat design. $12.00, Oshawa Daily Times. (42tr) DPR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence, 1378M. 85-1 DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- ont Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. 669, bo tt Auctioneer E. J. POMEROY, 18% KING ST. E., Oshawa, Ontario. All phone calls re- ceive prompt attention Phone 1013M. (Sept. 1-1mo.) DE. BE. B. ADAMS, DR, RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe Street 8. X-ray, | ES Telephone 504. Res, 1114W, 134te Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56t1) CS DICKENSON, v.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals selentific- ally treated. Domimion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 205). (131-t1) Music LEPHA N. DONCASTER, ATC.M., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music Exawinations. Beginners a sperialty. Terms moderate. Studio, 109 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 12-1 mo.) Floor Surfacing NBW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fill- ing and polishing). Old floors made pew. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St. South, phone #440. a Wanted to Buy MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155-tf Machinery Repairing SALESLADY WANTED WITH EX- perience; also experience in sewing. Apply to Ideal Shoppe, 15 King St. East. (59-b) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanville. Phone w. Hef WANTED--EXPERIENCED for general housework. WANTED--COOK GENERAL. ply Pangman, Parkwood, Oshawa. GIRL Phone 2036. (58tf) AP- i. B. (57tf) with references to Mrs. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--SIX ROOMED house. Will lease. 5637. body wood. Meek Lid. FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, grade only. Terms arranged. Used pianos op bend. C. Trull. Phone (960) high -------------- MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also bone dry Phone 660. Wateroes (Mar 26-f) Phone 1146J. (60-¢) WANTED TO furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping, for married couple. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms before Phone 215W. ROOMS, suitable RENT --2 CEMENT, sash, deors, cedar shingles, ashplislt roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe. Phones 660 snd 1288. Meek, Ltd. LUMBER, FRAMES, Waterous- (34-20) Apply Box "A" Times. 50-2) Help Wanted--Male Central (58-b) Sept. '15. DURRANT MACHINE €O.--WE DO Al kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- »d; connecting rods re-babbited, EWS Zears or pinions supplied for a makes 0% cars. 161 King St. Prine £19 in HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piamo, or- gan, and vocal music. A free book- let giving full particulars will be furnished upon request. 50 Wil- liam St. East, phone 1957]. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) ARTHUR W. LYNDR (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Singing. Puplis prepared for alt examinations, also ecburch, comcert - Contracting THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL brildjne contracors. Let us give you our mates. Write; or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73tF) JOIN OUR NEW LIBRARY. NEW fall books are coming in now. bertshaw's 1472. 'BOYS WANTED FOR SURVEY work. 'Apply apartment 8, Bradley Block, after 7, 'evenings. (59) Books Ro- CARETAKER WANTED -- GOOD reliable handy man for work around building, Apply Alger Press. (59-b) Book _ Store. Phone 37 Simcoe St. N. (Tues. -Sat. tf) Room 'and Board 79 Burk St. Phone 2040W. Position Wanted EXPERIENCED seeks position where ginl of 12 will not be objected to. Good home ra- ther than bigh «wages. Herkston, Whitby, Ontario. HOUSEKEEPER Ca Mrs. ROOM AND BOARD Ok TWO gentlemen willing to share bed- room. Apply 272 Jarvis St. (594) BOARD 2 AND ROOM FOR T™WO teachers or business girls in private family at 115 Mary St. CUTLER & PRESTON, REAL Batate, Insurance; Mortgage. 64 King St. W. Phone, 672. (Sept. 13-1 mo) 'Work Wanted PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing . contractors. Masonry work of WOOD-WORK ING -- MISCELLANE. ous' wood-working 'shop, - Screens, sashes and 'doors made, also repairs. 8. B, Bamandson, 351 Simeon St. 8 UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to orders, Work- manship guaranteed, G. A. Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 620F, L75t1) CARPENTER WORK WANTED, Estimates given, Apply M. Davis, 140 Tylor Crescent, Oshawa. Aug. 22-1 mo) Lost and Found FOUND--A RING IN SOUTH OSH- awa, Owner may have same hy prov- ing property and paying for ad. Apply Box 188, Oshawa P.O, (60-c) every description, Bowmanville, phone' LW. P phy tf | corn and weiners LOST--PAY ENVELOPE, SATUR- day afternoon in one of the downtown stores or on main street, Finder leave at Times office and receive reward. 9c LOST--A PEARL SUNBURST Thursday. Apply 40 Colborne St, W, Phone 2460, (568e) LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, spotted fox hound, head scarred with owner's name on collar, Any- one harhouring dog after this notice will be prosecuted, A, Jones, Phone 1664 r 2-3, (561) Agents Wanted PERSONAL GREETING CARDS-- Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Can- ada. Regal Art Co., Manufactur- ers, 310 Spadina Ave,, Toronto, (60-a) ANYONE CAN EARN $25 WEEKLY up, in City or Country, in spare time taking Orders for the Best- Known, 'Highest-Grade, Lowest- Priced line Canadian-made Christ- mas Greeting Cards. Magnificent sample hook free. Write Canadian Publishing Co,, 51 Wellinrton W., Toronto. (Aug. 23--Sept, 17) a] Notice NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW ---- A by-law for closing or stopping up and for selling the soil and freehold of the highway or road allowance, parts of lots thirteen and fourteen, fifth con- cession, township of East Whithy. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whithy enacts as follows :-- 1. That the Highway or Allowance for road through lots 13 and 14 in the 5th concession of the Town- ship of East Whitby described as follows :--Commencing on the Easterly limit of said lot 13 at a point distant 2911 feet North from the South-cast angle of said lot; thence North 16° West 66 feet; thence South 73°56730" West 2622 feet; thence South 16° East 66 feet; thence North 73°56730" East 2622 feet to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby stopped up or closed. . That the soil and freehold of the said highway or allowance for road so stopped up and closed be sold and conveyed to Samuel Notice is given that the above is a true copy of a By-law proposed to be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whithy after the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first pub- lication of this Nbtice. The said Coun- cil will hear in person, or by his coun- sel, solicitor 'or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said By-Law and who applies to be heard. Dated at Columbus, Ontario, this Twentieth day of August, A.D. 1927. Warren Dearborn, G Purves, Reeve. Clerk. 49-54-60 'Motor Cars CAR FOR SALE CHEAP IN GOOD mechanical condition. Phone 997W or call at 256 Arthur St. Evenings. > (60c) FOR SALE--CHEVROLET TOUR- ing 1923, in excellent comdition, six good tires, two just mew, $175. Just come from the States and need money. Oshawa Missionary College, ask for Mr. Lease. (60-¢) ZION Zion, Sept. 12.--A number of the young people enjoyed a corn and 'weiner roast at Mr. Fred Cameron's last Thureday night. They lit a big bonfire down on the bank of the creek and everyone roasted the on 'long sticks. After' everyone had eaten all they could, they went to the house and danced it down, and didn't leave until early Friday morning. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hillis, visited friends at Port Hope on Sunday. Mr, Jas, McMaster and other friends from Toronto at Mr, Wesley McMaster's over the week end. Rev. and Mrs, Walter Smart, Cherry Valley, Misses Maud and Pearl May, Harmony, at J. W. Bal- son's, on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs, A, D, Langmaid last Thurs- day afternoon, when ber of members and present, The ladies a chicken pie supper the Zion Church on Particulars later, Mrs. A, T. Stainton, in Toronto this week. Miss Lena Hoskin, visited at her aunt's Mrs, Wlintoff's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Anson Balson, Vel- ma and Doreen, visited relatives at Kinsale, ever the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and children, of Cleveland, visited Mr, and Mrs, Fred' Cameron on Sunday, Miss 'Mae Cameron, of Tyroné, is with her cousin, Miss Mary Camer- on, for this week, Harvesting 1s pretty well finished up around here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stainton, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Stainton, and son, Cameron, were Sunday guests at Mr, Albert Balson's, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. A, T Stainton were visitors at Oshawa and Ebenezer on Sunday. Mr, Bert (Glaspel has gone to London Fair with his sheep, Anson Balson, Alf Ayre, Arthur Langmaid, to Peterboro fair with sheep. John Balson and Russel Robbins to Osh- awa fair with sheep, and also Tracy Glaspel. Quite a showing for sheep exhibitors from this neighborhood. My, and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, were greeted very kindly at the Ladies' Aid meeting on Thursday, as they have just return- ed from a trip to England and had a very rough voyage home, at one time they thought they would surely get drowned, Mr. Fred Brooks, of England, accompanied his sister home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden en- tertained their relatives on Tues- day to .tea. School fair for this district will be held at Hampton on September 23rd. Please Je tall the parents and friends attend and take as many exhibits as possible an dencourage the children. Rev. Mr. Bick gave a temperance talk on Sunday morning. Next Sunday a missionary program will be put on by Mr. Chant. Mr. and Mrs. John Sonley, Osh- awa; Mr. George Sonley, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. Fred Camer- on. visitors were arranged for to he held in October 4th. is visiting of Kedron, Delbert EBENEZER Ebenezer, Sept. 12.--Splendid crowds gathered at all the Sunday seryices held at Ebenezer on Sun- day last and three helpful sessions were held. Our pastor, Rev. H. J. Stainton was with his congregation and gave 'two excellent discourses. In the morning he preached from the text found jin Revelations 21 and 16, and was assisted in prayer choir sang a beautiful anthem and following the sermon, Miss Francis Hancock sang a lovely solo, very befitting to the subject of Rev. Stainton's address. In the even- ing, the sermon centred around Na- thaniel Hawthorne's book, "The Scarlet Letter," from which ex- tracts were read by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, who impressed her audience very much. ' Norman Found, led in prayer. The choir again rendered beautiful an- theme which were appreciated by all. Sunday School was well at tended, and proved to be very help- ful to those present. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle have been spending a few days in Tor- onto, both attending the Exhibition and visiting their som, Mr. Rundle, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules: and family, of Toronto. were Sun- CHEY TOURING IN GOOD CON- dition. Come and make am offer. (58-¢) FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1923 in good order. Also one ' Model AT Sedah vod, 'fits K 45 Me- Laughlin. Apply £09 Cannegie Ave. Evenings. (3440) (504¢) | (59-4) Tire Repairing 'Ducks for Sele SWANTED--GENTLEMEN BOARD- ors an private home. Ave. (59. 640 Carnegie ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. yl Bros. Phone 438 ") ply D. Stirling. Ritson Rd. N. POR SALE-- PEC AN re Ke. AP- (69-5), BOARD FOR young mam at 105 Bond St. Fr? RESPECTABLE Second Hond Dealers | DEALERS IN SECOND HAND FUR: niture. Buy and sell. Apply 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (Aug. 21-Sept. " _ WANTED _ a good num by Mr. Joblin, of Seugog Island. The | A --_ 'Suburban and Di District News day TT | due Vito with Mrs. Soule's par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Brooks. The monthly meeting of the Mis- sion Circle which is usually held on the third Saturday of each 'month, has been postponed until Saturday, September 24, 'The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Arthur Pascoe, Mr. Walter Snider is visiting at the home of his parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols. On Thursday morning and after- noon of this week a 'W.M.8, Pres- byterial is being held in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, and it is hoped that a goodly number of W.M.8. ladies and Mission Circle girls will attend the meeting and bring back good suggestions to their respective groups. Mr, and Mrs, Otis Worden and daughters, Patte and Dora, spent the week end with 'his mother; Mrs, John Worden, returning to their home in Toronto on Sunday, Miss Hazel Rundle accompanied them and will spend a short holiday there, Mr. and Mrs, Joblin, of Scugog Island, were Sunday' visitors at the Parsonage. Mr, and Mrs, J, Langmald, of Oshawa, who have just returned from a pleasant trip to England spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity, Mrs. A, E, Clemens and Miss Margaret Pollock, of Bowmanville, visited with Mr, and Mrs, A, J, Gay, on Sunday. Three regular services. will he held at Ebenezer on Sunday next, The evening service will He of spe- cial interest since the speaker will he a young Korean student whom Dr. Norman Found is bringing with him from Toronto, It is hoped that a good crowd will be present to greet this 'young man from the Far East into our Chureh, Be at Eben- ezer for as many services as possible on Sunday, September 18, Miss Helen Kennedy, of Ottawa, was a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs, K, E. Courtice, Rev. and Mrs. W, Boyce and Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Clarke, and son, of Rochester, are with Mr, and Mrs, Clarénce Penfound. The annual chicken pie supper and concert which is held under the auspices of the Ladies' Berean Class, will be held on Wednesday, Septem- ber 28, Supper will be served from 5 o'clock till all are served, and will be followed by a first class concert given by Toronto artists, Keep the date open and watch for later and fuller announcements, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Miss Bernice and Master Jack spent Sunday with Mrs. Eli Osborne. A fire of unknown origin totally destroyed the barns on the farm of Mr, James Pearce, on Sunday even- ing. Huondreds of people gathered from far and near to the scene but nothing could he dope to save the barns. - Fortunately no livestock was in the stables and so no life was destroyed. We have been having ideal weather of late and everyone ap- preciates it very much when they remember the conditions of the fall of 1926. Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE ... . On Spit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son In this service, Dr.}] Elmer §

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