hi THE OSHAWA DALY THES, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER i4, a i © PAGE THIRTRN, | | WE MUST "Ju ust A Few More Days DEWLANDS |} | cerour | ' Take Possesion | |i 1 Lia ~ ON IR. Sept. 25th [OUT \ V E GO! Ql Es Eee] AN YTHING IN THE STORE [™iEarom We Guarantee That You Can Save As High As 50 per cent On The Clothing Needs F or Your Family [| (urprie sozee| 32 ENGEL'S "on [compemrsare Wo have boxed up many line which BIG SIGN Now Here es' hoary 'we wish to dapose of, pr and Children's © Hosiery, Swe aters, | The carpenters are now ham- / ing preparations for-Ws-A. Devy- Hiv abid WW 1islo Vo ped 'Gloves, Piece Goods, "Remnan nts, in Towels, Underwear, Children's Coats, -- ---------------------------------- : land to take over the store, 'Ladies' Dresses and countless other : .. "rie canes 100s | Judge These Values for Yourself ||, za fepularty. Get as many as you want ot CHILDREN'S $ L ADIES' $ MEN' S. Nothing But Bare CLOTH Flannel and WINTER COATS Serge Dresses CAPS Walls are to be Left By Us Mens' Tweed LADIES' Bos Serze Thotemnele oF olen t ore and bot te? 1 49 VELVET 2) 5¢ KNEE © De PANTS HATS PANTS mit. advertising, We advise a call at any rate for we are posi- | g tive you will find something you Ho le and and } Boys' Bloomer : Children's will need sooner or later, and the 69 Pant Suits, Fox Serge ' 5s at which you can buy | it SHIRTS Clsans REEFE ie nwo] ya LM ~ ! dm: 4 Ww Hoary Blan nke Men's Spring and ake Serge, various shades and Fal. Overcoals, vd Wort Rez. $25.00. LN J Infant' Cloth Ladies' Boys' Men's Collar Heavy Salt and T Attached Fine Pe Work $2.75] = $5] To ain Lo oi $1) $6.00. Pure Wool Rib. 600 yards Curtain Pure Striped Eng- _ hed Shirts sul and $1 an Net. Reg. 30c yd. z= lish Flannel Drawers. Regular lette, . Yaid $1.75. i we roe I i - re ak 75 | ity $1.75. = Ts HE gr = 39 Yard, : ) LADIES COATS| IBOY'S SUITS) If you need a new Fall or Winter Coat, we be Sigg Tui i adr emda Every Boy's Suit in the store is priced at stock. You can purchase any Coat at less Ridiculously low figures--Bring your boy than wholesale cost. slong and let us fit bis oul. | ENGELS GREAT SELLING OUTS SALE-NOW on a --_-- Os --NANARRO SS, ~ ----"™A SD Wip ----