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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Sep 1927, p. 17

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SUCCEED The Oshawa Daily Reformer VOL, I--NO. 61 SE heen. Go Cone Ses De OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 192710 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. _ Third Secton--Pages 17-22 $100,000 Extensions at Goodyear Plant, Bowmanville CONDUCTING PROBE 132 Persons Injured As IN BORDER CITIES One-Man Street Car Is Head of the Provincial Police Demolished By a Train Takes Charge of the New York, Sept. 13.--Thirty-two car, lifted it high into the air, and rsons were injured, two probably hit it again as it fell, The street car Situation fatally, when a southbound West was thrown 25 feet and reduced to New York Rivet str was shrek a Jay ol splintered wood and an li tw steel. Windsor, Sept. 13,--Gen, yietar eastbound freight train at the Wi Open crossing gates and a mis- A, Williams, Commissioner of the | 1, Avenue crossing on the West | understood signal contributed to the Ontario Provincial Police, today he Shore Railroad in Weehawken, N.J, accident, The street car, operated gan an investigation of vice oon . Not a passenger in the large, one: | by Motorman Joseph Roth, had tions in Windsor ad the nelghbor-| on iiveet car escaped being hurt pped at the crossing gates at 5.20 | ng communities. sald he. would} 8 the train, drawn by a switch on pm. to permit a westbound 'train anera ] i t t to pass, ask all Magistrates and Police Chiefs gine, crashed into the rear of the pay of the border to meet with him to- morrow afternoon in the office 2 Elliott, Chief Inspector of the Pro- | ANNIVERSARY CELCBRATED Crown Attorney James §, allan r vineial Polcie. Today they conferred BY MOUNT FOREST COUPLE Windgar, ne situation oy be briefly with W, F, Herman, Windsor thoroughly discussed a \ is} publisher, Mount Forest, Sept, 13-Two of ing, he sald, and any one wo igh General Williams was aecom- Mount Forest's oldest and most es- to lay any information before the |,,,i0q by Toronto newspapermen, tcemed citizens, Mi. and Mrs. W. J, authorities will_be givens hear RE: Land Mr. Herman declined to divulge Gilroy, celebrated their dinmond wed- y It it seems pecessnry, ew, Wil- presence of the reporters, He blunt- 1 home of their daughter, Mrs. J. H. llams says he will exercise his au- |i, (419 the General that it was a Addison. thority as a Magistrate and sub- poor way to start an invesigation , several friends and. relatives were | poena witnesses and conduct a for- by announcing i advance that he present at a dinner, after which fe mal investigation, ¥ was coming to the border, haitations were expressed by Rev. R. "We are prepared to co-operate '""How do you expect to find any Facey, who read an address of ap- with the local authorities to the lawlessness now?" . the newspaper A pa: for aver: hity 'vears' service fullest 'extent," he sald, "It it 18 | 050010, said to the General f fei ard of Well y un- | H + from the Official Board of Welling- | trie that Jetoit gamblers aid enn: "Your brass band methods have ton, street United Church; Herm Gih- | men are flocking to th closed them all up for the time ("cro ii: their sons. F. I. Gil- | ies, we shall do all in our power to ono of Japat." ion, ol Lo i rea is a purely local matter, not directly Windsor Police Commission, held i i iy ee Ho gi under Die Jhisdiction of he Tov. shortly before noon today, adjourn- tonalist, : y KI r uc. ih he Jing 1 The, ht. after Magistrate WE dundy, LEVINE INVITED TO AFRICA 4 J TO HUNT GAME FROM AIR torney-General is eager to learn call a special meeting of the Com- . : (avitation: whether the new temperance acl | ioqion to discuss wide-open gambl- london, Sept. 4 13.--1Iny Iatinhs has brought ahout an increase in in® and hootlegging 2harges con- Were extended tonight to Hinehs fe their number, I do not understand 'y . oi in editorials of the local 8nd Levine hy John Boyes, known how it would do so, but it is a mat- newspaper. in the Keya Colony of Africa as ter for study," "1 think the situation merits "The King of Wak-Kikuyun» to Several doors leading to fire a special meeting of the Commission visit Africa and take Pert 1 t 12 escapes in downtown buildings re- I shall eall it and allow representa- first big-game hunt from the Bir. A cently have heen found barred, ac- |i, 0" 0 (he press to be present,' representative of Raves calle i cording to Clarence Defields, Chief Magistrate Gundy said tonight: Levine in his hotel today and urges of the Fire Department, him, on his return from his Indian EEE Ef flight, to stop over in Africa long "It is not our duty to hunt out blind pigs or gambling establish- | Brantford, Sept. 13.--A grant of epough for the hunt, He assured ments, and I cannot say whether |$500 from .the Six Nations Indians phim the more lions he killed the these barred doors indicated the |for the Brantford and Brant War more popular he would be in Africa. existence of such places," he said, | Memorial has been received by the Leyine seemed greatly interested in See Windsor Publisher association, receipts to date being the proposition, and promised to talk With Gen, WHHdms came Frabk | $43,892, and subscriptions $126,460. jt over with Hincheliffe. any information he may have in the (ing yesterday at their old home, now | LEG 5 CRUSHED BETWEEN CARS M. A. Schetagne, Kingston, Suffered Painful Accident On Sunday Evening Kingston, Sept. 13M. A. Sche- tagne, 299 Earl Street, well-known Bell Telephone emplovee, is in the Hotel | Dien Hospital suffering from rather | serious injury as a result of being struck by a motor car driven hy James Sowards, No. 9 Aberdeen street on | Sunday night. Mr. Schetagne is suf- fering from a severe fracture of the shin hone on the right leg while his left leg is also badly bruised. Mr. Sowards was proceeding along | Aberdeen street in his ear and Mr. Schetaene was standing near his own car just outside his garage when Mr. Sowards' car struck Mr. Schetagne hurline him hetween his own ear and Mr. Sowards' car It ss understood that be was caught hetween the hump- ers of the two ears when he attempted to inmn out of the wav, Mr. Schetacpe was roched to the Hotel Dien Hosnital where his in ries were attended hy Dr. Ouigley It was renorted next morning that he spent a painful night as his injuries are quite serious NEW CANAL RECORD Ottawa, Sept. 13--Total traffic on the Welland Canal during August rea ched the high monthly record of 1,011, 771 tons, this heing the first time it passed the million-ton mark, The in- crease over last year's traffic was 381,- 002 tons, wheat increasing hy 269,346 tons. sand hy 32626 tons, merchandise by 276009 tons, rve hy 27,375 tons and pulpwood by 27,004 tons. The total for the season to Aug. 31 was 4118807 tons, which was greater than in 1926 hy. 1,009,295, PILOT EXONERATED Niagara Falls, Sept. 13---The inquest intn the death of Stanley Brzusziewiecz, Philadelphia, was concluded tonight, The jury hronght in a verdict exoner- ating Fred Hartwick of Hamilton, pilot of the plane in which the de- ceased wns a passenger when it crash- ed at Chippawa. Goodyear Factory Now!|TRUCK DRIVER Running at Full Speed [5 EXONERATED And 24 Hours A Day cong rides u i y Barrie Inquest Into "--- Death of Youths Adding Two "Stories to East | the *resetting of the factory's huge . battery of four steam boilers, and | , Wing to Make Room for erection of a new smoke stack 125 Barrie, Sept, 183.--The verdict of Increased Production -- | feet high with a diameter of six [the Corener's jury inquiring into the feet has just been completed. deaths of John A. Eley and Edward Older Departments Are Be- Ixtensive changes are being made | Griffiths, Toronto youths, who were : in the mill line where materials us- mod -- - killed when their sidecar erashed ing Re elled Reset ed in the manufacture of Goodyear 1 n Ls into a standing truck in the dark- i rraducts are mixed for process. ting Huge Battery of Four The general offices are also under- | N€88 near Crown Hill, five miles Steam Boilers going extensive alteration whieh is | north of Barrie, last Saturday night, -- exyeced to increase the working ef- | exonerated the truck driver, 8, T. (By Staff Reporter) ficiency of the staff by providing | Jenkins of AMHiston, from all blame, Bowmanville, Sept. 14.-- Operat- | More room for and greater accessl- | Oiherwise the verdict was feature- ing its plant to full eopnity 24 | Dility between Yepariments. less, except that it also carried, an hours each day, the Goodyear Tire > ors ¢ . icoy amd Rubber Company of Canc [102-YEAR-OLD PATIENT Sseastipion of tlle (valiic offices) here is carryine ouf exlensions to RECOVERING FROM INJURY Yio Sg stoned dle truck A fo the factory and remodelling in the | . failure to hurn all lights 'Expected older depart: ents at an expenditure Detroit, Sept. 13.--The loeal Re- | recommendations condemning the of close to $100,000. celving Hospital's Oldest patient, 21 use of ill-equipped and dilapidated The chief addition. now well un- |man of 102 years, was reported to be | p10 yepjeles on the public high- der way, is the erection of two ad- |" ering Ioduy from an accident Mm! way, as recommended by Coroner ditional stories on the east wing, whieh 1 2 ankle Waa Iaken. St An. | Dr. A. W, Lewis in his summing-up which will bring that section of the tone roa a alt the | Of the jury, were not forthcoming factory up to the plant's general | | apital by his 75-vear-old son. The! " Driver Is Discharged three storey height. The two new ||aqter told hospital attendants that | The hearing today consumed four floors cover earch an area of 60 by | his father was injured when struck hours, the jury returning its verdict 60 feet, and the material used is by an fee wagon as he was attempt- at 5.30 p.m. after having heen oy brick, steel and conerete. conform- [ing to cross St. Antoine Street, near | fon nearly an hour, Immediately ing to the plant's general fireproof | his home. follow Bg or ten Joking, Jue construetion. 1 Tn spite of his advanced years, the | HER BEE : ii . oD a a This extension is required to ~are |centenarian had been working every | ay Bi piaTEe 4 bef 3 for the fa tory's outstandin: oo aay until the aeeident. Ma wi Me thy Ener ig ore Magistrate McCaughrin of Orillia duction erowth, Manarer Hardy in- HONE and dischared without taking any formed The Times, and will be de- | DANCING MASTER'S PLANE evidence, voted tn the manufacture of rubber | CRASHES IN DETROIT RIVER The full text of the verdict is as chains for automohile tires and Detroit, Sept, 13--Paul Strasburg, !' follows: Wingfoot rubber heels. I. BE. Flax- | Detroit dancing master, escaped with- "That John A. Eley came tp his man, is the contractor in charge of | out injury late today when his seaplane | death on the Provincial Highway in crashed in the Detroit River opposite | the First Concession of the Town- In the near future it is proposed | the Yacht Club. ; ship of Oro on Sept, 10, 1927, hy . to hegin a new west wing which will He was rescued by the aid of sey- colliding with 'a standing truck be 'used, on completion. for. receives cral boats, which were cruising in the Which had been stopped by a high- in incoming supplies and for store iver at She time : He da alone in the way officer. Eley had been a pas- age. The plans are already drawn | Lane When it crashed. It is believed | senger in his motor cyele, which w 18 and the contract will he let soon, n the plane sideslipped while making a| heing driven by a companion. We " hi pel ' turn. Harbormaster's police towed | also find that no blame should be is expected, the~olane to shallow water after the | attached to the highway- officer or Other work under way inelides | accident. 3. T. Jenkins, the driver the truck." the eonstraction. wn RA SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1927 ANNUAL EXHIBITION ALEXANDRA PARK, OSHAWA 2] Thursday, September 15, Prapmation and Scheel Our Fair is conducted for the benefit of Farming, Live Stock and Liege TL pr Bg Tag ve A al ey oe elpsat you gather from this Fair will be worth your Day. Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17 i been done to each time. Everything has make department a special ALL FULL SHOW DAYS feature, A day spent at the Fair is a real investment, TRIALS OF SPEED ADMISSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th General, 35¢c; Children, 15¢; 2 2.17 Pace, Mile Heats, best 3 in 5 Grand Stand, 25c; Vehicles, 25¢c; | Parade on Saturday, September 17th, st 4 pm., will show the 2.30 Pace, Mile Heats, best 3 in 5 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th School Day Admissions, Free For All, Mile Heats, best 3 in 5 2.20 Trot or Pace, Mile Heats, best 3 in 5 ._. $300.00 LIVE STOCK The finest Horses of all classes, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, with a big display of Poultry, will make a great Live Stock Exhibit. pick of the Horses and Cattle in front of the Grand Stand. FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS We promise you more real amusement features and nove'ty free Children, Free; Adults, 25¢. attractions than has ever been presented to you before, Every- thing will be interesting, enjoyable and pleasing. Get out the Those who have seen the speding in former years know what to expect Evening---Adults, 25¢; Children, 15¢c: "Flivver" and bring the family for a real holiday. Dalziels Rides in this line of attractions. See small cards for rules and regulations of . d and Shows have been booked. Big Vaudeville Acts in front of : e Vehicles, 25¢; Grand Stand, 25c¢. 424 Sows luvs been bods) Sie " TWO BIG NIGHT SHOWS Hips MIDWAY Cou Biter or Foran Seven ud Vaudeville Acts Band Concert GOD SAVE THE KING ROBT. B. SMITH, President. F or. = 7 . Fig a RC VRET CHAS, P. DAVIS, Secretary.

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