ig | * ranked #8 nrban, but in municipoh- ceived a pumber of names of new = VOL. 1----NO. 61 MAKE EFFORT FOR SECURING LARGE GRANTS Ontario County Leads in the Move for Greater Aid of Public Schools FROM PROVINCE Committee Will Present Mat- ter to Premier Ferugson This Fall Strong representation from this district gives Ontario County the lead in a province.wide effort to get large public school grants from the Provincial treasury for muni- cipalities having a population of 2,- 500 and over, Trustee H. 8, Smith of Oshawa, and 8. Farmer of Port Perry and, two members of a com- mittee appointed by the Urban Trus- tees of Nntario tn present the mat- ter to Premier Ferguson this fall, probably. The whole committee con- gists of but five members, The representations to be made by the committee are based on the fact that rural schools receive am ET! Sie snd le holder + * MAYOR ENDORSES NEW CITY HALL MOV 1927 Exhibits at Osh SUCCEFDING The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. -- TWENTY-TWO PAGES awa Fair Double Last Year 4 will meet ships three hundred Combination Steamship- Plane Oceanic Service Planned Early In 1930 (By Associated Press) New York, N.Y., Sept, 14,--The New York Herald-Tribune today says an all- American combination steamship-aeroplane service, with fast ocean liners that will cross the Atlantic in four days, is being projected for apening in the Spring of 1930. Planes passengers the remaining distance by air to save time, miles from port, and will carry Represents Gain of 3,290 Cars Over August, 1926, When 5,146 Cars Were Turned Out from Oshawa Plants-- September Production Will Continue on the Same High Level General Motors of Canada, Limi- ted, ran-up.an_ August record in average of $14 a year for each pu- pil attending any school. Schools ulation as low as 2,. ties hy tinued of page d ) OF KNOL, N.S. Hear ' Fine "Reports -- Are Packing Bale of Clothing-- Two Quilts Made The regular oneiing of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the Knox Presbyterian Church, was held on Tuesday evening at the bome of Mrs. R. Meek, Bruce street. The meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn No. 381, and the president Mrs, Reeves conducting the devotional exercises, reading the first eleven verse¢ of the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy. The busi- ness was then transacted and the supp'y secretary, Mrs. J. Cormack stated that the bale had to be sent out by the 19th of September. The clothing for a young girl of eleven had been fairly well pro- vided for but there was coat for a girl of that age. The " ciety bad prepared two quilts for the bale. The Welcome and Welfare secretary, Mrs. W. Dandy, had re- people during the last two months and plans were made to get in touch with these people. A most interest- ing report of the Sectional Meeting, which was held at West Hill in June was given by the delegate, Mrs. I. Dewar. The Secretary, Miss A. Gowan had charge of the Current Event period then the roll was call- ed and the meeting was closed with the singing of Hymn No. 388 and the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. 400 ARE KILLED IN JAPANESE TYPHOON 2,300 Injured and 700 Houses Vnetioyes Official Ropont (By Ancien Press) Tokyo, Sept. 14.--Four hundred per- sons are dead, 2300 injured and sey- en hundred houses destroyed in the Kumamoto prefecture, Island of Kiu- shiv, in consequence of yesterday's tyhoon and sida wave, reports to the wa prefertures there were few casual- ties, but numerous houses were inun- dated and K London, Sept. 14--The exchange telegraphs Tokyo correspondent says official reports from warious prefec- tural headquarters throughout the iss fland of Kiushiu tell a tale of the de- vastation of coast willages from yes- terday's typhoon. tidal waves and floods. which, while not unparallelied is meventheless catastrophic, involving the death of six hundred persons. {4a 'or which | same. production for the past month in which 8,436 cars were manufactur- ed In the Oshawa plant, This to- hs represents a gain of 3,200 cars ced fret gust 1926, Fd) to- ae 4 146: tioh for September fui Td Li op high-level, -executives-of the.|. production department declare; and while this month will not reach the production peak recorded earlier in the year, it is confidently expect- ed that September will reach a new high mark for similar months in Canadian General Motors' history, Reports from distributors through- out General Motors of Canada's sales field express entire confidence in & continuance of this year's good business, The official summary of 1927's brilliant production record of Gen- eral Motors of Canada does not in- dicate by half the enormous volume of the trade which, both at home and abroad, which has kept the Osawa plant busier than ever before in its history, while a splendid group of new factory buildings were bezun to meet an unprecedented demand. Reports from General" Motors' seven space exhibit of models at the Canadian National Exposition are eminently satisfactory to the gemer- al executive of the corporation. More ratail bookings were enter- ed at the fair than ever before in the history of orgamization, and public interest in General Mntors models shown there was one of the features of the fair's automotive section. ADJUDGED INSANE (By Associated Press) New York, Sept. 1A--Mrs. Cath- arin: Barrett, chard d with kill- ing Mrs. Marty Moore, with whom she had a feud, was adjudged in- sane today. The murder occurred in an elevator of the apartment house in which they lived. 8,436 CARS SET NEW AUGUST RECORD FOR G.M. PROD UCTION HERE PANIC STRICKEN TOURISTS SEEK TO ESCAPE QUAKE ZONE (B; Associated Press) Moscow, Russin, Sept, 14,-- Thousands of panic-stricken tourists along the Black Bea coast today were crowding all means of transportation in or. der to escape from the district which has been shaken by earthquakes in thy) past few days causing death and injury in many districts, {BIRTHS ARF DOUBLE NUMBER OF DEATHS During the Month of August, City Vital Statistics Show Vital statistics for the past month in Oshawa show a birth rate almost double that of deaths, which is the fin est record established by any city in Canada for many year. The total of 'births was 60; that of deaths, 34. Boys took the lead in August's lo- cal birthrate, 34 future premiers, mo | tor executives, bishops and so on op- jened blue eyes on the busiest city in | Canada; during the same period 26 little ladies-yet to-be were ushered in- to the city of chivalry as well as en- terprise. Inquiring smiles noted amongst the newcomers were interpre- ted as mute questions about the chil- dren's playground on Centre street which they will inherit. At the same tpne Dan Cupid was as bnsy a baker on market day. Exact ly 28 marriages were solemmized dur- ing August, this sending 56 young people into a partnership that, in Can- ada, is blessed with an assurance of loving continuity. Late roses blessed the earlier marriages of the month, but the bulk of those wed in August's wan- ing days was under the sign of the golden rod. WOMAN LEAPS TO DEATH FROM GOAT ISLAND BRIDGE. Niagara Falls, N.¥Y., Sept. 14.-- Jessie S. Biggar. 50, of Buffalo, leaped from Goat Ieiand bridge in- to the upper rapids today and was swept to her death over the Amer- jcan Falls. Mrs. Cyril H. Mumford, 30, Well Known By Many Osh- awa Residents, Loses Life on Way from England to Philadelphia -- Resided on Fair Acres Farm, a Few Miles from This City Oshawa citizens were deesly griev-1g... ed today when they fearned, through an Associated Press despatch, of the death of Mrs. Cyril H. Mumford, aged 3 of Fair Acres Farm, of Zion, mear Oshawa, when she was washed over- hoard from the deck of the British Liner "London Mariner" fast Friday while the vessel was enroute from Eng- land to According to the despatch the com- mander of the vessel made every effort to focate the body. but stated on (Stock Markets on page 7) rgaching pont, that to lower hoats with Washed Overboard From Deck of British Liner Zion Woman Is Drowned members of the crew into such a pound- ing sea would only have resulted in a further floss of fife Mrs. Mumford, with ther husband and three children, Betty, aged 4, Cyril. aved 3 and Bruce, aged 11 years, was returning from a trip to England where the party had visited Mr. Mum- ford's bares, in Cookham. The party sailed from America on May 21 and left the port of Liverpool, enroute for home just recently. eg official, according to information given the Oshawa Daily Times, by Mrs. E. Wil- bur, who is flocking after the Mum- ford farm, has been received in regard to the tragedy. Mrs. Wilbur, how- ever, stated she believes Mr. Mum- ford and the children will stop off in New York, the home of his deceased wife's parents. She was Kathleen, the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Outerbridge. Her mother passed away early this year. While the Mumfords did not reside in Oshawa, they were well known here and the sympathy of the entice locality EXHIBITORS AT FAIR HERE NUMBER 2,000 Curtain Rises on the 1927 Exhibition at Noon Thursday PUPILS TO PARADE Many Features Are Arranged for First of the Three Day Fair With two thousand competing ex- hibhitors entered, and with double the number of factory and commercial ex- hibits placed in 1926, Oshawa's Jubilee Fair opens its gates to the public at 12 noon, Thursday in time to receive an army of marching public school children who will arrive at one o'clock to add their young happiness and pro- mise to the first day's success The gates will be manned, however, early in the morning to keep out all ENORMOUS DEATH TOLL FROM STORM Details of Tragedy Along the Mexican Coast Meagre--All Communications Severed (By Associated Press) Nogales, Ariz, Sept. 14--Collapse of communication both by telegraph and railway today still kept from the world details of wholesale death and destruc- tion believed to have heen dealt out hy the storm which for three days last week lashed thousands of miles of the west coast of Mexican seaboard. Officials of the Southern Pacific of Mexico Railroad last night reported that no train connections with Mexico City or Southern Coast points would he made today. Meagre reports that the death toll in Salina Cruz and Manzanillo, both im- except those directly interested in put- ting the finishing touches on exhibi- tion buildings, booths, and grounds. | The fair is practically ready to begin (Continued on page 3) portant west coast seaports was enor- mous, gave cause for speculation re- garding the picture which would be re- vealed wiht improved communications ' Majority Report of Railway Board Made Public By Hon. C. A. Dunning, Concerning Cost of Transporting Coal from West to This Province WITH OVERHEAD COST $10.07 (By ( wnadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 14.--The Board of Railway Commissioners, in a majority report made public today, fine the out-of-pocket cost of moving Alberta coal to Ontario to be $7.22 per ton. Inclusive cost of transportation, covering overhead and superintendence, is set at $10.07 per ton. Inclusive cost, "plus the ele- ment of profit", is found to be $12.20 per ton. Commissioner Frank Oliver, third member of the seotion of the Board which conducted the enquiry, dis- agree with the majority report. Commissioner Oliver finds that the out-of-pocket cost of tramsporta- tion may be said to be $6.50 per ton. The Commissioner's finding of $6.50 per ton is a blanket rate de- signed to cover all Ontario points (Continued on page 3) STOR" 2PEN ALL DAY FRIDAY To Accommodate the Large Numbers of Out-of-Town Shoppers While the mayor's proclamation requesting Oshawa industries to give their staffs a half-holiday Fri- day afternoon will be met with gen- eral co-operation, the merchants are remaining open Friday after- on to accommodate large numbers of out-of-towm visitors who will want to do some shopping in addi- tion to seeing the Jubilee Fair. Merchants, however, are making arrangements to ensure all of their staffs being given an opportunity to take their families to the fair or to see it individually. Ian this way fit jis felt that the spirit of the mayor's request will be fully met without actually conforming to the suggestion for a general half-holi- day throughout the city. Mayor Preston, referring to the matter, points out that any arrange- ment the merchants make will be satisfactory. His proclamation was made in the nature of a request de- signed to bring this year's fine fair before the citizens ip am official goes forward to the bereaved ones. way. OUT-OF-POCKET COST MOVING ALBERTA COAL TO ONTARIO, $7.22 A TON The Chief Commissioner McKeown Two Fine New F Residences Are and Assistant Chief Commissioner McLean signed the majority report. to Be Erected -- Three Midway Islands, nearly half way hop of 2.480 miles over water and LAD RUNS INTO CAR. HAS ARM BROKEN Jack Plumb, Albert street, according to a police report, struck a lad by the pame of Steye Meltz about 9.35 o'clock last pight with his automobile Just as he was turning near the Ontario Motors, According to | the Plumb noticed the lad [1 the bicycle, Plumb says the rap into him. Meltz suffered a broken arm and was attended "by Dr. Dr. Bundle, $6,000 IN BUILDING PERMITS IN A DAY Garages Over $6000 of building permits were issued by the City Engineer's staff during the past 24 hours, con- tinuing September's unchecked rec- ord of building progress. C. Hawkins is erecting a two story stucco house on William street to cost $3,500. Three garages, each costing $100, were authorized as follows: George Jarvis, Burke street; E. J. MecCaf- 'rey, Kingsdale Road; W. E. Bott- rill, McLaughlin Ayenue. C. H. Allen fs building a story and a half brick veneer house on Jaryis FAVORS ERECTION OF $100,000 BUILDING FOR "CIVIC ADMINISTRATION Would Make Provision for the City's Police Offices and Cells With Fire Department Quartered Elsewhere So That Old Property Could Be Leased for Business Pur- poses IS OPPOSED TO MONUMENTAL TYPE Have Site for Building at Mel. calfe and Simoce Streets--- PRuilding Now Used Could Be Removed, Leaving Me- morial Park Clear Erection of a civic administration building next year, granted that the ratepayers approve of the scheme was today endorsed by Mayor R. D. Preston. His worship declared him- self entirely opposed to any monu- mental type of civic building, which he declared, were no longer consid ered by progressive eommunities The building he has in mind would cost in the neighborhood of $100, 000, and would make provision for the city's police offices and cells so hat with the fire department quart- ered elsewhere the city's property at the ~orner of Simcoe and Richmond streets could be leased advantage- ously for business purposes. His worship intimated that offers for the lease of that property by firms in Toronto would just about meet (Continued on page 3) ROYAL WINDSOR ON WAY T0 ONTARIO Pan Non-stop Fl Flight to Wind- sor, Ont.--Pass Over Sydney, N. 8. (By Capadian Press) Harbor Grace, Nfid., Sept. 14.-- The monoplane, Roya! Windsor, pi- loted by Phil Wood apd *"Duke" Scniller hopped off at 6.25 this morning, Eastern Daylight Time, on its return to Windsor. Ont., in ac. cordance with instructions from their sponsors that they discomtin- ue their projected trans-Atlantic hop to Windsor, Eng Ibe fliers bad previously anpounced the in- tention of pursuing tl course for 0ld Orchard, Maine, bu. stated that with favorable weather conditions they would continue from the Maine coast on a non-stop flight to Wind- 80 * Sydney, N.S., Sept. 14.--The Roy- al Windsor, en row'e from Harbor Grace, Nfid., to Windsor, Ont., via Old Orchard, Me., passed over Syd- nev at 11.40 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time Antigonish, N.S., Sept. 14.--Fly- Roval Windsor passed over here at MAY ORGANIZE A SUBURBAN PARENT ASSN Counties' Pupils Faced With Expulsion Causes Action MUST PAY FULL COST May Make an Effort to Bring About an Amicable Arrangement With 100 pupils from Ontario and Durham counties faced with expulsion from the Oshawa Collegiate Institute on January 1, unless the counties con- cerned meet the local Board of Educa- tion's demand for 100 per cent pay- ment of their per Ris share of the costs less a rebate of 20 per cent on debenture charges, citizens of hoth counties living in the vicinity of Osh- awa, whose children attend the colle- giate, are moving towards the organi- zation of a Suburban 'Parents Associa- tion with the object of bringing about an amicable arrangement between the city and the county. While the Oshawa trustees have no wish to antagonize either the councils or people of Ontario or Durham coun- ties, they have taken a firm attitude tn the matter of pupils Ris and while ready to confer on the matter, they are a upit in demanding. decisive action. (Continued on page 3) SEVEN MEN HELD IN TRAIN CRASH 31 Persons Injured, Two Per: haps Fatally--Switchman is Missing (By i Press) Weehawken, N.J., Sept. 14--Seves men re held today in bail aggregat- ing $50,000 following a collision ata doubly safeguard crossing between a freight | engine - and a trolley car in which thirty-one persons were injured, two perhaps fatally. Those arrested after the crash dur- ing rush hour last evening comprised the crew of the locomotive, the railsoad towerman and operator of the one-man trolley, the latter being under custody in the hospital. -- The towerman said the 5. of the crossing gates failed to : The switchman, whose duty it was derail the trolley if there was J clear track ahead, could not be $ound last night. = a3 WEATHER Southerly winds, fair and warm today and y. Coming | Events! | street to cost $2,500. ing fin a westerly direction, the at 1.15 pm. Eastern Daylight Time. World Fliers to For Midway Islands Friday |. Edward Schlee and William Brock Faced With Hazard ous Flight, Requiring Al- most Emvorless Navigation | 400 miles to san Francisco. The mouoplane arrived at Kasu- --1,400 Miles to Honolulv, micaura at three o'clock this af- 2,400 Miles Over ternoon, Jupancse Time, and was brought gracefully to eanth by its Water to Sen Francisco co-pilots. oy a Thay + were Smiling despite the hat uc y have since they arniv- (Cable Service to The Wis By ed in Japan. » being forced dowm Tokyo, Sept. 14. --Edward Schiee and William Brock, pilots of the round-the-world monoplane, Pride of Detroit, today announced they expected to hop off near here for across the Pacific, Friday. The pro- jected flight to midway means a almost "errorvless navization if they are to roach their destination. Mid- i and maval officers greeted the fli. ! ers on their arrival. Neither Schlee Hop Off way is the only coral formation of a few square miles in area. Once at Midway, the flicis would face a fouricen-hundred-mile gap of water to Honolulu and them 2,- twice at Omura by inclament wea- ther. A large erowd of newspapenmen nor Brock showed any signs of fa- tigue 'and the plane was in good condition. Without delay the aviators were given refreshments and handed hundreds of cablegrams from North 2 JUBILEE PAVILION-% TONIGHT Adis \ Round and Square Aancing. sion 50 cents, Danciu and see fun. GMC. ean 0 PATRONIZE THI + at the Fair. Jee brill: orchestra.' UT cream, hot soft drinks, et Orange Hall. Aus ces Lodge. ALL VETERANS ASKED TO PAR- 7.30 pm. at Market place. Dress} Mufti and decorations. AU; need provisions for their tent at the Fair, and ask for the S00 : tions of previous years. ghey A REGULAR MLETING OF will be held Wednesday night, Sept. 14th in the K. of P. Hall CARPENTER'S NOTICE--A ¥ lic meeting for all carpenteis tember 16th at 8 pm. fin 1 Orange Hall, Burans Block, Cor: auspices of the United B hood of Carpenters »nd Io'ners of Green of Ottawa and other apeak- ers will address the meetis® America. EUCHRE THURSD AY Nice * ade Thursday Sept. 15th. Fall in at THE HOSPITAL co-operation and Auilung 0 Canadian Order of Chosen Friends All members try and be pr joiners will be held Friday, King and Simcoe Sts. under the America. General Organizer Pag Re