- ! v THE OSHAW A DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1927 recommended that the work should ~ Whitby W. C. Reinke, Representative, Phones 22-J and 342 ydro Commission Will Install Tem on the asly Over ¢ Permanent annot Be Put 4 Many Months ff Reporter) Ithy, t. 14.--The regular 18 of Me Public Utilities Com- n of (he Town of Whithy was |ast might in the Town Hall, pinutes were read and adopt- fl a number of accounts pass- e of them heing the premium | insurance policy covering the ng station at the beach, The pg 18 covered to the extent of ) and the machinery to $7,000. letter was read from PF. A. Chief Engineer of the Hydro fsslon concerning Whithy's ransforming station, The com- ption pointed out that the line into Whitby is now dan- rary Plant In Whitby to "a, Overloaded Power Line gerously overloaded and that some steps must be taken immediately to relieve the situation. As the new equipment camnot be put into ser- vice for many months yet the Hydro Commission wish to install a tem- porary plant, supplying the neces- sary transformers, ete, and renting them to the Town. The letter said that the cost would probably be less then the cost of maintaining the per- manent plant as the rental would be partly offset by the saving in trans- forming charges, The commission de- cided to allow the Hydre Commis sion to take what action it deems necessary, The matter of extensions of the water service was also taken up in the meeting. Residents on Centre St. north had applied for water and were promised accommodation through a one-inch pipe. It was pointed out that this would not take care of any expansion and that it offers no proection from fire. Al- most one thousand feet of pipe will have to he laid. Mr, Hvery recom- mended that six inch mains with fire plugs should be installed wherever extensions are made, It was also will be on display at The Exhibition start- ing tomorrow. We invite everyone to come and see one of the headliners in the Radio World. RADIO ELECTRIC S. COWELL L5 Prince St. Phone 2477 be done as local improvements the cost being borne by the adjacent property owners. Mr. Every explain- ed that the work could be done also under the Public Utilities Act, Prop- erty may be taxed for water service up to four mills on the assessment. The amount paid in water rates is remitted. This means that persons using water now would be practie- ally unaffected as in most cases the rates are equal to the hypothetical tax. Owners of vacant lots who to- day benefit through increased values by the services without paying any- thing toward them, would she com- pelled to contribute toward the cost. Some definite action in the matter of adopting a new system is likely to follow shortly. TWO CHARGES AGAINST JOHNSON TAXI CO. (By Staft Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 14.--The case of Rex versus Johnston Taxi Company of Oshawa was brought up in Whitby Police Court yesterday and post- poned for one week. Two charges, reckless driving and failing to stop at the scene of an accident were laid and the company through counsel pleaded not guilty to both. The ac- cident occurred last Friday night, a car from the defendant's garage striking a buggy, damaging it and injuring the horse so badly that fit had to be destroyed. Chief of Police Gunson impounded the ear after the accident and Magistrate Willis grantad a plea that the car be re- leased, BANK MANAGER MARRIED < (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Sept. 14.--Word has heen received of the marriage in St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Madoc, on Wednesday, Septemher 7, of Ida Leslie, younrest daughter of Mrs. weir and the late Armor D, Weir 10 8. Albert Sexsmith, of Whithy, Ont. Mr. Sexsmith is the manager of the Whitby branch of the Bank of Com- merce, The happy eouple are spend- ing their honeymoon in Muskoka, and will on thely return take up residence in Whithy, CHARGE OF TRESPASSING (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Sept. 14.--A neighhour- hood quarrel was aired in Whithy Police Court last night when Mps. Blythe, an elderly lady living on Centre street north, haled her neigh- hour Mrs, Virgin Into court on a charge of trespassing, Mrs, Virgin whe it seems conducts a laundry, drew the necessary water from Mra. Blythe's well* and continued to do s0 after Mrs. Blythe had withdrawn her consent to the practice, The lat- ter wired the gate closed between the two houses and the defendant removed the gate from its hinges. The defendant was ordered to pay the costs of the court. FINE D$25 AND COSTS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 14.--Peter Turner] Oshawa, appeared in Whithy Police Court last night to answer tw charges, reckless driving and failigg to stop at the scene of an accident. The first charge was withdrawn and a fine of $25 and costs was imposed in the second count, "EYE CARE and EYE STRAIN" STRABISMUS, (SQUINT OR CRONSS-EYES, : (Part *1") Copyrighted 1926. By C. H. Tuck, OPT. D, Normal eyes enjoy single binoe- ular vision hat is, each eye has a distinct image of the object view- ed and the two images are inter- preted as one or fused into one. In order that both images may be seen as one both eyes must be di- rected towards the same object at the same time. It would not do for one eye to fix on an object and the other to wander off in some oth- er direction. When this condition elxsts, the eyes see double. The positions and the movements of the eyes are controlled by mus- cles attached to the outside of the eyeballs, If when looking straight ahead at a distant object these mus- cles are in a state of rest the eyes are in "Balance," or orthophorie. But frequently they are not in hal- ance and one or more of the mus- cles must ba continually exerting an effort to hold the eyes straight, When this condition exists the eyes are out of halance or Heterophorie. Muscle imbalance i8 one of the greatest causes of strain and suf- fering, It is often true that errors of vision cause this imbalance and when the error is corrected the im- balance corrects itself but frequent- ly special treatment is necessary to restore normal balance with com- fort. (To be continued next week) Bowmanville, Sept, 13, --Twenty boys of the Boys' Training School, here, are putting in much of their spare time from their school and farm duties in preparation for a special display of acrobats to be given by them at the Oshawa Jubilee Fair, Thursday afernoon as a part of the exhibition's Children's Day features. The boys are being drill- ed by Ear] Cunningham, physical director of the school, who was in charge of the group that received such enthusiastic commendation for their work at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition recently. 20 Boys From Industrial School at Bowmanville to Stage Display at Fair Here acrobats, some 45 other boys of the school will also attend the Oshawa Fair, and will march in the general parade from the Memorial Park to the Fair Grounds where the South Ontario Agricultural Society's fall fair will be formally opened by Ma- jor-Gen. J. H, MacBrien, C.B., C.M. G., D.S.O, Public interest in the Boys' School is growing, and the original impression that it was a sort of "reformatory'" is being replaced by the public's recognition of the fact that the school's high mission is to give opportunities to lads who have In addition to the platoon of boy | been denied them elsewhere. You Are Cordially Invited to Visit Our Building at the Fair Grounds on Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 15th, 16th, 17th "The newest dey. elopment in roofing, made in Cound, Stand- ard and Ordinary brands, has a greater covering area than any other corrugated sheet on the market. for personal examination On display in our building ublic inspection by the will be a complete line of Pedlar P ducts incl Limited Pro- NU-ROOF, "GEORGE" SHINGLES, "OSH- AWA" SHINGLES, ART STEEL CEILINGS, EXPANCED METAL LATH, TRUSS FABRIC, RIB LATH, STEEL CORNER BEADS, EAVE FORCING. TROUGH, CONDUCTOR PIPE AND FIT- TINGS, TONCAN COPPER MOLYBDENUM IRON CULVERTS and STEELCRETE REIN- THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LTD. HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. FACTORIES: OSHAWA, MONTREAL and VANCOUVER Branches: Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, London, Halifax, St. John, N.B.. Quebec, Winnipeg, Regnia, Edmonton, Vancouver. PAGE NINETEEN epartment we are showing : OCTAGONAL GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN STOCK This Handsome Dinner Set Reg. $70 une PS 6.0 O Fit We are offering as a special on this set 24 Piece Tea Sets at $10 (This Special you should not miss) We are showing for your selection 35 Different Dinner Sets All open stock decorations at specially cut prices. | ' FELT BRO: The Leading Jewellers TABLISHED ESTA GH 12 Simcoe St. § OSHAWA "WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" Welcome - - A Cordial Welcome Is extended to all, to visit our Exhibition of the latest mod- els and improvements in - - - Stoves Radios Gramaphones Hoosier Cabinets 'Washing Machines