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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Sep 1927, p. 3

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i OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Rode Bieyele on Sidewalk & V. St. Andrews of this city, was fined $1 and costs in police court this morning when he. was foupd guilty to riding a bicycle on the sidewalk on Bond street. Fined $5 and Cos Fred Chinara, al merchant, ap- peared before Magistrate A. F. Hind 'in police court this morning and was found guilty to violating the early iclosing bylaw. He paid a fine of $5 and costs. Assault Case Remanded Herb Swithenbank, when he appear- ed before Magistrate A. F. Hind in police court this 'morning, in answer to a charge of assaulting his wife, was remanded until Wednesday, Septem- ber 21 Fined For Assault Kyrylo Wozuk pleaded guilty before Magistrate Hind in police court this morning to a charge of common as- sault and was fined $5 and costs. The total amounted to $13. Case Adjourned , A charge of reckless m---- nse @When your tea doesn't taste driving a- right the chances are that it is i up in an inferior ackage, To be sure of get: ing tea of unvarying quality, see that the pac Bod is rust, dust and damp-proof, In other words, make sure it is Red Rose Tea in the bright, clean, sanitary aluminum pack I ant container ever used for tea, 7T ~~, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI For Yow | PHONE 22 pi seca Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver gainst Charles Johnson, proprietor of Johnson's Taxi, was adjourned until Tuesday. Clarence Gilbert, it is al- leged, was the driver of the car, and the offence is supposed to have oc- curred on Mary street. Alleged Indecent Assault Bail of $1,000 in cach case was ask- ed of Tom Dempsey and Earl Cox, two showmen here with the midway, when they appeared before Magistrate A. F. Hind charged with indecent as- sault against two local young girls, The case was laid over until Septem- ber 21, in order to allow both parties to secure witnesses. The accused men were not represented by counsel, Pythian Sisters' Corn Roast Pythian Sisters held their corn roast on the lawn of the home of Mrs. O. R. Hall, College avenue, The evening was spent with cards and music. The roast was held under the convenorship of Mrs. Jessie Goyne, past chief of the Ontario Temple No. 1 Pythian Sisters and the pro- toads are for the funds of the Tem- ple, D. A J Svaten Given Judgment In the case of D. A, J. Swanson vs. Harold Parker which was heard before His Honor Judge Thompson in Divi- sion Court yesterday afternoon, the Cplaintiff was given judgment of $100, The case arose out of the retention of Mr, Swanson as counsel during a court action last Spring and when the case came up, it is alleged that Parker did not use him, Swanson sued for his fee. Youth R ded For Seni A charge of vagrancy against Steve Denmark, a local youth who has heen doing a little travelling, was heard hy Magistrate A, F. Hind in police court this morning. Police found the lad, who is 20 'years of age, in Dr, Kaiser's rear yard at an early hour this morn- ing and placed him in'custody. When His Worship found out that the ac- crsed"s parents reside here, the youth was remanded for sentence until to- morrow. In the meantime, the police will communicate with his parents, Satisfied With Three Months Tom Stein, a gentleman who claim- ed he was thirty years of age, and who did not look to be that old, plead- ed guilty to a charge of vagrancy when he appeared before Magistrate A. I, Hind in police court this morning. Stein, when told by His Worship that he was to be sent to the Ontario Re- formatory at Guelph for at least three months, appeared quite satisfied and so informed his worship. Stein was quite interested as to which instittion he was heing sent to and when told he added that he had been there he- cre Too Late to Classify RIMMED LOST--PAIR BLACK glasses, vicinity of Mary St., from Oshawa Collegiate to King St. Fin- der please phone 19597. (61a) Cutler &Preston INVESTMENTS Bonds and Preferred Stocks I 64 King St. W. Tel, 572 FEA. da | Children's Stockings, all sizes, Special..... » 25¢ Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 A---- 11 King Street JroBIE FORLONG 66 HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto MONTREAL | KITCHENER HAMILTON Private Wire {OSHAWA BRANTFORD y ST. CATHARINES Above C.P.R. Office, Phone 144 S. F. Everson, Local Manager East, Oshawa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1927 British Air "Ministry Experts Advance Opinion -- Part of Wreckage and Rudder Being Taken to London for Further Examination (Cable Service to The Times y Canadian Press) London, Sept. 14.--7he Air Min- istry experts who have examined the wreckage of the aeroplane found several days ago on the beach at Newquay, are understood to have decided that it is not that of any of the missing trans-Atlantic plan- es, says a despatch from Newquay to the Evening News. Part of the wreckage and rudder, covered with a silver gray fabric, are being brought to London for further ex- amination, Only Faint Hope, (By Associated Press) New York, Sept. 14,--Only faint hope that the small collapsible rub- ber hoat with three daring air-ad- venturers had survived the storm tossed Atlantic since last Wednes- day today remained to searchers for occupants of the monoplane Old Glory after the discovery of the wrecked hulk of the giant craft off Newfoundland, With a detailed description of the recovered wreckage, the searching steamer Kyle reported it will con- tinue the search and stated that it is still searching for the collaps- ible hoat which the Old Glory car- ried, Shipping men believed a continu- ed search was useless, They point- ed to observation of masters of searching vessels who looked for the plane last week that stormy wa- ters would prevent the survival of the strongest regulation lifeboat. FAVORS ERECTION { now used for city PHONE 1160 3100,000 BUILDING (Continued from page 1) the debenture charges for a city hall such. as he believes ness men would favor. "Huge city halls of the monu- mental type are nut of date," Mayor Preston stated. "It is nothing shor! new busi- of 'ridiculous to have ratepayers climbing 15 or 20 marble steps merely to pay a water hill, "We have the site for the build- ing here at the corner of Metcalfe and Simcoe streets, The building offices would be cleared out leaving Memorial Park as Oshawa's beautiful centre. The new building should provide for the police station and police cells and provision might be made for ihe fire department as records show that more fire calls come from the south end than from the north, Yet the department would be close to the business district." The city's property at the corner of Richmond and Simcoe where the fire depariment and police station are now located shovld be leased at 2, high figure, it is stated by other prominent citizens in touch with the matter. They confirm his worship's claim that the annual rental would practically f..ance the building of a new office building which, at the outside, would cost no more than $150,000. This would leave the tax rate to bear only a decimal fraetion of a mill to finance the undertaking. In- creased efficiency of staffs would, as a result, tend to wipe out that [Say Wreckage Not Part of | Any Missing Ocean Planes ELEVENTH GENERAL SYNOD AT KINGSTON Historic St. George's Cathe- dral Scene of Sessions--Bish- ops Nearly All Present (By Canadian Press) Kingston, Ont,, Sept, 14.--Histor- ic old St. George's Cathedral here was the scene of the formal open- ing of the Eleventh Session of the General Synod of the Church of En- gland in Canada today. With one or two exceptions, all bishops were present, besides a large num- her of clergical and lay delegates from all parts of Canada. The ser- vice consisted of morning prayer and Holy Communion and was con. .ducgted by Archbishop Matheson of Ruperts Land. Right Rev. Wil- liam White, of Honan, China, preached the sermon, . WAY ORGANIZE PARENT ASSOC'N (Continued from page 1) The Oshawa Collegiate's total enrol- ment is 762 pupils, of which number 75 come from Ontario County and 25 froth Durham, Eighty or more of these live within five miles of the city limits, it is stated, Ontario County councillors East Whithy © Township are Reeve Warren Dearborn and Deputy Reeve John Ross. Parents of Oshawa's sub- urbs who are moving towards organized effort to prevent their children being harred from the Oshawa collegiate on January 1, or permitted to enter only on the parents themselves paying their fees, believe that they can support their two county councillors in efforts to have the Ontario Council give the matter serious attention. Oshawa trustees rather resent the fact that the Ontario Council in gen eral met them with apathy, though the considerate attitude of Warden Jack son of Whithy and the educational committee's chairman was mentiioned with appreciation at Monday night's Joard meeting. from If seeing is believing, men shor" have implicit faith in women these days--Passaic News. the employees of the G.M.C. Shipp) Department, also the Watchman of the General Motors, and all other friends for their kind and thoughtful expres sions of sympathy which is greatly acknowledged with sincere appreciation during her sad bereavement, 61a CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Knapp, McGreg or street, desire fo thank their friends and neighbours for their kindnesses in the recent illness of Mrs. Knapp. Alsc the superintendent and nurses of the Oshawa Hospital, Drs. Rundle and Wil the Pythian Sisters and the King Aid, 6la son, Street Ladies small levy through gains in gener- al speeding up of the city's business. Died STONE--In Oshawa, Wednesday, Sep- tember 14th, 1927, Clara Henry, be- loved wife of Mr. C. L. Stone, in her 82nd year. Funeral from the family residence, 122 Alice St., Friday, September 16th, 1927. Service 'at 2.30 o'clock. Interment Union Cemetery. Gla Card of Thanks Mrs. C. J. Schultze wishes. to thank DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA EA ---- Will be on display at Oshawa Fair, Sept. 15th, 16th, 17th Chadburn Motor Co. 9 PRINCE ST. WHHL mii] il 1 fill m | Frames and Mountings now in stock. ¢ ' Have your Eyes Exam- ined now by ow Opti- cal Specialist Jury & Lovell Optical Parlors TE LCE TT ET TEA mn that can blend. Chesterfield - CIGARETTES NOW ON SALE IN CANADA 35c for 20 is the test/ Test them all against a Chesterfield -- in the whole tobacco world there's no taste delicate richness of its famous Pure natural tobacco taste, Here, and here alone, do men find the world's finest cigarette tobaccos blended to yield every last bit of taste and character. compare with the 0 sgh an'w AE Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL, BALMER AND EM- DISNEY Fe SERVICE 82 Simcoe St, S. Phone 1 Ui nce Service MAKE EFFORTS FOR LARGE GRANTS (Continued from page 1) 500, receive an average of 55 cents a year per pupil. Trustee Smith, interviewed today, points out that he does not object, and believes that urban centers in general do not object, to the high rate of subsidy paid to rural pub- blic schools; but without taking from them, he is firmly of the opi- nion that the larger centors should receive more. "We can quite understand that the larger municipalities should not receive as large grants as in the rural districts for public school purposes," Mr. Smith states, *'but the mounting costs of education make it urgently necessary that larger grants should be paid out of the provincial treasury." Grants to rural schools have been along general lines but with empha- sis on the salary problem. Under existing regulations, a township school board saves $20 a year by paying a teacher an annual salary of $1,000 instead of $900. The resolution adopted by the Ur- ban trustees points out that as grants to Urban Schools are ex- tremely small, and as the costs of education are advancing at a tre- mendous rate in the urban centers not only for secondary but for pri- mary educatio, because of which urban school boards are faced with serious friction between their Boards and municipal councils on account of the high rates of taxa- tion, they reques. Premier Fergu- son, who is minister of education, to investigate the whole matter and to make provision for urban schools comparable to those now in offect in the rural districts. Oshawa received $1,707.36 in grants from the provincial treasury for the current year. At the same time, the city holds back two and a half per cent of each public school teacher's salary to go into one Pro- vinial superannuation fund. This two-and-a-half per cent for the cur- rent year just closed amounted to $2.214.62. In conseqeunce, at the recent Bord meeting, the trustees were called upon to order a check for $507.26 to be sent to the Min-' istry of 'Education to make up the | difference between the funds held and the grants due. "This simply shows," Trustee Smith points out, "that eity public schools receive less from the prov- ince than its teachers pay in super- annuation insurance." OUT-OF-POCKET COST ALBERTA COAL (Continued from page 1) and points in Quebec within the hundred rail miles from Ottawa and points on the National trams-contin- ental and branches in northern Quebec eastward to and including to every cilizen of Oshuwa and visitor to the Oshawa : EXHIBITION Thur. » Fri. . Sat. a Silver WATCH absolutely guaranteed for 1 year To be given Free with everypurchase of a Suit of Lighthouse Triple-stitched Blue Overalls. Ladies and Gentlemen! This is a real opportunity-- absolutely something for nothing--Don't let yourself be misled by the idea that this is another high pressure scheme, but a real honest to goodness publicity stunt by which you receive a handsome silver watch with our compliments of the Oshawa Jubilee Exhibition of the year 1927, All that is necessary for you to do is to come in, make a purchase of a suit of overalls and a watch is given to you immediately absolutely free of charge and guar- anteed for one year, Murray s Clothes Shop King and Prince Sts. LaTuque. A rate of $6.75 is recom- mended for those parts of Quebec not covered by the $6.50 blanket rate. The $6.75 rate to extend as far eastward as and including Levis and time to give the matter conside tass¥ tion. The document is extensive a; M in quite voluminous. The finding Ie 4 the majoriiyy Commissioners occup. " seventeen pages, while those effige Diamond Junction. With r t to the inclusive cost and inclusive cost plus profit, Commissioner Oliver de- clares himself unable to draw defin- ite conclusions from the evidence submitted. Publication of the report was made by Hon. €. A. Dunning, who, when questioned fin respect to the intentions of the Government re- garding the findings, stated that the Covernment was only just in receipt of the report and had as yer mo C Oliver over The report is mot in Ais ating od of a judgment. it staies that after"? full consideration and a study of the jgo evidence and exhibits placed before: so the Board, the figures were arrived a. at whieh furnish the best answer the Board cam give to the varfous2d phases of the inquiry submitted By 10 the order-in-council om February 13, 1926. pus - AR Fl

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