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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Sep 1927, p. 13

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Lean THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1927 PACE THIRTEEN AN A Dil BARRISTER, Conv Bond Hired CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTHRS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Con- veyancing and general practice of Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St, sould, Oshawa, Phone 63. G. D, Conant, B.A, LLB; AF. Agais, Bhan FRANK 8. KEBBS, Solicitoz, Notary Public, . ameer, money to loan, Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe streets. Phone 1496, "Real Estate for Sale 0. 'G, REYNOLDS, 38 BLOUR ST. East, Plgu~ 693. Auto painting land simonizing, Work guaranteed. Before Jane get our prices. (if. A. R, COULDERY ARTISTIC DE- corating. Sigsagn paper, wood cot- ton, brick; aha Jara, Titce ticket: cf eve @escript ney Block, Oshawa, (239-t1) (ERR , N. SINCLAIW, K.C. BANE of ARR le Building, (116-1 yr.) "Window Cleaning JOSEPH P. MANGAN, HA. ~BAR- rister, Soliciter, Notary Publig, Con- er. Money to loan, Office store Voi K ng St. east, Oshawa, Phone | windows put on and removed, Phone 145. Residence phone 837, THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house cle: Neji, woodwork and floors polished; screens and 1302w. GRIBREON & OREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- We, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 17, J. F. Grierson, B.A,, T, K, Creighton, B.A, SWANSON Kengzle, Barristers, Notary Public, ete, All branches of Oriminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, ©*%ce over Lamble's store, 2 King St, east. Phone 940, D. A. J. Swanson, H, N, German, F, G. : Mackenzie, GERMAN & MAQC- Conveyancers, Transpertation SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simone 8t,, 1, phone 84v *, 2:2 Front St, HB, Toreuto, Mhone Main 7637. Superior Transportation ser- vice, (42-t1) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transferred to, end from all trains, (64-10) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397, (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simeoe St, North, Money to loan, Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191, (tf) Insurance SEND FOR MURDOCH, HE WILL insure it, 138% Agnes St. Phone 1932M, Motor Car, Fire, Sickness and Aceident, Life, Plate Glass, ete, (Sept, 3-1 mo.) INSURANCE, 19 DAVIS AND SON, King st. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency In Oshawa, 80 Re- pptable Fire Companies, (118-1) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHRD by expert mechanics, Screen windows and screen doors, Estimates free. B, W. Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone 481, Res, 180 r 2, (tf) COMPLETE FOR SALE--A REAL BUY, SIX rooms, solid brick, French doors, 3 piece bath, latest of wiring, coal grate, hardwood floors, side drive. Open for inspection any time. 213 Huron St, Price and terms right. Owner. 674 LOT FOR SALE--40 BY 215 FT. rice $135. 345 Jarvis St. Phone 1889M. 67h VALUABLE - STORE PROPERTY eon Simcoe St, near King St. Ex- cellent location. Apply Box "D," Times. (67-b) HOUSE AND LOT ON RITSON RD, south, for sale, Apply 15 William St. 1, (67-¢) FARMS FOR K& SALE. ' WILL EX- change for Oshawa property. From 40 to 200 acres, Sell cheap for quick sale, James Fowler, 115 Alice street, (67-h) FARM FOR SALE~--100 ACRES OF first class clay loam, in Darlington Township, close to' village with creamery, grist mill,, churches and school, Good orchard, running creek in pasture, beautiful scemery from house, New hip roof barn, with steel roof, Good 10 room brick house, $2,000 down will buy this farm, balance arranged, or will ex- | change for Oshawa or "Bowmanville | property. Apply J. A, Bickell, 430 !Simeoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont. Phono 1240W or 470 Simcoe St, 8.,, phone 2330J, (66¢c) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer, Will exchange for a larger property. Owner, 139 Agnes St. (661) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, © ¥, L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Ogh- awa, phone 324, (69-1) Money to Loan $2,300 BUYS FIVE ROOM BRICK house, hardwood floors, toilet, electric lights, a fine cellar, small payment down, balance as rent. Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. (65¢) $2600 BUYS A 7 ROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors, 2 piece bath, clectric light, small payment down, halance as rent. . Harry Salter, 24 Royal St, Phone 185, (652) PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages. City or farm lands, Lowest intérest rate. Louis F. Hyman & Co, Barristers, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 67, 52t Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Bt et West, Toronto, will he at his e over "Jury & Lovell's Drug Cid each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p,m. for consultation and treatment t diseases of ear, nose and throat or Appointments may be made rug store Phone 97. (49-t1) Medical PR, McKAY, PnYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Vietoris Bt.,, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd surgeon. Special referencer to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond est. DR. B. J, HAZLBWOOD, PHYSI- | banging, graining, ete. Twenty Ag aig go aiientios years' "experience. Prices right. ~heopy. Office, Disney Block, | Work susranteed, 151 Huron street. hone 2050. (tg) | Phone 2067W. (45-48) 68% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No commission, Building loans, J.e- gal work done at this office, A, J. Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. 1176¢1) Undertaking LUKB BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT, East, Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St, 69 King Street east. Phone 210J, Watch Repairing F. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, (29-1) Painting and Decorating R, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- Dental DR. D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gaa admin- lstered for extraction, nurse at- Singant. Phone 231. Remaencs, ) DR. 8. J. PRILLIFS, DENTIST, OF- Pee over Bassetts', Phone 957; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR, H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB ST. north, over Mitel Drug Store. Gas for extraction. , DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbope 948; residence, 1378M. 86-tr| ce DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gont Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Res. 669. bs tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simeoe Street 8. X-ray, gas extraction, Telephone 604. Res. 1114W. 13410 Machinery Repairing DURRANT. MACHINE CO.--WE DO ell kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- uid connecting rods re-babbited, gears or pinions supplied for makes otf cars. 161 King St. Prone 519 def) L 4 ; Music Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments, 86 Bond St. West, Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- ige and Storage, Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENBRAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496. Res, Phone 902J. Auctioneer E. J. POMEROY, 18% KING ST. E., Oshawa, Ontarjo. All phone calls re- ceive prompt attention Phone 1013M, (Sept. 1-1mo.) 'Floor Surfacing NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFPAC- ing (including sandipg, waxing, fill- ing and polishing). Old floors made pew, Edmondson, 251 Simeoe St. South, phone 440. tr) Wanted to Buy MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buyiag old cars. Phone 764. 1561 Contracting THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building contracors. Let us give vou aur ests Write, or phone (Whii- LEPHA N. DONCASTER, AT.CM., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music Examinations. Jeginners a specialty. Terms moderate. Studio, 109 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 13-1 mo.) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- zam, and vocal music. © A free book- let giving full particulars will be furnished upon request. 50 Wil- liam St. East, phone 1957). (Sept. 19-1 mo.) ARTHUR W. LYDDE (HAMisuLs-, Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Staging. Pupils prepared tor "y hy) 255 (73:6) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop Tires for sale. fa mieson Pease Phone ARR ir chen YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE LIGHT housework and minding children. Phone 2073F. FOR SALE--LARGE HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen, bathroom, boarding house, furniture . included. Redecorated, Central, Phone 799W, 20 Maple street, (62-1) For Rent TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms to rent for light housekeep- ing. All conveniences, Phone 1540J, (662) BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE or two gentlemen. All conveniences and central, Apply 178 Albert St. or phone 731J, (66¢cy FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED bedroom, suit to one or two gentie- men, 165 Simcoe St. 8S. (66¢c) FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISHED room, Would suit two gentlemen. Board if desired, Phone 584J. (65¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED room, suit two gentlemen, Board if desired. 46 Kenneth Ave. Phone 1393]. (65¢) BED- Private, 60 cents, Minimum charge for three insertions, lox number----10c additidnal Professional or Oards, $2.50 per cents a word per mon fos "won or mint TIMES OLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH THELIPHONE 88 Ask For Classified Ad Depart. ment, Real Estate for Exchange OWNER 'OF MODERN SIX ROOM- ed house, in Toronto, good district, close to cars, would 'consider pur- chase of house in Hoty like val- ue where equity of $1,600 and'some cash would be acceplod, Com- municate direst to DP, ©. Grant, 89 Moberley Avenue, Toronto. (66-b) COTTAGE IN NORTH TORONTO, to exchange for building lot in Oshawa or bush farm or what have you. J. T. Crouteh, G4 Stafford St., Toronto, (66-b) Agents Wanted ANYONE CAN EARN $25 WEEK- ly up, in City or Country, in spare time taking 'Ovderd 'for the best known, highest-grade, lowest priced line Canadian-madé Christmas Greet- ing Cards, Magnificent sample hook free. Write Canadian Publishing Co., 61 Wellington W., Toronto, (Aug. 28-Oct. 8) Second Hand Dealers DEALERS IN SECOND #AND FUR- niture. Buy and sell, Apply 186 Bloor St, B, Phone 1617M, (Aug, 27-Sept, 27) wa EE -- Acticles For Sale Wood St. FOR SALE--ONE LARGE CREAM wicker baby buggy in good condition, Quebec Coal Heater, No. 2 size. 101 07a FOR $8, SALE--SMALL 1567 Elliott Ave, off Nassau. COOKSTOVE. (67-b) ft, table, 2 GLASS SHOW CASES, counter, 11; 1 2 1 wardrobe, dozen large mirror, 6 1 dr ONE 6 FT. hat * stands, Miss Whitney, 24 Simcoe St, 11x6 leaf Apply N. (67-¢) ft., op WICKER BABY BUGGY FOR SALE condition. 189 Athol St. water front, warming oven, Burns coal or wood, Phone 880]. Reversible gear. $8, 514 Cubert street, (67-a) FOR SALE---STEEL RANGE, HOT E, In perfect Apply hoe Work Wanted SWISS MAN, MARRIED, WITHOUT children, wants position with 19 year old brother, as farm and dairy help. Ten years experience. Box "1," Times. (67-h) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors, Masonry work of every description, Bowmanville, phone 497W, tf WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE: ous wood-working shop, Screens, sashes and doors made, &!so repairs. 8, B, Edmondson, 261 Blineoe 31. "a UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made tp order, Work- nianship guaranteed, G, A, Con- stable, 148 Colborne East Phone 620F. (75tf) CARPENTER WORK WANTED, Estimates given, Apply M. Davis, 140 Tylor Crescent, Oshawa, Aug. 22-1 mo) Street, wicker, gleigh, FOR SALE, BABY BUGGY, CREAM good condition, with top. a Apply 28 Lloyd Iso hahy (67-c) FOR tion. SALE--LADY'S NAVY MAR- vella coat with large opossum col- lar and cuffs. In excellent condi- Phone 577J. (67-c) FOR SALE--McLARY ELECTRIC range in good household articles Phone 1692, condition, Other also for sale. (66¢c) SECOND HAND BOARDS, DOORS, windows, sash, Must be sold by Friday. bought door, and woman who bought stairs at Division St. goods hefore Friday else they will be sold. Yard closed from Sept, 24-29. lath, stairs, Man who must claim carpets, FOR RENT--4 ROOMED HOUSE, 2 minutes walk from car line. Will lease. Phone 289r 1-3. (65¢) GARAGE FOR RENT, $ PER month. Cement floor. Apply 244 Gliddon Ave. (65¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two friends. Breakfast if desired. Central, Phone 548. (65¢c) Wanted to Rent GARAGE WANTED -- VICINITY Phone 67. 67c WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR three rooms, by middle aged cou- ple. No children. Phone 2442F. (67-2) Simcoe and Arlington. WANTED TO RBENT-SIX OR eight roomed house, end of September. Adults. Careful tenants. Box *"S" Times. 06¢ SMALL HOUSE WANTED IMME- diately. Furnished or unfurnished. Box "F" Times. 66¢ WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR three or four roomed apartment. Box "B" Times. (661) two furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Box "K" Times. (631) FARM WANTED TO WORK ON shares or rent. Would buy half in- terest. Dairy farm preferred. Best of references. Box "N" Times. (64-2) Help Wanled--F emale WANTED -- EXPERIENCED KIT- maid and housemaid. Apply Bishcp Bethune College. o/c Opposite 81 Ontario St, (66¢c) FOR SALE--CROWN HURON cook stove in good condition. Apply side roor 47 Celina St. (66c) GOLDEN SUNBEAM BICYCLE, 2 speed gear, free wheel, enclosed chain running. in oil bath, Brooks filled paddle cyclometer, lamp, rustless steel wheels, tires. cash. In perfect 17 Greta St. conditio! Phone Lucas gas Dunlop n. $50 2046W. (66-c) FOR SALE--FUMED OAK LIB- rary table, one Victrola, mahogany, one Pomeranian pup. 495 Simcoe St. 8. (654) FOR SALE---TWENTY THOUSAND feet White Pine Dry. 10 to 16 feet 2 in. Phone E. A, Rutherford, Castle- ton, Ont. (65c) A BEAUTIFUL ° DINNER SET, 97 pieces best quality chins, $40; ome dollar deposit, also Rogers' and Gents' watches. Diamond rings etc., payments as low as 50 cents Order now. O. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe south. Phone 1856, (Aug. 24-1 mo.) weekly. balance $1 silverware. weekly, Ladies' LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Fumed Oak. meat design. Oshawa Daily Times. $12.00. (42) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Martin & Sons, Bowman WANTED TO RENT--ONE OR |49w. dv de FOR SALE -- MASON AND Baths Pianos, also Player Pianos, high Terms arranged. Used grade only, rr on band. C. Trulli. Phone (9645) MIXED HARD AND SOF: WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also botg dry sash, deors, cedar shingles, ashphalt fooling, bardwood Mooring, gyproc. Phones £460 apd Meek, 14d. 1288. Waterous- body wood. Phone £60, Wg r 26-0) Yet ie. -- WANTED TO BUY-USED LOUD CEMENT, LUMBER, FR AMES, Speaker. must be in zood condition, (34-27) (66b) Lost and Found Veterinary Surgeos COMPETENT MAID, TO SLEEP out. EAN Phone 463W. DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson . Phone 629. (5611) C. S. DICKENSON, ¥v.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals selentific- ally t Government i , miso ch opera Stvdie 19 Simeoe nth d. Dominion Veterinary. 24 Brock St. E. Phone WANTED -- BY TWO BUSINESS girls, board and room in private home, centrally located. Box MAN WANTS ROOM / Room and Board Wanted LOBT- --BOST in Victoria Park: Tag sumber 502. Finder please phone 132M. ON BULLDOG LOST "A66-b) Dressmaking "R" Times. Gic AND GOOD Loard. Apply Box "A," Times. ($7-a) 1057. (131-40) Oshawa, Wednesdays. (72tf) 1, lo Leslie the undersigned, all kinds of sewing. street, or phone 1542). Flossie Boyd. Call am prepared to a4 Miss at Wanted to Borrow WANTED--$3,500 FOR 3 YEARS AT 7 per cent. on a 9 room brick house, on Division street. All conveniences, hardwood floors up and down. Fine garage, cement driveway. House and lot, Good value at $8,000. Harry Sal- ter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. (65¢) Help Wanted--Male DRUG CLERK WANTED----I CAN offer a positiion to a young man who desires to qualify as a druggist. Mat- ric, standing is necessary. E. L. Od- lum, Druggist, Whitby, Ont, 67c A FULL TIME CARETAKER FOR St. Andrew's United Church. State age, nationality and salary expected. Box "P" Times. 67a FIRST CLASS MECHANIC WANT- ed at Johnson's Garage, 26 Athol St. W. No others need apply. We) ec BY WHITBY COUNCIL) (Gantinued from Jrom page 9) be no service at all he railway be- longs to the country and if it is giving service it should be continued even ii at a small loss, was Mr. Jackson's view. The mayor and the clerk were in- structed to draft a protest and for: ward it by telegraph at once to the Railway Board. An overdraft from the Jubilee Cele- bration was disposed of, the clerk be- ing authorized to issue a check to the treasurer of the celebration committee who would settle with the bank. Yhithy will return to standard time at 2 am. on Sunday, Sept. 25. Church services are to be held accordingly on standard time, A request for a crossing from E. L. Odlum with an offer to pay half of the cost was granted. Permission was granted to the Bell Telephone Company to put in another pole on Gilbert St. under the super- vision of the town engineer. Councillor Pringle asked the council tc take some steps to end the present dangerous conditioin at Dundas and Henry Sts. and Dundas and King Sts. at which points a good many school children cross the highway, character- izing as a shame the way the children now have to dodge the cars to get across the street. It was agreed that signs should be posted and the matter was referred to the Streets Committee with power to act. Port Whithy Needs Fire Alarm Provision of some sort of fire alarm for Port Whithy was discussed, Mr. Kenny, chairman of the Fire and Light Committee said that when the question was first brought up Mr. Matheson was chairman of the committee and had not yet done anything in the matter, Speedy action is promised. It was also suggested that some change must be made in the fire alarm system in the town, the bell now in use being quite inadequate. In spite of this, the Whithy Fire Department have reason to be proud of their performance. Mr. Jackson said that he timed the fire brigade on the occasion of the fire at Lyles gas station recently and that within one minute of the sounding of the alarm, the chemical truck was on the way and the hose truck was three quarters of 'a minute behind it. After the alarm early on Monday morning, the apparatus was on the road five minutes after the alarm was sounded. The fire alarm is perhaps not so in- adequate, after all. VOTER'S LISTS (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Sept. 21--Persons whose names are not on the Voter's List, and who wish to "have them put on, are notified to appear héfore Judge Ruddy at the Court House, Whitby on Oc- tober 10, at 2 o'clock, CADDY IS DROWNED IN WATER HAZARD Clevelanil, Ohio, Sept. 21." While attempting to recover a Jost, golf ball in a golf course water hazard, Julius Juris, a caddy, was drowned on Sun- aa The ball had been teed off into the water, and Jurias, while trying to "fish" it out from the bank of the lagoon lost his balance, Room and Board 8 TWO GENTLEMEN TO SHARE room as desired. . Eight minutes from G.M.C. porth. Private family. Phone 2433]. 66¢ ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted in private home. Apply 227 Arthur St. (65¢c) ROOM AND BOARD. GOOD COOK- ing. 314 Division St. (65¢c) ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO GEXN- tlemen with board. Five minutes from General Motors. 300 Haig St. (65¢) Motor Cars Tenders Wanted Sealed to 'the under- signed and x for Labora- tory Building, Fuel Testing Plant, Ottawa, Pntaric," will be received until 12 o'clock noon il for the construc. tion of Laboratory Building at the Fuel Testing Plane, Ottawa, Ont. Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Cliief Architect, Department of Public Works, - tawa. Blue prints can be obtained at the office of the Chick Architect, Department of Public Works, by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be tenders addressed FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET SE- dan, nearly new. Good condition, dri- ven four thousand milés. Will sell cheap for cash. Phone 444F. 67¢c FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER, 1923,, in excellent condition, priv- ately owned. Small mileage. New oversize cord tires. Terms if desired. Phone 1473F. (65¢) PONTIAC = SPORT COUPE FOR sale. Just a new car. Specially good bargain for anyone interested. For information or inspection, ap- t bidder submit 2 ar bid. sepular Bi will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forti. therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 pe. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be 'security, or bonds and a Sl ID os my ar By order, ply Star Laundry, or Allison's Gar- age. (83-1) FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1923 in good order. Also one Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Me- Laughlin. Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Evenings. B4t0) Wanted to Buy state price. Box "T" Times. 67a Poultry for Sale FIFTEEN HENS FOR SALE. AP- ply 90 Olive Ave. Phone 1486W. 4 AD L-wy Pets and Live Stock CIYEN YEAR OLD HOLSTEIN ow for sale. Cood milker. 110 Verdun Rd. N. 67c) FOR SALE--FOUR ANGORA KIT- tens. Apply 310 Albert St., between 6 and 8 evenings. (65e) BOSTON BULL PUPPIES FOR 656) sale. Apply 66 Lioyd St. (86¢c) 8. E. O'Ryien, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 12, 1927. For Sale WE HAVE SEVERAL SECOND mortgages for sale, good discount. En- quire Louis S. Hyman, Barrister. 6/c | Two Used Cars } Ford (4924) 4-door Se Chevrolet (1927) Coach, Realy new. Must sell at Gor. Park Rd. and King St. {MONSTER PARADE SCHOOL CHILDREN » » . 14 (Continued from page 9) ren proceeded to have a good time of the holiday which was granted to them by the school board. The directors and officers of the Ag- ricultural Society were present at the opening of the fair to the public last night and will be present today at the various functions. They include Col, L. T. McLaughlin, pres, R. J. Gill, Bowmanville, 1st vice-pres, George F, Annis, Bowmanville, 2nd vice-pres., R. F. Aitchison, Bowmanville, treasurer, C. H. Mason, Secretary, and John Baker, Chas. Allin, A. Campbell, IE. Snowden, H. Skinner, H, E. Tink, K. Squair, J. F. Osborne, H. G. Macklin, and G. A, Stephens all of Darlington ; W. F. Richards, Norman Allin, R. Os- borne, Howard Gibson and R. Gray, of Clarke, and James Nokes, T. Wes- ley Cawker, N. Mutton, W. H, Car- ruthers, H. C, Caverlyr and M. J. El- liott, E. P, Bradt, of Bowmanville, Honorary directors include F. W, Bowen, M.P,, W, J. Bragg, M.P.P, Mavor T. S. Holgate, 1. A, McClellan, R F. Aitchison, F. F. Morris, The lady directors are Mrs, John Spencer, Mrs. Alan Campbell, Mrs. M, J. Elliott, Mrs. Frank Rickard, Mrs, R. T. Stephens. ORIENT IMPORTS WILL CONTINUE Professor Brock Says Indus- trial Development Slow in East Victoria, Sept, 21. -- The Orient will continue to import essential materials and to export minor materials, but will not challenge supremacy, in the opin- ion of R. W. Brock, Professor of Eco- nomics, University of British Colum-, bia, as expressed in an address to the Pacific Foreign Trade Council here on Saturday. Of all the countries of the East, the speaker said, only Japan was advanced in industrial development. Korea, now a part of the Japanese Empire, and the south of Manchuria, in the railway belt now under efficient Japanese administration, were develop- ing their minerals, India, the Malay States and Burma, under British ad- ministration, were also making notable advances, as were the Phillippines un- der the United States. China, with the greatest population and, in popular opinion with the great- est mineral wealth was doing the least. Chinese religious convictions holding if wrong to molest the hills, were among the reasons for this, but these super- stitions could be generally overcome by financial inducement. There was also lack of transportation and the miner- als did not wvsually occur along the navigable rivers. William Piggott, of Seattle, Wash., was re-elected president of the Pacific Foreign Relations Council at the ¢los- ing session on Saturday. CANADIAN PAINTING BRINGS $9,500 OFFER Toronto, Sept, 21.--John Russell, Canadian painter, has announced that he has received from an un- named party in New York City an offer of $9,500 for his much dis- cussed work "A Modern Fantasy," which was on view in the art gal- lery of the recent Canadian Nation- al Exhibition. The showing of the picture at the exhibition excited much eriticism pro and com, in letters to the pa- pers. Previously it had been shown for some time at the Salon at Paris. "Some spell 'whisky' with an 'e' and some spell jit without, don't they?" said a mew reporter, nibbling his pencil. "I believe so," replied the 'editor. "Well.how would you put it down?" "My throat of course, and with ease!" And there is wanuath in the coldest weather. In such homes you will find people who will assure you that we are coal dealers who deliver quality fuel, W. J. Sargant COAL, COOKE and WOOD Bloor St. Phone 1938

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