{HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1927 HUOT 310A -- WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST a SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- uperation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a post. card or phone 38, | --Mr., and Mrs, Dewey Hubbell and little son, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Hubbell, Mechanic street, --Mrs, C. J. Montgomery with her little son Joe, leaves on Friday for her home in Lethbridge, Alberta, after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Farlay, --Mr. and Mrs, Walter Roughley, King street west, wish to extend their thanks to the nurses of the hospital and the attending physician, Dr. Ben- nett, for the care and attention to their little . daughter in her recent illness from which she is now sufficiently re- covered to return to her home, --Mr. J. Renwick, of Peterboro, Bresided at the organ of the Simcoe treet United Church at both services on Sunday last with a view to accept- ing an invitation to fill the position of organist recently vacated by Mr, Les- lie F, Unitt, --Alderman D. A, J. Swanson, left today for Ottawa where he will re- main for a few days transacting busi- ness. --Mr., Frank Oldfield, popular bari- tone soloist, who has delighted the music lovers of this city many times, has returned to his home in Toronto after a two months visit to England, Oshawa will be a bigger and bet- ter city a year from today. Share in its prosperity by buying now in Jastmount Helghts, Streets graded and other improvements under way. and are, Better Hats--that sizes to spit Mad, $298 Will Buy! Woe BEEN so struck by the popularity of this price that we've made a special effort and have gathered a notable collection of really beautiful Hats that look-- Chic--Yet sell at a price that enables the most hard pressed budget to afford two or three chapeaux a season! Come and see these Models! gorgeons Velvets-- Lyons' Velvet mind yous-Styles and and Mad i EN NOT FRENCH IMPORTS OF COURSE! BUT SKIL- FUL REPRODUCTIONS OF THE MODES EM- PHANIZED BY THER "GRANDE COUTURE" OF PARIS! are Individual and Smartly Smart Supple Felts-- lle in all the new shades of Autumn including the most favored Black! . Eastmount Heights offers an ex- eeptional opportunity for builders. Excéptionally easy terms and low interest rate on lots in Easimount Heights, Tea for two in the cozy tea voom of Hotel Fort Shelby ' . . In equipping its 22¢ story addition Hotel Fort 3helby has been mindful of the comfort not only of its men guests but of that of the ladies also, 4 0» There are thoughtfully planned salient com- forts for every guest, The atmosphere of the guest Foon) fol Servi- r equip, is quiet, ' soothing and homelike, Skilled attendants de liver guests' cars with out service charge, LIE Everythingdowntown, includingtheshopsand theaters, is practically at the door, Whether your choice be a $2.50, $3 or $4 room or one of the especially large rooms or suites over: looking the city, river and Canadian shore, you will enjoy a par- NEW GOVERNMENT 70 ASSUNE OFFICE Nationalist Administration to be Established in Nanking Shanghal, Sept, 21.--A new Na- tional Government, which 'will sue- ceed the two Nationalist bodies which hitherto have functioned from Honkow and Nanking will assume office at Nanking it is announced, The Government will be controll- ed by a commission of five consisting of Hu han Min, former generalissimo of the Kuomintang (Nationalist poli- tical organization) army; Dr, Wang Ching-Wel, chairman of the central executive of the Kuomintang; Tsai Yun-Pel, minister of education in the first Republican Cabinet under Yuan Shi-Kai; Tan Yen-Kai, member of the executive committee of the Kuo- mintang, and Li Lieh-Chun, former civil governor of the province of Kiangsi and also a prominent mem- ber of the Kuomintang, In addition seven ministries and two councils on education and mili- tary affairs will carry out the Gov- ernment's executive duties, ; The following portfolios have been allotted: foreign affairs, Dr, Wu Chao-Hu; finance, Sun Fo, son of the late revolutionary leader, Dr. Sun Yat Sen; justice, Mr, Wang Chung Hui, an authority on interna- tional law; communications, Wang Pei-Chung and education, Tsal Yuan-Pei, ARMS COMMITTEE APPROVES PROJECT Polish Plan Outlawing Wars Passes Initial Stage Geneva, Sept, 21.--A Japanese | pacific means for the settlement of all kinds of disputes between nations jonly applies to members of the | League of Nations caused a flurry when the League Assembly disarma- | ment committee approved the Polish | project for the outlawry of all wars of aggression, The Polish resolutian as finally voted provides that all wars of ag- gression are and will he forbidden, | that pacific means should be utilized for the settlement of conflicts **what- ever their nature," arising between nations and that the Assembly de- clares that there is obligation for all members of the League to con- form to these principles. Harukazu Nagaoka, Japanese am- bassador to Germany, moved to add | to this statement the words "in their mutual relations." gue are already prevented by cove- gression and the Salvador represen- tative, Senor Guerrero, pointed out that the Japanese amendment would have the regrettable result of limit- reservation that the employment of | *= OPENS A NEW SUBDIVISION (Continued from page 1) specialized in farm realty for a num- ber of years, has widened his opera- tions greatly and a staff of 10 to 15 salesmen will be constantly employ- ed. The subdivision campaign launch- ed today is merely the first of sev- eral which the Lycett Agency will launch in the near future. The ag- gregate of the development planned for the next twelve months may total, through sales and houses erected, close to a million dollars, T, R, Pinner, interviewed by The Times declares that the interests he represents have been investigating the real estate development field in both the United States and Canada for a year, and it is their opinion that Oshawa offers the best oppor- tunities for investment of any in- dustrial eity, Joined with its magnificent group of industries already in being and facing the greatest period of indus- trial expansion in Canada's history fs Oshawa's youth which offers a field that has barely heen touched so far as its industrially collateral field of realty expansion is concern- ed, Mr, Pinner points out, "Oshawa citizens," he observed, "simply do not appreciate the tre- mendous development that is going to feature the next few years in this city, While affecting Canada as a whole, I am certain that no eity In the Dominion is in such a favorable position as regards this coming era as Oshawa 1s." "Fairview Park" is the name of | the first of the Lycett development efforts which will be officially launched Thursday morning. It is a section of the Trick Farm property comprising some 20 acres. Lying on Jarvis and Division streets, it runs north from Rosedale to beyond Con- naught street, It is being developed on the re- stricted area basis. No frame houses are to be built and the minimum house cost is stated at $3,500, T. R. Pinner, as stated, has heen actively interested in executive real estate development for some years. Wright Funerals J. A, WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRFCTOR AND EM- BALMER Successor to DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE Simcoe St, S, Phone 1 od a Ambulance Service BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS At Special Prices C. W. DETENBECK KING ST, EAST Other members of the committee ! remarked that members of the Lea- | nant from resorting to wars of ag-' WILSON & LEE MUSIC STORE 71 Simcoe St, N, Phone 2388 So say those who have tried it.' G. W. Pinner, who has wide real estate interests in British Columbia is the provincial distributor for Durant automobiles in that province. FRANCE HONORS FALLEN AT VERDON Marshal Petain Performs Cere- mony on Immortal Battle Field Verdun, France, Sept. 21.--On this immortal battlefield, the resting place of a million dead, soldiers and civilians from all parts of France as sembled for the dedication of the ossuaury built as a memorial to the heroie poilue who fell in the most stupendous struggle of all time. On the plains and hills surround- ing the vast ossuary 400,000 French- men, and 600,000 Germatis were killed in frightful saulghter in the spring and summer of 1916, The great silver victory hell of Douamont, which had just complet- ed a trip across France tolled in the tower of the memorial structure Sunday and at sundown Marshal Petain, whose war order "they shall not pass' was issued here, set ahlaze the light in the high tower, leaving it for future generaions to keep forever kindled in memory of the men who stood to the death de- fending Verdun 11 years ago. At the ceremony besides Marshal Petain were nine other generals and distinguished officials and au- thorities. DUFFERINS MAKE TOUR OF BRANTFORD DISTRICT Brantford, Sept. 20.--The Marquis and Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava spent a busy day here today. This | | morning they toured the city, visiting his Majesty's Chapel Royal of the Mo- hawks, Mohawk Institute and Brant's l'omb, and paid a visit to the various [points named after the family--Duff- erin Avenue, Dufferin Terrace and the Ava Road, This afternoon they visited and in- spected Dufferin School, a, half-holiday being given in their honor. This even- |ing the Marquis, as Honorary Colonel, was' guest of honor of the Dufferin Rifles officers and sergeants. Many officers of other units in this district were present at the Brantford Golf and Country Club, where the reception -- a. ------ -- FREIGHTER FREED FROM SHOAL (By Oanadian Press) Quebec, Sept. 20.--The British freighter Kurdistan,, which went» a- ground in a dense fog yes'erday on the Anticosti Island freed herself from her pesition without assistance today. y REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, ice Oream, and: Light Launches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N, Phone 8264 WE LEAD IN : RADIO: Adams Furniture Ce Canadian Pacific 1d yg ( FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Sept. 30, Oct. 28 .., Oct. 7, Nov. 4 .... xOct, 14, Nov. 11 Oct, 21 *Nov, 18 Wi reales! . Minnedosa , . Montclare Montrose Montcalm To Belfast, Glasgow : Sept. 29, Oct. 27 Metagama *--Via Greenoch, FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg, Southampton, Antwerp Opt. 3, MOV, 2 srsrvanrsrsrss Montroyal Oct. 19, Nov. 16 ,.. +» Montnairn Fo Cherbourg, Southampton, Hambourg Sept. 28, *Oct, 26..Empress of Scotland XOCE. 12 2 1 reese sie Empress of France *--To Cherbourg, Southampton only, CRUISES Winter 1027-1928 Apply to Local Agents, J. E. PARKER, Gen. Agent, Ocean Traffic C.P.R. .» ioropto Adelaide 2105 Everything in Music sense of value in the Fort Shelby, Brochure on request. HOTEL FORT SHELBY PETRY ing the Polish principle of the em- ployment of the pacific means to states affiliated with the League but would not affect non-members. CARDINAL BILLOT RESIGNS HIS HAT Pope Grants Petition to Re- tire Owing to Extreme Age Rome, Sept. 21---The petition of Cardinal Billot of France to the Pope to be permitted to resign his cardinalship because: of advanced age has been granted by His Holi- ness. The Cardipal said he wished to retire to private life in order that he might prepara for death, ; Louis Cardinal Billot was 81 years old last Japuary. He is a native of Lorraine, France, but has been a resident of Rome since 1885. The several high offices he held in the council of the administration of the Roman Gatholic Church includ- ed a professo ship in the Georgian University. I'e was elevated to the cardinalate in 1911. was held. { NAVINI ANI AON ANNAN AN AAG ja "I need this- mamma" The highest medical /, "Do You Own Your Own > STOWED AWAY ON LINER THREE BOYS ARE FINED Glasgow, Scotland, Sept. 20.--FEither to starve in Canada or hide aboard a ship bound for the Old Country, were the alternatives which they had to choose, declared three boys named James Trotter, John Park and Nei McCaffery, who stowed away on a lin- er from Montreal to Glasgow and were fined £4 each or twenty-eight days' imprisonment in the Glasgow | Sheriff Court. The boys said they were unable to get work in Canada. In one situation which MoCaffery se- cured he was accidentally injured, but 'his employer, he said, refused to pay compensation and even asked him to defray his own hospital expenses. He sated they had a companion whose death was duc to conditions in which they were placed. Park gave without avail a pint of his own blood in an cffort to save the companions life. ~PAY HIGH PRICES for Lots to speculators when we have the choicest Lots and the closest in to the G.M.C. for $10 per ft.? Small payment down--Restricted Property. See us before buying and save money, HORTON & FRENCH 5 King St, East Phone 1880 Res.. 1828W \ Bracebridge, Sept. 20.--Fire destroy- ed the home and contents of Harry Jex, Milford Bay. Muskoka Lake, to- {day at mean. The flames spread so | quickly that it was impossible to save [the contents. Oshawa will have 50.4000 popula- Your Auctioneers | tion im five years. Buy in Eastmount NVZAVAVA ;