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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Sep 1927, p. 3

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at, Savoy 1 Shipt Oysters fresh daily at (67d) the Savoy. New Millinery Individual styles, all new mater, als, of the Fall modes. Large hea sizes a specialty. At Miss Caldwell's Millinery Shop, 456 King St, Wists Stolen Auto Recovered, An automobile, the property of H. Cawker, Oshawa, stolen from this city September 14th was re- covered in Toronto yesterday accord- ing to information received at the + local police station, On Theft George Hornbostel and Jack @. Wallace, both of Toronto, who were arrested early this week and charged with theft of a motor car to which they pleaded not guilty, were again remanded until Thurs- day, Sept. 29, when they appeared before Magistrate A, F, Hind in police court this morning, Ball was renewed, Cars Collide Slight damage to the fenders of an automobile driven by Mrs, W, J. Schultz, Carnegle street, was done late last night when her automobile was hit by another car at King and Simcoe streets, Mrs, Schultz was driving on King street and Intend. ed making a left turn to go North on Simcoe street when the accident oceurred, Cars In Collision Considerable excitement raged at the intersection of Simeoe and King streets at noon today when two motor- ists in same manner or other hecame confused as to the traffic signals, Al- though their cars bumped each other small damage was done, The drivers of the respective cars staged an argu- ment in the middle of the road, much to the merriment of the erowd of spectators, Farther down Simcoe street, south, opposite Little Covent Fruit store another crowd was witnessing a small accident in which two ears had collided while parking, Slight damage to an Oakland coupe was done, Two Fined $10 and Costs, Uno Forstrom and Laury Litia, two men of foreign hirth were ar- rested hy the police last night on King street in an intoxicated con- dition. When they appeared before Magistrate A, F, Hind in police court this morning they pleaded rullty and were convicted of the of. fense, After explaining to them the meaning of the words "gullty" and not guilty," his worship imposed a fine of $10 and costs each, The al- ternative was 14 days In jall, Teck Hughes Vipond Mining sales to noon 045,856 Wheat Sept, Mar, Com Dee, Mar, Onts Sept, Rye Sept, 184% Oats ( Stoe Bell Telephone .., 148 Br, Amer, O11 ,,,. 381 B.C, Fishing .. Brompton .. Burt, FN. ....0.. 66 Can, Bread .,..... 165 C, I. Acohol ,,,,. 389 Christie Brown ... B69 City Dalry ....... 156 Canada Malting 1% Int, Nickel ,,.... 0 Int, Petroleum .,., 42 Imperial Oil ,,,.,. 6&8 37% a8 Massey Harris ,,, 21% 67% 60% Northern Bakeries SeaBTaAM «iv 111s Shredded Wheat ,, Twin CIty oo yveve Mines Amulet ov 00000y 660 Area ... 67% Argonaut ....0000 43% Barry Hollinger ., 172 Beaver ,..:.v10vv 169 Castle Trethewey . 69 Central Manitoba 191 Dome vy vvvvene 1086 Hollinger ,,.,.,,,,1785 Kealgy vvvvverveie 1¥ Kirkland Lake ,,.,, 280 Lake Shore ,,...,.28600 Laval-Quebee ,.,,, 46 Macassa ,...,..., 81 MelIntyre ........2676 Mining Cor, ,,,,., 805 Noranda ,...y.v.. 2460 Nipissing ,,...... 720 PIONGOF srr vvv1s Potterdoal Premier ,.,. Ribage .,.. 225 vo B6% vee 000 RR) tees Tough Oakes Wright Hargraves 760 OHIOAGO GRAIN (Supplied hy Stoble, Forlong & Oo,) Open High 12006 130% 126% 126% 182% 188% MT% NTH YY 6% 100 100% 46% 47 48% 485 06% 07% 06 06% 07 06% WINNIPEG GRAIN ' 184% 1338 130 120% 605% 81% 605% 61% OV H3% 60% 63% Too Late to Classify Low Close 120% 130 12606 126% 182% 183% 069% 045% 00% 46% 48% Dee, 07% 06% 100% 46% 48% 06% 06% Sept, Dee, Sept, Dec, Wheat 134% Dee, 120% 180 Sept, Dee, Laura Secord Old Time Homemade Candies Fresh twice a week 60c w= For sale only at 7he Renal: store Lovell Thome 8 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Vacant Oct, 9, Phone 781W (80¢c) LATE 1926 FORD ROADSTER IN (a perfect condition, Apply West End Garage, Bowmanville, Phone 188W, (69e) STAR SPORT TOURING, MODEL F. $350. Apply 277 Jarvis St, Phone 1116W. (69¢c) FOR BALE--COOK STOVE, 1025 Chevrolet touring in good eondi- tion, 8 bedsteads, springs and mat- The $3,000 Sunlight Music Mrs, BE, J. Bale will resume her classes in singing and plano on and alter Saturday, Sept, 24, (69a) * Died VANCE--In Oshawa, September 22nd, Norine E., infant daughte! of Mr, and Mrs, BK, Vance, aged Hh months 20 days, Funeral from the family residences, 626 Albert St, Service at 2 o'clock, Interment in Unlon Cemetery, Born GLOVER---In Oshawa, 10, 1927, to Mr, and Mrs, Glover, 137 Gladstone Ave. September Fred a son, "Present-day dancing," fessor A, M. Low, 'is merely result of wartime hysteria," there are still people who do not oppose wars, says Pro the Yet Davidson & Samels "For Better Shoe Values" | tresses, copper tank with gasoline|* heater 40 gallon steel tank, Apply 234 Division St, (69h) FOR SALE--A SIX ROOM HOUSE, double garage, central, conveniences, $350 cash, balance $2250. Thirty a month, Phone 869. W, D, Peebles, 9 Bond St. E. (69¢) FOR SALE--A NEW MODERN large five room bungalow, central, all conveniences, Hardwood floors. A bargain. Four thousand. Small payment, balance as rent, Phone 869. (89¢) CORSETIERE-- SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs, Annie Pentland, managing corstiere. Evenings by ap- pointment. Phone 442J. (Sept. 23-1mo) FOR SALE--FORD TOURING. BEST offer takes it. 85 Arlington Ave. (89¢) ROOM AND BOARD AT § RICH- mond St. Phone 1048M. (69¢) FOR SALE--ONE HALL STAND, one bicycle, one violin, 181 years old. Phone 2363W. (69¢) Cutler &Preston INVESTMENTS Bonds and Preferred Stocks 64 King St. W. Tel. 572 GIRL, WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. Phone 307M. (69a) WANTED--GOOD LOT IN EX- change for car. Apply A. Fisher, 338 King St. E. Phone 957F. (69¢) ROOM AND BOARD WANTER FOR | young lady from Monday to Friday, near cemtre of city. Box "E" Times. (6%b) FLY-TOX Kills-- Flies By The Thousand Your money back if it does not kill flies, moths, ants, fleas, bed bugs. Whiz Fly Fume KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office BRANTFORD 11 King Street 8. F. Everson, KITCHENER Private Wire WA | System Jes CATHARINES Above CPR. Office, Phone 144 East, Oshawa Local Manager Annual Meeting of the Inter school Executive at Whitby --Oshawa Collegiate Field Day to Be Held September 30 " The ninth annual inter-school field day between Bowmanville High School, Oshawa Collegiate Institute and Whit- by High School, will be held in Osh- awa on Friday, October 7, according to the official announcement made last night following the annual meeting of the inter-school executive, held in Whitby High School yesterday even- ing. This decision was followed by the announcement this morning that Oshawa Collegiate field day would be held on the Friday previous, which is a week from today, September 30, The meeting in Whithy was a well wttended and enthusiastic gathering, with anticipation heing expressed hy Ul that the field day this year would he another great success and rivaling that of last year which ended in a two |' cornered tie, for excitement and ac tion, Although this was Whithy's turn for the scene of the meet, one of the first matters of business last night was a motion which was proposed by the Whithy representatives, and carried, tc "old the meet in Oshawa on account if the better facilities offered hy Alex- andra Park, especially for the track]! events, It was moved hy Mr, O'Neill and] seconded hy Mr, Kirkland, hoth from Oshawa, that the date of the meet he October 7, after a short discussion, in which Wednesday, October 12 was so mentioned as a possible date, ~ A move to have the meet shortened rom a whole day to an afternoon's ietivities, which received strong hack ng from Oshawa, was defeated, Sq so was a suggestion of limiting the number of running events in which a ontestant. might enter, It was moved and carried that th Ontario Athletic Commission he called upon to furnish a referee. Mr, Wal ter Knox, who has attended the mee! n this capacity for the past two years will in all likelihood again he the rep | esentative appointed, No alterations or changes were made o the program or any of the rules of last year, except that it was moved and carried that the offices of secre ary and treasurer be combined int ne, An official recorder was added to the list of officials for the meet Mr, Durrant being elected for thi 'Car, The following are the officers for 1027-28: President: Mr, Archibald Whithy ; Sceretary-treasurer, Mr, Case Whithy; Vice president, Mr, O'Neill )shawa ; Executive, Mr, Morrison and Mr, Cooke, both of Bowmanville, All entries are to be in the secre tary-treasurers hands by October 4 Conditions for competition for the Bassett Trophy are to be the same as for the McLaughlin Cup which was von by Oshawa two years ago, YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY SUNDAY EVENING NEXT The Annual Rally of the united societies of young people belonging t« St. Andrew's and Simcoe street churches will be held Sunday evening in Simcoe St. Church, The young eople themselves will be in charge I'he speakers are the presidents of the wo societies, Mr. S. Saywell and M¢ I. Carroll Anderson, B.A, Mr. Harold Young will preside. Young ladies will usher and take the offering. The regular choir will render the music though some of the young people will sing. It promises to be a most inter sting service, No man has a right to expect his wife to be a good cook if hé is not that kind of a provider.--Sauilt Dally Star. Held InfOshawa October 7 tion today on Ex-Mayor Conant's in- terview published in The Oshawa Daily clares that he feels that Mr, Conant's wrn Ontario," said Mayor Robert D. get some action on the Hydro"situa- MAYOR DISCUSSES CONANT INTERVIEW Says Suggestion of Naming Committee on Hydro Rates Supports Own Statements Mayor Preston expressed gratifica- Fimes relative to hydro rates in this city and aie His worship de- Right! Patrons of Parker's Dye Works are never in a dil emma when the time comes to select from the wardrobe, They know that their garments are neat and spotless and cer- tain to add to their ap. pearance, suggestion supports his own public statements that a committee of repre- ientative Oshawa citizens should be wamed to deal with the local situation, ind hopes that others will be inspiir- «l to take up the cudgel for adjust- nent of local rates, "It is most interesting to me to note he various attitudes taken relative to he Hydro-Electric situation in Eas- Preston this morniing, Continuing Mr, reston said, "It was with pleasure I aw the long interview in your paper vesterday, with ex-Mayor G, D, Con- nt. I do not want to see this Hydro- dectric matter get into a newspaper controversy, but what I have atempt- «to do is get some action, When ver I brought it before the Council nembers they felt that the Eastern Intario Power Association was deal- nig with the situation and should be lowed to continue, "Now one of the Viee-Presidents of his organizatiion comes out in the ublic press and says we should go lireetly to the government relative to djustment of rates in Eastern On- wio, | cannot feel that Mr, Conant 1 his interview was eriticizing any- ody. Personally I have understood the situation as explained by My, onant for a long time and what I de- re to pring about is seme action and hope that as a Vice-President of the astern. Ontario Power Association Mr. Conant will either write the City ouncil or come to a meeting and ex- latin in detail what he outlined in 1s intervieg yesterday, "I would come to the conclusion om what I read in your paper yes- crday that an executive of the Asso- ation felt as I have felt for the past ew months that Oshawa's case should ¢ dealt with by a committee of re- resentative citizens, The quicker this done the quicker we are going to Parker's Dye Works 22 King St, K, CHIROPRACTIC i D. E, Steckley, Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist, will be in the office, 146 Sime coe street, north every afternoon and Mon. day, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Forenoons by appointment. Residential calls made in town and surrounding dis trict, Consultation is free at office' Phone 224, po] CANADIAN PACIFIC Train Time Changes SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 A Boys' All Wool i Sweaters, Special $ 1 00 DOMINION CLOTHING COMPANY 08 King st. W, Phone 2141 REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, Ice Oream, and Light Lunches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2364 vin Oshawa, As far as I am con- cerned I have no hesitancy in com ng before any governmental body as long as we get results, "I hope Mr. Conant's interview will nspire others to take up the cudgel or adjustment of the rates here," wan -- WHILE THEY LAST 50 ONLY BRIDGE LAMPS COMPLETE WITH PARCHMENT SHADES We have always been noted as having the best values in Bridge and Floor Lamps in Oshawa. This is due to our buying of this line in large quantities and selling on a close margin, See our windows--They will speak for themselves. 4.85 Complete Our stock of Bridge and Floor Lamps for Fall have just arrived, showing the newest in silk and parchment designs SEE THE There will be an interruption to Electric Service in Oshawa on Sunday, September 25th, 1927, from 6 to 8 am. and 2 to 4 p.m. for the purpose of per- forming necessary work on the transmission line. Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario CHAS. T. BARNES, NEW COFFIELD WASHER Gyrator Principle; 6 Sheet Size $139.00 Easy Monthly Payments with No Interest for Time. YES, WE GIVE Bowra Electric Shop | PHONE 1078 + 52 SIMCOEST.N. OSHA TE

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