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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Sep 1927, p. 12

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",. Mr. and Mrs. F, HARMONY caomy, wept. 21M, Wailer. eat of asks pce vied ong vida witivis . molher, oe. Wu, 1 gel,' Mr. and Tanta. spent © Sunddy with Stainan's mother, Mrs, el, 'Mr, and Mrs. Thos Whattam Mrs, Mrs, 'and. Misses Hilda and Pek What- tam. of Picton spent the week end wih Mr. and Mrs. K, G, Whattan. Miss Pek Whattam is resuming her siidies at Queen's University, She v 43 ith the C.G.LT, girls of Osu- and Dietrict at Bobcaygeon camping | this au: mer, Mul and Mrs. D. BE. Weese spent | £unday in Toromto, alr and Mus, J. Sander, of Bow- many ille, spemt Sunday with Mr. gnd Mrs. Thos. Oke, Mr, and Mrs, J. Kellett and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchison, of Ponty- pool spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. Kellett, Rev, F. Dickie of the China In- Innd Mission from Kinwaka, Che- kiang, China, is visiting his niece, Mrs, W. 8, Frayling, Mr, Dickie has been in China for 38 years, Lut was ordered home on furlough, on account of the trouble that hus hrisen there. Sunday, 'September 26th, will he Rally Day at the Sunday School. The time of the meetings will be changed to 3 o'clock, standard time. Come and bring a friend and help make it an "Al" Rally Day. Every: body welcome, Mrs, J, L, McGill visited on Sun- day with her daughter, Mrs, H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J, Miller, of New Toronil), spent; Sunday with Mus. Miller's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, L. Bdwards, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards, of Colborne, visited with their uncle, Mr IL. Pdwards. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, L. Rodman, of Port Perry, spent Sunday with Mr, and ra. Che, Mackie. Mr. and Mrs, H. McComb of Osh-|, awa and Mr. and Mrs. BE. Turpin of north Oshawa at Mr. and Mrs, L FMwards on Sunday. v Brooks and ch'l dren, visited at the home of Mr. and Mre H, Wilson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hall of Belleville. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. + Mackie on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, J. McKay, of Orono, were at Mr, apd Mrs. L. Edward: "on Sunday. Mr. George. Bdwards, Jr., and Mr. R. Hurley, of Rochester. visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, L. Edwards last week, Miss Dorothy Burms, of Kinggion #psnt Wednesday with Mrs. J. PB Furtehicon Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Oke and Mier (tladys Oke attended Bowmanviue fir on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. A Farewell were i' Toronto on Wednesday. The s~hool 'hildren are busy pre aring for a Pg dav at the school rir to *e held in Alexandra Park, en'ember 29. "he Home and School (inh wil ret on September 29, ior the Liennacout, Mich- Mrs. B. Stainton, of To- Wm. Mich- ob Plamami msm mn senmruosrnsrwe srr | Mr: asa Mrs. 4. Gfdman, Mr. And rs, Lo V.. Hogar Miss 'M, Bate, ' Miss H, Constaole H. Jone, and iliss {rene Vance, Miss D, Hogarth, Mr. H. Wagar, Mr. L. Wagar, Mast- er Ivan Miracle, Master Kenneth Conlin, Master ' Warren Vance. The evening' was apent in games ind singing, Refreshments were ser- ved and an enjoyable time was spent by all. The iriends parted, wishing Mr. and Mrs. H. rks a long and happy married lifey. | PIC G Pickering, Sept. -23--~Mr. and Mrs, . Cronk and son, Lyndon, spem Fs ry with iriends in Mariposa, Mrs. Miltcn Scott and childen, of Stratford, are visiting relatives in the v.llage. Mr. Rogers and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mo- ther, Mrs. James Rogers. Upon their return home they were accompanied by Mrs. Rogers, who is spending a week in the city, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, of Highland Creek, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jas Andrew on Saturday. Masters Billie and Bobbie Heron, of Brooklin, are visiting their grand-par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jabez Hallett. S. W. Knipe, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Pickering friends. The Women's Guild of St. Ge rie's church held a very successful sale of heme-made baking at the home of [2 rs. (eo, Barker on Saturday after noon, t | Mrs. R. A. Bunting and the Mi-ses { Bunting, accomnatifed Mr. and Mys | Gea, Trelour, of Toronto, on a mate The V erin to Montreal and Ottawa. 1, 12s Ford Tudor Sedan, halloon tires and many extras. 1, 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan, Chadburn Meior Sales PHN ' ST. HONK [BLD WETFAL BUMPING AND VW KINDS OF BONY WOKK MERRITT AITO AND REPAIL sine wm W shawn {was accomplished at of Montreal, are visiting the former's id with their outing. Jean Clark spent the week-end to with Miss Cynthia Burns. wm. Digkie is visking in Or. ton w h Mr. and' Mrs. Berry. . Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, isited at the home of her parents ere, over. the week-end. Mrs, W. A. Reid and son, Billie, are visiting §€ Mtives in Toronto. Aided by a lovely evening and a calm lake, the Y.P.'s of 'St. Andrew's church treated hemsel es last Friday evening, to a weiner roast on the shore of Lake Ontario, The outing was not only en- joyed by the young folks, for a goodly number of the oder members oi tie congregation were there, and sat a- round the huge fire, in friendly eon- versation 'while the boys and girls played all sorts of games on the sand. Vhen lunch time came large quantities of weiners and rolls disappeared as if by magic, and it seemed as if some cavities would never be filled. This last, however, and then all assembled by the fire for a few minutes of devotional ex. reises, after which the minister called upon all torally. to the standard, and enter heartily into the winter's poogram which begins in October. If the en- thusiasm voiced at this meeting is kept up, the Society ought to have the best winter of its existence this season. Mr. and Mrs, F. Mechin and child, | reine No on on Tuesday, very much parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mechin Mr. W. G. Ham, who has been visit ing 'his daughier, Mrs. J. B. Horn, of Peterboro, or the past few weeks, is back again in the viliage for a day or 10 hefore going to spend the winter in the southern States. ALMONDS Almonds Sent 21. Miss Mildred Prawn left on Mond y for Toron to, where she will attend tiie Normal 'ehool, Mr, and Mrs, T. Morcomhe, Mr. Lloyd Morcofibe motored to Ome- «ee on Tyesday last and spent a couple of davs with Mr. and Mrs C. I. Morcombhe, Glad ta report Mrs. Kemp Sr., has re"overed sufficient to be up around gain, : Mr, MeKetchen and sister. of Fen- elon Falls, were week end visitors with Migees Blanche and Edna Me- (Giregor. Miss Lois Balsdon, Mrs. Mildred Rraown, Mp. Milton Balsdon were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Richard Jarland. Mr. Moody Atkinson is holding an ~netion sale very shortly, but will remain in the vicinity for the win- ter, after which he intends to move intn Whithy, where he has puchased | h» Mvery business formerly run hy | Moore and sons, Vivre broke out in the home of Mp W. H, Baledon, Whithy, at 3 me o'clock Monde morning. They were aroused by the emell of smoke to find the kitchen at the rear end fil- led with smoke and flames making rapid head way. An alarm was sent in and the firemen were soon an the scene, With the aid of chemicals it was brought under control, the fire was thought to have been caus- ed by a spark dropping from the chimney into a closed fire place be- low in the early evening and gradu- was fully covered by insurance. ally ignited into flames, the lose ZION Zion, Sept. 20.--Mr. Cyril H. Mumford and sister, of New York came home here for a short time on Saturday but returned again the same night. Rally Service in the church next Sunday at 10.30 when everynne who their name on the roll are re- quested to be present. Babies in- cluded and any visitors will be made welcome. At the trustee meeting of the church held at Mr. Tracy Gilaspel's last Tuesday night, Messrs. Frank Pascoe and John Northcott, have been appointed ushers and general managers as well as passing the plate. Mr. Reford Cameron exhibited his yearling colt Saturday at Osk- awa Fair and received first pris he also showed Anson Balson's mare and colt, and received third on the mare and first on 'the colt, Anson was away to Peterboro Fair where he did well on sheep and poultry, including geese, ducks and chickens. Miss Taylor, of Toronto. who sang at the Kedron Church in August, when the Zion Ladies visited there, has heen secured, with a bass soloist and elocutionist, for the concert at the chicken ple supper, October 4in. They come to us highly recommend ed Hope everyone will come and enjoy themselves as the ladies are putting forth every effort to enter- tain all who come. A good many from here attended | the Oshawa Fair. Mr. A. D. terhoro fair last Friday. Mr. and Mrs Jas. the week end with their son, Aulley, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, HL. N Hagerman and daughters, Meda and Ina. of Oshawa, were at J. W. Balson's on Sunday. Mr and Hrs. Reford were at Tyrone on Sunday visiting the latter's uncle,. Mr. Herb, Camer- on. Miss May Cameron who has heen here visiting returned home with them. Mrs. leen, were visiting near Oshawa Sulley spent | w. J! I ga , SEPTEMBER 24, ort" Nr. Joe Chant's, for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Ellips, or Toronto, were guests of Mr. a Mra. Wesley Glaspel. ¥ Mr: A. T. Stainton wont Mi in Toronto, also Mr. and Mrg Ro- bert Killean and family. Mr. and Mrs, George Awde and Mr. and Mrs. McDougall, of Drayton, are on a mofor trip celebrwting the 26th anuniversary of their wedding days. Each couple having heen married 26 years. They are wisits ing their sister Mrs. H.G. Pascoe. | Sunday evening, October 2nd, the Ladies' Aid are holding a 4special service in conned ion with the chicken pie supper the following Tuesday evening, October 4th. A speaker from Manchester will be with us and special music will be rendered. Collection for the Aid. More particulars next week. Mre, Arthur Langmaid and Eve- lyn, attended Port Perry Fair on Wednesday. A lot of people attended Bowman- ville Fair, and some carried home prizes in horses, sheep, poultry, ete. KEDRON ---- Kedron, Sept. 22. Reserve Fri- day evening, October seventh for the lLadies' Aid concert af Kedron, when Rev, H. §. Clugston will tell the story of Jean Val Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and baby, Lorraine, with Dr. and Mrs. MeCulloch, Orono, left. aon Sunday on a 'motor trip to Goodland, Indi- ana where they will visit Dy. and Mrs. I, Heatlie. The ladies of Kedron who wish to contribute fruit or pickles to the Vietor Home are requested to do so as soon as possible. refined arrangements, our service offers advantages, in notice--and our professional services, WRIGHT ' FUNERALS AT A SENSIBLE COST In point of quality in funeral furnishings, completeness of that clients experience a complete sense of security in the knowledge that the very best will be rendered, and at a sensible cost. We Feature This Funeral $100 Complete Including good quality black or grey cloth covered cas. ket--outside case--embal ming--hearse--car--newspaper Other funerals at $85, $100, $125, $145, $175 with equally as great a saving. Wright Funerals Successor to Disney Funeral Service AMBULANCE SERVICE 82 Simcoe Street South Phone 1082 Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Vice and baby, Murray, Mrs. William ;Hep- burn and Miss Luella Hephurn at- tended EPowmanville Fair on Wed- nesday. Langmaid attended Pe- | | Cameron | Reford Cameron and Kath-| at | Miss Lena Beath. of Dehlia, Al- berta, visited at Mr. L. Hancock's, | and is now en route to England and Portuguese, West Africa, where she will enter the mission field. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy far: ly visited her hrother, Mr, | ther Langmaid, Zion, last Mics ) guerite Conlin was juest of Miss Nora Robins, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. James MeDougall Drayton, and Mrs. W. Lanzmar Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs, E. | Mountjoy on Tuesday. Miss Allie Wood visited home in Orono. Mr. E. Davis attended Port perry | and Ar- | wee't. the | Zion, George Awde and at hey Your Winter's Bu F uel Now Now And Take Advantage of the Present Low Prices, . LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Stove size, $15.50; Nut size, $15 per ton COKE $12.00 per ton Also Bone Dry Hard and Soft Wood Cut to Stove Lengths WATEROUS-MEEK LTD. Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office 66 King St, W, Phone 1288 Phone 660 Fair on Wednesday. ---- --/ -- GUIDE To VALUES IN OSHAWA help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping In shawa first meeting since before schoo! eles'n~, Please remember and re gerve the date Further partienlars of meetinz will be appounced new week. Mr. J. Tait of Iron Bridze, Ncw Ontario, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Haves. Mrs. J. Capstick of Japetville, and Mrs. Roard of 7 ndsay, visi'ed w'th Mr. and Mrs Rafes and attended the Oshawa exhibition. Glad to report Mre. zidertson i: noms from the hospital and getting plong fine, . A mis-ellaneovs shower was giv- en at the home of Mrs. Nathan Wa- gr, Harmony, Oshawa.. Monday, 'n honor of her sister-in-law. Mrs. W. H. Parks whose marriage took place last momth. A decorated basket was carried in by Miss Ireme Vance and Miss Dorothy Hogarth, laden with g'fts from those who were pres. ent: Mp. epd Mrs. N. Wagar, Mr. and Mrs W. M. Wagar, Mrs. R. Parks, Mrs. E. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. © ©. G. Maracle, Mr. apd Mrs. O. Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. Vance, Mr. ana Mrs. Raps. Mrs Dr. Farewell. Mr. ay Mrs. Leach, Mr. apd Mrs. G. Mr. and Mps Dr. Murse, Or apd' "Mrs. J. Bate. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wause, "I'M 80 PLEASED!" That's what our patrons so frequently tell us. They like the way their clothes come back so re- freshingly new. And they like the service they get by just calling Phone No. 2520. Try it! Oshawa Laundry OSHAWA LUGCAGE Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Initials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly JURY & LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS Phone 28 or 29 J. C. YOUNG 4', PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE Advertisements To kncw what is advertised,' To know where values are obtainable, To know where quality reigns supreme, "The Oshawa Daily Times" Radios vender. Orthophonic Aho Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record "oy, We 3 Get I fare ied-- If It's Electrical~ We Have It BOWRA'S ELECTRIC SHOP have, Mig Poy ST. N. tis, Cag save A une Erg Promyt Gua e Service F.J. McDonnel King 5t., 9. Oshana Phone 15648 Nut-Krust Ba Bakery SIMCOE STREET SOUTH "Quality and Prompt Service" ow molto WA DIO a= 5 Furniture Co'

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