" 3 a Hid id A, RT Lm A A. pes "a i i ---------- EN ---------------- et 1 XA A SMALL AD DOES A BIG JOB § Lewd FRANK 'Solicitor, ah streets. gr 1496. ES BARRISTER, loan. Room (121-me) A RRR Real Estate for Sale 0." Ki RENO. 388 BLOUR ST. 693. Auto painting and boyd, AR aranteed. Band Before § --- get our prices. (il === CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, | "Solicitors, Notaries Publie, Bte, ge veyancing and gemeral Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St, Bae. Oshawa. Phone 63, G. Di t. B.A. LLB; A. F. Anais, BA, LLB Sigma iy im Di cofating. sigs Sapna, we wood cot-' ton, brick; shew cards, price Bed of every description. 7 (38tf) | Oshawa. W. BE. N. SINCLAR, K.C., pa of Commerce Bullding. (116-1 yr.) Window Cloning JOSEPH P. MANGAN, H.A,,--BAR- neater, Soliciter, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 343% King St. east, Oshawa. Phone, 145. Residence phone 837. THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, sereens' and store windows put on and removed. Pnone 1302w. FOR SALE--A SIX ROOM HOUSE, double garage, central, conveniences. $350 cash, balance $2250. Thirty a month. Phone 869. W. D, Peebles, 9 Bond (69¢c) | on SAL NEW MODERN five bungalow, central, all conveniences. Hardwood floors. A bargain. Four thousand. Small agent, 'balance as'rént, Phone 869. (69¢) FOR SALE --'6 ROOM BRICK house, all conveniences, newly decorat- ed, garage. Immediate possession. 'Phone 2372W. Apply at 21 Maple Toy ! (70¢) FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM HOUSE ior sales 'Reasonable price. 283 Jar- vis St. Phone 1911, (70¢) GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Mle, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 12, J, F. Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, B.A, GERMAN & MAC- Conveyancers, SWANSON Kenzie, Barristers, Notary TIublie, ete. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law, Money to loan. "ce over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east. Phone 940. D. A. J. Swanson, H. N. German, F, Mackenzie, G. equipment. Transportation SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT ed, Simeoe St., 7., phone 34v--, 212 Front St, E., Torouto. Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation sSer- vice, (42-t1) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse and from gll trains. Baggage transferred to. (64-0) | FOR SALE---SMALlL, HOUSE IN Whitby. Water, electrig light, cement cellar and large lot. Newly construct- ed. Apply 152 'Elgin St. E. Phone 1666]. : (70¢) 4 ROOM HOUSE, 20x24, FULL size cellar, double lot, light and water $1,600. Apply 396 Mitchell avenue, (69¢c) FOR SALE----NEW FIVE, ROOM brick house. Small cash payment. Immediate possession. Apply 263 Albert Street. (69-¢) A, J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 2239). (ear) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notarigs, ete. Over Engel's store, 1§ Simcoe St. North, Money to loan, Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191. (tr) Insurance SEND FOR MURDOCH. HE WILL insure it. 139 Agnes St. Phone 1932M. Motor Car, Fire, Sickness and Accident, Life, Plate Glass, ete. (Sept, 3-1 mo.) INSURANCE, 19 The oldest DAVIS AND SON, King st. west, Oshawa, Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118-t1) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics. Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free. B. Ww, Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone 481, Res. 180 r 2. (tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L..Beeercft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- #@a, phone 324. (69-11) | FOR SALE--STUCCO HOUSE 6 1ooms and attic. All modern conveni- ences. 132 Ritson Rd. South. C. A. Paxton. Phone 811, (69-¢) FOR SALE-- 7 ROOM BRICK bungalow in north end, Oak floors, upstairs and down, French doors, laundry tubs, furnace, etc. $500. down, Balance as rent. W.G, Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851, (68¢c) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM BRICK bungalow in north end. Oak floors all conveniences. $400 cash, Bal- ance as rent. W, G. Miller, 8 Bond St, W. Phone 1851. (68e) Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages. City or farm lands. Lowest interest rate. Louis F., Hyman & Co. Barristers, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 67, 52tf Ear, Nose. Throat Specialist 68% CITY AND ARM LOANS No commissi Building loans, Le- DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at hia office 'over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4, p.m, for consultation and treatment Vf diseases of ear, nose and throat mly. Appointments may 'be made at drug store Phone 97, (49-tf) Medical BARTON, PHYSICIAN, Obstetrician. Office and 142 Simcoe street North. Finigan. (Sept. 24-Oct, 24) DR, McEAY, PnYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children, Of- tice and residence, 97 Bond east, DR. E. R. Surgeon, residence, Successor to Dr. gal work done at this office. A, J. Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg. Phone 1R14. {176t0 Undertaking LUKE 'BURIAL CO,, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Resid 19 FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM BRICK. All conveniences, near Motors, large lot, Price thirty-nine hundred. Small payment down, Balance monthly. Phone 1297, (68¢c) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM, BRICK veneer, Westmount, new, vacant, ready. $3300. $300 down, Murdoen, 139 Agnes St, (68¢c) | dina Ave., Tordmto. Acticles For Saie FOR SALE~COOK STOVE, 1925 Chevrolet touring in good econdi- tion, 3 bedsteads, springs and mat- tresses, copper tank with gasoline heater 40 gallon steel tank. Apply 234 Division St, (69h) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, springs and new felt mattresses, all sizes, regular $18 to $25, at $10.50; child's cribs, sliding couches wilh mattress, sideboards, extension tn- bles, dressers, washstands, chifton- ler, dining chairs and rockers, par- lor set, easy chairs, coal and wood 1ange, heaters, gas stove, baby ear- riages and go-carts, carpets, 'rugs. 17 Prince street. (70-¢) TRON and brass beds, complete with steel FULL OR SPARE TIME AGENTS, finest line of , Personal Cireeting, | Cards ever shown ii Cdnada. Regal 410° Spa-~ (10-a) AGENTS §100 WEEKLY EASY, selling product equal to gasoline at' 3 «cents a gallon. No fake. Harmless. guaranteed product. Few territaries yet vaeant. [Free -particuats and 'Phoof. P. A. Lefebvre & Co.; 'Alex andria, Ont. (70-2) 'NXPERIENCED AGENTS-- READ- 'ily sell Jmperial Art Christmas Greeting Cards. Splendid workman~ ship, color and design appeal to dis- eriminating customers. $25 weekly 'up in spare time between now aid Christmas. Sell the besi, Lowest price, Hightest quality. Only a few sample books left. Now is thie time. Delivery latey. Canadian Publishing' Co., 651 Wellington West, Toronto. (Sept. 24-Oct. 8) Work Wanted CHIMNEY CLEANING, REPAIR- ing, shingling, repairing roofs. Guar- antee first class job. 93 William St. W. Phone 2582W. (Sept 24-Oct. 24) Art, «Co., Manufaciurers, a SMART BOY. WITH BICYCLE wanted at grce for specery store. Apply 64 Ritson Rd. south after 6. 30. (70-¢) WANTED FOR STOCK AND BOND office, 'male' assistant; 'with at CORSBTIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 bi 'BE. Mrs. Annie Pentland, ma ofatiere. Evenings by ap- pointment. Phone 442). (Sept. 23-1mo) Pauiltry for Sale least two ow Shy 'High School education. Some "experience 'at operating type- writer, preferred. Apply Cassels, 'Big- | gar, Turner and Crawford, 35% King St. E., second floor Alger 'Bldg. (70b) DISTRICT MANAGERS: ONE YEAR and one-half age 'we introduced our 'wonderful reof. coating in Can- ada. Today we have many satisfied eustomers, We:meed a few men to cover uneccupied territory, capable of handling territory and hiring salesmien. This is an 'exceptional op- portunity. "Write ai, once. Roof coat- ing ship] m Canadian factory and branches. The American Oil & Pit 'Conipany," Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (70-a) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD; Ar 3 RICH. mond 'St. Phone 1048M. (69¢) 8 PULLETS, 3 ROOSTERS, 3 HENS, 2 Congoleum rugs, 9x10%, 6x9. 1 bed couch, blinds. Apply 110 Church street. (70-c) QE A Hl A Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE SANITARY Rubber Sods' WINS for catalogue and price lisi. Safe" dhd Sanitary Rubber Works. Dept. 14, £1-61 Ro- zel Street, Montreal. Books JOIN OUR NEW LIBRARY. NEW fall books are coming.in now. Ro- bertshaw's Beok Store. Phone 1472. 37 Simcoe St. N. (Tues.-Sat. tf) 'For Sile or Exchange (Sat.-tf) ROOM 8, BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG men, good cookidg, 3 niinutes from GM.C. 318 Division. (68c) BUTCHER WITH THREE YEARS' 20 'Wil- experience 'wishes position. liam St, Bast. Phone 1365W. (68-c) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors. Masonry work of every description, Bowmanville, phone WIN. tf Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders adiresséd to the under- signed and endérsed "Tender for Labora- tory Build Fuel Testing Plant, Driawna. WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, &!so repairs. 8. B, Edmondson, 261 Slncoe St., 8, (17-t0) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order, Work- nianship guaranteed. G. A. Con- stable, 143 Colborne East 'Phone 520F, (76t1) FOR SALE--HAPPY THOUGHT range in good condition. - $20. Al- so three burner gas stove, $3. Ap- ply 331 Centre street. Phone 1106. (70-a) 6 ROOM BRICK CLOSE TO MOT- ors, All conveniences. $4300. $300 cash, baalnce as rent. W, G. Miller, 8 Bond St. W. Phone 1851. (68¢c) FOR SALE---FIVE ROOM BRICK vencer house, all conveniences. Cheap, Phone 487M. (68¢) Division St. '69 King Street east. Phone 210J. Watch Repairing F, A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop af 44% King Street 'West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (29-1) Painting and Decorating KK, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, graining, ete, Twenty years' experience, Prices sight. Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (46-12) DR, B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- olan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- ,.heopy. Office, Disney Block. 2honeé 2050. [74] Dental f Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments, 856 Bond St. West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- 1ge and Storage. DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087, (te) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res, Phone 9027. DR, 8, J, PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- tice over Bassetts', Phone Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR, H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB 8T, north, over Mitchells Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 64, Auctioneer E. J. POMEROY, 18% KING ST. E., Oshawa, Ontario, All phone calls re- eeive prompt attention Phone 10138M. (Sept. 1-1mo.) DE. L. B, HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- tice, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 86-tt DR; W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent §ou Theatre Bldg. Phone 1s, DR. BR. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe Street 8, X-ray, gas extraction, Telephone 6504. Res. 1114W. 13488 Music . LEPHA N. DONCASTER, A.T.C.M., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music Examinations. Beginners a specialty. Terms moderate, Studio, 109 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 13-1 mo.) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan, and vocal music. A free book- Jet giving full particulars will be furnished upon request. 50 Wil- liam St. East, phone 1957J. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) ARTHUR W. LYNDR (HRAMBOUKG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Singing. Pupils prepared for al: Floor Surfacing ELEVEN ACRES OF good land, suitable for poultry or gar- den farm, Close to school, church, gtc. Extra good stone house. Imme- diate possession. R. J. Hodgson, Ty- rone, Ont, Bowmanville, R.R. 5. (68¢) GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR SALE on Buckingham Ave. 356x113 deep. Apply G. Sloan, Cottage 45, Lake: (68-¢) FOR SALE-- Cheap. Terms to Phone 1604J. (68-c) in: Westmount. suit purchaser. FOR SALE SIX ROOMED HOUSE |: FOR SALE---3 BURNER GAS stove, white enamel, nickle trim, nearly new or 'will trade for hens, kitehen cabinet or sewing machine. Phone 558F, (%0-e) FOR SALE--ONE HALL STAND, one bicyele, one 'violin, 181 years old. Phone 2363W, (69¢) FOR SALE--TWO BEDROOM dressers, one stand, wicker stroller, like new. 312 Golf Street. Phone 971W. (69-c) FOR SALE--LADY"S FUR COAT of hest grade muskrat in good con- dition. Apply 25 Brock St. E,. or telephone 669 between 6 and 7. (6%-c) FOR SALE---A BRAND NEW LUD- wig trap drum outfit with cymbals ete, Will sell cheap. Phone 1948J, (68+) THREE 6 ROOM HOUSES, CLOSE in, all modern conveniences, Price right, terms. Reasonable. Apply between 6 and 7 pom. W. V. Pea- cock, 25 Brock St, W. Phone 1747J. (68-c) FOR SALE--A REAL BUY, SIX rooms, solid brick, French doors, 3 piece bath, latest of wiring, coal grate, hardwood floors, side drive. Open for inspection any time, 213 Huron St. Price and terms right. Owner. 67d FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer, Will exchange for a larger property. Owner, 139 Agnes St. (851) Wanted to Rent WELL FURNISHED HOUSE WITH garage in good locality, for six months or longer. Adults, referen-| ces, responsible tenants. Box ,'X,'! Times. (69-e) NBW METHOD FLOOR SURPAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fll- Ing and polishing). Old floors made new, Edmondson, 261 Simcoe St. South, phone 440 . (tn) Wanted to Buy MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- Ing for scpap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buying old cars. Phope 764. 155-tf Contracting i THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our estimates. Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale; Iamieson Broa. Phope 438 itr) Veterinary Surgeons examinations, also church, opers. - Studio. 11 Simeone i Oshawa. Wednesdays. (72¢8) Second Hand Dealers DEALERS IN SECOND HAND FUR- niture. Buy and sell. Apply 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and 'Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56tf) C. 8. DICKIZNSON, V.S., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientific. ally treated. Dominion Gowverpment Veterinary. 34 Brock St. BE. Phone 1057. (133-0) (Aug. 27-Sept. 27) .| Mary Street. : King St. E. Phone 957F. WANTED TO RENT--3 FURNISH+ ed rooms for light housekeeping, Box "Y!" Times. (69¢) 5, 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE WANTED to rent immediately. Apply 201 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR three or four roomed apartment. Box "B" Times. , (66f) Room and Board W Wanted ROOM AND BOARD WANTED FOR young lady from Monday to Friday, near centre of city. Box "E" Times. (69h); WANTED -- BY TWO BUSINESS! centrally located. Box "R" Times. 678 (69-c)i} JOST SNAP | Store, 'Drew sireetl. girls, board amd room in private home, |. A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 97 pieces best quality china, $40; one dollar deposit, balance $1 weekly, also Rogers' silverware. Ladies' and Gents' watches, Diamond rings etc., payments as low as 650 cepts weekly, Order now. O. H, Dell, 22% 'Simcoe south. Phone 1656, (Aug. 24-1 mo.) Motor Cars STAR SPORT TOURING. MODEL F. $350. Apply 277 Jarvis St. Phone 1116W. (69¢) FOR SALE--FORD TOURING. BEST offer takes it. 85 Arlington Ave, . (6%¢) FOR 490 TOURING price. CHEVROLET sale. Set your own Phone 1844]. 155 Burke St. (70¢c) LATE 1926 FORD ROADSTER IN perfect condition. Apply West End Garage, Bowmanville, Phone 188W (60e) FOR : SALE-- McLAUGHLIN 45 Touring, also 303 Rifle, new. Apply 172 Celina St. (68¢c) FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1023 in good order, Also one Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Mec- Laughlin, Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Evenings. (340) Help Wanted--Fewale EXPERIENCED MAID: WANTED for general housework. Apply Do- minioni Clothing @b;, {Phone 2141, (69b) fice work. State experience if any, and references. Good opportunity for the right girl, Box "Vy" Times. ! (68tf) LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Fumed Oak. neat design. $12.00. Oshawa Daily Times. (42tf) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanville. Phone 497w, 11tf FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on 'hand. C, Trull. Phone 65537. : (96te) For Rent, TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Vacant Oct. 9, Phone 721W. (89¢) NEAR MO- TO RENT--GARAGE tors, Apply 136 Brogk St. E., or phone 722]. (70h) FOR RENT--FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with garage. Ap- ply Mopday at 161 Athol St. E. «(70c) MIXED 'HARD AND SOF] WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterogs- Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, LUMBER, #RAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, a>hphalt roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproc. Phones 660 and 1288. Waterous- Meek, Ltd. 184412) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOM TO rent, suitable for two gentlemen. 200 Celina St. (70a) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. 201 Ritson Rd. south. (70a) A FURNISHED rent, quite central. street. 26 Mechanic, (70-2) Lost and Found CASE snaps, professional driver's license, and stamps, near Luke [Furniture Thursday night. Apply 328 (70-0) CONTAINING |.- 'Box er FOR. street (70h) OR FLAT Rent must, Apply. (70-8) SINGLE ROOM gentleman. -129 . 'Colborne east. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. be reasonable and stated. Times, LOST -- PURSE CONTAINING 3 motor licenses: chayffeur's license No. 157377, motor vehicle license 298-466, operator's license, Finder 'kindly leave at Nut-Kfust. 'Reward. (68c)' Dressmaking Wanted to Buy WANTED--GOOD LOT change for car. Apply A. Fisher, IN EX- 358 Machinery Repairing i{do all kinds of sewing. (69¢). |. I, the undersigned, am prepared to Call at 354 Miss or' phone 1842]. (65f) Leslie street, Flossie Boyd. Pets and Live Stock 'FOR SALE-- ALSATIAN SHEP- herd puppy, male, dark color, well DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears Install- ml; connecting rods re-babbited; 'wews seers or piions supplied for «1 makes 2% ears. 16] King St, #. Fone 519. [L14) built, and good head. Phone 23897, after 6. (68-¢) ib TWO PONY COLTS. WINNERS AT Grhawa Fair Apply T.. Gimblett, or phone 2172J after 6 or Satur- day afternoon. (68-c) FURNISHED 'ROOMS -TO RENT. Suit two gentlemen, '160 Mill St. (68D)! TO RENT -- FURNISHED BED. room, ajl conveniences. Apply 508 Front St. south. (68c) FOR RENT_THREE. ROOMED cottage pn Bloor St. east. Phone 409, Miss L. Robinson. (68c) TO RENT--TWO NICELY FUR- pished housekeeping rooms, all con- veniences, also bedroom suitable for two gentlemen. Phone 1241W. 118 Tylor Crescent. (68c) FURNISHED BEDROOM. WITH private family. Also garage to rent. 201 Ritson Rd. South, (68-8) TO RENT--TWO BRIGHT FRONT rooms, on ground floor; furnished, free water and electric light, rea- sonable." 88 Gibbon St. (68-b) BRIGHT GIRL WANTED FOR OF: | «eived by it or its said solicitor at BHDROOM FOR | Ontario," will be received until 12 o' T) & 27, fro) r the construc. tion of a horatory Building at the Fuel Testing Plant, Ottawa, Ont, Plans and specif ifieation can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Architect, Department of Public Works, Ot- tawa. Blue prints can he obtained at the office of the Chief Architeet, Department of Public Works, by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10.00, agai: to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be retuned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the artment and in accordance with the conditions set forti. therein, Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered hank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public. Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as security, or ds and a cheque if required to make up an amount. By order, S. E. O'Rrien, Secretary. Department of Public 'Works, Ottawa, September 12, 1927, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Rogming and boarding house. Fully equipped. At present has 20 board- ers. W. G. Miller, 8 Bond St, W. Phone 1851. (68¢c) WILSON &LEE MUSIC STORE 71 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2388 Everything in Music ca 34 King St. W. Prompt 1 rw | Wt | T JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction... ... at 78c each * HENDERSONS Book Store got Notice to 'Creditors IN THE MATTER OI the estate of Frank Willlam Meek, :late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Manager, deeeased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56, of Chapter, 121, R.8.0., that all persons having. » claims or de- nr ema] Children's Over- $2. 95 | coats, 'Special .. Leaier Dry Gols: Shure 37 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 740 ' i mands agajnst the es of the' said Frank William Meek, figceased, who died on or about the "7th day of August, by post prepaid or deliver to thet undersigned, The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Toronto, or to the undersigned Read & Waterous. its solicitors, an or before the 26th day 'of "Octolier, 1927, their Chris- tain 'and 'swgnames and addresses (with! full particilars in writing of declaration. Amd' Take 'Notice that after the 26th 'day of October, 1827, the said The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion' will" proceed to distribute the assets of 'the sail 'deceased among | the partiés entitled reto 'having regard only to the claims of which | 1927, are required to sénd || s--, : = --, BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS ' At Special Prices \C. W. DETENBECK KING ST. EAST Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOk AND EM- BALMER Successor to DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE 2 St. S. Phone 1082 ft shall then 'have notice, and the] sald The Toronto Génméral Trusts Qorperation will not! be liable tor | gdid assets, or any part thereof, to |' any 'person or persons of whose ¢laini 'notice shall not have been re- the time .of such distribution. Dated, this 22nd day of Septem- ber, A.D, 1927. The Toronto General Trusts Cor- poration. 'Read uk: 1273 'Branttord. Solicitors for the said ,JBxecutor. (70-75-80-85) i 'Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Cath- erine Bell, late of the City of Oshawa, in 'the County of @ntario, Widow, 4 de- ceased. 'Notice is Wefeby given, that all cre- ditors and others having ¢laims against' the estate of the $aid Catherine Bell, who 'died on or about the twenty-sixth, day of August, A:D,, 1927, at the City, of |Oshawa, are required on or 'beforei the Fifteenth day of October, next, ito. send notice thereof to the undersign- ed solicitor for the administratrix of the estate of the said deceased, their full names, addresses and full parti- culars in 'writing of Alieir -eldims. And take notice that ;after such last mentioned date the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled. thereto .and will not be liable for the gaid assets or any part 'thereof to any person of whose 'elaim notice shall 'not' have beep received at the | time of such distribution. © i (DATED at Oshawa, this 21st Hay of Sentember;-A.D., 1927. JOSEPH: P. MANGAN, 14% King St. East, Oshawa, Solicitor for the administrator of: the estate of the said | Catherine 'Bell. (68¢c) ; Toronto, Ont. aterous, bhorpe St, ton spec... $14.95 DOMINION CLOTHING COMPANY 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 NOTHING Pd : Sil vl THEY ONCE 621 UP FORTHE onl T The .wvising generation feel a whole det more like Hsing when their home .is comfort able, Heat -hy the ton (and at the right priee--Oriler your coal now, W.J. Sargent COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor St. E, Phone 198