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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Sep 1927, p. 8

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BLE - CHEVS VS. MOUNT DENNIS - PAGE EIGHT TODAY Championshp of Ladies' sa. con Softta'l League Will Be . |... Wen Lon £0 EERE D id d Thi Aft rn yi i Mv Yun 1121300481 u 392 ec BE LOUIE xvas : ae Is 3 oon CRICABO +....0000...84 63 671 i * ' Clocinnatl .......01s 71 73 493 Chevs and Mount Dennis| ithrully a1 week in preparation for Brooktyn .....1co 43 84 419 ~ hy ial test, 2 rasta sere, Ciash at 4.30 at Alexandra |"; "0 ® "et Gntafi Mal | Philadelphia Li. 110 48 96 333 at the Yesterday's Resul esbles will be seen In aéti te ++.8 Pittsburg ,.,..8 Park -- Ladies' Game a! collegiate grounds and upon this game | New York 2.30--O0shawa City Eleven | icoends the championship of the loca: | Bogton ......3 St, Louls ......2 Ladies' Softba!l League, 'Hoth team: | Nyneinnati .6-3 Brooklyn ,...3-4 Also Play Here Today have been sparring with gne another | chicago ....10 Philadelphia ..0 Jl season and so great w Tiree major sport organizations wi! Fe seen in aectim 1wal'v this aftor noon. The principal features. are the playcfis between the Mount Dennis M-r ns w'nners of the Toronto and District section of the Ontario Ama- teur Softball Association and the at Cincinnti, New York at Pittsburg. Games tomorrow---Boston at St, Louis, Philadelphia 'at Cincinnati, New York at Brooklyn, Pittsburg at Chicago, AMERICAN LEAGUR when the Malleabies defoate ates 50 to 14. However after getting several good practices inte thelr avo tem both teams ought to be at their best today, Nshawa Chevrolets, winners of tha A win for the Oshawa City Football Won Lost P.C 1 cal intermediate seftion of the team today over Swansea when they K 1 a oo 708 game association, The third fixture, meet at Alexandra park this afternoon | New York ........ 88 59 599 in an important soccer game between | at 8 o'clock will just aww 'leave the Philadelphia EERE) , the Oshawa City Football Club nn! [club "sitting pretty." Their chances | Washington ...... . 78 66 642 the Swansea Featball Club, This | of overcoming the lead of three poins | Petrolt ......... + 78 68 34 ChICABO +++ .v11++ 84 80 b y m in now secured by the Nellson's tea! ond DARA GIAL TT the league standing appear to be quite bright. After today's game is over | 8t. Louis ,..,,,..., 67 8&9 there will still be to remaining Beaton rerrrererere 9 BT games to be played, ith a win to: . i 2 Yesterday's Results day and at least otf of the remaiiin xChicago ,....2 Boston ,,,. two games under their belt, the local 11 innings sev h would head-off the. leg by" p eral points. As the situation: mow | No other games scheduled, stands Oshawa have seventeen points game is a Toronto and District Soccer League game. The important game from a local standpoint is that between the Chev- rolets and the Mount Dennis Maroons. The home boys defeated the Maroons in Toronto at Kodak Park last Satur- day afternoon by the score of 8 to 2. The game was one of the best that has been witnessed by Toronto fol- lowers of softball and that may be taken as an indication of the brand of ball that the local lads are capable of playing, If Oshawa can win this afternoon's game from the Maroons it will be just another step forward in |ever they can be depended upen to the fight for the intermediate cham- [battle their best and try to upset pre- plonship, The Chevs, have practiced [dictions if at all possible, oe ope : {An Uncivilized YOUNG WOMEN GOLF |PAYS DOUBLE TOLL : | Struggle, Says STARS IN FINAL| FOR BET ON DEMPSEY, Vatican Organ Garden City, N.Y, Sept. 24.--The (B,) Associated Press) younger generation of 'women golfers Boston, Sept, 24,--Robert will have its fling today when Miss Maurcen Orcutt of Haworth, N.J., and Mrs. Miriam Burns Horn, of Kansas City, Mo,, play for the women's ama- teur championship of the United Sta tes, Miss Orcutt is barely 20 years o! age, while Mrs, Horn is in her very carly twenties, To win the right to travel over the long route of 36 holes over the closely trapped Cherry Valley course, the fin alists had to dispose of two visiting players from Canada, Miss Orcutt de- feated Miss Ada Mackenzie, of To rento, two up and one to play, while Mrs. Burns won from Mrs, Alexa Sterling Fraser, of Ottawa, one up, Miss Mackenziie, who holds the op- en and amateur championship of Can- ada, has long been a formidable fig- ure in women's golf in the United States as well as in her own country, and Mrs. Fraser, when she was Alexa Sterling of Atlanta, Ga., won in championship of the United States for the first time in 1916, when wo- men golfers wore long skirts and peek-a-hoo waists, Cards of the match: Women's par (out) ,.454 545 355--40 Miss Orcutt, (out) ....445 554 405--42 Miss Mackenzie (out) ,554 645 555--44 Women's par (in) ..655 543 554--42 Miss Orcutt (in) ..... 646 554 54 -- Miss Mackenzie (in) ..755 473 45 -- The cards of the Fraser-Horn match: Mrs. Fraser (out) ....354 636 545-41 Mrs. Horn (out) ..... 454 544 445-39 Mrs, Fraser (in) ..665 564 653--46--87 Mrs. Horn (in) ...566 654 463--45--84 versed New York, phia, Games tomorrow--Chicago at Oleveland, St, Louls at Washington, Detroit at New York, the league standing, These teams are occupying first and second places! res- pectively, Swansea is away down and the game means little to them, ow- Gor- toll for betting on Dempsey. He Vatican organ, as "a furious and un- stood on his head on the highest [50 ed struggle," which was far more girder of the Charlestown bridge, | hurtful in effect upon the general pub- then he dived from the railldg In- | jc than previous boxing matches, to the channel below, He came up| "Around this manifestation of a kind wet but unhurmed, of sport which 'we have not failed to -- criticize on previous occasions because SEAT SALE AUTHORIZED weeonsider it one of the most obyious FOR WORLD SERIES GAMES Chicago, Sept, 24+Ticket sales for seats to the world's series were author- ized yesterday by Kenesaw Mountain Landis, baseball commissioner, and the presidents of the clubs likely to parti- cipate in baseball's annual classic, which will open in the home park of the National League pennant winner on October 5 The first two games will be played 'n the National League park, it was decided, and the third, fourth and iifth in the Yankee Stadium, with the sixth and seventh, if necessary, return- ne 1 he National League city. the Pirates, now leading the pen- | spectator 5 ' nant chase in the National Se ill-disguised. irony 'a noble art' Aga- should capture the flag, the games will | Inst such a 'vast organization and col- be played op successive days, but if the Cardinals should win, one day will he left open for travelling between the two halves of the series. ary affair normal to the logic of hu- man progress. In fact it is worse than prévious combats. "This time the boxers preceded the Orcutt-Mackenzie 4 the whole warld, any reaction seems a hopeless effort, 1 voice, which is not alone, cannot fail flects upon the immense damage pro- duced up on the public by such a per- sistent diet of obscure passions," Mentioning with bitterness the use for the bout of the very stadium where the Chicago Euchariist 2 Congress was held last year, and where the health exercises of children take place, the paper concludes: "With ephemeral enthusiasm passed, it is to be hoped that good sense will return. We are sure than this good sense will conquer the aberration of yesterday and today." LATEST FIGHT FIXTURES Chicago, Sept. 24--The latest fight figures given out today by Tex Rickard are; Number of spectators, 145,000, Total receipts, $2.658,600. Tunney's share, $900,000, Dempsey's share, $450,000, Federal tax, $265.866, State tax, $230,280, Rental of stadium, $100.000, Additional expenses. $100,000, Madison Souare Garden Corporation nrofit, $600,000. "Say, that banjo is all out of tune." "I'm going to take it back; It was that way when I bought it. s » "Be Yourself" Pas the bundoeds of new pattems nd beiig shown io Eastern Cage store now has fresh stocks--they are going fast, 0 don't fail 0 make an EASTERN CAPS 3 D »8t. Louis at Washington, Detroit at jor the victory. and Nellson's have twenty points in CVE ot Philadel: | ninth, y 'losing the other tilt by 4 to 3. mcongruities of modern civilization," | Reds landed on Elliott for four runs theipaper says, "the world press has in the fifth inning of the opener to staged a fictitious, morbid apparatus | tuck the game away. of exaggerated publicity, fantastic fig- | ures, vecord-breaking crowds, the sums | Robins from the Memphis Club of the wagered, the special editions of the Southern League, hurled the Brooklyn newspapers, etc.--here is the budget victory, although Clark came to his of a few minutes' struggle between two | rescue in the ninth when the Reds men, We deny that this is an ordin- | threatened. BASEBALL RECORDS Giants 6 to 5 | Defeat Pirates 610 New York, N.Y., Sept. 24.--The New York Giants jarred a full game out of Pittsburg's lead on the pinnacle in the hard National League grind yesterday with an exciting 6 to § victory at Pit.sburg aver the Pirates, which 10l- licked the McGrawmen back into sec- oid place, as the Cardinals lost to the Hraves, The defeat reduced the Cor: sair advantage to two and one-hali same. The attendance was 15,000, The Pirates carried a five-run lead into the seventh, but carmen hill, wou Games today--Boaton ag 8t. Louls, | jad defeatcu the Giants five times pre- Philadelphia at Chicago, Brooklyn yiously, weakened and four crossed the piste. With the bases ioaded and two out, Lindstrom drop- ped a Texas League single tuat Urol it in two uns and another one 1eame over when Lloyd Waner made a bad peg to third, «typ op by one run in the ninth with one oyt, Mueller walked and Lind- strem's blow to centre took a high hyp that tuined it into a three-bagger, Rousii scnt a short sacnfice tly tu 6 462 lloyd Waner and scored Lindstrom 484 from third un a very close play. The .890 Giants seemed to get the better of the .886 umpire's decision, for it looked as if (Smith, in taking Lolyd Waner's throw, 'put the ball on Lindstrom a second fore he reached the plate, Pliit Wing its Norman Plitt, who did rescue work Games today--Chicago at Boston, lin the seventh and eighth, got credit Benton hurled the Barnhart, batting for Hill, walked; Lloyd Waner singled and Bricked, running for Barnhart, took second. Comorosky's bunt was grab- bed by Benton to force Brickell. Paul Waner grounded out and with a man on third and second, Wright was cal- led out on strikes. The pennant hopes of the Cardinals jwere given a setback when the Boston | Braves won the second game of the St. Louis series, 3 to 2, on Fournier's home run in the ninth, , The Cardinals thus dropped to third Rome, Sept. 24.--The Tunney-Demp- place, three games behind the Pirates, sey match of Thursday night is looked i man, of Charlestown, paid 8 double Lupon by Osservatore Ramona, official tween the veteran Grover Cleveland The game was a pitching duel be- | Alexander, who had won 20 games this season, and Joe Genewich. Each al- lowed seven hits, An Even Break Cincinnati divided a double-header with Brooklyn at Cincinnati, triumph- ng by 0 to 3 in the first clash and The Ray Moss, recently obtained by the Hal Carlson held Philadelphia to 7 Fits today, while the Cubs hammered | encounter by a more or less real cam- | at Chicago. paign of exchanges of insults calcul- 'Cubs got 5 runs off 6 hits, which in- ated: to excite the animosity of the cluded three doubles, two singles and spectators of what is still called with | a triple. | lective suggestion operating through Pittsburg to find: agreement wherever one re- | Philadelphia hE ' the offerings of Ferguson and Will- oughby to sut out the Phillies 10 to 0 In one big inning, the At Pittsburg-- R.H.E. New York ....,., 000 000 402--6 12 v 401 000 000--5 11 1 Grimes, Senton and Taylor; Hill and At Chicago-- R.H.E. .. 000 000 000--0 7 3 Chicago 005 011 21x--10 17 1 Ferguson, Willoughby and J. Wil- son; Carlson and Hartnett. At St. Louis-- R.H.E Yet we insist, and our | Smith, {Boston ........:, 100 100 001--3 7 1 Bt. Lowis ...;..., 200 000 000-2 7 © Genewich and Gibson; Alexander and Schulte, At Cincinpati-- R.H.E. Brooklyn ........ 000 000 102--3 11 1 Cincinnati ...... 010 040 10x--6 11 © Elliott and Henline; May and Picin- ich. Second game-- R.H.E Brooklyn ........ 000 301 000--4 9 i Cincinnati ...... 000 000 120-3 11 0 Moss, Clark and Deberry; Lucas and Hargrave. LACOSTE GAINS FURTHER LAURELS Ottawa, Sept. 24.--Rene Lacoste, kingpin of the French Davis Cup team and singles champion of many nations, added further victories to his exhibi- tion tennis tour of Eastern Canada here yesterday. Pitted against Jack Wright of Mont- real, Dominion titleholder, Lacoste and overhanded his way to a 6-3, 6-3 win. The Canadian was at the top of his form, and his service smashes and back line play sparkled, but the invincible Frenchman seemed in every corner of the court at once. JSovpled with Herbert L. Bowman, of New York, Lacoste played sensational- ly again and the Wright-Gilbert Nunns am sustained a 6-3, 6-3 defeat. Again Wright's service shot were a feature, '|byt the French ace cut balls at s to force the Canadians into ag s. in' another match Bowman defeated Nunns 6-1, 6-4. Rain interfered with the play on the Ridean. Club's outdoor courts and for- ced ers and the large gallery to move the scene of the exhibitions to the Minto Skating Club's indoor courts more than a mile distant. N, Le 2 Pa ew . 2A turmoil in Rg al Allain with increased fury yesterday as the Giants subdued She league ing Pir- ates while the Cardi to the Braves. AS a result New York's «ntry jis back i place, two and [3 hal games frm the 'rent wih St. ows trailing , half a contest dis- clan. tant from the Mg runners | Sport Snapshots | SPORT BRIEFS Today, is a very important one far as local sport is concerned, de there are no less than three sporting 'urganizations busily engaged playing' their favorite pastimes. The hawa City Football Club and the Chevrolets of the intermediate Softball League are playing important play. ff fixtures. The former are scheduled to play Swansea and'4f the homsters win they will be well away in their effort t overcome the lead the Neilson team of { Toronto has, while if the latter organ izations wins its game with the Mount Dennis Maroons, it will be farther down the trail towards the champion ship of the Intermediate section of the Ontario Amateur Softball Assoec- | lation, ? In addition to the above eritical gales, the local championship of the Ladies' Softball League is at stake between the Ontario Malleables and the Pirates, These two teams met last week and by virtue of the Mal leables winning, another game is nec essary, Here's hoping though, that today's outcome #8 not a 60 to 14 shot. * * 3» Curling is becoming so popular in Northern Ontario that a new associa: tion is likely to be formed this win: ter. Interest in the game has grown to such an extent that the association embracing the clubs along the T, & N.O. and Canadian Pacific Railways has become too large to warrant a Joint bonspiel. The 'spiel at Halley- bury last winter demonstrated this fact, Clubs have now been formed at Halleybury, Liskeard, Englehart, Kirk- land Lake, Timmins, Schumacher, South Porcupine, Iroquois Falls, Coch- rane and Kapuskasing. There may yet be an Ontario Tankard champion combination from the North Country. . . v Rugby players who have been at- tending the practices of the local O.R.F.U, team have been turning out faithfully and the only regret the management has, is the fact that a permanent coach has not as yet been lined up. While, it is true that a good man, who by the way is men- tioned on the line-up for the Argo game at Toronto today, has been in- terviewed and has signified his wil lingness of taking hold of the team providing he could come to this city and reside, It is expected rhat this obstacle will be overcome in the course of a few days, 0 Gene Tunney said in Chicago last again, but will meet Dempsey or anybody else for a million dollars. It is all a matter of money with the champion, and it must be big money, too.. Tunney will abandon ine ring for the lecture platform, according to former Governor James M. Cox of Ohio, once a Presidential candidate. "1 happen to know that Gene Tunney, perhaps the finest, yet most misunder- stood, man in sport, will devote his future to lecturing young men on how to live," Mr. Cox said. "I have known him for years, as the hest son any father could hope for--the cleanest and finest." . Not only are the footballers and the softballers in action this afternoon, but another sport club is entered in competition at an outside point. G. J. 8. Morison of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club has entered a rink in the Rusholm Bowling Club's tourna ment at Toronto today. So far as is known this is the only local team of any sport branch that is taking part in competition outside of their home city. . » The Pirates, who hook up with the Ontario Malleables this afternoon in the final of the Ladies' Softball Lea- gue, have won the honors for the past several years. This is evidence en- ough that it is the team to beat and credit must be given the Malleables for the way it has fought against the Pirates this year and thus attaining a position in the finals. ' sr» However for the good of ladies soft- night that he does not want to box" ball in this city, and with all due res-} a ------ T, . pect for the Pirates, it would be a credit to the Malleables to win today's game and the championship. It's the same in any league, if the same team wins the honors year after year, the interest among the players and the fans dies out and pretty soon the league gues "up-spout." * 5 » Quite a number of fellows of the loc uteimediates rugby team were out to practice last night eettine ¢' ~ aulfened muscles into shape and de- VeloPillg heir willu. weep van 4a. that the coach question hasn't been settled anu (ne seusun is getting late, the buys are taking a great interes. in things. Awong those out who are strangers L. the crowd are Prior, Al len and Mitchel. All three showed up particularly well. Allen has had quite 4 bit of experience un the W.O.5 5A He played a few yeurs ago wih the Kitchener-Wateriou cutiegiuie eam. * + * The Ladies' Championship of the Oshawa Golf Club was decided this week when the final games were com- oleted. Mrs. W. E. Phillips defeated Mrs. George Evans and by virtue of her win is champion. The competi: tion was quite keenly contested this year and all the games were played over a good course. *. % » New York Nationals do not propose to finish the season without making a fight of the race. They will have another crack at the Pirates this afternoon, and if they win will be just one game and a half away from the leaders, Yesterday the Corsairs got off well in front, but the Giants held on, and won by 6 to 5 in the ninth, It was a setting for the "movies," Boston beat the Cardinals. Pittsburg go to Chicago tomorrow to open a four-game set. The Buccaneers still have the most promising pros- pects on account of the breaks of the schedule, but it is still possible for New York or St. Louis to finish on top. In the American League the Chicago Sox beat Boston 2 to 1 in eleven innings. There were no other games, MRS, MALLORY WINS TWO GOOD MATCHES Toronto, Sept. 24--An enthusiastic gallery watched with interest the play- ng of the world-famous Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt Mallory, eight times woman's 'ennis champion of the United States, 'n exhibition matches along with Mrs. Coke, holder of many Canadian titles; Leroy Rennie, former Canadian 'cham- nion of the Toronto Tennis Club, and C. C. Petersen, ranking Ontario player of the Toronta Cricket Club, The matches were held under the auspices of the Toronto Cricket Club. In the singles match Mrs. Mallory had as her opponent Mrs. Coke, and despite the adverse weather conditions hev provided an excellent exhibition of the game, Mrs. Mallory winning at 6--2, 75. The score in the first set in no wav indicates the play, as the majority of the games went to deuce, Mrs. Mallory's brilliant back hand earning her points at the critical ner- iods. The second set produced the hest tennis, hoth hitting freely and treating the gallery to many fine rallies. Mrs. Mallory was particularly effective with her ground strokes and Mrs, Coke at the net Trailing at 5-3, Mrs. Coke erowded the net and hy brilliant work ° evened the score, 3-all, only to have Mrs. Mallory speed up her ame tn tale the next two games and the set and match. The mived donhles evhihition found Mrs Mallory and C.C. Petersen com- <Vinina ta defeat Mrs. Coke and Leroy MeV anahlin Cun for several years 4--6, 6-4, 7--5. Mrs. Mallory's hrit- liant cross-courting, repeated ralling hetween Leroy Rennie and herself, while the other two players looked on, Mrs. Coke's lobbing and C. C. Peter- 'sen's net work were the features of the match. The first set went to Mrs. Coke and Rennie at 6--4, Petersen dropping his three services. The re- maining set found Mrs. Mallory and Petersen teaming beautifully. Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Rag Saywell & Son BOND ST, WEST Rm -- mn oil wrappe handy packs during your Sunday stroll pay a visit to VIEW PARK it's just a step trom downtown

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