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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Sep 1927, p. 3

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Inmate Fgapes ; Word was received by the local police that Jimmy Splinton, an in- mate of the Whitby hospital has made good his escape from that in- stitution, When last seen Splintox was wearing a rough tweed prison suit. He is aged 50 years and is about § foot and 10 inches in height. Assault Case Adjourned George Kolotelo, charged with as- sault, thereby occasioning actual bodily harm, appeared before Magis- trate A. F. Hind in police court this morning and the case was adjourn- ed until October 4. Bail of $1,000 was set by his worship, Sam Kironds and Harry Tymchnk putting up the bond, Cars Slightly Damaged. James Bleacher, Bloor street west, this city, reported an accident to the police which occurred last night or Simcoe street when his automobile was struck by another car. driven by Fred White, Albert street. The White automobile was travellin: north on Simcoe street. Slight dam- age to the cars resulted, G. M, CC. Chorus To Meet The General Motors' Chorus will meet for the first time this fall in the Convention Hall tomorrow night for the purpose ef transacting the business which has accumulated and for making preparations for the coming season, The meeting will take in the form of a social even- ing. Cars Collide Near Port Hope What might have resulted in 2 serious aceident occurred at Wel come corners near Port Hope Sun- day afternoon when Charles Hors field of Park street, Port Hope, driv- ing a Chevrolet touring car in a northerly direction collided with an Ve SIMCOR ST, SOUTH S------------ For Your PHONE 22 on: wets Thompson's Drug Store 10 Bimeoe St. 8, We Deliver KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE | We SW Mm EZ:S re ee Have your Eyes Exam- ined now by our Opti- cal Specialist. Jury & Lovell Optical Parlors {CNT SH HTT TTT ZINN Hl OnYourbyer Dome ,...,:»:»r ---- 4 LY # east bound car driven by Melville Mason of Oshawa. Fortunately little damage was done and no ome Was injured. Mr. Horsfield's car had a tire ruined while the other car suf- fered a crippled fender, Meet Postponed { The inter-school athletic meet be- tween Oshawa and Cobourg collegi- ite institutes scheduled for today at Alexandra Park has been indefinite- ly 'postponed. The delay has been necessitated owing to the illness of three members of the Cobourg eam. Further announcements as to he date will be forthcoming short- 1y. B, Y. In U, Regular Meeting. The B, Y. P, U, held its regular meeting last night in the Sunday School room and in the absence of the president, Mr. T. Hele, vice- president was in the chair, The only item of business to be brought before the society was that of the report of the committee who were appointed to arrange for the an- nual corn roast, The report, that they hold a corn roast at the lake on Friday evening and invite the Whitby Y. P, and the Tuxis boys of the Church was adopted. Then Mr, B. Howard took the topic of 'the evening which was "B.Y.P.U, In Many Lands." All enjoyed this talk after which the meeting was closed 'n the usual way, "TELEPHONE RATES HIHGER ON DOMESTIC SERVICES Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 26.--Index wimbers of dqmestic telephone char- ges in 148 urban centres of the Jominion Bureau of Statistics, show hat rates i 1927 are higher than in 1926 by about 83% points. The index wmbers for Canada as a whole (1913-100) are 119.4 for 19025, WILL STRIVET0 PREVENT EPIDEMIC (Continued from page 1) ing a close wateh for symptoms which = may indicate a local out- break. Public health and school nurses, however, are putting forth special efforts in the matter, A careful check is being kept on children who report sick during school hours, while those that remain from school through sickness are followed wp. One case of spinal meningitis, a sort of group cousin of infantile paralysis, was reported today to Dr. McKay. Clarence Albertson, a young man boarding at 351 Arthur street, has given clinical evidence of hav- ing spinal meningitis, Mr, Me¢Kay, however, hopes that bacteriological examination of spinal fluid and oth- er bodily secretions will indicate another condition. Specimens have already been sent to the ministry of health at Toronto and a report may be received today. However, with every symptomie evidence of the young man having the disease, the Board of Health has quarantined those living at the house and isolated the patient, The Oshawa Hospital was found too full to accommodate him, and an appeal to both the general and isolation hospitals of Toronto was turned down for a similar reason. This, Dr. McKay points out makes the matter of an isolation hospital for Oshawa one of abso- lute urgency, Temporary arrange- ments should be made without de- lay, and those followed up with gomething of a permanent nature, IN FAVOR OF 120.2 for 1926 and 128.8 for 1927. FORESEES ERECTION OF NEW ADDITION | (Continued from page 1) \ tending the Collegiate not to ne- glect the matter, "It is now practically October," he pointed out, 'and the Council meets in November. Unless the County Council members from this | district go to that meeting backed by some such organized body, they | won't he able to make much impres- sion of other members of the Coun- | cil who are keenly interested." The executive of the Home and School Council of Oshawa has giv- en some consideration to the ques- tion, and the Home and School Clubs of Westmount and Harmony, which are affiliated with the city's eight clubs, will probably be asked to serve as rallying points of su- | burban diserict effort in the mat- | * STOCK WARKETS TORONTO STOCKS | (Supplied by Stobie, Forlong & Co.) | NOON CLOSING | Bid Ask | 150 | | g | J L4 Stocks Bell Telephone Brazilian Br. Amer. Oil B.C. Fishing Burt, F.N. ©. 1. Alcohol City Dairy Janada Malting nt, Nickel "nt. Petroleum mperial Oil Massey Harris ... Northern Bakeries leagram shredded Wht. Twin City 150% | 196 | 33% 13% 66 38 158 | 33% | 681% 33% 61 37% 37% | 21% 70% 51 654 61 41 83 | 175 Amulet Area Argonaut Barry Hollinger Beaver "astle Trethewey Sentral Manitoba 183 . 1090 185 1100 1700 80 231 2670 44 32 2815 310 2490 705 66 14% 230 35% 985 35 62 777 Hollinger Keeley Kirkland Lake Lake Shore Laval-Quebec Macassa Mcintyre Mining Corpn. Noranda Nipissing Pioneer Potterdoal Premier Ribago Teck Hughes Tough Oakes Vipond Wright Hargraves 775 Mining sales to noon 812,676 3ilver 55% HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL HAMILTON BRANTFORD S. F. Everson, BIE. JYORLONG 6 REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto { Paints. Nice 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C P.R. Office, Phone 144 Local Manager ZR AT . N. SUBWAY (Continued from page 1) In the interview which Col, Chap- pell granted The Oshawa Dally Times, the subway development was described as an imperative necessity if the city is to make the most of its opportunities, "I think that the level crossing should not be tolerated by any mun- icipality where the physical condi- tions allow it to be overcome," Col Chappell pointed out. "The building of a subway unde: the C. N, R, tracks at Simcoe South is entirely feasible from both an en- gineering and economic standpoint The present level crossing is bad from the standpoint of safety or faci lities of operation, equall important to the railway as to the city itself.' Col, Chappell,, before joininz General Motors executive staff, was town engineer of Oshawa and speak: from long familiarity with the pro posal which has heen up before foi action, in his opinion, the elimination of level crossings in the larger muni- cipalities should be a matter ir which the Dominion Board of Rail way Commissioners would take ar active rather than a passive inter est. He believes that the Board itself should order the elimination of grade crossings over important thorough fares the moment a municipality': growth reaches a certain point coupled with a census of such grade crossings' use. Col. Chappell then pointed ou what Oshawa could do with Oshaw: Creek and the meadows which, bol dering it, already make a wild park land from the north of the cily Us where the creek mingles its walter with Lake Ontario. "yision in the civic sense,' he stated, "is mot a matter of seein: things that will come to fruitition i | one man's life, but in visioning tht growth of a beautiful thing throug! generations. "Oshawa, however, can secure the Oshawa Creek meadows and by ap propriating each year something like $5,000 gradually build it up inte one of the Dominion's most beauti- ful park systems. "The natural, as opposed to the | formal, would be best emphasised 74 [The creek itself would be the point i of emphasis in the picture. Three or four dams might be built along it | course, thus providing alternate weirs and rapids. "part of the system is already ip being. At the north, Alexandra Park and the Golf Course. Then the ten- nis clubs' grounds, Centre stree! school, and the new Rotary Park playground. With so many parks al- ready in the city's hands, the rest could easily be linked up with, at the end, the most important of a! which is Lakeview Park and the city's harbor." ORDER BOYS OFF MEMORIAL PARK (Continued from page 1) countered by opinions to the effect | that the memorial with its ever- burning lamps and garden of faith- ful flowers adequately expresses the city's love, reverence and pride to wards its fallen sons. The resi of the | park, they point out should be used as such--even as a playground un- til the eity can provide such for | growing children. Centre Street School it was learn- ed today, is very much handicapped in the matter of a playground. Ne- potiations are underway wo increase {its play area, but at present there 'is no school land available for even J the mildest sort of rugby practices. the mildest sort of rugby practice. A new show in New York is call- ed "The Bare Facts of 1927." Some kind of a play about bathing beach- jes. we suppose.---Quebec Chironicle- Telegraph. | CHARGE LAID AS RESULT OF MISHAP Donald 'Boe, Taxi Driver, is ' Remanded to Oct. 6 After Hearing Some Evidence A case in which Danald-Boe, taxi coe street south, was charged with reckless driving before Magistrate A. F. Hind in police court this morn- ing was adjourned until Thursday, October 6, after considerable evid- ence had been taken. Mr. Annis of Conant. and Annis defended Boe, while J. P, Mangan appeared on be- half®of the complainant, Giller, The case was one which was adjourned a week ago. The charge was the aftermath of an accident which occurred at Mary and Elgin streets on September 6, about 9 o'clock, when the complain- ant's car was struck by an automo- bile driven by Boe in an allegedly reckless manner, The charge was laid after efforts had been made on the part of the complainant to ar- rive at a satisfactory settlement with the Johnson Taxis, In police court this morning Giller stated that the defendant was travelling on Mary street when he struck his car, At the time of the accident, the complainant stated, his car, (Giller's) was at the corner making the turn, when the Boe auto 'oming up at an allegedly fast rate of speed and struck him, doing dam- 1ge estimated by a mechanie, of $60. Considerable discussion took place hetween the complainants and coun- els in regard to distances and meas- urements, ete., of both cars from the 'urhs. P. C, Terry investigated the acci- lent about a half hour after it oc- curred and when he arrived on the scene he could find little evidence of skid marks. He did not test the brakes of either cars due to dam- ges, he stated. Both parties report- ed to him at the scene. Boe, the defendant, when called old the court he was 20 years of ize and had only secured his chauf- feur's license a week previous to the wecident, He had, however, heen driving car previous to that, al- hough he did not have any previous perience at driving vehicles used 'or conveying passengers for com- yensation. He admitted driving his car at a speed of about 20 to 25 miles per hour at the time of the iceident in approaching the inter- ection of Mary and Elgin streets. He gave rather conflicting evidence n regard to the distance in which Ye stopped his car following the rash and in the distance in which he might have stopped. Other witness are still to be call- ed, GETS YEAR TERM WITH LASHES FOR INDECENT ASSAULT (By Canadian Press) Galt, Sept. 27.--Ernest Noel, 26, of his city, was sentenced to a year in he reformatory with ten lashes when we. appeared in court here today on a charge of indecent assault on a 'ourteen year old girl yesterday. PELOW--At the Oshawa General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pelow, 26 Erie St., a son (Doug- las Leonard). (72a) Di J YIi---In Oshawa, Monday, Septem- ber 26th, 1927, Robert Pye, aged 64 years. Funeral from the Luke Burial Company's Parlours, 67 King street east, Wednesday, September 28th. Service in St. George's Church at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Union Ceme- ery. Members of Phoenix and Corin- hian Lodges, 1.0.0.F. will meet in heir lodge rooms at 2 o'clock to t'end the funeral of their deceased brother. (72a) Too Late to Classify FOR SALE--S8IX ROOM HOUSE, A eal buy. Central. All conveniences. Hardwood floors, $200 cash, balance $2,300. Monthly payments. twenty- 'ive dollars. Phone 869. (72¢) TOR SALE--FOUR ROOM BRICK yungalow, conveniences, near fae- ory, $150 cash, balance $1,950. Monthly payments $25. Phone 869. Wm. D. Peebles 9 Bond St. E. (72) ROOM NEW FOR SALE--SEVEN house. All hardwood. Centre hall olan. Large living room. On Con- naught St. J.-V, Hill. Phone 1947J. (724) wo OR THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms wanted immedi- itely. Phone 832F. (72¢) LOST--§5 FOR THE RETURN OF » new maroon coloured bicycle taken 'rom the morth side of William St., next to the piano and music store. No questions asked. 92 Simcoe St. N. (72¢) WASHING WANTED TO DO AT home. Apply 166 Park Rd. N. (72¢) driver for the Johnson Taxis, Sim-| WANTED remuneration. Apply 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. 14Y; King St. E. Room 2 2 pn #E OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1927 _ the demand, pulls PLAIN OPAQUE BLINDS Colors, white, cream or green, Sale Price, .... Each, PLAIN OIL OPAQUE BLINDS Our best quality. Regular $1.25, white only, Sale Price DUPLEX OIL OPAQUE BLINDS White with green reverse side. Our ular $1.45. Sale Price. ........ best quality, -- enteritis BRC Commencing on Wednesday morning and continuing the rest of this week. Our Great Semi-Annual Sale of | WINDOW BLINDS 3 Qualities 3 Low Prices 1,000 Maker's Seconds have been bought for this event. We can only secure them twice a year and our allottment is never enou~h to meet ". All Standard Sizes 37 x 70 inches Mounted on strong spring rollers, complete with brackets and ring Ei Bowe 69c i Gee $1.19 Reg- Store Closes Tomorrow at 12.30 p.m. Commencing October 5th Store Will All Day Wednesday be Open ---- DISCUSS ENGINEER'S DEMAND FOR 15 PER CENT. INCREASE Ottawa, Ont.,, Sept. 26.--Repre- sentatives of the Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and Temiskaming znd Northern Ontario Railways wili probably confer here with Hon. Peter Hoenan, Minister of Labor, re- specting a request of locomotive en- gineers, employed by these compan- ies for a 15 per cent. jncrease in wages. Approximately 7,000 em- ployees are concerned in ithe dis- pute, Kapuskasing, Ont., Sept. 27.-- Marking the consummation of long standing plans for the development of this region, Premier G. Howard Ferguson, of Ontario yesterday laid the corner stone of the 550-ton pa- per mill of Spruce Falls Puip and Paper Company. Officials of the company and citizezns of Kapus- kasing witnessed the ceremony. The mill, the largest of its kind in the Province, will be completed about July of next year, according Corner Stone Laid For 550-Ton Paper Mill at Kapuskasing (By Canadian Press) to ¥. J. "Sensen" Brenner, presi- dent, speaking at the subsequent banguet. He declared the industry would eventually result in an an- nual pay roll of $2,500,000. Dr. John H. Findley, editor of The New York Times, representing | Adolph Ochh, remarked that if it were possible to put a watermark on every roll of Canadian paper, the words "Made in Canada" would be found in every home in the Uni- ted States. JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at T5c each HENDERSONS Book Store ee ---- T= PHONE 7! Kelly's Drug 34 King St. 05 Store Ww. MO ,. r o Moffat's Electric Ranges for sale by the ELECTRIC SHOP Street North nie Oshawa,

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