AEE LOS hE OSHAWA DAY fil) RED HURSDAY, SE A. Culley, Lloyd street. Stacey, and J. A. McGibbon, [have returned to their homes 1n Hamil- ton after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. --Delegates from this city to the Conservative Convention at Winni. peg are: Mrs, Annis Downey, Mes- srs, F, L. Mason, Alex Bress, John 4 'Weddings BAKER--MARLOWE The marriage of Mable Si daughs ter of Mr, and Mrs, C. W, Marlowe, with hat to match and carried a bride's bouquet of sweetheart roses and lily-of-the.valley. Miss Jane Baker, sister of the groom, who act. ed as bridesmaid, was daintily gowned in pale blue georgette with hat to match and carried a beau- tiful bouquet of marigolds and fern, Mr. Jack Marlowe, brother of the bride, assisted the_ groom, After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served to the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, --Mr. and Mrs. William Stanhope | the bride's mother receiving in a and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ferguson, | handsome black satin gown trimmed friends in Midland recently. --Mr. and Mrs, William Hutchinson, of Escott, near Brockville will arrive here on Monday to make their future home in this city, --Mrs, Gordon Lefevbre, who is visiting with friends in Toronto at- tended the Annual Fall meet at the Woodbine track yesterday, --Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Masales and daughter, Francis, motored from Parry Sound, and visited with Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Yorke, French street, 'will reside in Oshawa, - SS. with orchid, assisted by the groom's mother," who was . dressed in black satin-faced crepe. The groom's gift' to the bride was a wrist watch, to the bridesmaid a pair of earrings and to the grooms. man a fountain pen. Mr, and Mrs, Baker received many useful and beautiful gifts from their many' |1riends, The bride and groom 'left amid, showers of confetti and good wishes on 'a motor trip 'to eastern points. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Baker Bruce street, and ar mek. ber a---- 1 | ker, of Oshawa, son ANd, Mra. PILKY--MIOCHAEL = | H. Baker, Stoutville, 0 Wag} «At four o'clock' yesterday 'after- --Mr. € Robs) dBhcoe stre t solemnigmy 10 the a ret nits | noon: atthe King Street Chitireh, "south, attended the races at the W tl he shure, yShterts if 9 Bing. the Jatviaye of Sud; 'daughter of ine yesterday, . r. ec 'Michael and the late Mrs. | --Mr. and 'Mrs, E, M... Yorke. and] "The" pi Ad hifisg £ oe Michael, Brock « street, and Mr, family, French street, visited with | 80Wn Of coral' velvet and eta | Charles Pilky of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mre. Pitky of Hamilton, was solemnized with the Rev. C. W. DeMille officiating. The bride looked charfaing in hlonde crgpe-black satin with shoeg and hose to match and black hat. Her bridal bouquet was pink and 'ed roses and lily-of-the-valley, Immediate'y afer the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Pilky left by motor for Toronto, Hamilton and Rochest- er, the bride travelling in rust coat and dress, with black hat and hlonde shoes and hose, On their re- 'urn they' will reside in Myrtle. Cleaner, brighter, whiter clothes ~ this safe, easy way No rubbing! Away with the old-fashioned wash- day! The hours upon hours of steamy toil -- rubbing, scrubbing, boiling!' 'And at the ead of the day -- red hands, aching back, frazzled nerves | Rinso has changed all that Now you just sosk and rinse --and your week's wash is whiter than you've ever seen it. Everything's clean and sweet and out on the line hours earlier. Rinso does all the work for you. It gently loosens the most ground-in dirt --so that it floats away in the rinse. Just the most soiled parts -- cuffs, adges | ~--need a light rub to come snowy. Use Rinso in your washer for whiter, cleaner cdothes. The makers of eleven leading machines recommend it. Will not hurt clothes or hands, as : it contains no acids, bleach or harsh chemicals. , For a better, easier, quickes wash -- try Rinso: 5 '| cooked. Remove from kettle season CHOSEN FRIENDS - SOCIAL EVENT: Happy Gathering Held in the K.P. Hall--Worthy Grand Councillor Present Last evening a large number of members and their friends assembl- ed and thoroughly enjoyed the op- ening "Social Event of The Order" City Councillor, Charles Wilson. acted as chairman, and started the program with a 'Sing Song," con. "Ancted by Alf, Henning. Recita- tions from the juvenile members of 'he Order, assisted by our general favorite little June Luke, who on this occasion captured her audience in her interpretation of an Irish "Love Spat" between Molly and Pat, Muriel Haynes in her Jewish character sketch '"Levinskv At The Wedding," showed creditable ability on the part of the recites of her dialect work. Mr. Burrows apd Mr, A, Henn- ing's solos added greatly to the mu. sical part of the program, The Lodge was fortunate to have present the Worthy Grand Councilor T 1. Archer, of Hamilton, who en- thused the Council with his inspir- ing talk on the Value of Fraternal Tnsurance, and the rapid Growth of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends in the past year. This Or. der distributed by way of dividends fo ench member. one month's assess- ment and its aim for 1927 is to go at least one better, and thus collect but 10 assessments for the year. He fully outlined the new forms of in- surance plans of # icles up to $5,- 000, and especially stressed the "New Family Insurance Poliey," which insures the head of a family and provides in case of death that his wodow or those dependent on him shall receive $1 a day until $3.- 650 has been paid. The Sick Bene- fit protection, also the Twenty Pay Life, which now has a cash su render value after 6 years, was 0 plained, Mr, Alex Durie, formerly with the Prudential Insurance Co., has aec- cepted a pominent position, an is now Distriet Supeintendent of Cana. dian Order of Chosen. Friends, spoke, Mr. Durie ontlined in a 'business like way his plans for the coming vear's work, Mr, Alex W, Bell, dis- trict deputy, of the Order, assured Mr, Durie the eo-operation of the Oshawa Council and moved a vote of thanks for all who had assisted in making the evening a "merry event." The refreshment committee: Mrs. J. Goyne, Mrs. Durie, Mrs. O. R, Hall, served ice cream and cake. On Oct. 12th the play "Aunt Su san's Visit" will be presented in K, P. Hall. under the auspices of Ca- nadian Order Chosen Friends. The National Anthem brought to a close this the first of a series.of social events, the Lodge purpose holding throughout the winter season, PRESSED BEEF Buy a cheap cut of beef. cut in pleces and cover with cold water. Let it simmer till the meat is well liguor : with salt, pepper snd sage, pour over the meat, stir all thor- oughly and pack in presser. When cold eut in thin slices, i AWA ! HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR : CANADIAN, ENGLISH oe AMERIC veers JosERy Abdomina "|man of Ottawa, CLARK'S PORK UBEANS SPORT SNAPSHOTS eral members of the Cobourg team, will not be held until after the in- ter-school meet, it became known yesterday, The Collegiate rughy team, which is entered in the interschol- astle series, was out praciicing scrimmages and booting at the park last night. The boys are ready to get into a game any day now, in fact they would have played the River, dale collegiate of Toronto here Sat- urday afternoon, but four members of the local team will be in Guelph playing with the Chevs. against the Guelph Royals in the softball play- off, Those who believe that some oth- er team than Pittsburg has a chance for the National League burgee must remain in suspense another day or two. The Pirates are .in Cin- cinnati, where, the Cardinals and Reds will goday play al game post- poned yesterday. The Corsairs' will sit 'Sn the grandstand and Shdeavor to discover weaknesses in the's Cin- cinnati team, With' whoih® tHéy fin- ish the season;"Thé wearhér:aild a well-bhlanced' race dombhié tb 'thake the Hey@tép leaglie serariihd, oie of the best NO ho nig dlder circuit, tly" the ve lieve tar € Pirates 'o rig dis- placed, They, have already eovpmen- ced tq, co | the o¥., Y.0nk ) Am- erica, apd;the PILSLUTE, Low Sor a line on the probable winuWers of the WogldeBSeries. pn aseT A to nm --pe-- 20 91D THe' Ral intebmediate o.RFD teal ¥ rounding' into cohidition f i Last night they were out 30 strong booting and going "through the'r strides. They amalgamated with the collegiate boys and as a result both teams benefited considerably. That is the co-operation that makes sport clean. Weston won the O.A.L.A. open championship by default yesterday when Fergus, the intermediate champions, announced that they could not field a team for the finals In the final girls' softball game of the year, Owen Sound girls, western champions of Ontario, meet K and S. Nationals, the pets of Sunnyside, in their Ontdrio champ- fonship match at Sunnyside, Toron- to, on Saturday afternoon at 2.15, A welcome addition has been made to the collegiate rughy team this year. Gordon Bandurant, form- erly of the St. Catharine's rugby team, a good little inter-form rug- by in that school and who subbed for the regular St. Kitt's team last year, is now living in this eity. He was out with the team last night and showed up well, Some brillian: backfielders will be in action this fall, and as a re- sult there should be much open field running, thé kind that thrills !the tans: Harry Batsone of Queen's University, Ralph St. Germain and Ken Tremaine of McGill, Joe Tub- "Hank" Sinclair znd Ray Boadway of Argonauts, '| Jack Sinclair and Francis Trimble 'lof University of Toronto Intercol: legiate team, Lorne Melniyre of the U. of T. Ontario Union team, Timmy Languay of Hamilton Tigers, Dave Harding of Camp Borden, and last, but far from least, "Yip" Foster and "Red" Moore of Balmy Beach. Picton Collegiate field day was beld yesterday afternoon amd proved a decided success, both in atrénd- ance and events. A parade headed by the regiment band end cadet corps s'arted from the park to the Agricultural grounds, All went well until in the bicycle race an unfor- tunate accident occurred when Homer Taecott of Bloomfield ran in- to an automobile severely injuring bimself. He was rushed to the hos- pital and 'cs in a serious condition. WEDDINGS ce , ' LADY JANE GBEY MARRIES London. Sept. 28--Lady Jane daniodal il ' AUTHORS [3 LLP D (01°10. RE ¢ Se Aird in a Te an "| staher, rabbi of Temple Ohev Shai | Jom, asserted Monday night in his ,| misunderstand this restlessness on postponed due to the illness of sev- NOT UNDERSTOOD Pennsylvania Rabbi Says Young People Good as Ever Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 29.--Youth is aa inherently good; as imnstinctive- ly. idealistic and. as. zealous in his loyalties as ever, Dr. Philip D. Book- New Year's message. Dr, Booksta er is national ehaplain of the Pi Tau . "A great misundentanding:ion the part of the present day ealamits: howler. lies: in. the. faet that they! the part of the youth and take it for evil," Dr. Bookstaber said. "The fault is not with youth, but rather with the impatience that youth has with the weakness and misunder- standing on the part of the priest and Rabbi, on the part of parent and teacher and on the part of civic and political leader, all of whom are not able to meet with frankness and with foresight this zeal and ardor for idealism that youth has and which the great war has frustrated for the time being. Youth is trying to catch up for all the damage that age has made and age has not been able to deal constructively with this damage, The new ardor and the new zeal has 'injected itself into old leader- ship and age is fighting hard to hold on to fts last straw." HAIR SPECIALISTS MEET IN VIENNA Master Hairdressers Discuss Styles and Problems of Profession Vienna, Austria, Sept. 28,--Mas- ter hairdressers and bobbed hair specialists from 654 countries as- sembled Monday in Emperor Francis Joseph's palace to protest against the area ni ferotypba bty bed hair as Worn'by Amierifan and European women and to discuss means of restoring individuality to each woman preferring this mode of hairdress. This, Rudolf Schiff, the chairman, asserted could only be accomplished by restoring to artificial methods, such as curling, waving, undulating, dyeing and adding artificial locks and tresses harmonizing with the particular style of features, contour of face and mode of dress. Nearly half the gates Jare women, and i Boy pw 1h 4 has at- cted thousands! bel ops from all over Eufo, ure Mon- '| ustrating the. styleg " ~hairdr clothing and jewel all from earliest Babylo $d 'and tian times to the present day. Chairman Schiff declared Hat bobbed hair did ngt originate United States, as popularity su ed, but was the product of R women Nihilists, 'who in: rying out their hazardous; work In Russia a half century age contrived to: make themselves look like men, so as to divert suspicion of the secret police. '| Bobbed hair 'wds thé main" e of their disguise. Wt. Schiff, who fs president of the National tion of Hairdress- ers of Austria, said that bobbed hair, W Pi fraternity .and National -counsélIUISZ i. | for the internal and spiritual. welfare, ly of the Sigma Alpha Mu fustermity, "[] ay was am borate' wt Png of women of +1} Satignglies. M- despite the present slight reaction against it, had 'comé to stay. ' suited: + Tak L ycett th T= tremendous expansion that is under way in Oshawa is only in its preliminary stages and today's great growth is but an indi- cation of the greater growth to come, During this period of Qshawa's history fortunes will be made by those with the foresight to buy Oshawa Real Estate wisely, buying always properties within the city limits, properties rae- sonably sure of being Auinsd go in the city's improvement schedule of the near future. Follow Oshawa's growth to the suburbs, but follow with profits made on the ' closer-in properties, In other words, "Follow Lycett Development and You'll Follow: Oshawa's Best Growth!" Our Advice On All Real Estate Matters is Free 25 King St. E. Phone 295 TI WHERE, OUALITY| ~-- "or I COUNTS , saving, Not on an urchases, Week 4 with Pork The skilled housewife sh one item, and week No. 2 tin ops where she knows she can buy at & but on the total amount of her weekly out she can save at her nearest Dominion tore without sacrificing anything in the quality of things she buys, Aylmer Beans 325°» WHERI OuAaLITY COUNTS Reg. 11¢ "TAST MAYONNAISE Y" | PEAS Nature's Best Neo. 3 sieve ide Heinz Cooked Med. tin Spaghetti 16¢c 2 v= 25¢ Fancy Crushed wo. 2 tia 'Our Own Manufacture Prepared trom Pure Olt, Cider | KK @OM'S D.5.¥. 1.10, Vinegar, sub Neus, Sugar, Mustard me Bottle i Libby's al Jar 3 Voor sie go | "iiamsanita Olives 12-03. Jar le 23°, 33e0 D.S.L. Bulk Aylmer Choice Quality Spinac i Stites eh. Roman Meal == 26° Jeg sz 356 TEA ZZ ibhy's Pr Pas Postum Sliced ' MN 7 oul' +f oe Cohoe Red Salmon 4 doz. 25¢ Zine Jar Rings 2 doz. 35¢ Save on Your Preserving This Week Rubber Jar Rings Crown Fruit Jars Small 89° CERTO Surejell ri 325..