mi baueA BAYT 8 FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 30198 AT V ORK--CHEVS. PLAY IN UELPH TOMOR 0-~The Pirates | = i the Na- yester- as the St 'Ane me Lo. Lodin dua Or of two apd one-half ti on first place, while Clue' Lards ed the second sung hy Lait: a Noa agains, the New b¥ork Giants, who were also ls a sechedule, ne ic "Plttsburg' W. Li Av. Bey vues 983 68 616 a Luis. | . 91 61 ,599 3 York .... 90 "61 696 3° - a Corsairs stand a chance of | , de. tely, capturing the buuting "to- a.orrow by a victory over the Reds, Al Pittsbu ig heeds (0 take the ban- i mer is gne t.iumph in three remain. | ing starts, However, if the Bugean- cers drop the three games and, the Cavan Ai a nr, nts: sweep along |e funters; Whe, clubs will be gled In a triple tle, with the: _ Blduding as follow!' 93 93 L, 61 1 Av, Pittsburg. ..,yvv¢ 604 | St. Louis, vy.\ 100s 61 604 New York, ' fine 98 61 604 fhe Reds | WImast sank the Card- } indls' pennant hopes in a mud and | Shes fracas. amid the cheers of the tt » rat ormed oh i A oi Hi ald, a" Cinctn: : Th Rade Sruached four of «their five hits 1h' the fourth inning Hranknonee, who tasted his first i Train in me BATTING LEADERS 4 Fothe Detroit - 139 15 He 91 187 361 Cobb, #hiladelphia 133 490 150 175 357 Leader a year ago today; Manush, Detroit, 378, Fl *L. Waner, Pitts. 1 16 132 216 Stephenson, Chic, 151 576 99 192 | Traynor, Pitts... 147 564 92 191 3 Leader a year ago today, Hargrave, Cincinnati, 354. G. AB RH. 1 oly 11 P. Waner Hi nshy, Fie 132 202 { ¢ TN TO MEET BALMY BEACH Montreal, Que, Sept, 30,--Twen- ty-four players have been chosen by Coach Frank Shaughnessy to carry the red and white colors of MeGill into action against Balmy Beach in the exhibition game Saturday after- |, noon at the new Oakwood grounds | in Toronto, .The last heavy scrim- mage drill was held yesterdry after- noon, and after a lght limberin up practice today the squad will} leave for the Queen, City. That every one of the twenty-four players will get plenty of chance to al Local O.RF.U. Teamto West End Rink | Prominent Toronto Rugbyist Will Help Team With Prac- tices -- Play First Game in St, Catharines a Week from Saturday . That the intermediate rugby team is now practically assured of being in first class condition when they play their opening game. in St. Ca- [therines 'a week from tomorrow is evident by the announcement made '4liat 'through the courtesy of ™ arew Lumber. Company of Oshawa, the west end rink will be pvallable for evening practices. It imply 'means that all those rugby players working until a late hour of the day, thay is after six or six- thirty @'clock, will be. ablé to get down to the. rink after having sup- per and Indulge in several hours' training, + © © It is pa to the officials of or "to know that citizens ure taking Such a deep interest in the. hayk. For 'a time 4 looked as fhe hough the vaghylsts would have to tev "the first game In a semi- tyiingd gLite. however, today's an- #ounceniont, although not definite- Snctioned as yet Imost © pasures Osh- ava of' Navin a good strong team 0 'start the season with. Aarti announcement i! ES af even t instHb Chrdindt uniform, and, | show his wares against stiff opno'i- | more Vita} Interest to hol the team | with the helping .hand of one error, | tiny was the promise made by Coach 'and publ, Wwhiie not definitely set- genre veo olden apd; Maranyille Snyder in, oq fiffh' inning for the' Cardinals' | first score, white Frisch hit a home Fun Althea eiuth inning for the sec- =ond St. Louis score, Jackie May. gllowed St. Louis eight , but kept them well scattered. he infield was mud, while the out- Iders 'navigated around small | kes created by the day and a half almost incessant raim Philadelphia won an easy 7 to 1 RLopy 'pver Boston in the first game, " the series. 'at . Boston, Ray Miller, jouns pitcher from Syracuse, Jhgepr ng hits Wel) soattered, dt t e three runs that meant singled' You Tod can Paper iee thet Kenzo feeling only use KLENZO _ DENTA)Y CREME '36c and 50c 3 For Sale Only At se Resa, or Jury@Llovell Simeoe $, scored on an infleld out Shaughnessy today. along practically every mnewcomey vba has shown promise a; all and the rookies who have aspirations os tiguring Inthe first iniercollegi- ate game, that with Varsity in 'l'o- ronto on Oct, 8, chance to show what they can do, Captain Jin. atu RU eT | 3 'back players who are invading the Queen City, Me will p.ooaliy start the same n'on- with Tremaine nd St. Germain, with Dalton, Downs and Simpson in reserve, Brown, the | smart St. Andrew's recruit and' Laishley, sub quarter from last year, 'will alternate at the key posi- | thon. Altimas and Lovering will take turns at flyin: wing, while Bagin and Munro will both get a chance to shor, what they ney, about the snap position, - Old Line Almost ntact Of the raft of ) Semen, the ci) ch hes whittled the inside wing marer- fal down to Spears and Littlefiald: re~ulars on last year's team, with ; Carson and, Sharpe starting at mid- dle, and Pred Tiylor, Munrn and MrMoer in reserve, Curly Taylor and Al Blair are the choices at ont § le in with Petch Granger, Baker nd Tones rlso available, Doherty and Kritzwiser, both suf- aving from min r injuries, are not 're'v to make the trip, and with Tremaine uncertain tn start because f a bad old, it is likely that Dal- 'on and 1'owns will have plenty of =ark *n An RovA Miller is also nn the injured list and will not get into 'omorrow's game, ' FEAR LONG JUMPS IN '800 HOCKEY LOOP 3 -- Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 30.--Local ~mizent op the proposed Port Ar- thur, Fort William, and Sauly senior ockey. circuit seems to indicate that, while local fans are in favor of such a loop, it is fely that the rravelling distance :f the Sault to the other teams in the league would be too great for the Sault to make much of a showing in its road games. which it would probably be playing on successive nights. However, =o 'ar no advances have been made by the lake head officials to apy mem- *ors of the Sault Executive, and un- til this is done the Sault is rather at Jonge ends on the matter. ~. With the Sault seriously comsider- ing the plan of entering a team in senior ranks this year, the plan sug- gested by the lake head cluis pro» vides a means of getting away from the sonthern group of the N.O.H.A., in which it apnears very unlikely tion, for a feam. and will give a good ac- count of itself this winter. ANOTHER DRAW &r Fon -- draw marked the conclusion of tie sixth game here last might in the world championship between Jose R. Capablanca, present champion, nd "Alexander Alekhine, of Russia. Capablanca had made 39 mov, and Alekhine 40 when they agreed that further play the was useless in view or tue evenness 'of their positions. The seventh game | will be started tomorrow evening. He is taking willbe 'givin &" | that there will be suitable competi-. The Sault hos some fine material Buenos Aires, Sept. 30. -- Avother | chess match | tled as yet, 4s far as are concerned. 18 (hat = Chilcoly, prominent Toronto rughylst, win came down to this city Monday night 'and assist the boys with their practices, It is also possible thai he will. be here permanently, Chilioi hails the announcement of indoor training with high' spirits and ail he asks is that the boys be in enn aition as far as wind and body goes, He will readily put on the finishing touches. Both the West Sides and Bt Ca- tharipes, whe are in the loeal rgrouping are practicing 1aithiu, und so far it looks as though they | are the most advanced of the three nesotiatinns teams they having arranged .exhibi- tion games for tomorrgw, Hose. co. , by securing a coach apd an indo training quarters, it practically means that the: Oshawa intermed- fates will be able to regain time they lost 'in the early season, (through not knowing 'soomer that | they would be. en:eripg. IX is. too bat that the movement wis ro. started weeks ago, Net though, interest will be hgh aud an organization meeting can he called early in the fall or late sum- mer. LADIES' GOLF FINAL SLATED FOR TCDAY Toronto, Sept. By denating Miss Helen Paget, ot the Boyds iia wa Club, in the sepn-pnis fvsbd vl tole sixth annpal Canadian ladies' close goif championship at the loronto Goi Club yesterday moyming, 7 and 0, Miss Ada Maekenzie, of the porno cadies Club, entered the tinal wor toe 1ourth ume in the s.x years that tne cyent has been staged and this astormoon she will meet Mrs. £. W. Whituugion, os the Toronto Golf Club, mn tue wigh- teen-hole hnal, In deicating Miss ra get the Jocas player broke a deadlocs wr the fina) hopur of the close cham- pionship. Previous to this year bob Miss Mackenzie and Miss Faget nau peen i the imal torce Lmes wah cach winning once and losing twice, ane Miss Mackenzie 4150 extended per sor- jes of successive victories over the Royal Ottawa player to three. In 1¥& at savermead, Uttawa, Miss Paget de- feated Miss Mackenzie in the tinal for the close ute by 2 apd 1, Miss Mac- kenzie knocking in her opponent's Lah un the seventeenth hole to end the match, but last year at Winnipeg tue Ladies' Ciub 'representative won rom Mass Paget in_the hnals of both tue cose any the open tournaments. This final attracted the greater in- terest yesterday morning and the re- swt was the third win in a row of Miss Mackenzie over a former titlc- aoider mn tne last two days. Un Wed- acsday she accounted tor Mrs. Gordon Kerrie, of Hamilton, 1922 winner, mn the morning, and mn the afternoon she conunated Mrs. KF. J. Mulqueen, 1923 champion, and she followed this up by a Yory conyincing win over Miss Pa- 'Without detracting from the brand of goli dispiayed by the wauner, sue could haxe wuproyed her game if she bad been pressed, Miss Pager did nou pay nearly as well as she had done aw tie previous rounds. dhe was very nervous and in her desife to kewp up with her more experienced opponcat she made a pumbur of mistakes and virors, - which when opposing Miss Mackenzie proved yery «costly. For six holes the match was a close affair, Miss Mackenzie winmug the sccond and fifth and the Ottawa player tak ing the third, but at the seventh the winner commenced a great winning stfcals that continued for six holes and -nded the match at the twelfth. Dur- mg these six holes, Miss Mackenzie aade some pretty and effcotive shots and her opponent went from trouble Lo. trouble. I { i West Bides Ath'etie Club, the. rugbyists who a . uatered din the same grouping in the intermediate O.R.F.U. series as the Oshawa team, is playing an exhibition game to- morrow afternoon with the Argonaut the eur, Sport Smapabots | Sport fans are righy in their "glory" this. week as the 'result of the several "breaks" that have oe- curred in the pasy twenty-four hours. The first came late yesterday after- noon when Hambly Brothers an- nounced they would erect am arti- ficial ice arena to be ready for skat- ing and hockey January 1, and the second was pulled off this morning when President Murray Johnston of the intermediate rugby club an- nounced that it was quite probable rink next week through tue courtesy of the Carew Lumber Co, ---- Not content with this, President Murray Johnston of the rugby club also stated that 'Chilcott of Teronto, prominent rugby player and coach would be here Monday to assist the intermediates with their training and to teach them some of the finer points of the game, This latter is sure a pretty feather in the club's cap. Whether or not Chileott will be! here. permanently or not for the season remains with the central executive of the General Motors, who it 'Is understood, is meeting today, and who it is believed will ratify the rugby club's action in securing Chilcott, That Oshawa will have an artific- fal ice arena is perhaps the most im- portant of the three announcements and it wil no doubt be received with pleasure hy the sporting pub- | lle, Hambly Brothers are to he con- gratulated upon taking hold of the enterprise and providing sport fol- lowers, especially hockey and skat- ing fans, as well as the O.H.A, teams, with something that has been sadly lacking in this city for several years, Writing in connection with the arena announcement Frederick C. Wilson, sports editor of the Toron- ta 'Jlobe states: "With the. announcement last 'wht that Oshawa will have an arti- ficial fee rink for its Ontario Hockey ~~ w<ociution teams this season, the | total of rinks of the kind in the hig leapue is now thirteen, Kingston, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Port Col- borne. Grimsby, Brantford, London, and Stratford have artificial ice plants for hockey purposes, and ther» are three in Toronto--Arena Gardens, University of Toronto and Ravina. There are seven rinks in "his rity with artificial ice, awn ovoilahle for hnekey, Ottrwa 1s another Ontario city in the list, 'ut the OHA. is not represented in the Capital." Thet Oshawa intermediate rughy trom has several fast performers trving out for places is evident when nne watches them "strut their stuff" at Alexandra park every night, "Abe" Foster, who made a name for himself in managing the Malleables of the Ladies' Softball l.eague and who in recent years proved himself anite a sprinter, is trying out for a plare on the team. He will make a ond half back as he formerly played Eglisk rughy and therefore knows the rudiments of the game, Another lad who hails from King- ston Collegiate and whose nape can- not be recalled, looks as though he will make a gond spap. That in- terest. is keen in the team Is shown bv the new players who have turned out, Among them are, Jamieson. Bates, Ferguson, Cohn, at, Fair, O'Regan, Nott, Cornish apd Prior. . So narrowly did some of the Ham- 'Jton players. escape the flames in Tuesday's distastrous fire that they were burned about the face ond hands, Brian Timmins, Ernie Cox snd "Denny" Denman were the piay- ers who received slightly painful souvenirs of the blaze, while Train- er Smith "landed" a few blisters that hurt with a vengeance, The General Motors soecer team of the Provincial League has ar- ranged an exhibition game with the Oshawa City team of the Toronto and Disrict Soccer League; The game 'will start sharp at 3 o'clock at Alex- ander Park tomorrow afternoon and all signed players of both tems are } As a result of the of the staging of this ! came, soccer = favorites will have ome game here tomorrow which they may call their own. Taére js no other Saturday sporting attrac- tion listed for the Motor City. How- ever. the Chevrolets will be away to Cuelph trying their level best to down the Guelph Royals and thus secure the right to enter the finals of the Ontario Amateur Softball As- sociation's intermediate title. The Chevrolets won the first game here Wednesday afternoon and. as a re- 'suit bave the buldge on the series. it's a remarkable coincidence that three well-known Ontario sports- men should have serious fil'ness in British Columbia in the last six months. George McKay, president cf 'he OHA: R. B. Rice, and J. D. Wright. past president of the O.A. " A. and Ontario's representative on the C.L.A. That Oshawa [8 the thirteenth ceptre in the Ontario Hockey As- cociation's territory to have sam ar- "ificiat der 2ropa in rather interest ing. But "13" is mot Oshawa's un- \neky rawhan 2nvway and so there 's wothing to fear, fnont foms wl soon he able to "ax fo:their hrother fans at a "talk- ing bee"--*"Do you remember when juniors. Local followers will watch La teams Sayed a a BABE RUTH TIES HIS RD OF 1921, HAS 59 HCMERS THIS YEAR New York, Sept. 30.--Carrying on in a furious September finish, Babe Ruth knocked out two mammoth home runs yesterday to tie his great record of homers, accomplished in 1921, 'the mighty slugger of the New York team stands on the brink of establish- mg a new mark, as he has two more days left in the campaign. 'I'he King of Swat is one run in ad- vance of his output in 1921, for a° that time No. 59 fell during his team's 153rd game, while this was New York's the rughbyists will train in West End | 152d, Horace Lisenbee, of Washington, was the victim of Babe's first rap, which came in the first inning, with the sacks empty. In the fifth Paul Hopkins, a young pitcher who . just joined the Washington club, received a baptism of fire when Ruth drove out No. 59, with the bases full. That gave Ruth three homers in the last two games, two of which dropped with the sacks loaded. Some 5,000 fans rejoiced with Ruth and gave him a great ovation when he equalled his former standard, in Ruth's home-run career, with thus far. His best previous assort- ment was 13, in June, 1921, but not The first three months of the cur- rent. season found Ruth and Lou Geh- \ Tig deadlocked with 25 apiece. Early in the present month they were run- ning neck and neck again, when Geh- rig clipped a homer in Boston. That was on Labor Day, and tied the slug- gers at 45. Then Ruth started step- | ping out, and Ruth has hit fourteen while Gehrig has made but one. The standing: Ruth, 1921 Ruth, 1927 Gehng, 1927 AGAIN HELD UP BY RAIN Toledo, 0., Sept. 30.--For a sec- ond time the opening of the "Little World Series" was postponed be- cause of rain yesterday, An hour before game time the threatening clouds let loose their torrents and then a drizzling shower followed which continued for the rest of the afternoon, The first game, if the weatherman permits, will be played tomorrow, and the two teams, To- ledo and Buffalo will leave tomer- row npight for the Saturday and Sunday games in Buffalo, Monday Games Homers 52 58 Is an open date there in case rain raghes out a contest, The teams will return here to resume the series Tuesday. She always shrank from bathing Within the ocean blue, For every time she did so Her bathing suit shrank too. this has been the greatest mantlt BASEBALL RECORDS NATIONAL LI LEAGUE Won Lost Pittsburg St" LOWS vyiavanas New York ake Chicago Cincinnati 61 ol 7 77 87 93 Lo Cincinnati J St. Louis Philadelphia .... 7 Boston Games Today Pittsburg at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Boston, Only games scheduled, AMERICAN LEAGUE Lost New York 4 Philadelphia 62 Washington ... 67 Detroit 69 Chicago 82 Cleveland 84 St louis ..oivvvies 57 51 101 Thursday's Scores 15 Washington ... 6 Philadelphia ,.. Only games played. Today Boston at Philadelphia. Cleveland at St. Louis. ! Detroit at Chicago. Washington at New York, YANKEES DEFEAT SENATORS 15 TO 4 New York, Sept. 30--The Yankees won a hard-slugging affair from the Scnators yesterday, battering out 19 hits, including two home runs and a triple by "Babe" Ruth for a 15-to-4 decision. Ruth's second circuit swat came in the fifth inning with the bases full off Pitcher Paul Hopkins, Wash- ington rookie, and tied the Bambino's own mark of 59 homers achieved in 1921, Ruth made his first homer off on base. He hit a triple with one on base in the second inning. The Philadelphia Athletics started their last home series of the season by losing to the Boston Red Sox by a score of 6 to'1. Pitcher Jack Brad- ley, a recruit from the Eastern League, held the Mackmen to five hits, while Collins; + «Bradley and Moore; ! Perkins, Ra i i SS RS the Red Sox hammered Guy Cantrell, former Oriole, for 14 safeties that in- cluded three triples. R.H.E, 020 020 000-- 4 10 2 New York 170 340 00x--15 19 1 Lisenbee, Marberry, Hopkins and Tate; Shocker, Ruether, Shawkey and R.H.E. 100 004 1006 14 1 000 000 001--1 5 0 Cantrell "and Washington .... Boston I hiladelphia Lisenbee in. the first inning with none. MARTINEZ New York, san cot Mo Hilaria Mar- tinez, hard-punching * Spanish © hi- weight, scored a sensational ten-rind victory over Sid Terris, crack York contender, in the feature ma at the Queensboro Stadium last nig! Terris was knocked down for thre counts of nine in the second round an bately kept his feet under Martinez's merciless attack in several others. As in his past three battles, Terris ran into a storm of right-hand punch- es early in the bout, but this time he could not come back to" win. The fiery little Spaniard, scaling 139% pounds , [for a 6-pound advantage, stormed all 2 lover Terris in the first six rounds to pile up an advantage Sid's hurricane finish could not overcome. Early in the second session Martinez nailed Terris with a solid right smash to the chin. Badly hurt, Terris went down and came up to run into a series of solid punches to the chin that floor- ed him again. Vainly Terris tried to speed out of danger when he arose for the second time, but another solid smash on the "button" dumped the New Yorker in a heap again,. The bell rang before Martinez could finish the job when Sid gamely arose for the third time. Davy Abad, Panama' bantamweight, lost to Milton Cohen of New York on a foul in the first round of a ten- round semi-final put on after the main go. Cohen went down from a low leit hook after two and a half minu- tes of boxing in the round, Examina- tion hy a doctor revealed that he had been fouled. The weights were: A- bad, 123%; Cohen, 122, INGTON WINS FIRST OF ERIES WITH COPPER CLIFF LE; Leamington, Sept. 30.--Leamington casily defeated Copper Cliff in the first game of the intermediate O.B.A, semi- finals here yesterday by the score of 10 to 2. 'This was. the first game in the semi-finals, Wednesday's game having been postponed owing to rain, Copper Cliff got away to a good start hy scoring their only runs in the rst inning on a walk, twé singles and an error. Hillman settled down after this inning and allowed but four more hits during the remainder of the game, Leamington evened the score in the third when Cochrane walked after Hillman struck out. Clifford was safe on Steaver's error and both scored a moment afted on Hewer's hit. The lo- cals' scored two more in the fourth when Hillman tripled, scoring Smith- son and Malott. Leamington brought their total to ten hy getting three runs in the fifth and three in the sixth by some timely -hitting," Taylor gétting a triple to score two of them, Your Invitation! at the new HAWA WINTER GARDEN OFFICIAL OPENING 'TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER FOURTH Fred Stevenson------ and his Toronto Orchestra Tuesday - at nine "a nice place for nice peop General Admission As Dancing Every Thursday Saturday hock B5c- Dancing 10c