WOMEN'S DA A * - THE, GSHAWA PAILY, TIMES, ;MONRAY. OCTOBER 3,1927 ILY INTEREST FEET-- track, on Saturday. --Mrs., J. Wallace, Bond street east, is visiting with her parents, while attending the annual Fair at Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Hamilton, Alma street, are visiting with their parents at Port Hope, --Mr, C. Binstead. of Kingston, while on his way to Toronto to visit with his father called on Mrs, H, Marshall, Church street, also Mr, and Mrs, E, Donald, Olive street. --Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Bell, Sim- coe street north, attended the Rally Day services of the North Parkdale United Church in Toronto where Mrs, Bell who was the, Klemitary superintendent of the Sunday School gave the address of the afternoon. Mr, Bell was the former secretary of the senior school, . --Mr, and Mrs. W, Moncur and My. and Mrs Mart Ostoer spent the week-end with friends in Hamilton, --Mr. and Mrs. Hoy and son, Earl, visited in Orono during the week- end. --Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Canning, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr Morley Canning, ----Mp, and Mrs, T. O, Vanson, Simcoe street south, motored to To- ronto and visited with their daugh- ter, Mrs, Berry Goodhead, --Those from Oshawa who visited the Bowmanville Boys' Training School Fair held Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs, E, W, Drew, Mr, and Mrs. H, Drew, Mrs, W, A, Hare and Miss Hilda Hare, Mrs, F, Hallet, Master Rennison Hezzelwood, ---Mr. R, 8, McLaughlin attended --Mr, 8, Heath, of Syracuse visit- ed with friends in this city last week, ~--Mrs, McNichol of Woodstock, is visiting with her granddaughter, Miss Lorraine Francis, of Arthur street, { ey DAINTINESS AINTINESS is the keynote of this age . . , not that spurious and soiled *daintiness' of smudgy and scented deodorants , , , but the genuine cleanliness of warm water and soft, foaming Lux suds-- = that freshness of April showers and of haytime skies, This, and this only, is the daintiness of immaculate women--everywhere ! » This lester was recived ; Mrs, Harvey Mitchell, R.R. No, 2, lon, Canada, Nothing could be a more fitting aid to daintiness than a complete wardrobe of washables, kept constantly rer freshed by the exclusive use of Lux, Make this Test The best way to get acquainted with Lux is to try it on something you particularly, care about. Next time your best silk or woollen stockings need a bath, whip » tablespoonful of Lux into the water, Then you will agree that there is no substitute for Lux. 'Soft Water for Washday Whether you use a washing machine or do the rubbing by hand, the work is easier and results moze satisfactory if you have really soft water. Use Gillex. Itumakes the hardest water soft as rain. It also exerts a wonderful effect on the soiled clothes--dissolving greasy dirt stains and helping the soap (of which much less than usual'is required) to do its cleansing work. A package of Gillex should be in your laundry to save soap and labor:and ensure a whiter wash. the Fall meet at the Woodbine Bowmanville Youths Come Here For Night Classes Students May Be Admitted Unofficially Until Question of Outside Pupils Attending City School Can Be Clear- Consider Precedents But Appreciate Ambition of Youths Travelling 18 Miles to Improve Knowledge « Members of the Oshawa Board of Education have a problem to solve in which youthful ambition, the friendly relations existing between Oshawa and Bowmanville, and the Board's policy is deeply involved, Saturday night two young men came to the Collegiate Institute to enroll in the night school's bookkeeping classes. All went well until they were asked for their residential adress. It developed that they were from Bowmanville, Raymond Ives, who is 17, is an em- ployee of the Goodyear Rubber Com- pany of Canada, Ltd. at the Bowman- ville plant, Gould Thurston, 18, is a junior of the Bowmanville branch of the Standard Bank of Canada. "How will you get over?" they were asked by Mr, O'Neill, "We'll take a: bus Tuesday and and Thursday evening," they stated, But just here it had to be recalled that the Board of Education has taken a definite stand as regards County pu- pils and the fees that must be paid for them, The night school is not involved par- ticularly in this matter, but the trus- tees have to consider precedents, They are, however, considering something more than precedents, Chairman of committees feel that if room can be made for two young men who are eager enough to better their position in the world by travelling 18 miles twice a week, even a few pre- cedents might well he broken, The finals say rests with Trustee H, S. 'Smith, chairman of the special free committee. He had not been reached at press time. As a final solution, the two Bowmanville students may be ad- mitted unofficially. SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES Two cups cooked sweet potato, one- half teaspoon salt, one-quarter tea- spoon cinnamon, 2 eggs beaten light, 2 tablespoons milk, soft sifted bread crumbs, one beaten egg for rolling the croqguettes, shortening for frying. The potatoes may be baked or boiled. Press while hot through a ricer. Beat the 2 also the salt and cinnamon, Let cool a little, then roll in the hands into balls, and then form on a board into cylin der shapes. Roll the shapes in egg and soft crumbs, After standing a short time roll again. Fry in hot fat about one minute, drain and serve at once, ICHIEF CONSTABLE RESIGNS FOLLOWING ALTERCATION Cobalt, Oct, 2 2.--Partly as the re- sult of a fracas staged late Friday night in a local cafe in which his predecessor in office is said to have been involved, Chief Constable Dunn tendered his resignation to Mayor Lendrum o Saturday afternoon, fol- lowing a conference at which the Mayor, Councillor Murphy, Chair- man of the Police Committee, and the Chief were present. According to the Chief, ex-Chief Fraser, whom Dunn succeeded in July, abused him and dared him to take off the uni- form. Chief Dunn removed his coat and a fight followed, the Chief said. pressed, it is said. RECALL OF M, RAKOVSKY Is REGARDED AS LIKELY Paris, Oct. 2.--The recall of M. Rakovsky, Soviet Ambassador to France, by the Moscow Governmen' is regarded here in semi-official cir- cles as likely to occur during the to M. Tchitcherin, Soviet Foreign Minister yesterday of a note drafted bouillet Friday. It is, however, sisted in Paris that no rupture with Moscow is desired, the Rakovsky is. now persona non grata. A =[€m{neOlE [mE]. io [vm] LL = =5k Softens Water. QOdorless [o[% + Jv ------ Ud _ \ \ ed Up -- Trustees Must | eggs light, add to the potatoes, | The resignation is not likely to 'be | by the Council of Ministers at Ram- : _| available. affair being a personal ome, as he | URGES ABOLITION OF INCOME TAX (Continued from page 1) ing the steps leading to the domin- fon income tax Capt. Innis claimed that the tax was put on by the gov. ernment as a war measure in 1919, a time when it was quite in order and at a time when several other war measures were adopted. Jt was a step that was believed woulll only {be in force until after the war. Capt, Innis and a number of his | colleagues helieved at the time that | the situation would have { watched and that it would later de- It did and velop into a perennial, is still in force today. One outstanding remark that the speaker made in the course of his talk was that only 2,678 farmers of the whole Dominion of Canada filed dominion tax returns in 1925- 26 and the amount that these con. tributed, out of a possible $56,000,- 000 was only $273,000. He further claimed these Western farm- ers organized under the Progessive | party are preparing to fight any de. | crease in the federal income tax. | They would, he claimed, even assist in efforts to inerease the levy. In 1925-26 only 200,000 fedepal In- come tax returns were filed out of the whole of the dominion. It was | astounding, the speaker claimed. to believe that there were only 200,. 000 men in the country who should he eligible to file domigsn income | tax returns, The Bureau conducted the inves- tigation because it felt it was in the best position to. Captain Innis said that every cluss of person was con- sid@Fed. The Burean was represent. ing the larger section of people, the tradesmen, and it was really this class, he claimed, that was pay- ing the tax, simply because they could not evade it, The employers were forced to make known each man's salary to the government and the employees had nothing to do but to pay up. Out of the 200,000 persons who did file and pay their federal income tax, 150,000 these were employees, That figure, | the speaker sald, was ahout 72 per cent, | In dealing with the population | problem, Captain Bnnis allueded to { the faet that the present federal in- | come taxes are holding persons who to he | chairman PYTHIANS ARRANGE CHARITY BAZAAR OCTOBER 17 TO 22 Oshawa Knight's of Pythias, Lodge No, 47, has arranged to hold a monstrous Charity bazaar during the week October 17-22. It is to be held in the old West End rink. Carpenters are busy now remodell- ing the building and getting ready for the big event. The building will be elaborately decorated, The full length of the rink will be occupied by the different booths. In the far end there will be a large merry-go- round. This had been Begqured at {some expense by Mr. Fred Kirby, of the committee, In the {centre will be the stage. Mr, Titeh- ener Smith, the well known dancing instructor of Toronto, has been en- gaged fo furnish the numerous vau- ! deville acts. These will be changea | daily. Each night at 11.00 p.m, a (diamond ring will be given away. On Saturday, October 22nd, the con- test for a fully equipped Pontiac coach will close, Everyone purchas- ing 25 cent ticket good for six nights. admission 2#s entitled to 3 free éstimates on the number of beans contained in the jar, The nearest correct estimate wins, The jar is actually filled with beans and does not contain a false cenire, | shepherd | West Anyone Is allowed to measure the {dimensions of the jar. Mr, Kirny, chairman, assures everyone attend- |ing a real good time and something {new in the entertainment line. May- lor Preston will officially open the {doors at 7.30 pm, October 17. { The merry-go-round will be in op | eration every afternoon for ue | children. ' | DOG HIKES 700 MILES LOST BY THE FAMILY Elkhorn, Wis., Oct. 2..--Fritzi, a dog belonging to Mrs. C. J. Balfe, Williams Bay, Wis, is fin- ishing his journey home from the by train after hiking seven hundred miles from the Yellowstone to Denver, The dog, which was found {tootsore and exhausted by a Denver of | would gladly come to this country | to reside, out simply because it not in their interests to come. The i eapitalists of foreign countries are not encouraged hy the high federal taxes W¥ Consequently they will their money into this not send | country, A good attendance of members | Breeted Captain Ennis when he | "rose to address the gathering. Pres. ident Alex Storie on behalf of the club extended the sincere thanks of | the gathering to Capt. Innis, He | was invited to talk again at any time. Readers' Views THE SUBWAY Editor of The Times: | Dear Sir The public are being asked at present to buy a "pig in a baz" The Councils for years have been flirting with the question. Now the press comes oul with the astounding Expr ssion "Everybody is in favour of it. . | I think a few moments' calm thought {even by the most dense, would en {lighten him that the question is not { being approached by the sanest road No plans; no specifications; imate of the job; no | | | some | | | no est calculation in | | Canadian | udian ) | woman, was 4raeced to Wisconsin by a lcense tag that had been issued in this city. Communication with Sheriff Hal White brought the ad- are of owner, and Fritiz's transportation expenses were sent to Denver hy Mrs, Balfe, who said the dog hecame lost while the family was Mammoth Hot Springs in the Yellowstone 88 the VTERPETUATE NAMES or Ottawa, Ont., Oet, 2 petuation artillery units of Expeditionary Force of the Great War by units of the Can- Artillery, non-permanent ac- tive militia, has been authorized hv he Department of National Defence A list iz being approved showing the associated units and will pub- lished in (he militia list The of . ne ARTILLERY UNITS | per- | the | Sealed in Metal SALAD TEA Always delicious and fresh. A TOY Try it. BORDER ROADHOUSES WILL BE WATCHED Windsor, Oct. 2. Coincident with the declaration of city police tonight that all the "beer parlors" in the down- town districts had been closed by con- tinuous raiding, comes the announce- ment of Inspector WW, H. Gardiner, {head of the border squad of the Pro- vincial Police, that henceforth road- houses along the 30-mile riverfront between Belle River and Amherstburg will be inspected nightly. Within the last few tor Gardiner's staff has been doul and there are now 14 Provincial con- stables stationed here, Actiing Chief M. S. Wigle of the city police, stated tonight that "blind pigs" and gambling dens will now be given special attention by his department, \ special squad of plainelothesmen has been assigned to this work, Twenty persons, three of them wo- men, were taken into custody in raids staged over the week-end, Liquor charges have been laid against those apprehended, days, Inspee- DOMINION TO BE LINKED BY PHONE WITH BRITAIN Ottawa, Inauguration of a transatlantie telephone rvice will take place here tomorrow, when Premier Mackenzie King will con- | verse with Premier Stanley Baldwin, The Dominion Prime Minlsier will | be 'in his. office in the Parliament | huildings here, and tonwection will | made with the British Empire | Minister's office in London The opening of the service will he wit- nessed by a number of officials and prominent interested. BC he | | - persons NINE PERSONS INJURED WHEN TRAIN Is DERAILED Edwardsville, Ill., Oct, 2 Nine persons were injured when three of the Peoria Limited train on the Illinois Traction Syslem were | derailed here and crashed into the porch of the Vanze Hotel, Two of the passengers, Miss Mildred Mitts of Decatur, Ill.,, and Miss Callie Farres of Springfield, IllL., were taken to St. Elizabeth's Hospital at | Venice, Ill, for treatment of- severe | injuries. coaches | and | had REPUBLICAN SPANISH LEADERS ARRESTED Paris, Oct, > For cloud report have For has broken 2. two days a hung over today by the four republican leaders arrested. in Madrid when on the point of declaring a revoiy and five 1erals have been arrest ed for petitioniy King Alfonso restore the old Parliamentary instead of setting Parliament planned Of It the heen secrecy wus 44] re- up the pack- for October cime Jus: before this the Spanish Gov- crnment had announced that 1 at- tempts againsy the present regime would lead to arrest, confiscation of property and loss of citizenship. Consequently it was at first believed that the dictatorship provoked the revolt in to clear the atmos- phere for new hand-picked as- order the gembly, ISTROYED BY FIRE Fire completely : barn on the farm near here last cattle but one pig were saved, but 500 which Mr, Draper sold, and to deliver on Monday, wag lost, The damage was estimated at about $2,500, partly covered by destroyed a lax of John Draper, night, All the one calf bushels of grain insnrance, WILSO will kill many times more flies for the money than any other fly killer. Each pad will kill flies all day, every day, for three weeks, » At all Grocers, Drug- gists and General Stores -- 10c and 25¢ per package, on |property damage has been placed be- | | fore the public. And yet we are | asked to vote, yea. More, we are pub- [ licly informed we are all in favor of | |a subway. | that far in I Yes, we endorsing are. will go the {had been used to drawing water from {a well, said "the kitchen tap was a | handy thing," but we want to know, as near as may be, what it will cost {us and if it is to take precedence over | rexpenditures in the city which are much spore imperative. Hundreds of Wouses are being erected throughout { the city that have no possible chance lof keepi I pure, sanitary surround- (ings. The conditions at our outfall | sewer are such as to alarm anyone who has a desire for decent Lin community life. The builders | water mains at their own expense or suck water from putrid wells, because | the authorities say there are no funds | Our schools both public and high are {overcrowded and immediately vast out- ays are imperative to meet our edu cational needs. Streets have to be opened up and | graded or better paved; sidewalks | laid. These are a few of the urgent | things vital to the health and prosper- lity of the city. We may need a city hall; we may need a subway to meet our desired { convenience, but the present condition is safe, if inconvenient, with danger fenced off and a day and might watch- {man to guard the way. It is better to be held up for a few moments by a passing train than be throttled by an epidemic of diseases that inevitably follows in the wake of unsanitary conditions in congested | community life. The expansion of our industries and the inflowing population are a chal- lenge to the Council to wake up and provide the things most necessary to are seeking houses in our midst. When there is money left, let's have the sub- way. expression | of the press, like the kitchen maid who | things | of | week. This follows the presentation | new homes are being compelled to lay | | the health and happiness of those who ! Nightic = aluringly feminine--jst sone many fascinating styles -- daintily lace trimmed or with cou- drasting bands, WY Bloomer HE new May Belle Bloomer is indeed "the last word" in Bloomer achievement, Cleverly designed to meet the latest requirements of the mode with sufficient full: ess to fit easily and comfortably--and absolutely without those disfiguring. bulges--so utterly snug fitting frock! You'll love this new May it is truly a worthy garme: ored--with its well cut gu and dainty finishing. A ruinous to the Belle Bloomer-- --beauufully tail- , lasting elastic d more--you"ll love its lovely shimmering Ic ckstitch r so alluririgly feminine in exquisite I This final achievement in Bloomers excels in- deed in daintincss and practicality! We make our own lockstitch guarantee its superb quality to rayon and give the utmost in service, and fo retain its glorious lustre and color. Look for the liwle May Belle label in every piece of rayon lingerie. guide when shopping. Ontario Silkait, Limited, Toronto Largest Makers of and Rayon Garments an Cangde. Von Combiration -- # Rayon Fabrics & 4 nla Let ic be your mew and lovely con ception of time Costume Slip -- aw excep- tionally mxll made gar- mend -- designed to climi- mate all bulkiness over the ips -- do fit com- fortably across . Shadow proof or plain bem styles. med styles. "teddic", jis plain or lace trim- the old Pyjamas -- Exquisite ~--in plain colors or beautifully painted iw guaraniced washable faint -- a wonderful gif#! Dressing Gown --simply adorablel-- either hand painted or in plain colors-- matching pyjamas. ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE MODE .