IE OSHAWA DAILY bea un JIMES avi MONDAY +QCT i OBER 3 1927 MEER | OSHAWA AND DISTRICT EU ri EL. -- Gives Self Up Walter Hayde, who escaped recent- ly from the Bowmanville Boys' Train- ing School, walked into the local po- lilce station last evening and gave him- self up. He wiil be returned to the institution. J Cars Collide. Nick Systopul, Simcoe street South, and a Ford car figured in an accident at Ritson road and Olive avenue yesterday, Both cars were damaged slightly. One of the dri- vers is alleged to have left the scene of the accident. Cars Slightly Damaged, An automobile bearing a Quebec marker license ran into an automo- bile driven by C. Thomas of New- market at King and Simcoe streets doing slight damage to both cars. It is alleged 'the Quebec car disre.- garded a signal light. Assault Case Remanded, Tom Witwicki, through his coun. sel, D, A. J. Swanson, asked for a remand when he appeared before Magistrate A, IF. Hind in ' police court this morning and was charged with assault, The case will be heard on Thursday, Fined $20 and Costs, to being intoxicated at the C.P.R. station when he appeared before Magistrate A, F. Hind in police court this morning. His worship assessed $20 and costs or an alter- native of 14 days with hard labor. Reckless Driving Charge. Alfred Ralph was remanded in custody until October 11 when he appeared before Magistrate A. IF. Hind in police court this morning. He pleaded not guilty to a charge of reckless driving. The crown was not ready to go en with the case and in event of their being ready to proceed before the date set, the case will be heard, B, Y. P, U, Meeting The B. Y. P. U. was held in the Sunday School room last evening after the regular church service so as not to conflict with the Harvest Home concert which is being put on by the Ladies' Aid Society in the church tonight. The business of the meeting was cancelled. and the ses- sion was opened with a sing-song. The scripture lesson was read in unison then the topi¢ "The Efficient B.Y.P.U." which was divided into 4 parts was taken by four members of the society. The first part "Co- operation' was taken by Miss A. Morison. The second part "Individ- -- Miss Peggy Rice, the third part "Preparedness" was very ably given by Miss A. Letson. Miss B. Galt spoke on "Sympathy." The meeting was attended by many of the church members who do not attend regu- larly and they were much impressed by the way in which the meeting was led by the president Miss Galt and conducted by the young people themselves. . ARE BROKEN INTO (Continued from page 1) said a ladder was run up the side of the house into the bathroom window and its was through this that the entry was made, "The lad- der is still standing there," he said. Evidently the searcher went into Mr. Ambrose"s room first and took the trousers into the bahtroom and emptied ithem anc; Lhen returned for Mr. Mader's. Mr Ambrose {found his trousers in the bathroom {upon awakening yesterday morning Entry to the freight sheds of the Oshawa Railway Company on Athol Believes Use of Gasoline In Wash Tub Caused Blast (By Canadian I'ress) Toronto, Cet, 3--Pending the completion of the investigation by 'Provincial Fire Marshal Heaton into the deaths of C. R. House, his wife and infant daughter, killed in the explosion which wrecked their home here Saturday, no arrangements have yet been made for the inquest. Funeral arrangements are also un- decided. Four young survivors of the fam- ily, John, six; Adrienne ten; Joan, eight; and Victor, twelve, are all out of danger. John is in the hos. pital suffering from burns, and was reported in better condition to- day, while three other children, suffering from bruises and shock, are in the care of their grandpar- ents at Niagara Talls. The cook | and nusemafd of the ill-fated house- ' hold were reported to be in good condition in the General Hospital's emergency ward today. Esther Kal- lio, cook, is suffering from burns and scalp wounds received when she wag blown out of the kitchen, while Lylie Hietikko suffered her injur- ies when the force of the explosion blew her from the upper storey win- dow. Marshall Heaton"s tentative opin- ion that the use.of gasoline in the washing machine in the basement If the Consensus of Opinion of the Keenest Business Minds In The no mnie City be of any Importance Then Fairview Park is the Best Real Estate In- street, was made (through a side was taken by |door according to information given _ - cut but the police. It will be re- George Hollowood pleaded guilty caused the explosion brought com. ment that this was quite probable from J. W, Bain, professor 6f chem- ical engineering in the Unievrsity of Toronto, His theory was that us- ing gasoline on curtains in the washing machine vaporized it very quickly, giving the basement much the same condition as the cylinder of a gas engine. Any red hot object, fire or even friction~pro. duced by rubbing curtains, he said, would produce an explosion capable of doing even greater damage than was the case, A single gallon of gasoline, vaporized, was enough to blow up the house. ual Responsibility" vestment that Has Ever Been Offered in Oshawa : [membered that a quantity of cigar- [1ettes were taken from these sheds ago. |{were stolen this time. <A <li || | | | 1 | | {several weeks Six packages ---- tomelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Bifocals -- miles and inches through the one lens--for reading and distance. 321 11516 --l'HONE=-- 1510 | Disney Block opposite Post Offive Oshawa and District The management of the Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, wish on the occasion of the discontinuance | of the regular nightly dancing for { : = = this seagon to take this opportunity II. of thanking its many patrons for | Cutler &Preston the splendid patronage accorded INVESTMENTS during the season, Saturday" last Bonds and Prefurted Stocks being the final regular nightly | a dance. 5) | sm---- En For Your PHONE-22 Zo Jou Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver | T5 KING BOWLING An Irish trebles tournament was ~~ REAL iv ESTATE -- ST. E * ni. on the greens at the Oshawa Lawn Fo t. 1 3} % \ = ALLA nol) Bowling Club Saturday afternoon. 4 ~¢ | Irish trebles on the local greens are il) rarety and it is believed Saturday E---- i was the first occasion upon whick re -- they have ever heen played locally, «(Continued from page 1) or even east of Toronto, D, A, J. Swanson's rink won with no losses and The Mother Country closer to cach other, while C, Goodman's rink came sec- ond with two wins and- highest Mr. King replied! "Theer is no doubt that this will be a lifk draw- score, The following are the results mm RI Za a PA I 2 A A I ing us closer together. May I repeat | for the British Government, There on behalf of Canada, how delighted | were conversations between officials: we were with your visit and the |of Telephone Services, pictyye) visit of the Royal Princess, 1 should | hoth still and movie here were ditall like to say that we hope th ew fen and the party repaired to lign'i hond between the Old Count, and |adjoining room where the film, Canada will have a unifyin t | showed how the voices were carried similar to th twahich radio across the sea, HO cagting had in Canada on eration Day." by rounds, First Round Bryce Alger Swanson, skip 11 Pardoe Fischer Peacock, skip 8 Stalter Morison Branton, skip § Porter Trehble Gon McIntosh, sKip 9 Cochrane Doobt Doubt Richards Allman Jackson Hobbs, skip +. .9 Simmons Domelle Comerie Young, skip .w6 Goodman, skip Second Round MelIntosh &...9 Branton Swanson ,'*,,.8 'Hobbs Peacock ",,'. .11 Black Goodman ,,.14 Young Third Round Goodman .,, 6 Peacock |, Hobbs Branton Black Young Final +++,13 McIntosh -------- 14419 £4 Much of the American '"'hootght' Hon, Ernest Lapointe, Minister oi whisky is aged in the wood, but fre, : Justice, chated over the phone with | wood is" generally supplied by "the"' Mr. Leach, Director of Telephones | undertaker.--Montreal Star, / It has been the endeavor to pro- vide good wholesome entertain- ment for all and no expense has been spared to give the public nothing but the best. By the kind- ly expressions of approval which have been received, our efforts have no doubt been appreciated, and it will be the policy to continue next season in the same progress- ive manner. UO I I a i 2 In addition to the square dancing which is now being held every Tuesday andsFriday of each week Too Late to Classify at 8.30 p.m. special features of an 3 7 A LARGE MISCELLANEOUS SALE, entirely different nature will be " alt Y ks All parties having articles for sale | dded from Bme to time ll dl will kindly notify me as soon as a . possible as the sale will be on Sat- | urday afternoon Oct. 8 in the yard | . . § : at 19 Bond St, West. Phone 1013M. | Due notice of these special fea- f E. J. Pomery, auctioneer. (77¢) | ight ill be given through BARGAIN ) HOUSE, | ture hig Ew i g! is g Mother ey I A riod Just wi} Knows paved street. Price $1400, Cash : down $§ . Balance $15 per month. The Jubilee Pavilion will be int or aon so te ptt lf mesos nmin "so wice.| 4 veather arrives, with cool i. < : - t fu dd i available for rental from now on pights children become troubled 6 ROOM NEW HOUSE, ALL CON- for private parties at a moderate with head colds and coughs veniences, Paved street. Possession f d ' » tance will be Rexall at once. Price only $3900. Terms to ee an every assis suit Phone 1207W. Mr, Horton. extended in the organization of CHERRY BARK (17¢) such functions. Full information COUGH SYRUP - gives by far the most benefi- may be secured from the under cial results in such cases, ar- signed at the Nut Krust Bakery, Simcoe St. S. Swanson and find it in / 'The New Gif" a That's why more and more women now refuse sub- stitutes for the Gainaday neither tear nor nih your clothes. BOB I IB 2 seri ini 'a fngm T cleans a tubful of clothes--eight sheet capacity--in from three to five minutes. Have a Holiday next Wash Day A demonstration with your laundry in your own home involves no obligation. Telephone ys next wash day. (77¢) WANTED--MIDDLE AGED WOMAN | to take charge and do all necessary | housework and cooking. Sleep out. No chil n. Phone 2356W for par- ticulars at noon or after 5.30 p.m. (77h) LXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR DE- sires "position. Good references, 634 Carnegie Ave. (77b) LOST--PEARL BRACELET BE- tween Mary and Ritson Rd. 8, on | King St. Finder please return to 195 | Ritson Rd. 8. or phone 1937J. (77b) SALES LADIES FOR SHOE STORE. Saturday afternoons and evenings- Experience preferred but not neces- sary. Age 18 or over. Apply The Burns Co. Ltd. (77t1) + FOR SALE--ONE LADY'S MAR- | vella coat, squirrel collar, one man's chinchilla overcoat, practically new. Phone 718J. (77¢) LOST--SUM OF MONEY IN BUSI- ness section. Reward. Leave at Times Office. (77b) LOST--SATURDAY NIGHT BE- tween Woodlworth's and Steels, a black underarm purse, containing a sum of money. Reward at 10 St. Lawrente St. (77a) WANTED TO RENT--FOUR OR five roomed house or bathroom flat. No children. Box "K" Times. (77¢) LOST--FLORIDA LICENSE PLATE. Reward on return to 150 William ]* JEast. (7b) 4, IX IK I\9/0\0)0\®\O\OO OO) CR NL BOY WANTED--TO LEARN PRINT - ing. Apply Clancy-McLeod, 18 Sims resting that tickling irritating cough. coe St. North, For Sale only at Jury&Lovell King E., Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 The one-piece, $100,000 copper tub is so in- genuously designed that it washes by water action alone, and it can DOIN) Yours very truly, Robert Fraser Olde Time Concessionaire. Sponsored and distributed in Canada by Northern Electric FLY-TOX --kills-- Flies By the Thousand Your money back if it does not kill flies, moths, onts, fleas, be dbugs. 50¢c up Whiz Fly Fume Kills 00 per cent. flies, roaches, moths, mosqui- toes, bed bugs. Karn's Drug Store SCI 2 2 F@\i/@\I@\I/@\( BANA) HEAD OFFICE :REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto MONTREAL - ! KITCHENER | Private Wire HAMILTON S BRANTFORD 11 King Street East, Oshawa + Above CP.R. Office, Phone 144 OSHAWA ELECTRIC SERVICE on 146 Simcoe St. South py Phone 2530 _-- a