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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1927, p. 11

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MM MB So Nal LU a DIU RETURN \| SMAL| 8. KBBS, BARRISTER, |g Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Room 2, Bank Bldg., Simcoe and Bond ets. Phone 1496. (121-mo) ANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Publig, Ete, Con- J veyancing and general practice of w. Offices 7% Simeoe St. south, wa. Phone 63. G. D, Conant, hA., LL.B; A, F. Annis, B.A, Sun We BE. N. SINCLAIR, K.0,, BANK of Commerce Building. « (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A.,--BAR- mister, Soliciter, Notary Publis, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office §4% King St, east, Oshawa, Phone 146. Residence phone 837. AGRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- Msters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Me, etc, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13. § 3 Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, BA, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- zie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, ete, All branches of @©riminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, ©™ce over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east, Phone 940, D. A. J. Swanson, H, N, German, F, G, Mackensie, A. J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397, (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. North, Money to loan. Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191, (tr) =F Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Re- putable Fire Companies, (118.tf) = Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Btore each Saturday, from 1 til 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment YM diseases of ear, nose and throat nly. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97. (49-11) Medical DR, E, R, BARTON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 142 Simcoe street North, Successor to Dr, Finigan, (Sept. 2%-Oct, 24) DR. McEAY, PnYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Vietoris Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd surgeon. Special referencer to diseases of infants and children, Of- _ fice and residence, 97 Bond east. PR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- eisn and Burgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- ~<heopy. , Disney Block. Phone 2050, (tr) Dental DR. D, BR. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- Istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant. Phone 231. Residence, 2087. (tr) Bast. hona ol. Avs painting d simoniz'ng, Work gnaranteed. fore painting get our prices. (if) H, R, COULDERY. ARTISTIC DE- corating, ns on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show-eards, price tickets of every F Rhian Disuey Block, Oshawa, (229-t1) Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN: ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store Vjidaws put or and removed, Phone 1 Ww. Transportation NOLUS, 38 BLOUR ST, | house, fireplace, oak floors, garage, || Real Estate for Sale ODERN LARGE, 6-ROOMED All conveniences, Near Motors. Small chaser, Box "M'" Times, FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK house, all conveniences, newly decor- ated, garage. Immediate possession, Phone 2372W, Apoly at 21 Maple cireet, (78-0) BARGAIN--4 ROOM HOUSE, new. Electric and water, paved stgpeet, Price $1400, Cash down $300. Balance $15 per month, Immediate possession, Act quickiy, Phone 1207W. 22 Bruce St, (77¢) 6 ROOM NEW HOUSE, ALL CON- veniences, Paved street. Possession at once, Price only $3900, Terms to suit Phone 1207W. Mr, Horton. (77¢) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St.,, 3, phone 346-7, 212 Front St, H.,, Torouto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-t1) LARGE HOUSE, 6 BEDROOMS, parlor, dining room, kitchen, bath- cluded. Redecorated. Central. Phone 799W, 20 Maple St, (741) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transferred to end from all trains, (64-10) LOTS $150, SIZE 40x115 FEET, lars monthly, Good 1 ity, wil build part or complete house for small additional payment, Write P.O, Box 47, Oshawa. (76-¢c) payment down, Terms to suit pur} (78a) | Just off room, boarding house furntiure .in-| Terms ten dollars down. Five dol. i ¥ wd A Work Wanted CELLARS TO BE TAKEN OUT, Prompt attention. Day or by job. Mr. C. Floody. Phone 23% rik ! ¢ ALL KINDS OF ROOF REPAIR- ing and shingling. Prices moderate. R. O'Toole, 199 Simcoe street south, (78¢) GRIMNEY CLEANING, REPAIR- ing, shingling, repairing roofs, Guar- antee first class job. 93 William St. W., Phone 2582W, : (Sept 24- Oct, 24) WOOD-WORKING -- MISOSLLANE. ous wood-working shop, Screens, sashes and doors made, &!so repairs. 8, B, Edmondson, 261 Simooe Sods UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to orders, Work- manship guaranteed. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic St. Phone 520F, (76¢1) Lost and Found. LOST--TUESDAY EVENING ON Mary or Willlam streets, hunting knife, Owner's initials on hilt, Re- ward, Phone 1345. (77¢) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F, L, Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tr) Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages. City or farm lands. Lowest interest rate, Louis F, Hyman & Co, Barristers, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 67. 52tf 63% CITY AND FARM LOANS, No commission. Building loans. Le- gal work done at this office, A, J, Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614 (176¢f) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St, 69 King Street east. Phone 210J, Watch Repairing P. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat ronage is solicited. (29-t1) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- banging, graining, ete. Twenty years experience, Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45-48) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments, 86 Bond St. West, Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- 18e and Storage, Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 90273. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fico: over Bassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. PR, H. M. COOKRB, 9 SIMCOE ST, porth, over Mitchells Drug Store. Gas for extraction. , DR, L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence, 1378M. 86-tf DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RB- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Res. 669. 56 tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Bloc, 107 Simeoe Street 8. X-ray, Telephone 6504. ge 1114W. 13412 Music LEPHA N. DONCAS®ER, A.T.C.M., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music Examinations. Beginners a specialty, Terms moderate. Studio, f 109 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 13-1 mo.) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- _pared to accept pupils in piano, or- 'gan, and vocal music. A free book- let giving full particulars will be furnished upon request. 50 wil- Yom St. East, phone 19577]. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) ARTHUR W. LYNDRE (HAMBOURG 'Toronto Mosing. Paplis slso Shor, ne. 11 Simcoe south' hawa, Fridays. Corsetiere CORSETIERE-- SPIRELL. SHOP, 82 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, managing corstiere. Evenings by ap- pointment. Phone 4427. (Sent. 23-1mo) Floor Surfacing NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fill- ing and polishing). Old floors made new. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St. South, phone 440, (tf) Wanted to Buy ALL KINDS OF PUPPIES WANTED State age, kind and price. Canaries end cockerels also wanted, Apply McKenzie, 41 Danforth ave., Toron- to. WINTER COAT, wanted to buy, Times. SIZE Apply MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGE and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 7684. 155-tf Contracting THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL contracors. Let us give you our € , Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, pecialist % Veterinary. B4 Brock St. E. Phone 1057. (131-40) FOR SALE--SAND PIT, ONE MILE east of city, at a price less than b cents per square yard. Phone 1532J. James Tooley. (76-¢) ATHOL ST. BRICK RESIDENCE for sale, 6 rooms, large hathroom. All conveniences, between Drew and Charles Sts. $4,600, Apply 92 King St. 'W. Phone 1816W, (76¢) FOR SALE--$1,200 EQUITY ON commission house on Ritson Rd, 8. Apply C. A, Paxton, 132 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 811, (76¢) HOUSE FOR SALE. FIVE ROOMS, hath, all conveniences, 651 Christie glreet, (78-¢) »|ered, Phone 1941F, A LARGE MISCELLANEOUS, SALE, All parties having articles for sale will kindly notify me as soon as possible as the sale will be on Sat- urday afternoon Oct, 8 in the yard at 19 Bond St, West, Phone 1013M, E, J. Pomery, auctioneer. (77¢) FOR SALE--ONE LADY'S MAR- vella coat, squirrel collar, one man's chinchilla overcoat, practically new, Phone 7187, (77) ASHES FOR SALE--§150 DELIV- (76c) LOST--PEARL BRACELET BE- tween Mary and Ritson Rd, 8, on King St. Finder please return to 195 Ritson Rd. 8. or phone 1937J, (77b) LOST--SUM OF MONEY IN BUSI- ness section, Reward, Leave at Times Office, (77h) LOST--FLORIDA LICENSE PLATE, Reward on return to 150 William St. East, (77h) Motor Cars FORD TOURING CAR IN GOOD condition, quick sale, Owner leav- ing town, 114 Prince street, (78-¢) LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Fumed neat design, $12.00. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FOR sale in the town of Whithy. Frame house, 9 rooms, elec- tric light. Town water. Two good lots. Good location,- Could easily be converted into double house. King and Third streets. Apples, pears, cherries and small fruits, Frame house, 7 rooms and bathroom. Electric light, all oak floors, hot water heating. Two lots, barn, chicken house, garage. Good basement full size of house, Easy terms can be arranged on both these properties, Edward Brown, phone 240, Whithy, or Sebert W, Jackson, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, (78-c) Room and Board Wanted BOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY young lady south of C. P, R, tracks. Phone 14637, (77b) BUSINESS GIRL DESIRES A single room and board, in a comfort- able private home. Apply Box "D" Times. (77e- Wanted to Rent SIX OR EIGHT -ROOMED . HOUSE at once, Adults. Reliable tenants. Apply Box "N" Times. (78¢c) Oshawa Daily Times. (42tr) FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged, Used pianos on hand. ©, Trull, Phone 537. (96te) MIXED HARD AND SO0F1 WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also hone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterogs- Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-tf) FOR SALE---1 LOUD SPEAKER for radio, Phone 2547TW. (78-a) For Rent 1926 CHEVROLET COACH IN good condition, Five good tires, small mileage. Phone 2343 or 879, (78-c) FORD SEDAN FOR SALE CHEAP. Apply 160 Bloor street west, (78-d) 1926 FORD COUPE FOR" SALE, balloon tires, spare tire. In good running condition, Phone 1628J, (78-h) Exchange ing land, brand new 8 rooms solid brick all modern conveniences, North Toronto. Box "H'" Times, (76¢) I EXCHANGE FOR OSHAWA BUILD- TO RENT, THREE UNFURNISHED room bath flat, Bowmanville, Phone 512, (78-a) FURNISHED ROOMS, GROUND loor, free water, electric light, and Reasonable, 88 Gibbon St. (78-b) ONE FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, Apply 200 Celina street, (78-a) ONE BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen to rent. Apply 143 Albert street, Phone 1511F, 0 ¢ i heat, (78h) LARGE or two (78b) FOR RENT---BEAUTIFUL furnished room. Suit one gentl . Phone 2441W, THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, or small house wanted to rent at once. Phone 1142M, (78-h) WANTED TO RENT--2 OR 3 UN- furnished rooms by Oct. 8. Apply 23 Hall St, (77¢) WANTED AT ONCE--BY YOUNG couple, two unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping in vicinity of General Motors Corpora- tion. Phone 2137TW. (76-c) WANTED TO RENT FOUR OR five roomed house or bathroom flat. No children. Box "K" Times, (77¢) Room and Boara ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN- tlemen, with board. Three minutes from General Motors, street. : (78-c) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED-- EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Apply to Mrs. W. Daniels, 296 Athol St. E. (7541) BRIGHT GIRL WANTED FOR OF- fice work. State experience if any, and references. Good opportunity for the right girl. Box "V" Times. (68tf) 300 Haig Situation Wanted QUIET REFINED WOMAN---CANA- dian--would like care of invalid or housework Capable taking full charge, Please state particulars. Box "0" Times. (78-c) WANTED ORK by young girl. of children Box "B" Times, (78-¢) EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR DE- sires position. Good references, 634 Carnegie Ave. + TIN) ACCOUNTANT, AGE 30, DESIRES change. 15 years experience. Capable supervise medium sized office, Box "0." Times. (741) Fond TO RENT--FURNISHED BED- room to rent, suitable for two men or married couple. 75 Colborne st. west, Phone 1510M, (78h) SIX ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT garage, chicken pen and large gar- den. All conveniences, Paved streets, Rent by year if desired. Phone 1447TW, (78e) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS, SUIT- able for offices or small stores. Bertrand Realty, 6 Richmond E. (77b) TO RENT---THREE NICELY FUR- nished housekeeping rooms suitable for young couple, 38 Jackson St. Phone 1341]. (77¢) TO RENT--FRONT BEDROOM suitable for 2 gentlemen, near Gen- eral Motors. Apr 25 Ritson Rd. north, (77b) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, Phone 2577J. (77b) TO RENT--ONE FURNISHED room suitable for business girl or gentleman. Phone 1910J. (77b) FOR RENT--AN ATTRACTIVE 2 roomed suite, also an individual room. Apply "The Gables," Whit- by east. Phone 386, Whitby. (76-¢) Help Wanted--Male BOY WANTED--TO LEARN PRINT- ing. Apply Clancy-McLeod, 18 Sim- coe St. North. (77e) WANTED--15 TEAMS, 90 CENTS an hour. Apply on job, William and Division streets. (78¢) -- BOY WANTED WITH A WHEEL to deliver groceries. Apply White's Grocery Store, 241 Nassau street. (78¢c) YOUNG MAN WANTED TO DRIVE truck and assist with work around building. 'Must be neat and accurate, Experience in driving in Toronto desirable, Apply Mundy Printing Co., Limited. # w > - EXPERIENCED AGENTS-- READ- ily sell Imperial Art Christmas Greeting Cards. Splendid workman- ship, color and design appeal to dis- criminating customers. $25 weekly up in spare time between now and Christmas. Sell the besi. Lowest price. Hightest quality. Only a few sample books left. Now fis the time. Delivery later. Canadian Publishing Co.. 51 Wellington West, Toronto. WANTED--MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to take charge and do all necessary housework and cooking. Sleep out. No children. Phone 2356W for par- ticulars at noon or after 5.30 p.m. (77b) SALES LADIES FOR SHOE STORE. Saturday afternoons and evenings. Experience preferred but not neces-. sary. Age 18 or over. Apply The Burns Co. Ltd. (771) GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK WANT- ed. Apply 141 Park Rd. & (78-b)' ~ Dressmaking I. THE UNDERSIGNED AM PRE- pared to do all kinds of sewing. Call at 354 Leslie St., or phone 1842]. Miss Flossie Boyd. (Sept. 27-1mo) DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install a; connecting rods re-babbited, frewa gears or pinions supplied for sll makes of cars. 161 King St, ®. Phone 519. "un WANTED --STENOGRAPHER, EX- perienced, references required. Swanson, German & MacKenzie (78410) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE RFPAIRING at ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (0) | STABLE TO RENT. APPLY 80 Hall street. (76-4) Piano Tuning Pets and Live Stock SOW AND YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. Phone 350 r 2. (77e)" YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. ALEX Ormiston, 1 mile north of Raglan. FOR SALE-- GOOD HOUNDS. Beagles and Black and Tan pups, will hunt this season. Also one 38-55 High Powered Rifle in good shoot- ing condition for mine dollars. Thos. Watts, 59 Buckingham Awve., Osh- awa. (76¢) Books JOIN OUR NEW LIBRARY. NEW fall books are coming in now. Ro- bertshaw's Book Sore. Phone 1472. 37 Simcoe St. (Tues. ~Sat. tf) (110) [5H A243%% NEIL YELLOWLEES, EXPERT piano tumer, will be in Oshawa once every week. Orders left at Harris' Music store. 'Phone 1490. § INDUSTRIAL | $9 up. Only a few Easy terms. Cen- of City. \ E. H. WILSON 178 CENTRE ST. Phone 1025W PARK left. tre Ir rrr rir aes | MRS. JEROME LNG | SUES FOR DIVORCE Wife of "Kitchener Man Charges Non-Support and Desertion Toronto, Oct, 4--The record has been closed in the alimony action brought by Mrs. ' Victoria Elizabeth Lang, formerly of Montreal, against her husband, Jerome Lang, of Kit- chener, In her statement of claim, Mrs, Lang charges "her husband forced her to leave his home in July, 1927, and that he has since ignored her offers of reeoncilliation. She al- leges non-support and seeks custody of her two children who are now in Kitchener, She also charges that the house- keeper now looking after the child- ren is not a fit person and i, Mr. Lang is frequently intoxicate and boasts of illicit relations witn women. Her petition decares that a loan of $5,000 made by her to Mr, Lang in 1922 has not been re- paid. MANCHURIANS ARE BEATEN BY SHANSI SOLDIERS IN KALGAN Pekin, Oct, 3--The forces of Mar. shal Chang Tso-lin, Manchurian war Jord and head of the Northern Alli- ance, have been driven back 20 miles hy Shansi Province troops. The Northerners have rushed up reinforcements, but the latest re. ports, though vague because of the censorship, state that the Northern- ers, having evacuated Kalgan, are withdrawing to the Nankow Pass, about 30 miles north of Pekin. In the meantime the Northern forces stationed at Fengchen out- side of the Great Wall of China in Northern Shangi, have made a fairly stiff fight against the Shansi troops. It seems to be a foregone conclusion here that their surrender is inevi. table, Communists Rejected Washinton, Oct, 3--Communists who recently seized Swatow, on the south coast of China, and precipi- tated chaotic conditions, have heen ejected after sanguinary fighting, the State Department was informed today. "Information has reached the State Department to the effect that Reds left Swatow hurriedly during the night of Sept. 30 going to the southwest. Some of the former lo- eal gendarmes have returned and rasumed, their duty. There has been no disorder, nor is any anticipated. *"It is reported that the Reds sustained more than 3,000 casual. ties, of which more than 1.000 were killed during the last few days' fighting. More than 5.000 armed farmers came to the assistance of Wang Chun in the fighting near Kit Yan. Cantonese troops in Chow- chowfu expected to arrive at Swat- ow this afteroon." CAR SOMERSAULTS OCCUPANTS ESCAPE Ottawa, Ont;, Oct, 3--Six persons miraculously escaped serious injury when the new sedan in which they were riding turned a double somer. sault and landed upside down after being clipped by another automobile near Billings Bridge here Sunday. The second' car, which struck a rear wheel of the sedan, turning the auto completely over twice, was not dam- aged. The most seriously injured was Miss Kay Dalton, noted swim- mer of Ottawa, who suffered a head wound necessitating two stitches. BRITISH PUBLISHERS SURPRISED During August 95 publishers from Great Britain and the Colonies visit- ed Canada. They were naturally in- terested in Canadian publications. While in Montreal many of them paid a visit to that big weekly, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, and received the surprise of their Canadian visit when they learned that Canada had a weekly publica- tion with a million of readers each week. Many of them knew The Fam- ily Herald in the Old Country, and were extremely interested to learn. how such a wonderful paper, 72 pages each week, could be issued at one dollar a year. Yet it is dope, paper, Family Magazine 4nd Agricul- tural Journal, each the best of its kind and all in one, for such a small' sum was certainly a surprise to the, visitors. BIRTH RECORD CLAIMED BY SCARBORO' TOWNSHIP Birch Cliff, Oct. 3.--The claim praudly advanced by Oshawa that it leads the Dominion, inasmuch as in that municipality the birth rate is "almost" three times as great as, the mortality rate during Septem- and Canadians get the benefit. News- | QUEBEC'S GROWTH 6.730 IN2 YEARS Frond Culitn Catholics in * Huge Ma jority Quebec, Oct. 4.--Quebec"s popu- lation increased by 6,730 during the last two years, reported the city as- sessors At the present time, the report shows, there are 131,071 residents in the ancient capital, as compared with 124,341 two years ago, 5 By nationalities and religions the population is divided as follows: French-Canadan Cathoics, 118,840; French-Canadian Protestants, 92; English-speaking Catholics, 6,185; English-speaking Protestants, 5,957. WOMENS PAGE DAILY RECIPB-d PEACH PUDDING Six slices' of sponge cake, 6 small peaches, pared and cut in hal- ves, 2 egg whites, heaten stiff and combined with 3 tablespoons sugar. Arrange two peach halves on each side of cake, pile the sweetened meringue on top of the peaches and bake in a slow oven for 15 minutes, In the meantime, make a custard of 1% cups milk, scalded in the top of a double boiler, then pour this over the slightly beaten yolks of 2 eggs and % cup sugar. Return to the double hoiler and cook slow- ly until the custard coats the spoon, Remove from fire, add a speck of salt, and cool, Then, fold in 8% cup whipped cream and % teaspoon vanilla, Serve the 'peach cakes' in individual dishes una pour the custard around each cake, FRENCH WHEAT CROP BSTI- MATE IS HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR Ottawa, Oct, 3--The wheat crop of France is officially estimated at 284,360,000 bushels as compared with 231,766,000 bushels last year, and 299,772,000 bushels, the aver- age of the five years 1021.25, ae- cording to a cablegram received to- day from the International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, rance's oat crop is 350,600,000 "bushels against 364,122,000 in 1926. Her barley production is 55,575,000 bushels against 45,856,000, and her rye crop is 368,100,000 bushels against 30,171,000 last year. THE KING AND QUEEN DRIVE TO CHURCH IN SNOWSTORM London, Oet, 3--The King and | Queen drove to church at Balmoral, Scotland, yesterday in a snowstorm. The whole of the British Isles ex- perienced a gale over the week-end, with winds varying from 50 to 70 miles an hour, accompanied in the northern districts by very low tem- perature. "Bix deaths were reported from walls and chimneys. NEW JAPANESE CONSUL ARRIVES IN VANCOUVER and many injuries falling trees, Vancouve, B.C., Oct, 3--Shuh To» mii, newly appointed Japanese Con. sul General in Canada, arrived from Japan last night on the steamer Em- press of Asia en route to Ottawa to take over his post there. He was accompanied by his wife and young son. The new Consul General was see- retary of the Japanese embassy in London, and prior to his transfer to the British capital he held a similar post in Washington. Agents Wanted PERSONAL GREETING CARDS -- 'Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co, Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave,, Toronto. J The coal you'll admire is the fuel that gives your furnace a ber, is eclipsed by Scarboro' Town- | ship. Here the birth date was "more", than three times the mortality rate, the actual figures given today by the Registrar being 30 births fo 9 | deaths. She was only a gardener's daugh- ter, but she knew Low to handle a rake.--Colgate Banter, chance to glow with pride and makes the home a place of real hdspitality. Our coal costs no more and our delivery is

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