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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1927, p. 5

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SOCIAL and PERSO NAL --Miss Dorothy Newton, Mr, Percy Newton and Mr. Bill Harvey, all of Detroit, were week-end visit- ors with Miss Myrell Culley, Lloyd street. Mr, Howard Palmer of this eitv, was a week-end visitor in Belle- ville, Mr, Robert Richerson of this city, formerly of the staff of the Bank of Commerce in Belleville was in the city during the week-end renewing acquaintances. ~--Miss Rhoda London, of Tren- ton visited with her sister, Miss Ada London. Brock street, over the week-end. ---Mr. and Mrs. Earl Derry family, of this city visited with Mrs. Derry's father, in Trenton, for the week-end, --Mr. and Mrs, Teatro, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and ions George and Jack of Toronto, visited with Mr. ca ---- Aching, Swollen Feet Money Back if Moone's Emerald Of] Doesn't Do Away With All Sore. hess Swelling and Distress in St Hours, Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oil and in fifteen minutes the pain and soreness dis- appears. A few more applications at regular intervals and the swelling reduces, And best of all any offensive odor is gone for good--It's a wonderful formula--this combination of essen- tial oils with eamphor and other antiseptics so marvelous that thous- ands of bottles are sold annually for reducing varicose or swollen veins, Jury & Lovell, Ltd.,, and W. H, Karn and every good druggist guar- antees the very first bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil to end your foot troubles or money back, and Mrs. Dunkley of this city, over the week-end, s --Mrs, F., Armstrong, Brock street is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Darragh, of Kingston, ' --Mrs. A. J. Trick, who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs, I, Grant on Bond street east today. at Montreal, returned to her home --Mr. J. O'Brien is a visitor with his mother and grandparents, Mr, and Mrs: George Darragh, at King- aton, A Wedding = O'NEIL--DONNELLY A very pretty Autumn wedding was solemhized in St. Anthony's Church, Toronto, on Tuesday morn- ing, when Mae Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Don- nelly, Salem avenue, Toronto, be- came the bride of Mr, John J. O'Neil, younger son of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. O'Neil, Westminster avenue, of that city, with thé Rev. Father J. 'McGrand officiating, The bride, who was accompanied to the altar hy' her father, was daintily attired in & charming powder blue georgette dress with black velvet hat, and platinum fox fur. She carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses and bhahy's breath. Miss Kathleen Donnelly, who attended her sister, was becomingly gowned in rosewood reorgette, and carried a houquet of Columbia roses. The groom was sup- ported hv his brother, Mr. Thomas O'Neil. During the nuptial, solos were rendered hy Miss Gertrude Newshurv and Mr. Denman L. Coyne and at the siening of the register Miss Camillia Francigen sane "Ave Maria." Immediately after the cere- monv the hanpv couple left for a short trip to Buffalo, and will later take up residence in Oshawa, REGULAR WEEKLY WHIST DRIVE OF CANADIAN LEGION The regular weekly whist drive of the Canadian Legian was held last night in the Canadian Legion hall over the market, with eight tables being in the competition. The lad) firet prize was won hy Mrs, Harold Fudger, a tablecloth, the second prize went to Mrs T. Dalby, it was a rubber apron, and Mrs. Wilson cap- tured the third pnrize, an handsome towel. Mr. J. Robinson was awarded the first prize for the gentlemen which was a hox of cigars, Mr. Har- ner was given a bnx of ciearettes the second prize and Mr. W. Staplev plen received cigarettes for the third prize. The special prize, a pair of 4 pid biti, iis silk stockings was awarded to Miss Wilson. On account of the euchre party that was held last night in the Orange Hall the whist drive was not as well attended as it might otherwise have been, however the next Monday night. O.M.IL SOFTBALL TEAM "'HOLDS CORN ROAST AT CORBET'S POINT Ontario Malleable ladies' softball team held a corn roast last evening on a farm just east of Corbett's point, About twenty-five of the players and their friends motored to the spot, and enjoyed an old- fashioned corn roast around a huge bon-fire. The players will be treated as a reward for winning the first game in the finals against the Pir- ates, champion ladies' ball team of the city. ' T0 WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE 'Mrs, Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario, -- *'I have taken several bottles of Lydia E, Pinki.am's 7 7| Vegetable Com. pound and I can- 2 Inot speak too " | highly of it as I wasat the Change of Life and was was very weak and sick, ana the i back hardlymove, t very sad at ad not a friend on earth, 1 did not care if I lived or died, I was very nervous, too, and did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. [Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so Idid, 1am a farmer's wife, and al- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two months, I began to feel like a new woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with eat success, also Lydia E. Pink- am's Liver Pills, I am willing to -- on di answer letters from women asl shout your medicines, as I cannot speak too highly of them,"--Mrs, MMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario, : told by druggists everywhere, 0 d to the fam of| MOFFATS | Electric Ranges the general high HE latest tribute to quality and excellence of Moffats ectric Ranges comes from New Zealand, where--in competition with ranges from Canada and all parts of the world, at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition-- they have been awarded the gold medal, the highest award in the gift of the Exhibi- tion Council. - Mofats made no special models for this exhibition; they were taken from stock. You can secure oue just as good from your own dealer. Mofiats devote their attention exclusively to cooking ranges. They only make one quality--the highest, yet you pay no more than for an ordinary range. REMEMBER: There are over 80,000 Mof- fats Electric Ranges in daily use through- out the world. ¥ou cannot do better than buy a Moffat. MOFFATS, LIMITED » V/ESTOMN, ONTARIO RM-92 MOFFATS Gold Medal Electric Ranges Over 80000in daily use throughout the World Moffats Electric Ranges for sale by The NORTH eis ed to a dinner in the near future | ladies hope for a bigger attendance 1° and high (capable teachers. He is ITEAGHERS GUESTS ATAN"AT HOME" | Given 'Last Evening in the Assembly Hall at The teachers of the various pub- schools of Oshawa were guests at an "At Home" held in the assembly rooms of the Osh- THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES. , TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1927 JOINT BOWLING AND TENNIS CLUB SEEMS ASSURED Drive to Form Joint Stock Company awa Collegiate Institute last night. About 150 were present, including seven teachers from the collegiate institute and between 30 and 40] teachers from the public school | staff. Dr, Dougall, in addressing the | gathering, stated he had nothing to fear about the younger generation! claimed the home is the only place where a, great many of the children receive; any moral education as many of) them do not attend chureh or Sun- | day Schools. Supervising Principal: C. F. Cannon of the Public School system also gave a few words, Mr. | Stevenson of the collegiate staff fu-| vored with a. réading while M, T. Scilley delighted the gathering with a reading, Little Miss Oster, 8 years of age, recited very beautifully, Miss Langmaid was in charge" of the zames after which a social hour was spent. Messrs. Stephen ~avwell and J. Carrol Anderson pre- sided, $ SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE QUEEN MARY LODGE Queen Mary Lodge held a euchre party in the Orange hall last night / and there were thirteen tables fill- ed with followers of the game, The lady's first prize, a tablecloth and napkins was won by Mrs. H. Foote, the second a pair of bath towels | went to Mrs. E. Hobbs and the third, salt and pepper shakers was award- ed to Miss E. Johnson, Mr, A, Southwell, won the gentlemen's first, a tie, Mr, J. Simpson won the sec- Whitby, Oct. 4--Whitby's new ten- nis and bowling club seems already assured. Three meetings have been held, the preliminary meeting on Sep- tember Zl, the organization meeting held last Wednesday night, and a com- mittee meeting last Friday night. At the last named gathering it was decid- as long as they were in the hands of ed to finance the undertaking accord- ing to the plan proposed by Mr. A. G. Browning, that of forming a joint- stock company which would purchase the property and rent it to the club at a rental that would give some return on the investment. A strong delega- tion waited on the Town Council last night and encouraged by the reception they received launched the financial campaign on a wave of enthusiasm that bids fair to carry the work through to a very complete success. G. M. Goodfellow as spokesman of the deputation addressed the Counegil stating the «oal toward which the half [committee is working, and telling what has béen aiready accomplished, Several sites have been inspected and a lot on Dundas street east has prac- | tically been decided upon. Support from the Council was asked on the ground that the club proposes to give recreation to everyone in town, to cat- er to both old and young through either tennis or bowling and moreover the scheme deserves support inasmuch as it will be an excellent advertise- ment for the town. The presence of so many women: on the deputation shows their interest in the scheme. Ed. Bowman and Norman Thomas each spoke briefly, pressing the re- quest for assistance and encourage- ment from the Council. The councillors in turn replied to the petition of the deputation expressing {sympathy with the aims of the organ- | which was held in the Sunday School, J | Russia in August, 1927, at £2,136, ization and agreement with their con- ond prize two pair of sox, and Mr, ( tention that the whole town will hene- Shortt captured the third prize for gentlemen, an ash tray, The pro- ceeds from the party amounted to | $18. sw TO HOLD CORN ROAST South Oshawa Young People's League will hold a corn roast at the lake tonight, as their meeting could not" be held last night be- cause oY the annual hot supper, THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE They are asked to meet at the C, P. R. bridge and catch the first car that leaves for the lake, after seven PHONE 37: EXT THE POST OFFI» | Mayqgp," there came to my mind the RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is the "best tea you can buy" --picked when only, « three days old -- juicy, flavor-filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminum. . A 4 the | ---- . fit by the building of an up-to-date sports ground. Reeve Jackson voiced the opmion of the council when he said that interested as they were, un- til they knew what the committee pro- poses to do and what it expects the council to do, the matter can hardly be discussed. In response to a suggestion made by Mr. Goodfellow, that a committee be appointed by the council to work with the original committee, W. H, Pringle moved that Mayor Batefian, Reeve Jackson and J. M. Kenny be appointed to assist in an advisory, capacity. After leaving the council chamber, the committee went into executive ses- sion in the Town Clerk's office, and prepare® for an exhaustive canvass for funds, covering the whole town. An announcement is to he made in the Gazette, and the canvass will be begun on Friday. As stated 'previously, there is need for haste in getting the work started. If the howling green is to be used next year, it will have to be seeded down this fall. The tennis courts, of course, need no such period of pre- paration, Readers' Views BETTER THAN AIRPLANE VIEW To the Editor The. Oshawa Daily Times. Dear Sir: While reading an article in a re- cent issue by "Wing L, Gardner" about "Taking the Air with the memory of a recent pleasant holi- not only of our fair city, but also of the pretty little .county town of Whitby and the surrounding coun- try, that one could wish to see, and without having to pay a dollar a minute either, I started out for a hike along the highway and about two miles west of the city I came upon a lane-way that looked intriguing, I climbed day, when I saw the prettiest view, | it I can climb over. A far off mem- ory of an open gate, a garden patch, and a herd of cows, together with the memory of "the patter of the shingle" sort of deters me) and wandered on down the laue, little thinking that farther on I would have almost a bird's eye view of Oshawa, much prettier I should fancy than a view from the air, as one could take their time to gaze their fill on the lovely scene. To the north-east could be seen the hospi- tal, the flag on R, 8. McLaughlin's flag pole, the huge water tank and high school, and so on down the line to the lake. Going further on and looking to thq west one can see the home for the feeble minded and nearly all of the town of Whitby. While to the southward well-kept farmsteads and a fine view of Lake Ontario are to be seen, and one also gets a grand view of the north coun- try. It was certainly well worth the cost (a 10 cent bus fare home) and I have promised myself another such jaunt in the not too distant future when Jack Frost has been around: with his paint brush, Now if the Mayor, yourself, or anyone cares to gaze on the beauties of nature you could not find a better' spot to do so, From a nature lover. Oshawa, Sept. 29, ! gi ETL LIEN Oh A ATC cn L703 MADE TO AXWRETEI pA (1 [( BA ; | ORDER GY \V4 ORDER AUTHORS £& COX. Lvo 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO over the fence, (I never open a gate : o'clock, SUSPECT ATTEMPT TO SET FIRE TO OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 3---Polige are investigating an apparent incendiary attempt to set fire to the Rideau separate school in the New Edin- burgh section of Ottawa ft hecame known today that the school was entered on Friday night last and a small blaze started in a pupil's desk. It extinguished itself, how. ever, before serious damage had been done. SHELBURNE TAX RATE Shelburne, Nnt., Oct. 3--The lo- | eal tax rate for this year has been set at 45 mils, a decrease of one mill from last year. The total amount to be raised by taxation is $22,271, 33. BREAK-OFF RELATIONS SHOWN IN TRADE FIGURES London, Oct. 3.--The breaking | A off of relations with Russia heavily hit British trade, according to the cffcial returns of regisiered values of trade between Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Russia during the months of August 1926, and August, 1927. While imports from 109 show an increase of £302,194 over August of 1926, exports ar £489,779 show a. decrease of £95,- 199 and re-expxorts at£205,332, a decrease of £693,833, Ww NEW CURWOOPD FIM SHOWING HERE "Isobel or, The Trail's End," Has Be a Called That Author's Best One of the interesting events for lovers of ithe photoplay of the sea- son is occurring at the New Martin Theatre, where James Oliver Cur- wood's latest story of the North- land, "Isobel, of The Trails End," opened yesterday for a run of three days. This film drama is a product of the directorial talent of Edwin Carewe, and is presented with a cast which feaiures House Peters and charming Jane Novak. Of all the Curwood stories, it has been - acknowledged that none has the breadth and human appeal of his famous novel, "Isobel," from which this interesting epic of a Northland romance was adapted. Those who have read this volume will find that the phatoplay version adheres closely to the lines of action and character portrayal as laid down by } the author. Edwin Carewe, in faet, has been said to have given photo- play fans their first real glimpse of Curwood--in other words, he has retained the full power of the' au- thor's sweeping character portrayals and his tense and exciting climaxes. When presented for the first isu at the Hotel Astor Grand Ball Room in New York, reviewers declared it was the greatest story of the North- west ever filmed. EAA 66 hha fae bi Addai (i) Mother--Harold wired for a hundred dollars. - Father--Good. 1 was begin- ning to worry about him, Life. you ever r 2 J \ with this SNOWY WHITE SPOTLESS-CLEAN KITCHEN WARE

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