-------- DISTRICT While coming out of a side road east of the city on to the highway yesterday, a car driven by Mr Mec- Dermid, Yonge and Buick streets, Toronto, was struck by a car driven by T. A. McLean, John street, Brampton. Mr. McLean's car was going east on the highway and skid- "ded 130 feet, The McDermid car was damaged to some extent. Still Wary of Bhargulars ? Although there have been no further burgularies in this city since last week! citizens are still wary of suspicious looking charact- ers. Shortly after midnight P, C. Quantrill and J. C. Bowman respond- ed to a call to the corner of Ritson road and King street where there were two suspicious looking men. but when they arrived they could not see anyone, Weekly Parade, The Ontario Regiment will hold its regular weekly parade Friday night. 'The members will fall in at 8 o'clock In drill order dress. The first period of the evening: will be spent in arm drill and bayonet fight- ing while the second period will be spent in practicing signalling, pla- toon drill and machine gun instruc- tion, Shooting will be carried out during the evening as previously. Among the coming attractions that members of the Ontario Regiment may look forward to is a turkey shoot that will take place duripg Christmas week, This should stimu- late considerable interest at the practices, especially among the younger members, , A regimental smoker, details of which will be found in another col- umn, will be held Monday evening. Car Did Not Stop Police are tracing the ownership of a car which rap into an automobile owned and driven by J. C. McKenna about 9.20 last night. The accident occurred at King and Simcoe streets and the other car did not stop after the accident. Collide on Highway While driving on the highway wes of Bowmanville Tuesday evening a ca owned and, driven by F, C. Kanks, 13 Clarke street, strick a Mr. Cooper but did not cause any injury. DYER? BOYS' WINDBREAKERS UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, Workmanship Guaranteed G. A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St, -:- Phone 15 DIAMONDS ¥OR BETTER VALUES BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 SIMCOE ST. 8, PHONE 389 "CASH OR CREDIT KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» TO SHUT OFF WATER WEST PART OF CITY ON SUNDAY MORNING City water will again be shut off in West Oshawa Sunday morning, and the district affected will in- clude Westmount. The shut off will take place -at or a little before 5 a.m_Sunday and will continue until about 9 am, City Engineer Smith asks citi- zens to bear this fact in mind and to lay in supplies of water Satur- day evening as protection against any eventuality. Precautions against fire are also urged, as a fire in the district concerned during the shut off would be a most serious mat- ter. The reason for the shut off is the opening up of a new section of wa- ter mains and consequent installa- tion of valve, WANTED FOR MURDER GIVES HIMSELF UP (By Associated Press) May's Landing, N.J., Oct. 6.--Willis Beach, Vineland poultry dealer, want- ed in connection with the murder of Dr. William A. Lilliendahl, surrender- cd to State police here today. He was accompanie dby Edison Hedges, his counsel, KITCHENER'S SCORN FOR POLITICIANS Revealed in Quotations from | Diary Concerning Interesting Interview (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) London, Oct. 6--Quoting freely from field Marshal Sir Henry Wil- son's diary, the author of the bi- ography of Sir Henry just publish- 2d, Major General Sir Arthur Charles Edward Callwell, who was retired in 1909 but during the first vear and five months of the Great War was director of militay op- srations at the® Wad Office and af- terwards was on. special service in connection with the Allies, cites an interesting interview he had with Lord Kitchener and reveals his scorn for politicians. Referring to the serious difficul- ty having arisen with regard to the method of the dispatch and destin- ation of expeditionay forces as set down in the diary, the author quotes as follows: "Kitchener sent for me. He was angry because I had let Colonel Hu- guet go, (Huguet was head of the French Mission wioh the British forces)--He was angrier still "e- cause I had told him eerything about our sfarting sundry. 1 answered back as I had no intention of being bullied by 'him, especially when he talked such nonsense as he has to- day. A year later, when the war was at its worst, Sir Henry wrote, "the Cabinet is frightened, Kitch- ener is frightened, the Cabinet is ignorant, Kitchener is ignorant. No one knows what to do." REMANDS GRANTED TWO LIQUOR CASES Remands were granted by Magis- trate Hind in Police Court this morn- ing in the cases against Kamelion Zrodzinski, Douglas street, and Alice Rodesky, East Whitby, on charges of having illegal possession of liquor. The cases will be heard on Thursday, October 13th. EXONERATED IN ALLEGED PLOT AGAINST GREEK REGIME (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Athens, » Greece, Oct. 6.--Madam Pangalos, wife of the, former dictator, and her Son were released today after an examination into the alleged plot against the present regime in favor of JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at 75¢ each | PHONE 22 2% == | Thoapsus Dra Stare 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver 32 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Phone 740 HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL HAMILTON BRANTFORD J 4 5. F. Everpomy | ROTI... L. REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto | Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C,P.R. Office, Phone 144 KITCHE OSHAWA ST. CATHARINES leged plot, were also. liberated. A -- NA her husband' who was deposed last year, General Tseroulis, Captain Coli- alexis and other high officers who were examined in connection with the al- ISSUE HABEAS CORPUS WRIT (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Oct. 6.--An attempt to re- { move Irving J. Isbell, Montreal broker, from jurisdiction of the local courts vnder a warrant signed by a Toronto magistrate was temporarily blocked when a writ of Habeas Corpus was issued by Mr. Justice Coderre in prac- tice court today. INSPIRING MEETING OF KING ST. LEAGUE The Young People's League of King St. United church held anotaer very interesting meeting Monday evening, when they inaugurated a new study course that promises to be attractive as well as practical. A iarge number attended, and the president was very pleased to note more young men than young ladies, | Rev. W, P. Fletcher, pastor of the | Christian Church, took the intro- ductory chapter of the course, which deals with the life of Christ differ- ently from most ofher courses in that it shows the relation of Mis life to each of the various age classes of people. Mr, Fletcher pointed out that it should be the aim of the League to learn not only what would be useful to ourselves, but also that which would make us Recent Deaths MARGARET DALEY The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Daley, 67 Third Ave, in the death yesterday of their infant daughter, Margaret, at the age of seven months, The funeral will be held Friday morning with interment in the Ro- man Catholic Cemetery, Born SPRAGUE--A¢ the Oshawa Genera! Hospital,, October 5th to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sprague, 93 Yonge St., a daughter (Elizabeth Jean). (80a) DALEY--At 67 Third avenue, Osh- awa, Wednesday, October 5, 1927, more able to serve others. Mr. C. H.. Millard led an inspir- ing devotional service, and Mr, H. Barker rendered pleasingly we golo "The Holy City," The meet- ing closed promptly at nine o'clock . with the Lord's Prayer. ROLLER SKATING PARTY About forty young people came down by bus from Toronto last night and enjoyed an evening's skat. ing at the roller rink. Later on re- freshments were served and the mainder of the evenihg spent dancing. When Your Stomach ) Groans With Gas Make This Test at Once If you really want quick and lasi- ing freedom from the usual annoy- ance of after-eaiing distress--try this NEVER FAILING test today! At trifling cost, get from your druggist a little Bisurated Magnesia --either powder or tablets--and take afier your next meal. Thig simple pleasant test can be depend- ed upon to prove its value in less than five minutes, In most cases relief come instantly, Disurated Magnesia 1s a harm- less, non-laxative form of old fash- loned Magnesia that, when' taken after meals, sweeiens and neutral- 'zes the dangerous acids that cause most stomach ailments. Ask your druggist for Bisurated Magnesia-- and start the test today. re. in Happiness is so rare an achieve- ment in the modern world and the means to acquire it so simple, that the superficial observer may be ex- cused 'for eryving out at the contra- riness of human beings.--New York Sun, COULD NOT ENDORSE NATIONAL CLAIMS Montreal, Oct. b5--Despite pro- tests from the defence lawyers, on the secret should be held sacred, Mr Justice Wilson reading to the jury of a letter from grounds that the professional today allowed the J. C. Wise, attorney of the New York legal firm of Wise, Whitney x It isn't necessary to have a lot of cash to get a lot in ER Ts downtown. Fairview Park. Our terms are so convenient that ERY EASY to finance. Our prices are much less than you'd ex- pect, and you'll be surprised at the exceptionally small amount of cash required OBUY ALO while the monthly payments on the balance are very, very low. We'll go a long way to assist purchasers and prospective home-builders _ FAIRVIEW PA And remember that in buying Fairview Park prop- erty you're locating well within the city limits, three minutes from General Motors, and only a step from REAL ESTATE I=. ES KING ST.E. 1 and Parker, to Mrs. Laura Cornel- fus Kellogg, one of the three de- fendants before' the Court of King's Bench here, charged witli~obtaining money "from Indians under false are 0. J. Kellogg, husband of Mrs. Kellogg, and Chief W. K. Cornel- ius. In his letter the New York lawyer declared he was unable to endorse | the claims of the Indians to an in- dependent nasionhood. The Act of 1971, he wrote, forbade the United States Government and the foreign committee of the Senate dealing with the Indian tribes as an independ- ent nation, pa Mdrguerite Mary, daughter of mr, and Mrs. S. Daley, aged 7 years Funeral from the home of i parents, 67 Third avenue, Friday morning, at nine o'clock. (802) -- = J Too Late to Classify TIMES--STORKS GORDON PRESS PEEDER WANT- ed, Mundy Printing Co., Simcoe South. ' FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT AL- s0 Garage. Apply 201 Ritson Road South. WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST IN ktehen work, Must have some know- ledge of cooking. Must be clean and neat. * Apply Housekeeper "Park. wood." (80¢) HOUSE FOR SALE--TO CLOSE cut estate, 6 roomed, bargain, paved street, northern district, hardwood downstairs. Swanson, German and McKenzie owners. (80c) LYCETT'S SPECIALS $5,500--Handsome appearance, high class district, six large bright rooms, square plan, large lot. This is a real home. $4,700--Six spacious rooms, extra well finished, many special features, splendid location. North. Terms easy, $2,900--Stucco bungalow, five rooms, conveniences. $30 monthly carries this cozey little homo, A. C. LYCETT 25 KING ST. w, PHONE 2935 Bladder Weakness Getting-Up-Nights -- Di isturbed Resy Undermines Health, Saps Vitality, States Physician Who Recommends Home Treatment Men and women who are constant- ly annoyed and distressed by Blad- der Weakness or Urinary Irriiations should take immediate steps to combat their trouble before it reaches a serious or perhaps dan gerous stage! . Backaches, Headache, pains in feet and legs, nervousness, restless- ness, frequent but scanty urination with burning and pain, getting-up- rights--these are some of the more troublesome signs of Bladder Weak- ness or Irritation that should have prompt attention. No matter how stubborn your case May seem to be or how many dif- ferent medicines you have tried without success--don't give up, and think your case hopeless or the natural consequience' of advancing vears, until you have tried the spe- cial private prescription of Dr. Southworth, a physician of nearly 50 years successful experience. In order to reach the many thou- sands who cannot' come to his of- fice. Dr. Southworth has. placed his URATABS in good, local drug ¢tores--and invites you to try them without risk of cost, unless pleased. her |B prete . The, other two accused i Ny gs a 2 Fortify Your Body Take PEPTONA For Vim, Vigor, Vitality $1.00 a Bottle you the proper course and despatch, * "| €NAVE with SAFETY | SERVICE ATISFACTION For That Nervous Headache ? Ss Cooper HEADACHE and NEURALGIA POWDERS 25c¢ a box | THE DANGER SIGNAL SAVE WITH SAFETY You can't afford to take chances- with coughs, colds or sore throats--A virulent germ will spread quickly and the re- sult may be dangerous, if not fatal. Heed the first signal of distress and go see your family physician--He will advise to follow and will recommend our stores as being able to supply his every need with accuracy Brinig your next prescription to the Rexall Store FREE! with a can of TINY TOT Baby Powder $1.00 50c Parol Mineral Oil 79¢ | 39¢ A cake of Tiny Tot Soap 25¢c a Tin Li Maycroft Portfolios ks PENNY Frostilla Fruitatives Gin Pills Hemroids Lavona de Composa .... Gerro"s Wormwood Balm, 55c 25¢ Rice's White Lin. i9¢c $2.00 Bulb Bowls & x. 29 MdaCoy's Tablets Milburn's H. & N. Pills . .45¢ Pape's Diapepsyn Philllip's Magnesia Riker's A Box of Rik:r's Bromide of Quinine with a bottle of Syrup Tar and C.L.O. Both for 59¢ . Bc, $1.08 «a0 dlc Scott's Emulsion . Squibb's Dental Cream Vick's Vapo Rub Waterbury's C.LO. ..... Don't Overlook These . SAVERS Abbey's Salts FREE! A box of Boot's Compress- ed Lavender Blossoms with a bottle of Lavender Bath Salts $1 a Bottle A. & H. No. 3 A. & H. No. 1 Bisurated Magnesia Ipana Tooth Paste sal Hepatica, 30c, 65¢, $1.25 $1.00 50c Lilac French Vegetal Balm 79¢ 39¢ Bromo Seltzer .. 25¢. 50¢, 95¢ Califig Carter's Pills Castoria Catarrhozone Chase's Nerve Food ....., Tcakes 25¢ 25¢ Chocolate Sauce 19¢ Chase's K.& L. ......... 30c¢ Danderine D.D.D. Extra Strong .... 95¢ Dodd's Pills Forban's Tooth Paste, 30c, 50¢ Woodward's Gripe Water, 57¢ 100 Sheet WRITING PAD and 50 Envelopes Both for 39¢ : 1 35¢ Lorie Lemon Lotion $1.00 Cream' Theatrical 79¢ 25¢ Lavender Water 19c - VINOL $1.25 | 25:50c 25¢ Riker's Rexall $1.00 'Riker's B. LW. 79¢c | 50¢ Rexall Health Salts Riker's Milk of Magnesia 39¢ Water, Wilson's Wild Strawberry 21c Rexall | Cherry Bark 35:60 i9¢ . 35¢ 50c Wilson's Syrup Figs 21c Mzgnesia 'Tooth Paste 39¢ SPECIAL 50c Shaving Brush and a 50c Tube of KLENZO SHAVING CREAM, both for If URATABS bring you swift and certain comfort 'you will be neppy. If they-do not satisfy, they-will eost {vou nothing--so, if you need this . adav! JQ . JURY & LOVEL - E;; phone 28° } #1 AW AE 59¢ When in need of Drugs phone Rexall SERVICE Stores L. LTD. Simcoe St. » P Seni ph a