THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1927 ---- m-- ro-- ws msailf SELECTION of BEST STRIPS for TIMES READERS (Continued from page 9) t'e to save his life, Scott once more | wi tenced to the gallows to die }' : SH x : o a 6 am. July 24, 1926. Four hours i a a il. TREE ss sii By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb core he was to have walked to --% ] i cm ; 2 ; i © gallows, 'Scott's attorney suc Be " ? - PTET m : . CE ETAT cooled in persuading a Superiol "Bg o> abo #2 AAS CRO J oo ; JO HAVE YES--YES NOT TO DO!NOT ONE D pire judge, the guy one a the & 0 2 2: Ng :ity at the time, to sign a stay which |. | " : BREA Voila give time for a sanity hearing. pas v 4.1 Ss es id ; aac E TO or ""At the hearing Scott.was found in. & a NOW . BOUT IT! \ i . J SAY A BER-FULL! A-ne and sent to the State Asylum A few months later he was re-ex- amiiied and found sane, He was |: brought back to the Cook County Tel and legally declared sane after |. a' jury trial, ao Last month his attorney again ap- plied for a sanity hearing. Decision eon tho application was reserved, and #t_ was in this situation that the for- mer promoter hanged himself last |. night. °. 1 -daternational Bridge Project At"ome time his internationa' bridge project had more than fifty offices, but disagreements with his ¥ i 2 ' , x hmsiness associates proved fatal t \ 4 : a AAR f Hg y, , the undertaking. He is said to have k yt { ¥ wz tre "Ora... PP EU 5 rearted with more than $2,000,000 : ) ; ; 4! world lee to row every ore" of 'his personal fortune when the LEY if iit . Grave we do! hridge project cdbllapsed. At almost the same time he was sued in De troit, for breach of omise, al- . though he had a wife and three | § . : * ; j . children. 4 BRINGING UP FATHER or Fol hl --By Geo. McManus Several alleged eye-witnesses of § \s 9 : i . the killing of Maurer came forward | = [ ree - ---- in' an atempt to help Scott. A De: | § . YOURE ALWAYS LOOK-\ATHAT ) ) I'M JUST CEGINNIN | troit telegrapher wired Governo: | 4 COMPLAINT byt 19 THAT ay TO LIKE SWITZER ~ Sav fmall a day before Scott was to be | CONT YOu THAT CTHE : 4 2 executed, promising to reveal new | 8 ENJOY YOURSELF? ba npg ; or 0 COME ON- WERE : : GONNA LEAVE evidence, but later admitted he Be : knew mothing of the case and had | k YOU KNOW: VD » SR ; \ SWITZERLAND! sent his message because of his "in ENJOY THIS "G2 ! A Ll I" = ! ordinate sympathy." MOUNTAIN When his brother, Robert, sur. | E CEIMBIN' MORE rondered ar)l there seemed some we SoU Dion H chance that Russell Scott might be | B gd given a lighter sentence, the con: demned man promised to devote the rest of his life to a campaign againsi capital punishment when released. At his second trial the former pro moter admitted that he and his brother had held up and robbed five other drug stores in Chicago to get money to float several financial schemes, 4 TRE 1 | NE EOE | SOE a YEE) ANB) NN NBN (BND / I © a J == VE \/ TIT TORIES ASSEMBLE. |] SS | = \) ALI 10 CHOOSE LEADER) § 72cm ronan gil gig - TF JOLKLORE AND FAIRY TA! BOUND WITH : \ A ¥ 4 ast hi heh {ilk fll THT 15 THE SEED PF ; AND ((# WHY DO YOU Nn of: Si. Cuthyflyes, Sir Howard [os ; STORIES (7 APPLE TREES AND GOLDEN APPLES, ) Kemp and Hon. E. B, Ryckman of i POD OF THE ROSE, 0 2, ; bi > : No v [ THINK MOTHER Toronto, and Hon. J, W. Edwards of 0 TOMMY. 1T 15 OFTEN he ; THE APPLE 15 MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE Z572) WOULD NOT Bt Frontenac, were on hand, Provincia g : % / : ge i Zr . Cabinet Ministers, including Hon. MANY TI iES ANDTHE GREEKS : z William Price and Hon. Lincoln N=" Goldie, of Ontario, members and former members of the Dominion Parliament, members of Provincial Legislative Assemblies and a host of delegates all exchanged greetings and discussed the questions of lead- ership and policy, for which solu- tion are to be found in convention during the next few days. The Oldest Delegate Probably the oldest delegate to the convention is R. S. -Park, of Whitewood, Sask, who will short- i fi ih me HELD THE "APPLE OF DISCORD" al Ea HE APPLE BELO SEL BY AWARDED BY PARIS TO THE GODDESS | |--- All hi $i 3 rm HE ly celebrate his eighty-ninth birth- WHICH INCLUDES THE PEACH, CHERRY, LS APHRODITE RESPONSIBLE FORTHE ML \ | fH U | | | : (lh : hu day. Mr. Park is one of the few | E A LE PLUM, RASPBERRY AND OTHER FRUITS. : ' FALL OF TROY. PLINY, THE WRITER, ! | apeotator at the femous Queben con: > THE APPLE HAS ZEN CULTIVATED SINCE THE a TELLS OF 22 VARIETIES OF APPLES. I. EARLIEST TIMES C7 WHICH WE HAVE KHY 110, LEDs Lr R=" ference that prepared the scheme of Confederation. He has been Sync are Ine Crtae Brain gin vevsrved a resident of Western Canada for forty-seven years and has been an active worker in the Conservative partly, CES ES EE AE IA A 2 pamm----. VETERAN PUBLISHER J PASSES IN MONTREAL Montreal, Oct. 7--J. D. Dougall, IF OLR well-known local publisher, died at his ERS KETCHES residence here today. He was in his . \ ! 72 = }= : - 2 gl 4 'LL BE IN eighty-sixth year. Four sons and one 5 D Z 2 z ; TOM INTO A US WE'LL daughter survive him. The eldest son. |i : ™- \ CAXE-A-\CE : oe! Zi HOT George Matile, it at present in the | E : FREEZ BR-R-R--- =o J f WATER! Southern States; Frederick E. is one wh ; : ! of the publishers of The Witness, World-Wide, and The Northern Mes- senger; Rollo John resides in Vancou- | (E ver, and Wilfred and his sister, Miss |! Janet Dougall, are at Abbotsford, Que. | F Mr. Dougall's wife died in 1914,] E while their youngest son, Ralph, was] killed at the second Battle of Ypres. John Redpath Dougall, Editor of The Witness, and head of the firm of John Dougall & Son, is the elder brother of the deceased. EEE EE EEE AEE Ji "RAILWAY --By Russ Westover TT GEEME SIL rok Til iE acon ~ CERNING LE TK a A RAP 1 WAR TO 1 Lily ME MOT To (VE SREAKING HOW 1:2 Sou MKE YoulR i "PEAR FIRST. AW RIGHT . 10 EACH OTHER AMD woRs gE TEMEVe PRIVATE OFFICE i CAN KER THIS UP AS LONG MN THE DAME OFFICE - MA HE y= = OPT -- ans SHE CAN - VM TD BEAME AND TT "iH of I'M NOBODY'S SHE'S JUST WALT ING | he I il ; dil FoR ME TO SPEAK / FIRS: HERE SHE |' id BACK NOW MORE 1927 by King Features © & 2% J Crest Baste » 215 nome vac.