THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1927 -- x LI VE 225K DIK 5 ¥ Accused by Press of Foster ing Strife Over BEST STRIPS for Car» Town, South Afried, Oct. 8 : : ow Comancent SU gg (IFC VC ETRE I iN Hl FOZ THIS IT WAS THAT LES --1t 1s 'a Tong time since South Af-|[E 05, 2 lane TT 2 ANG ),4 A all SiH, You ML oe = BOMB. WHICH - Sli" TEE NIST ES ORDER. ; rian opinion has been so excited : Ee LL / Beier 1 ca et ily BBRCAASAT "OL f JH : | it has been by the speech of SHOWING YOU! ¥ ROAD INAL OF 73 FOR TH'S GLORIOUS CRIN IP ¢ odor J.B. M. Bortaog at ioe. ls ; 4 YOU EAC d A800. FROM THIS J TO POWERED nbepeeed iN TRAMSIO LAN ont 3 fon-eln ofi Tuesday when, in dealing |[ff 1d mission. eet 3 3 hn suveaARrR! mr RHE HAVE SaN = PSO, FROM ; v with the controversy over the pro- ; ry 7 Bh READY ' J y [hry ea : 2 PORTATION! I SOE { Phsed national = flag, he accused | ) cate 2ze ] il REALLY-- I'VE AND RE-- To DREAMS, MON RADE! / former Prgnier Jan (Christian . . Fo . | . : ! . iw Smufs of' perverting the truth and fostering racial sirife and discord for "his awn (4. Th Ci Piomier ertzog's charges as ludi- lckous. "He. is exacerbating the ex- "ide divisions for sordid political onds," the Argus says with refer. . ; / 8 : . : : \ ? N44 2 } fence: to, the. premier. i The Cape Times says: "Premier || ; LY : A\ 8 " i \: = : Tiertzog has - d the political hor : | N : 3 : 7 Wik} TAR x A ), 'f~mperature * the boiling point. ||E ; ' ima A 7 \. f 2 : 3 . Ye seems deterimned with his gos-||g 3 i \ i: 5 A QA a i / Ne Z i GREAT OPN GOLLIWOGS: pel of hate, to destroy any chance ||P : | ve : 2 d (A : ' AN 1 : Tow dita 1S vz a roo lcTalie there is of a reasepable settlement." Premier Hertzog, interviewed by the Nationalist newspaper Die Volk- tblad. said he hoped that the House 1 : "t "Assembly which will open on 5 a 4s ae «Qctober' 14, would 'be able to con-| - SW La - T a wg clude, its business by December 10, {|B BRINGIN } ) ! 'and by that time the national flag | i ec G UP FATHER "ill would be on the statute books. ation "hé Premier added that the flag|'§ 3 ry) d i > £ HO 1S » A CUIDE | - 5 . hill would be the first measure | 8 i AT PY oR i hioyught before the House. FHAT GUY ? HIRED TO GUARD d . STEP : GERMAN AVIATORS ThE DESERT : LIVELY! SAFE AND UNHURT Junkers Seaplane Forced Disaster YR NE YW YE AW Lisbon, Oct. 8.--The créw of the Junkers seaplane D-1230, which was forced down at sea late Wednesday. was found to be safe and uninjured. | The plane came down in a bog Ms | SWE WE TR AW close to the beach at Santa Cruz and two fishing smacks towed it a mile out to sea to prevent the rocks ffom smashing the machine. ] A thick fog and motor trouble for~ed Fritz Loose, the pilot, to|' make the landing{ ending an at- TELLING TOMMY temtped flight from Schelling Wou- 5 AER ER dy, Holland, to Lisbon which was 1 DTH eR -- : i : i igi 7 10 have been 'the first leg of an at- { | 21°). rezrims ~ aed Tish wo Now Bork. %0 gs MEN AND WC MEN ASSUMED MANY © 1927. by Int'l Feature Service. Inc (ET te The. D-1230 narrowly escaped 2 STRIKING AF, CURIOUS FORMS. =. \ WELL, DADDY disaster before coming down on the it) water. For half an hour Loose pi AS A PROTECTION FROM THE SUN = DROOL a i = a 1 f HUH! MOTHER loted th i three-! d sh - J g NY t A ied_the his. Sl euobied ae OR FROM THE COLD, TOMMY. i 2 ; BLED : ell NEVER. HITS THE see neither land nor water. Once LATER THEY BECAMELARGELY 5 ) ; A AND PLUMED, THE FIRST SILK HATS on = BI FRANCE HAT EVERY ll ROOF OF THE «he was driving it down to earth | | Fa (ards . - ie EISHIEEHTH | MONTH LIKE thinking that water! was beneath ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE. x an} 4 = | TES) ! him. Only the cries of the people A 1 7) A AGEN : prevented him from bringing the = seaplane down on land, which would have wrecked the ship, 3 FRANCE ! Besides Loose those in the plane| k x NN CIGUIEENTH ; were Col. F, Starke, navigator; N ' y NN ny Karl Lowe and . Rudolph Flitther, ||5 : > mechaniés. 1 PINRO BAND AROUND THE HAIR. THE Aut PHA A CSE ERE: MADE IN FLORENCE, ITALY SUGAR MARKET TINGE 78 3 ANCIENT GREEKS PROTECTED THEIR yg wr 7 ABOUT 1760. THE DERBY WAS : (\ HEADS WHITH A FLAT, BROAD-BRIMMED . [3 fs 7 INTRODUCED AS A FASHIONABLE CONTRARY AFFAIR : RN cH HAT WHICH TIED UNDER THE CHIN. : = FOVELTY FRGM ENGLAND IN AMERICA "THROUGHOUT TH AGES HATS FOR . EAA IN 187+ © 1927. by King Features S,1+ wis 1+ ' 791 Brita nights reserved GRANDSTAND WITH HERS,EITHER, MOTHER DOES, | i" tA Early 'Declines in Price of Futures Despite Cuba's : 'REG'LAR FELLERS-- 4 .i Restriction Law od ses New of. Oct. ~.--Contrary to || 3 ; expectations and in the face of ad- THAT'S ; ~ 0 BK REE vices from Cuba that the crop re- THE BUSINESS "MY DAD Ba x strfction bill had passed the"Cuban }|g FA rent & STLLS NUTHIN SNBATER Coigress and had been signed by {i ; pute] HOE » J BUT SUITS - : S Li President Machado, the market for ' . ¥, : - i = : Gn BUSINESS FE sugar futures experienced an early || ' i ~ 2 . é > ='\ THE HEAD. RULED 'decline of 3 to 7 points, equivalent NA TURKISH to.about $78 a ton on each contract BATH! of. 50 tons. . 1 ) wear A The actien of the market appar- }|E GLASSY y MAT ently was due to active liquidation hy. iraders who had bought in anti- {8 > cipation of an advance when the re- ; v4 . [<-.| ano os wi sTvie 'striction bill was passed and. also lk 5 ge $2 68 to , hesitation by buyers who were||{2 , 4 0 impressed by the fact that a liberal {|B ' 3 ~ Sas mva stock had been allowed to accumu-|!H 3 2 JOE'S HAT SHOPPE «late. in. Cubp while. sellers were {ix ; 7 gransem smaintaining the predicted advance. ESS A lt ------_-- pe | mamway Li E i Tit MA AAT AND 1 LISTEN, FAC, OLD | [Don AR" To TR (RamYY, AT Pigs TREE AREN'T. SPEAKWE ll SOCKS - WHY, DONT | | ME, WHIPPLE. . SHE WON'T, GBT Le ge #7 THIS WBE I< i : Il SO + GUESS. THAT: H you AND TIiLLIE ANOTHER CHANCE TO HIGH- f or De COUT, UNLESS wou | 1 MAGE we DON'T (NX ME - ¢ SPOR TO HER FIRSY | ] =r) Fit CAN GEY. MAC Ce 2 ESTE2DAY AND THATS THE TD HELR. ME WITH ¥ a Zam Sa oh hres, TIME © AND WHAT'S {MY WORK J i l.SPaAk TO THE GIRL-| | MORE 'F YOURE INTERESTED i \ 1 ; | SHE FEELS BAD IN HAVING US MAKES UP, VL i BET 'My SHIRT THERE'S Av y-- (CATCH INT ny Hi gt LELELEL 4 5 seususooss 65 RR