Q / yd THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, ALD DUES A BIG JOB beaotooteteotoetsiBertectontortostoctoatonte sts Bock * Legal i -- -- | -- -- at Et Se ET va %-7. I NN D0 III I III I a, Insurance LAW OFFICE, E. DOUGLAS BELL. 'Bradley Block, 29 Simcoe street south, (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) S. EBBS, -BARRISTER, Notary Public, Convey~ loan. Room 2, roots. hed Fa RE) 3 NANT & ANNIS, B IST : licitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Comn- evaueing a 'and general practice of W. o Phote, oy south, wa. Phone 63. A.. LL.B.; A.W. 'Solicitor, \ 5 ny C., 116-1 yr.) ISTERS, |° DAVIS VIS AND SON, INSURANCHE, 19 st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire, cy in Oshawa. 30 Res putable . Companies. (11842) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE, consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcéde north. Your jmgurance wants at- tended to and; your interests pro- tected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Signe H. R. COULDERY ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- | ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description, Re blo over Jerry's Barber Shop, shawa. (229-1) JOSEPH P. AN, BA .+~--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Jublie, Con- wveyancer. Money. to loan, Office 34% King 8f, east, Oshawa. Phone us. Times vhone 837. ORIERSON & CRBIGHTON--BAR- Hsters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Me, otc. Office over Standard: Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 1 7 Grieraon, B.A, T: EK Crelg! SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, etc. All branches of Qiriminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. @"%ge over Lamble's store, 2. a St. oat Fone 940. D. A, bi N. German, F. G. a3: ARE BARRISTER, SO- lieitor, Nptary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397. (821) LOUIS 8. HYMAN & Co., BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete. Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. THE OSHAWA WINRO) ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens. and. store: windows put.or.and + Phone 1302w. 5 a. SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St., S;, phone. 3467, 212, Front st, B., "Torouto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Transportation Ser- vice. (42-t1)" COLEMAN CARTAGE AND. STOR- age. 86 Bond St. West. Phone 82. ©¢ trucks for prompt service. Moving van andy storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred. to and from. all trains. (84-t2) | Apply 269 Grooms Avenue, ock,| Bal h as bs PTE Real Egtate for Sale $8, 300 BUYS A BEAUTIFUL NEW home. in: residential district. Phone 110473, J V. HHL (Bde) u oar G. M. C, all conveniences. 00° each. asy terms. P| us 18470. J. W Hil), : ih FOR SALE--4 FOR. SALE--THREE NEW HOUS- : ROOMED Sud b | with water and, lights, large Jott 2464W. (4 be FOR SALE -- A NEAT THREE room cottage, goad. ion. $250 cash. ance. $850, monthly payments twen- Phone 869. ( Bc) iy. dollars. ol $300 cash. Bal- mi t ty, a FOR SALE--BARGAIN, 5 ROQGM- ed: bungalow, brick veneer, hard. wood- fleors, fir trim, electrie range, furnace, conveniences. ments. Apply; 146 Verdun Rd, (8210), house, oo Iczation. ance . $2,5 dollars. 1241W, FOR SALE--THREE ROOMED house electric lights and water, cheap for quick sale. Phone 2697W. (82¢) FOR SALBE--SEVEN ROOM BRICK veneer houses, bungalow type, ail conveniences, three minutes from Motors. 17197. (80-1) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior. trim. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 824. (69-tv) For Rent FOR SALE--A FIVE ROOM BRICK |. Small pay- | LOT FOR SALE--WITHIN 2 MIN- | utes walk of General Motors, Rhine | (82¢) | 285 'Division Street. Phone Notice Re Classified Ads. § Effective Tmmetiately clos- ing time for clagsified ads 9.30 am. Monday to "Fridgy and 8:30 a,m. 'Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classif; ' and Coming Events, receive up ,to 10.30 a.m. p whe and 'doors. made, &iso Te 1927 CHIMNEY CLEANING, ing, shingling, repairing roofs. Guar. antee first class job. St.'W. Phone 2582W. (Sept 24+-Oct. 24) WOODWORKING -- MISC SLLANE- shop, Screens, rs. 251 :8Sizacoe. 8t., 8: uf wood-working B: Bamondson, (A728) | GARAGE TO RENT--117 Alice St. (84¢) North.. Money to loan. Ph (tf) oftice 67, Residence 2191. put ud DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Btore. each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment VM -diseases of ear, nose and throat nly. - Appointments may be mad: at drug store Phone 97. (4%...) === Medical Money to. Loan irst mortgages. City or farm lands. Lowest interest rate. Louis F. Hyman & Co., Barristers, 16 Simcoe St. N, Phone 67 52tf 64% CITY AND KARM LOANS. No commission. Building 10ans. Te- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Bargister, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176g) -- DR. R. E, M¢cMULLEN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Home and office, 666 Simcoe street south, Phone 730M, (Oct 10-Nov 10) LUKE BURIAL CO0., 67 KING ST. RIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON' GARAGE TO RENT NEAR MOTORS Phone 2465W, (84a) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent. All conveniences. Near G. M. C. Possession Nov. 15. Phone 1168J. (8av) FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW to rent, with bath, fireplace, all convenineces., North Oshawa. ply 651 Chrisiie street. (84-c) TWO OR THREE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, wanied to rent. Garage preferred. Central, Phone 1632) after six. (84-c) East. Ambulance. Resid , 19 Division St. 69 King Strept east. Phone 210J. DR. E. R. BARTON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, 142 Simcoe street North. Successor to Dr. Finigan. (Sept. 24-Oct. 24) DR. McEAY, PnYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- denee, King St. East, corner. Victoria Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN 'snd suspen. Special referencer to diseases of infants and. children. Of-, fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Ww i R i i \ fig F. A. Von GUNTHN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pag. ronage Is solicited. (29-1) 'TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED soos for light- housekeeping. About 5 mp nutes walk from G.M.C. Ap- 'ply 12% Alice street. (84-b) TO RENT--ATTRACTIVE 2 ROOMS. for light housekeeping. Close to General Motors. Also garage. Ap- ply 324 Kingsdale Avenue. (84-¢) Painting and: Decorating R. GUTSOLB, PAINTING, 'FAPHR- banging, graining, Twenty years' experiehce. yo right.' Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (46-48) 'DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Blectro- wheopy. Disney Block. Phone 2060. (te) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, QFFICH OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. 'Nitrous oxide oxygen gag admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant. 'Phone '231. Residence, 2087. ; (tn IDR. 8.7. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- over Bassetts'. Phone 969; dence 306. 4-1 yr. VR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMOOB ST. uorth, over Mite! Store. | b Bas for extraction. . 54. DR. L. B; HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- Bank Bldg, pt esdone. 1498M: DR. W. H. GI RD, QF FIC. gent Theatre Tos Phase a80, Res. 669. 66 DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. Boas, 107 Simcoe, Street 8. X-ray, Eas extraction. Telsphone sat 604, Music MR. R. FOUNTAIN OPEN FOR pupils. Cornet and trumpet a spe- cialty. 20 years experience in first class theatre orchestras and bands. Other instruments taught. Phone 710J. (84-1) "Furniture. Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 86 Bopd St. West. Phone. 82. Uoleman's, Cart~ ge and Storage. . C. C. STENHOUSH -- architectural work. Royal Bapk Building, Res. , Phone 90273, Tr, Phone 1496. THREE BRIGHT ROOMS TO RENT, suitable for light housekeeping. Box "T" Times! (84-2) TO RENT--5 ROOMED HOUSE and garage. Apply 80 Burke street. (84-b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Suitable for light housekeeping. No children. Apply 209 Huron Cres- cent. (83b) TO 'RENT--THREE UNFURNISH- ed rcoms on bathroom flat, hard- wood floors, all conveniences, also garage. Phone 1142M. (83¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, cight rooms. Will lease for year. Im- mediate possession. Apply 25 Divi- sion. street. Thursday or Friday, Qct- ober 14th. (83d) THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL buildigg contracors. Let us give ou Se nafed, Write, or phone ( 5. ivy Floor Surfacing NBW METHOD PR' BORPAD- Ing (including sgnding, waxing, fill- =n. | 128 ang polishing). Old-floors made new. 'Hdmondson, 351 Simcoe St. South, phone 440. (tr) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hogpital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. I (56tf) of all domestic animals scientific- ally treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. B. Phone 1057. © (181-0) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES FURNISHED'BEDROOM TO RENT Suitable for. #i§p gentlemen. borme St. W. Phone 1510M. ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, suitable for business girl or gen- tleman. Phone 1910]. (83b) Ap-, FOR Apply 4256J. SALE--KITCHEN 14 Jackson Street. STOVE, Phone (84c) QUEBEC HEATER FOR SALE, and quantity of oilcloth, glass kitch- en cupboard, Apply 91 Simcoe St. N. "th (84c¢) CANADA PRIDE RANGE WITH large brass tank on side. Nearly new. Oak kitchen cabinet, nearly new, Other articles. 26 Prince St. (84c¢) AMBER HONEY WHILE IT LASTS 55 cents for 5 pound pail. Also comb honey. Watson's, second north of Ross' Corners. . (84c) FOR SALE--NEW ECHO MANDO- lin, cost $25. Will sacrifice for $15. Cash. Study papers accompany. Apply 89 Conant street. (84-a) NEW WRINGER, SNAP AT $6. 16% Simcoe street S. (84-a) EOR SALE--HEN HOUSE, $10; gray baby carriage, reversible, almost new, single bed, mattress and springs. Apply R$ Albert St. (83¢c) FOR SAPR_ONE SINGER SEW- ing machine, Wiltori' rug, \walnut bed- room suite, one Annex, OMo vacuum cleaner, one misses' coat, man's over- Phone 718]. (83c) FOR/SALE--MOFFATT ELECTRIC stove, four burner, cheap. Apply 132 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 811. (83¢c) FOR SALE--HEAVY SCREEN, 5 by 8, 134" mesh, 3-16" steel wire, heavy greece gun, Billmont master wrench, Simplex 7 Lou jack, 40 ball drum, oak heater, child's high chair, champion Summit. cook stove, baby carriage, two five gallon cans, 3 gal- lons cylinder oil. Apply 49 Alexandra (83) coat. street. Phone 336) FOR SALE--ONE ROYAL KEY- stone Cook Stove, burns wopd or coal, perfect condition, also Acme heater, Very. cheap. for, quick sale. Phone 2204 or 1158M. (82¢) | THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to refit, with bath, no children, r 5h) sonable. 91 Burk St. A. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, partly furnished or unfurnished, for rent to reliable party who can give Telejences. Apply Box "D," Times. (83¢) Wo LARGE, WARM BEDROOMS to..xent, suitable for. 4, gentlemen roomers, breakfast if preferred. Phone 1468M. 83c) = 'Wanted to Rent Is EXPERIENCED FARMER ( MAR. ried) wants furnished farm to work on shares. Can give 'best ofSrefer- Machinery Repoiring LAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- jan Guitar. Individual instruction to ®1 pupils. Music supplied for all oc- casions. Wilson & Lee's Music Store, Phone 2388. (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) LEPHA N. DONCASTER, A.T:C.M., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils Prepared for Toronto Conservatory Music Examinations. Beginners 4 gh Terms moderate. Studio, 109 Ritson Rd. N. (Sept. 13-1 mo.) JOHN ' H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmaster Simcoe St. United Church, prepare, pupils for any exam- ination in Pang Organ' and Singing. Studio at the ¢burchy Phone 251 for, ' ippointipent or jinformation. Oct 10-Nov 10) DURRANT MACHINE CO.--Wi DO all kinds of machinery repairing, Excelsior starter ring gears install- »d; connecting ' rods re-babbited, rowa gears or pinions supplied for le Phone 619 Xl uke a! aan, 161 King Bt. ences. T. J. Herman, Picton, a tario. dsj (838) FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM FUR- niture, practically new. Also white enamel bed. Sacrifice cheap for 'cash, Phope 1282, (82-¢c) $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV- ery. Place your order now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, silverware, china- ware, electric flo mps, watches, clocks, rings, Jewelry of all kinds. Payments from 50 cents weekly. O. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe South, Phone 1656. (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Sa, hl $5.50 per load. Also bone dry Phone 660. Waterocs- Meek good: SET (Mar 26-t1) 1Board-and: Rooms. - WANTED TO RENT--6 ROOMHED house or, apartment, centrel, or north emd, by 'October 25th. Apply 2; Roy, 496. Mary Street. (80-1) Dressmaking. | I. THE UNDERSIGNED AM PRE- pared to do all kinds. of sewing. Call at 354 Leslie St., or phone' 1842J; Miss Flossie Boyd. (Sept. 27-1mo) ALL KINDS OF PLAIN SEWING Alice. street. (84-c) ARTHUR W, LYNDE UHAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Binging. Pupils prepared for al examinations, also church, concert, opera, Studio. 11 Simcoe south. Oshawa, Fridays. Wanted: first class risks in residenglal djs- trict. Mary street, morth. Interest 7 per cent Phone 1090W. (82-b) (72t1) wanted. Mrs. George Shortt, : 1621 :| ors. FIRST MORTGAGE MONIES, ON| JiceLY. "FURNISHED - = (¢] oN, wapte Vy couple ear tings Pieleire yg K" Ti mes, : F TR TP | TWENTY. YOUNG Jy joining the office staff of one of the subsidiaries of General Mot. ors require room and board in good surroundings about mber Ba Phone Mr. Irwin, 130, neral Mot- my (811) -oagd Wanted TWO YOUNG LADIES WISHING board. Apply 336, Centre St. (84-c) 2 ROOM AND. BOARD FOR TWO youpg, ladies in. comfortable .home. Phone 1464W, (84¢) GOOD, ROOM AND BOARD AT, 328 | Drew. Street. off Olive Avenue. (84-c) BOARDERS 'WANTED--LADIES TO share room. Apply 57 Elgin St. E. (84-a) Pets and Live Stock. FOR SALE--PERSIAN. KITTENS, tortoiseshell and silver greys. Mr. Foster, 469 Albert St. (83b) FOR: SALE-~TWO' PONIES, ALSO police puppies. Will sacrifice if a ~| at once. | Phone 2172]. DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE.OR exchange, for cow. Apply. Harmony, 4, corners north second house over | track, (82-c) "| WANTED--A BRIGH'f house ALL KINDS, A Work: Phone (7681) LOST VALUABLE SROLH BULL dog, brindle.colour, answers to the name of '"'Snuggles." Pho he 1921M. (83tf) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLE® coach. Phone 637. (32.¢) OLDSMOBILE, TOURING CAR, four cylinder for sale in; goed con- dition, cheap. Phone 2088) {33e) YOUNG GIRL WANTED: TO. IMIND two young children for a! few hours each day. 16% Simcoe street S. (84-2) PHOLSTERING oF, Al : ds made to manship. ". stable, ani. st, 520F. { HOUSEKEEPER, WANWED TOR ope or two. months only, Apply 4 Bond street west. (84-c) HQUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR farm, no outside work, light position. Box 'No. 1, Burketon, Ont, (83h) YOUNG irl to look after boy amd help with bo usework. Home at nif thts preferred. Apply after 6 at 238 Albert St: ert St: (83) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--YOUNG MAN EXPER- ienced in office work. One with know- ledge of cost finding system preferred. Apply giving experience and where obtained and references to Box "M," imes. (831) BOY WANTED FIOk GENERAL office work. Two years high school. Excellent opportunity for willing wor- ker. Williams Piano Co. (83¢c) WANTED--OFFICE BOY FOR FIL- ing, etc. Must be able io use type- writer. Apply stating age to Bok "Z" Times. (82¢) BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRINT- ing trade. One with high school edu- cation preferred. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (81tf) BRIGHT BOY OF GOOD APPEAR- ance and manners wanted to assist with collections. Must have bicycle. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (81tf) GORDON PRESS FEEDER WANT- ed. Mundy Printing Co., Simcoe South. WANTED--A MAN WITH SOME financial experience to represent in Oshawa and vicinity, Canada's old-~ est bond house. Box "R" Times. (79-1) Agents Wanted" PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Agents wanted to_take orders for the fimest line ever shown in Can- ada. Regal Art Co,, -Manulacturers, 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto. (84-a) PARTIES TO FURNISH PRO- spects for all kinds of property sales in Oshawa Good remunera- tion for. spare time, Box "WW" Times. (80-2) EXPERIENCED AGENTS READ- ily sell Imperial' " Art "Christmas Greeting Cards. Splendid" workman- ship, color and design, to dis- criminating customers. . $25 weekly. up in spare. time between now and Christmas. Sell the best. Lowest price, Hightest quality. Only a few: sample books: left. Now is the time. Delivery later. Canadian Publishing Co., 51, Wellington West, Toronto. (Sépt. 28-tf) Salesman. Wanted 'WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALES- man to sell meat products cover- ing town, east and west of -Oshawa. Apply Box "8S" Times. (84-c) Roomers p 'Wanted of 3 pg ROOMERS WANTED--APPLY 489 Albert St. or phone 1484W. Wanted to | MR. 8. JACOB, DALE IN-RAGE and all kinds of metals. batter! i . and 3 pr ood Regen PL i EH Corsetiere CORSETIERE-- SPIRELL: SHOP, 32 Elgin St. B. Mrs. Annie e ! managing corstiere. Anule Denilgnd,. 1 pointment. Phone 442J. (Sept. 38-dmo) Piano Tuning NEIL YELLOWLEKES, EXPHRT/{ piano tuner, will be in Oshawa opcey Music spre, Phone 1490. * (Sept. 28-Oct. 28) LL RINDS OF TTRE REPAIRING at 1deal Tire Shop. Tires-fer-sale. Jamieson Phone. 438 REPAIR- |; 93 William |' )83b) | 7 4 o'clock, every week. Orders left at Harrig } "), (Continued from page. 9) essarily throw a = brand into the peaceful spirit of, this copventign I propose to--" Cries of "Go back. to Ontario!" and "Sit down!" preceded a few min- utes of uprpar. during. which Mr. Ferguson could not proceed with his remarks. The dissent seemed to emanate mostly: from the section given over to the Maritime and Alberta dele- gates. Some. one called for three cheers. for Arthur Meighen, and they were given. with a will by those two sections. and seemingly by most of the, Westerners. "No, I won't sit down," retorted yr Ferguson, in the midst of the fn. . "I could join you,"" Mr, Ferguson finally went on, "with the utmost of enthusfasm and goodewill 1n three chéers for Arthur Mejghen at any time. I fegret to.say. I am. not: in a, position to endorse the views. ex- pressed by Mr. -Meighen." (Cheers and uprpar,) "Mr. Meighen. knows what my po- sition is and I would not. have arisen if T had not, said to Mr. Meighen--" From the audience--Why didn't you tell, it then. Mr. Ferguson--If I had not, said to Mr. Meighen at. that time: "I am a joint guest with you. invited to the City of Hamilton. If you pro- nose to make that speech at the City of Hamilton IT. do not propose to go to Hamilton." And I did not go to Hamilton. And I said to Mr. Meighen further--I felt so strong about this situation-- (cries of dis- sent and sarcastie laughter) --becaus Canadian unity, must be based upon goodwill and you cannot secure unity by having a battle of ballots and all the bitterness vou will have before you have a battle of bayon- ets. And I said to him: If occasion ever requirer-- Cries of "Sit down! Sit down!" and again an outburst in response to the call; '"Three cheers: for Ar- thur . Meighen." Asks for Ten Minutes Mr. Ferguson--Of, course I have never been to a Liberal-Conservative gathering, where the utmost freedom of oninion was not permitted, and vou have listened to upward of an hour to. Mr, Meighen justifying a statement, hé mage two years. ago. I want about tenf or fifteen minutes to tell you what my nosition is. And I am not concerned whether you endorse it or not. Chairman--As Chairman of this meeting I will ask you to give order. Mr. Meighen. was heard quietly for an hour. If 'thére*is any difference of opinion I want ypu to hear Mr. Ferguson until he is finished. "Yon 'will upset this convention," called a voice to Mr. Ferguson as he 'was about to: continue his speech. Mr. Ferguson--I am not here to' make an attack upon anybody, but 1 afi here justifying a position I took two years ago with Mr, Mejghep. 1 want you to understand it and I don't care whether you approve of it or not. I told him at that time. I thought it was the greatest mistake, and I felt it so strongly I said: "If 1 am ever faced with that issue, or if it is ever brought up at a public meeting or gathering at which I am present I will find myself compelled to dissociate myself from your views." I am here, not to express my views, It,comes to me with the great- est surprise that we find this decla- ration, because. frankly, I have never found any good to come of. digging: up a corpse buried more than two years, except to raise an odor, If 'Mr. Meighen adhers to that view, I want you to understand I repudiate it, and if this comyention endorses him I 'will dissociate myself from the activities of this convention, no matter what happens. to me. Mr. Ferguson sat down amid up- 'roar. Therd was a call for cheers amid some' chéers for Ferguson. So no ope could tell what proportion 6f the volume of shout to apportion to the respective platform gladia- 'tors. The afternpon business closed shortly thereafter, after some roptine business of Provimcial and tomimittee chairmanships "was. gone over. © Chairman 'Premier Rhodes of Nova Scotia was introduced and cheered, and so was Joint Chair- Ti Ro NEW LIBRARY. NEW coming in now. 0~ rama, a Soa Store. Phone 1472. 87: a Sit th Auction, Sale ceived instructions * from Mr, J, | Beckel, to sll by. public auction.at Columbus, Friday, October 14, at jn following oak ul 2 eook stovel parlour wok 1, centre stretcher, 6, kitghen., i AP ing room chairs, 1 lounge, 3 hang- ing aR 1 Allan Suny, ¥. hall 4 lamp, a cut en numerous. to. I oiler William Maw, Auctioneer. (84-¢) session |' for Meighen, apd they were given |; French, he referre BRFFSH SURPLUS MAYBE: ESSENTIAL CANADA'S 'GATE YMCA. Official Finds it Hurd ' to Get Permits London, Oct. 11,--At a conference of voluntary societies and others interest- ed in overseas settlement, Lord Stan- ley of Alderley said: While we must be. careful not to send the Da pinions waste products, or look upon the Do- minions as dumping grounds, we wish it to be known that we. have material which may. be converted from what is. surplus here into what is essential overseas. That, is how we should ap- proach the question." Commissioner, Lamb 'said the view of the Salyation- Army was that of all the remedies propounded for immediate and permanent relief of distress aris- ing out of unemployment, emigration still held the field. Regarding the sup- posed. effects. of the dole on the will- ingness of people to go overseas, he added, "Our experience leads to the view. that given an assurance of work they will welcome migration overseas. Tens of thousands of worthy families are ready to go anywhere rather than continue the hateful dole, which they regard as a sort of glorified parish re- lief." Select. Emigrants W. C. Angwin, agent general for Western Australia, said that the. peo- ple in Australia did not oppose emi- gration, they desired it, but on a proper foundation. Cyril Bavin, Young Men's Christian Association, said that the question was: "If we train men, will the Dom- inions take them?" He was led to ask that question because every time he put up a family to the Canadian auth- orities they, said that they already had a long waiting list. He believed the difficulties were on the other side, and they must get the Dominions to face the matter in a different way. Lord Lovat, Under Secretary forthe Dominions, said that it was necessary to bear in mind that in the matter of emigration there were two parties; these of this country who sent the emigrants, and those overseas who re- ceived them. There were great diffi- culties from the Dominions' standpoint, as well as from the home view. The Dominions had their own unemploy- ment and difficulties of land settle- ment. With regard to family emigra- tion, there were waiting lists in each Dominion; therefore, to train further families at the présent moment was dangerous unless thefe was an asstr- ance that they ' would be accepted. Every effort was being made to get familics accepted at an average cost of settling a family of £450. In the pre- sent need for economy that was cer- tainly the limit to which the Govern- ment would go. The Overseas Com- mission desired to help private organi- zations as. much as possible, but what they had to ensure was that there would be steady. outflow of emigrants in such pumbers as were acceptable cverseas. The conference carried a resolution urging the need of the elementary agricujtural training of 'men and _boys going overseas, and provision of main- tenance for. dependants of married men while undergoing training. man' Senator Beaubien. of Montreal. Senator, Beaubien drew a cheer from the, Quebec crowd Jha speaking in to Mr. Ferguson as a man who always did the fair and right thing, and had undertaken to repeal Regulation 17. THE UNDERSIGNED - - HAS RE-f 4 SIXTY HE'S HUMBLE chose HE'S WISE! And when hé's really wise he has concluded that there is no better, hotter coal ins town than the kind we sell. And he'll know our price is right. 'W. J. Sargant Hr eB "Bone 108