* AE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1927 AV PRIRAR "OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Oshawa is starting Fire Preven- tion Week well, for the local fire department reports that there have been mo fire calls received so far this week. It is to be hoped that this perfect record will continue throughout the week, and this can be done with the co-operation of citizens, : Motor Car Stolen . Oshawa police received a can shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday af- ternoon that a Ford touring car, li- cense number 2-739, had been stol- en from. the corner of Ontario and Richmond streets, between 1 and 5 o'clock, The car is the property of Steve Wigans, R. R. i, Whitby. The car had side curtains and a 30x30% spare tire, as well as two new Eaton tires on the rear wheels. There were also two: gallons of oil and two robes in the rear of the car. Smoker October 17 The annual smoker of the On- tario Regiment will be held next Monday evening, October 17. It did \ THREE DN COUGH 1 YOUR OMGER SIH hs and colds lead to seriois trouble. ou can stop them now with. Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that 18 leagey to take. Creomulsion is a new ical discovery with two-fold action, it soothes and hegls the inflamed mem- branes and inhibits germ growth, Of all known creosote is recognized by high wedieal authorities fi one of the test ing agencies for persistent rr. and colds and other Pal throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to sodthe-and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is teed satisfactory in the treatment o Joristent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory di , and is er healing elements whiclr | not take place last night as stated 'n columns of yesterday's paper. This was an error and The Times greatly regrets any inconvenience caused as a result of this insertion. KING STREET LEAGUE HOLDS INTERESTING SERIES OF MEETINGS Mr. Orme Moffatt was in A chair last evening at the regular meeting of the King street young people, and his group had 'charge of the evening's program. The Bible study taken by Rev, C. W. De Mille that the young people are wking up this year is "The Life of Jesus, in Outline" is proving yoth interesting and helpful. The svening was nearly all spent in the 1iscussing of different items of busi- ness and it was decided to invite he Young People of the Oshawa Presbytery to hold their annual Fall Rally in the King street church on Thursday, October 20, and it was so decided to co-operate with the ther organizations of the church in yutting on 'a missionary week com- nencing on November .7. After the wusiness was disposed of Mr. W. C. Nerry favored with a vocal solo as' lid Miss Lora Mackey, and Mrs. | 'amieson played a much enjoyed iolin solo. The meeting was closed n the regular way. : Recent Deaths HELEN THOMPSON The sympathy of their. many friends goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Berirand Thompson, 116 Prince street, in the death of their infant daughter, Helen Jean, at the age of 9 months and 4 days. The funeral will take place to- morrow afternoon with interment in 'he Union Cemetery. Born rL NPOFF--At the Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, October 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Flintoff, West- moreland Avenue, a daughter, (Jacqueline Gail). (84a) excellent for building up the after colds' or flu. r= any cough or. cold fs not relieved after taking according to directions, Ask your druggist, Creomulsion Co., Limited, Toronto, 1) lly fl 1/0 sey EZ ics Have Your Eyes Examined by our Optical _ Specialist TELAT 1 THATCH TIE) In constant attendance Make your Appointment now Jury & Lovell Optocal Parlors Phone 28 or 29 TT CETTE Keep An Ey OnYour Eyés ET | FOR RENT--A FURNISHED Too Late to Classify FOR SALE---CHAMPION SUMMIT cook stove for sale, 442 King St. E. (84D) WOOD AND METAL LATHING. H. A. Le Barr. Phone 681J. (841) CARPETS AND RUGS BEATEN. Floors waxed. Guarantee first class . (84c) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room, suitable for two refined gen- tlemen., Breakfast if desired. Apply 31 King St. E. Apartment 2. (84¢c) BED- Apply 106 (84tf) soom suitable for two. William St. E, Davidson & Samells 33 Simcoe St, N. "For Better Shoe Values" For Your PHONE 22 po: weet Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe 8t. 8. We Deliver THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE} PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI(» 4 (4 Honey Sale Now On! Clover and fall Honey--A choice Tasty Production ] --60 1b. lots below wholesale prices--Phone 1250 ANDERSON 268 RITSON ROAD N., OSHAWA J. F. " SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts, Toronto PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C P.R. Office, Phone 144 S. F. Everson, Local Manager | FINE GOLD WATCH i Phone 227 '| tion. The volume of this machine is 15 PRESENTED WITH George Doupe Leaving for General Motors Branch in Saint John, N. B. Just before five o'clock last night the boys of the Receiving and Ship- ping department, Central Parts, gathered to do honour to one of their number who leaves Oshawa for St. John to serve General Mot- ors at their eastern branch. Mr. George Doupe was presented with a handsome gold watch as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by his associates. The presentation was made by Mr. Alfred Slyfield. Mr. Doupe has been engaged in his department for the past seven vears during which time he has be- come thoroughly conversant with every phase of service work. After the presentation Mr. Doupe made a very appropriate reply in which he expressed the best thanks and hearty appreciation of the gift. At the conclusion of his remarks he was greeted with three cheers and a Justy tiger. The presentation address follows. It bespeaks the regard in which the recipient was held: Oshawa, October "10, 1927. Dear George: We, the boys in the Stock De- partment, Receiving and Shipping, could not let you leave our midst without, in a small way, showing our appreciation of your co-operation and helpfulness in the past years. You have always been ready to \\ : Vi, Re N TORONTO STOCKS Noon Closing Abitibi Paper Bell Telephone .. Br. Anier, Oil ... Can. Bred Can. Ind. Alcohol .... City Dairy 1 Canada Malting Int. Nickel Inter. Petroleum Imperial Oil Massey Harris Northern Bakeries .... Shredded Wheat Armlet Argonaut Barry Hollinger eaver Castle Trethewey .. Central Manitoba .... Dome Hollinger Keeley Kirkland Lake ... Lake Shore Laval-Quebec Mecassa .... McIntyre Mining Corpn. ... Noranda Nipissing Pioneer Potterdoal Premier .... Ribage Teck Hughes Tough Oakes ; VIpOom oa euviiiivivin Wright Hargraves .... 760 Mining sales to noon 1,125465, Silver 5534. re8g 765 help the other fellow, in time of need or trouble, and we have, with | sincerity. learned to respect your principals, : | The majority of us on the staff have worked together for a number of years, and we will miss you, George and your genial manner, but we know you will achieve success | in your .new appointment. We would ask you to accept this | watch, as a token of our esteem. | Our very best wishes for success | go with you, Mrs. Doupe, and fam- | ily. | (Signed) H. F. Baldwin, | A. Fisher, | J. Wiltshire, ! 1] I | Weddings WEBSTER--SOUTHWELL Very quietly at the Christian church! parsonage, this afternoon with the Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher officiating, | the marriage of Lillian H., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. South- well, 92 Nassau street to Mr. George W. Webster, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. | J. Webster, 50 Charles street, was sol- emnized, in the presence of the intim- | ate relatives of the bride and groom. | The bride looked charming in an | autumn brown coat trimmed with fur, | j gold metallic cloth hat with shoes and | hose to match her dress of autumn brown and crepe back satin. She was unattended. | After a short honeymoon spent in | Algonac and Detroit, Mich, Mr. and) Mrs. Webster will take up their resi- dence in this city. ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLA' TO BE DISPLAYED HERE The Auditorium Orthophonic ul trola thak played tp two million | people at the Canadian National ¥x_| hibition and has been at Sunnyside! all summer, will be at the Regent | theatre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, under us| auspices of Mr. D. J. Brown. This| Vigirola has delighted 411 of the | crowds of people that have heara 1t with its clear tone and reproduc- such that it has been: heard for a mile and a halt, and music lovers | are expecting a treat this week a: this local theatre. 18 ONLY ONE NAME ADDED TO THE VOTERS' LIST (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 11.--Only one name was added to Ahe voters' list of the town of Whitby by His Honour Judge Ruddy, at the appeal heard yesterday morning in the Judges' Chambers in the County Court House, Whitby, Several rore wished tc ba put on the list But were jefused because they had not given due notice of appeal. | Missouri Pac. ........ | Gen. Motors | Int. Paper NEW YORK High Low 2 p.m. Manhatt. Elec. ...... 49 49 49 | 57% .56% 577 | 81v, 8134 14 147, 8 38 | 66% 67% 10634 107v5 | 5614 57% 112 112 49% 5154 199 201%. 14354 145% 18414 18534 323 33 High Low 2 p.m. 6434 63% 6334 1857; 18414 185% 18834 18954 2 12034 121% 21 251 50 196 55% 337% 15 Mont. Ward. Overland 3 Phillips Pete. ........ 38% Redic Rock Island Studebaker St. Louis San. ...... US. Rubber ......... U.S. Cl. Pipe U.S. Steel Woolworth Yellow Cab 201%; 145; 18534 33% NX Amer. Can, Amer, Tel. & Tel. .. Atchison ....... = Balt. & Ohio Briggs Mig. ........ Baldwin Loco. Can: Dry. ." Can. Pac. Chrysler ..........0. Dupont ............. Dodge 544 2 333! 15 Low 2 p.m. 044 657% 108% 108! 536 74v5 75 4 135% 137% Famous Players .... Gen. Asphalt After the Ball Comes the Verdict \ Everyone knows that their clothes are "on around the bridge isal. Either you by appraisal. measured uprand "looked a dear" or else. you didn't andhwere "a bit.of a.washout.", 'Deep down insyour. heart: you want their, 'approval---youscan't deny:it. And if you! choose your formaliclothes e youll J { li Gold Dust Hudson 66% 677% FT -------- TALE 73% 74Y4 66 67% 223 . 223 591% 60% MAN FOUND INJURED NEAR LYNDE'S CREEK STILL UNCONSCIOUS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 11.--Dr. Mac- Laren announced last night tht the man who was injured cn Sunday night near Lynde's Creek, was still unco*scious, in the Oshawa hospital, The man's identity is still a mystery None of the farmers Hving in tho vicinity of the place where the man was found know a'ly- Int. Harvester IN TORONTO Montreal, Oct. 11.--That Montreal 'had more juvenile delinquency than Montreal for the year ending Septem- ber 30, 1926, was revealed when the local Juvenile Court received the latest report issued by the Judicial Statistics Branch of 'the Dominion Pureau of Statistics. During the year Toronto:had 2,133 juvenile offenders, of which 2,049 were boys, and 84 were girls, Mont- real had 1,357, of whi boys and 153 were girls. were In all of Canada the figures reveal that there were 8064 boy offenders and 675 girls, representing an increase of 107 over the previous year. There JUVENILE DELINQUENCY GREATER THAN IN MONTREAL were 181 more boys while the number of girls diminished to the extent of 74. Under the category of major delin- quencies among the minors, some 5,- 229 of the total for the year are in- scribed, while the minor offences num- ber 3,547. In the previous year 5,246 of the offences were major ones, and 3,493 were minor, representing an in- crease of 1.05 per cent. for major of- fences and 1.55 for minor offences. The statistics reveal that theft the chief crime among the nin during the year. Damage to propery common assault, burglary, and imn ality" were among the other offences recorded, - 1) Of those convicted for major offen, ces 4,535 were born in Canada, 34% were born outside of the Dominion and in 230 cases no birthplace was spegj- fied. Of the 544 delinquents born pri side of Canada, 248 were born within the British Empire and 286 in foreign couptriés, 19° thing about him. It is said that no money was found in his pocket, nor any papers tha would give a lead to his iden- tity. ORONO Orono, Oct. 11.--Sunday, October 9th, was Rall Day at the Cenire street Sunday School of the Contin- uing Presbyterian Church, and was favoured by a good attendance. The subject "We Would See Jesus' was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Mason, who gave an inspiring and uplifting ad i dress. The service was miuch en- hanced by a well rendered solo by Miss Buchanan. Last Sunday the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed, the ser vices were taken by the pastor, Rev. Myr, Mason. One member was admit- ted on profession of faith. Vienna, Austria, Oct. 11.--Mo- hammed Pasha Al Raschid, posing as the "Emir of Kurdistan" and claiming to be a direct descendant of the Romantic Hapounal Raschid, was arrested by Vienna police Fri- day. charged with defrauding his hotel out of the payment of a bill. The self-styled Emir when arrest- ed was dressed like a prince in a Balkan comic opera. According to police he has left a trail of similar unpaid bills from New York to Athens 'and his reputation. is most unsavory. When police searched his room they found a lengthy diary. in English and a gaudy 'gold braided red uniform with decorations from all over the world on it. This uni- form, the so-called Emir declared, was his official robe of offce. Police say that he served six months in Sing Sing prison and three months in Brixton Jail, Eng- land, and several jail sentences else- where. In 1921, police claim, he appear- ed in Washington where .he repre- sented himself as "plenipotentiary 'V'for Princess Fatima." She, it was SELF-STYLED EMIR ADDS STILL ANOTHER ' CHAPTER TO HIS CHECKERED CAREER said, became conspicuous in the capi- tal for the huge diamond ring she wore, which she was forced later to sell in order to pay the debts of the "Emir." The "Emir's" vocation during the day was ironing the trousers of gen- tlemen, police say, but in the even- ing he donned his glittering uniform and decorations and posed as a Kur- { distan potentate. vz More Days and FAIRVIEW PARK ~ NO. 2 ABERDEEN H id ou F. Downey; Managing Director » ON RITSON ROAD Will be Ready for the Market. Watch for (Open- ing Announcement