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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1927, p. 4

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The regular meeting of the Dar I'r o Lownships:Co'me'l ar hel Mond» i > Bora aD $ Poasve C. A minu es aot the: ¢ ht p: Hid hii - n- wi rood Aa ean" Cd ol Ww, wd "err, KC. Cot fino clef of tlie Peace. gave mcitee ag' to 2a + on of jurors.for the yea 128. Refetred to. Selectors of Jur 08. "Lox Sie enon adiressed the Council in rezard to a ditch whi ' had been 'built byilhim on the no-{* ¢ do of he road »t lot 19, con. 7 said ditch now carrying 'drain wate £5. his farm. and asked Council t give him 276 5-inch tile {0 place 1 th: diteh. to carry the waler fro "b's dra n. No action taken "hos TM iar addressed thé Cour cil 'n per d to condition of a cem e nr: and requested the Council t tale some action before July 1, 192 lon in: towurd proper care of 'th ce etery. Ie aldo called attentio: of the Council to a bridge at lo 25, con, 6. and withdrew his offe m de to a foriner Council to allow them on his properiy to make the necessary repairs unless Councn meets with 'his terms. He also call- ed the attention of the Council te water running over his property ior the past 40 years at the North en' of lot 28, con. 5, and gave the Cow cil 30 days. to take action to rem dy existing c¢ond'tions The two la ter complaints will be referred to tl Township's Engineer, Treasurer acknowledged receipt « $6,108.63 from Counties' Treasure Legislative grants on salaries an certificates. Orders were drawn on Treasur er:--Salary and office exxpenser $110.33; road maintenance $657 99; road material and bridges $831.61; M, A. James & Sons, ptr and advt.,, $42 10; collector's bond $15.00; salary 3rd quarter, $176.00 50 p."; maintenance of Jas. M. Park er in: Toronto Hospital July 1 ic Auz. B1, 1927. $42.25; registra- tion deeds for Park lots, $4.31; Pell # People, Ltd , roofing for shed $42.40; I. Metcalf, adv. T.S.SS No 6, $150.00. HORDES OF JOBLESS FLOCK TO CHICAGC Greal Scarcity of Work Re ed Nag Canadians MF Obs, 11.--A farmer from Towa who has lqst all in the agri- enlturgl setback, & Negro from Mis sissippl whose humble home war swept away bv the flood, a man and tamilyftrom St. Louis thrown out of unemployed, 100,000 at present, and : 02sibly. soon to double. Most of them are worthy ambiti- ons. or would-be citizens and are 'hrown into serious circumstances % the inability to find work. It "ould be made clear that these 100,- 00 unemployed are distinct from ve horde of flodtérs, hobos and ~who, flock to the city "very winter, spend their money for »aonshine. live in the . flops and ag or steal their way from meal y meal. 'The unemploved, as Chicazo . mows them in the present peculiar "tngtion, are not the culls from an sedinary industrial slump--that is, omposed of those who are "last to o hired and firsy to be fired." They 've not misfits but are unfortunate ~ictims of economic reverses ofitside ¢ Chicago and of changes in indus- =ial organization, They have come v Chicago in the belief that here 'ey can find a new opnortunity to 'ake an honest living. An especial- + large number of young men' from "anadian points are pouring into 'hieago every day. Many requests are being received «+ the Nlinois Free Employment 2arvice from individuals in other ~itles, asking if there is any work t~ he had in Chicago. The Y.M.C.A. Hotel aids 50 to 100 young men A1ily, many whom become stranded hara without employment and with. a+ a cent. Officials report it is very "*"ienly to find work for any. Whe:r- ar possible relatives are communi td with' and the young men Aare nt hack to their home communi. aR, Sitnat'on Serions The immigrat'on sitpation is the ost serions from the employment 'andpoint that it has been in manv according to the different na- fonal societies. Chicago fs a favourite destination sf new arrivals from foreign lands. specially voung men. The city has + world-wide reputation as an in- Tnatrial centre 0° tha hund eds » onng immigrants nov "walking the treets, man are in deanarate cir. 'umstances, Most of tem rre un- 'amiliar with the langnarze and de- pend upon the national societies tn ! them. In addition to those who have mea in a lawful way, other hun: rads, eepecially southern Euro- a'ns. have been "bootlegged" into merica and have landed in Chica- ", cave, Te was = West Country barber. ad an inquisitive cus'omer nv wav makine convers:tion during a ir cut, asked him whether he was "hurch or Chapel." "Well sic." he replied, after due lection. "I couldn't exactly sav s I goes to either, hut--it's burch what I stops av-ay from." \n nld-fashioned girl is one who till cherishes a secret ambition swim the English Channel.-- *hiladelphia Inquirer, ar oa | Don't pass cars unless there is room in your own traffic line ahead Highway Safety Committee Barrymore products are sold by P 9 i = BARRYMORE Guaranteed Rugs are always in demand at LUKE FURNITURE CO. 63 King E. - Phone 79 | Death ma children's health Warmth for frosty mornings Protects against stormy wea Kind to little stomachs er LEAVES HOME TO Montreal Oet: 11--Disappointment why Hector Pitchforth, the "world's loneliest man," went to live in ter solitude in the icy wastes of "affin Land, where, as recently reported, he has been found .starved to death, says The London Daily Mail One of the last men tn visit him Wigglesworth, who i= employed by rude street, Clapton, E. Wiggles- worth was sent out 'o Raff'n Iand in 1924 to assist Pitchforth in his | work as trader for the Sphellum Trading Compnnv, of Creechnrh lane, E.C., but was sent hack as the | conditions were too bad Tercribine i his .experiences, Wigglesworth said: "After a vovage of 31 days I hi sailing ship from Peterheal, £2 land, we reached Baffin I."nd, a eventually reached the trading v wt | of Kivitoo, where Pitchforth was Vv. | ing. It was a little hav with 'ich rocky mountains capped with snow' towering behind. Dressed as Eskimo '"As we went ashore I saw a ny» of Eskimos come down from th- little . settlement of skin-coverel tents with one wooden hnt hacide them. One of thea skin-clad figry-~ was much taller than the rest an' 1 guessed it was Pitechforth, He wa- a tall, broad man, more than siv feet high, wearing the Eskimo dr.as of sealskin trousess, denrshin con' with hood, and flat-seled seal<k"~ shoes. . He was clean-shaven and had a very red face, with sun'en eyes. ¢ : "He took me up to his Ivrt, wf; h | was absolutely hare, and div'ded 'n to two compartments. The larger one contained a bare table. an oil stove, and a coal stove. There were | no chairs, and I think he sat on a| box.: There were a few hooks anA | cooking utensils, but no pi~trra- table-cloth or decoration of env | kind. In the other room wns a | rough plank bed covered with blank- | SOUTHEND, ESSEX, | RIDING VACANT of Earl of Iveagh | Involves By- Election Londen, Oct. 11.--The de'th of he Earl of I'eagh and the sncces-| sion of¢his eldest won, Viscount El- 'eden to the Earldom, induces a y-election in the riding of So.th nd, the popular seaside resort in issex where Viscount Elveden has een the member s'nce 1918, - Southend is regarded as a fairy afe Conservative stronghold. bu he riding has exper enced some re rarkable flu tuations. During the ast election, campaign Elveden had "remier Baldwin's personal he'y ady FElveden who is spoken of as possible Conservative cand"d te n the by-election is as keen in poli- tics as her huvstand. As cha uu: f the Women's Unionist Organiza- ion she recently fissued an app" 2 Conservative women throughout England to "play a port in stemmin' the tide of Soecialion." In her ap- man since he had in his tiny home far in the Artic |after his leave two years before. Circle is a 21-year-old cle", Harry! DISAPPOINTED IN LOVE, LONDONER STARVE IN ARCTIC ets and skins. He had an alarm in love is thought to be the rea ni clock, which he set by the sun in summer and more or less by guess in winter, "I had dinner with him that night and he said how pleasant it was to talk English again. I do not think that he had talked to an English- been out there "He showed no. curiosity about life in England, and almost his only a firm in Piccadilly, W., and lives at | yostion was regarding the Govern. ment. When I told him that a Con servative Government was in power he seemed pleased. He told me that his visit to England two years Le- fore had so upset him that he did not think he could go back again He said that he did not like the cii- imate. Before his leave, which was {of one year, he had been out there three or four years, Renounces World "He sppeared to me to be a man 'who had deliberately cut himself ofi from the world. I heardein the sh'p that he was supposed to have bhecn crossed in love, "After dinner the Eskimos came into the hut and were greatly amus- -- -- frie instrument. "From Kivitoo we went. to Kater, where Pitchforth was to &tay for a time. His hut there was only 11 feet by six, and contained merely a plank bed and a stove. As I could not share it with him I was sent back to England. "In the winter he was often im- prisoned for weeks beneath; the snow in the perpetual twilight of the Arctic winter. and spent much of his time makinz maps, I think. He was a keen geologist and was always looking for gold, diamonds, nd other precious minerals. X "He did not smoke or drink. and had only a few books, of which most were scientific works." At the time of Wigglesworth's visit Pitchforth's father, a widower, aged 80, was living at Burley Mount, Burley road, Leeds. Most parents object to,the state looking after their children'. They prefer to leave it to chance, --Bran- don Sun, Boys' Windbicak- on spent 91.49 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 ------ A AAA SIGNS of all kinds ° eles a ni 2 ¥ odeed LC) Cac Glass Signs, Banners, Road Signs, Tickets and Posters Best Workmanship Reynolds & Tane Phones 693, . 1442.) OSHAWA freee 0) " ie ood heels feels x eejeefeeieel: 0) Co x feufucontested tod oe 0 " Oa) feted Joules = oe aejesgele ., 5 toi a 0) " a ed by receiving shocks from an elec- | Flour, Cereals and Potatoes We have FIVE brands of Bread Flour and THREE brands of Pastry Flour for you to choose from. Every bag is guaranteed, Cereals in bulk is a specialty with us. cook in three minutes and some in the old fashioned way. Among these are Breakfast Wheat, Granu- lated Wheat, Barley Porridge, Rolled Oats, Flaked Whe~t and Corn Meal. Our Health Bran is 5c per Ib.--Try it. We excell in all kinds of Feed for Poultry, Pigeons, Dogs, Canaries, Horses and Cattle. Our Potatoes are choice in quality and low in price. Cooper Smith Co. Just South of Post Office Phcne 8 Some 16 Celina Street 7) A. G. BROOMFIELD Hatteries, Electric Repatrs and Supplies Ante Accessories Oshawa Battery Service 7 King St. W. Phone 1184 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Dreading the appearance; people tolerate, discomfort, es, nervous fatigue. Vanity becomes a - 322 12 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1200 1516 Divnay Block «FPHON R= 1516 opposite Past Offwe UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, ' Workmanship Guaranteed G. A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St. -:« Phone 185 eal +» e derided thore ' who shut thmeselves up in Congervat.ve eirongholds and then blame tue party organization when the seuts are lost." JUSTICE HUNTER ENTERS PROTEST | Takes Exception to Remarks of Judges in Court of Appeal | Vancouver, B.C.. Oct. 11.---Chief Justice Gordon Hurfer of British Columtia in a statement to a court room crowded with Vancouver lawyers Friday, replied to what he tenned a '"'serious reflection" wad' on a brcther judge My the Court o Appeal of the province. With him on :he ben-h were Justices Morri- son Gregory, A. A MacDonald ar¢ DN A. MacDonzld, who endorsed the statement. Chief Justice FTunter"s statement referred to remarks of the "7 -o of the Court of Appeal in sending back to the eourt ior re'. ai ue case of M. MeCéhe. se mar " 2a Government steamer - * se children heA heen eiven in.., tue charge of relatives by order of Mr. Justice Morrison. 'The Chief Justice re- jterred to Mr. Justi e Mart'n's re ported statemen: that "there had 'been miscarriage of justice of a + |] KiNG EDWARD HOTEL TORONTO. 5 J FORT GARRY HOTEL WINNIPEG kind." Bn / The Carpets Youll See in Canadas Leading Hotels N practically all of Canada's leading hotels you will find BARRYMORE Guaranteed Rucs in, the bedrooms, hallways, staircases, lobbies and other main rooms. You have seen them. You have admired their rich beauty. But have you ever considered what wonder- ful wear they must give? The hotel owners choose BARRYMORES because they so admirably combine. decorative beauty and the finest of wearing qualities. Don't fail to see the new designs as shown in leading housefurnishing stores. New colours, new shades never before attained in rugs. Smart, new, modish patterns. And the same splendid BARRYMORE quality. Ask to see ORE Guaranteed RUGS Designed, woven and guaranteed by TORONTO CARPET MFG. CO., LIMITED Toronto Established 1891 Canada A 4 nl ls | Mount BovAaL / HOTEL MONTREAL. / 4 GEORGIA HOTEL VANCOUVER. Look for the Barrymore guarantee label, which is affixed to the back of every genuine Barrymore Ruc.

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