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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Oct 1927, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1927 OMINION STEEL 15 GRANTED PLEA Leave to Appeal Winding-up Order to Privy Council is Secured Halifax, N.S., Oct. 13.--The full . bench of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court Saturday granted a stay of execution in order that the Do- minion Steel Corporation and the British Empire Steel Corporation may appeal to the Privy Council from the judgment of the Supre.ae Court enbanco dismissing by equal division of the court the appeal trom . the winding-up order affecting those companies, granted the Na- tional Trust Company by Mr. Jus- tice Chisholm. Argument was presented by C. J. Burchell, K.C., for the Dominion Steel Corporation and the British Empire Steel Corporation; J. E. Reed, K.C, representing certain preference shareholders of the Do- minion Steel Corporation; C. B. Smith, K.C., on behalf of a commit- tee of Guaranteed Currency bend- holders of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company, all of Halifax, and by Glyn Osler, K.C., Toronto, for the National "Trust Company of that city. One of ' the terms suggested by Mr. Osler was that pending the ap- peal there be a stay of thé so-called "priorities action in the Supreme Court, in which the Dominion and Steel Company and the Dominion Steel Corporation are plaintiffs and the Canadian Bank of Commerce, the Bank of Montreal and the Na- tional Trust Company as trustees of the bondholders of = the Dominion Iron and Steel Company and as re- ceived and manager of the com- pany, are defendants. In this ac- tion the plaintiffs ask that it be determined by the court hs to whether the banks or the National Trust Company on behalf of the bondholders are entitled to the sum »f approximately . $2,300,000 now held by the banks on special de- posit and being the proceeds der- 'ved from the sale of certain as- jets of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company. The yDominion Steel COLDS THAT DEVELOP INT PAELMON ersistent coughs and colds leat to serious trouble. Yon can stop them now with n, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action, it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. ls all known drugs, creosote .i8 recognized by high medical authorities as one a the est healing, agencies for persistent goughs and CREO colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected mem- branes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion ig guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or "flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your . druggist. ' Creomulsion Co., Limited, ay Su MU Corporation claims that this ques- tion should be determined at the earliest possible date, and an order has been granted in the priorities action by Mr. Justice Chisholm di- recting that the 'trial of ihe action taek place 'at the next sitting of th court, which opens on Tuesday, October 18." WAR THREATENS CENTRAL EUROPE Old Enmity Betw Between Poland and Lithuania Breaks Out Again Paris, Oct. 15--an outbreak of the old enmity between Poland.and Lithuania Monday complicated the European situation just' as the great powers were beginning to exert pressure to qufet the Bulgar- ian-Jugo-Slavian dispute. Several frontier ° incidents, not alone serious enough to be report- ed in newspapers combined, it was declared in the Lithuanian capital, to cause strained relations, It is added that Poland is plan- ning to send a sharp note to Lithu- ania protesting against alleged op- pression of Polish people under Li- thuanian rule. France, on behalf of the allies, is understood to be urging Jugo- Slavia to settle peacefully her dis- pute with Bulgaria, also the result of a series of frontier: incidents-- in this case culminating with the assassination of Gen. Kovachevitch, a distinguished Jugo-Slavian army officer. It is believed that the British and Italian officials are exerting pres- sure on the Bulgarian government. It is reported that King Boris of Bulgaria, abandoning his long bride hunting tour of Europe has hastened home and probably nas arrived there. League of Nations officials, a Geneva dispatch says, are watching the Bulgarian-Jugo-Slavian situa- tion closely. But they W®efleve, as is believed elsewhere, that an ap- peal to the League would be made only as a last resort, #Doctor; "You need to be treat- ed for the whiskey habit." Casey: "Begorra, doctor, how I got it, " that's WHERL Ou ALI1 COUNTS Harvest y COUNTS Dominion Stores This Week 4 1s. 19° PY Lotte Rolled Oats Rae pid 39° Strawberry or New Pack 49° Good Quality PEAS 2 us 23cC Domino Fancy Qity. 3 tins 35¢ 24-1b. B a P Z] White Satin astry Flour $123 "3-16. Tin RS Cook's Friend Baking Powder Domino Brand _1-1b. tin. 32¢ 23¢ ¢ | Finest Shredded 3°| Cocoanut 21. § | Esiee race Ciove vu 67° Cleanser 329° 'Gem Lye 2 tins 23° fr 5 for ---- Flakes 3 pits, "ar, Brooms 3 39¢ 25¢ Charm "TASTY" BREAD 9c Cleans Everything Lyle's Golden Syrup i. 25¢ 2 tins 25C cols ASK RESTRICTION OF IMMIGRATION ER U.S. Labor Leaders Want Stricter Law Respect- Los Angeles, Cal, Oct. 13.--Re- solutions ordered brought out on the floor of Monday's sessions of | the American Federation of Labor convention include one asking for the restriction of immigration from Canada and Latin-America. An- other resolution demands the re- peal of the Sherman anti-Trust Act, while others ask that the act be amended so that it cannot inter- fere with organized labor. The exe- cutive council of the Federation does not consider the Mexican Government a trades union regime, it reported to ithe convention Sun- day. After a 12 months' investigation of the relationship between Labor and the Government in the southern republic, the council filed a supple- menial report prefaced with a re- view of Mexico's turbulent history since independence.. of Spain was gained in 1821. "The voluminous document, which is an answer to charges made on the floor of the last convention that the Mexican Government sponsored and support- ed the Labor movement in that country, traces the efforts of Labor to organize over a period of a cen- tury. H. G. WELLS WRITES TRIBUTE TO WIFE Funeral Oration Read at . Secular Burial of Mrs. Wells London, Oct, 13.--A funeral ora- ion 'written by H. G. Wells was read Monday at the funeral of the novelist's wife by an old friend, Dr. T. E. Page, at a secular ser- vice attended by [George 'Bernard Shaw and Arnold Bennet: among others. "The city of the living world," Wells wrote, "is a pereanial city bound to the immemorial past and towering up in the future to heights beyond our vision Its walls are fashioned like Mosiac out of lives such as this one. "Of natural things she most lov- ed the cherished roses in her garden and the sunlight on the mountain snows. The spirit of her life lives with us still. She returns to the furnace of material things from which her life was born. But with- in our hearts she rests enshrined. "She was a noble wife, a happy mother and a maker of a free and hospitable home. She thought that a good deed talked about or even held in memory lost half its worth The best and sweetest of her Ie known only to one or two of us. "Some lives stand out in head- lands and are beacons for all mun- kind, but gome more, lopely and more precious come only by chance gleams of reflection to the knuw- ledge of the outer world." CHICAGO MAYOR'S LONDON MESSAGE Denies Bishop's Charge U.S. Children Taught to Hate England Chicago, Oct. 13.--Mayor Wil-| liam Hale Thompson' Monday sent a message to London explaining his idea of "America First." The message was a reply to the following telegram from the New York correspondent of thé London Daily Express: "Church of England Bishop, ad. dressing American legionnaires in London today, said American school children were being taught to hate England. He urged legionnaires to oppose this kind of teaching. In your opinion is this true and wuat do you think of the Bishop's as- sertion?"' Mayor Thompson replied that he knew nothing of an effort to make American chizGren hale the Eng- lish but "on the contrary I do know of "the pro-British propaganda throughout this nation to make the school children hate the Ameircan patriots who gave' this country its freedom." The Mayor told of removing Su- perintendent William McAndrew from the Chicago schools, restoring the picture of George Washington to the secnool histories and the pic- ture of "The Spirit of '76" to the school walls. "It is my opinion that the Bishnn of London will have no complaint against the conduct of the American schools if the British ruling class stops meddling with the internal af- fairs of other nations." FAIR PLAY A motoring party riding near a farm orchard stopped their 'ear, jumped out and over the fenée and plucked a bag full of appl , As they passed 'the farmhouse Uh y called out to the owner: "We helped our- selves to your apples. Thought we'd tell you.' "Oh, that's" all right," the farm- er called Ack, "I helped myself to your, tools while you were in the ard" HARD ON DAUGHTERS The style of short skirts, how- ever, works very hard with small daughters. They complain that mother wears everything they get. Int one's lip." York ch Says Plain Mr. York--"T'll give you a winner has have on your slip For it's setting the pace he chocolate bar race Plain York is the first choice on every: dni Crowds Svefywhete are enjoying | Plaia not too bitter, . has become such a favorite. This delicious plain Rowntree chocolate, 4 HS 100 sweet, ls 3 sincoth taste that is a truly Yr re er Juslisy chocolate, Your {6 A u ul / I HHA ; Py ae" 5 28 DEY vd UE ed anet ¢ a ENGINEERS' APPENDICES TO WATER- WAY REPORT AVAILABLE SHORTLY Ottawa, Oct. 13.--The appendices to the report of the joint board of engineers on the St, Lawrence water- way is now in the hands of the printer and should be available for the National Advisory Committee within the next few weeks. It was in December that the report of ihe engineers showed that the Canad- ian and United States engineers had differed in their proposols for the navigation and power project. Dur- ing the summer, the United States officially suggested that negotiations be opened to lead toward a treaty on the matter. Premier Mackenzie King, in replying, pointed out that the report in its entirety was not completed and that certain appen- dices' were yet to come. These important appendices upon which the Prime Minister based his suggestions for] further considera- tion are now almost completed. The rumor persist that the Premier him- self is to take the chairmanship of the National Advisory Committee and it is likely that the committee will meet late in the fall to give its ~onsideration to the completed re- port. With maps, diagrams and appen- | dices it will comprise three substan- tial volumes. The committee con- sists of Thomas Ahearn, Ottawa; Hon. W. E. Foster, Saint John; Beaudry Leamn, Montreal; Edward DN. Martin. Winnipeg; W. L, Me- Dougald, Montreal; Hon. Sir Clif- ford Sif-on, Toronto; Major Gen, J. W. Stewart, Vancouver, and Hon. A. Turgeon, Quebec. Yates, of Ottawa, is secretary. SAYS REMBRANDT ARE NOT GENUINE New York, Oct. 13.--Tw¢ und- red and-eight-five of the 300 eich ings commonly attributed to Ren brandt are not the work of the fam ous 17th century Dutch painter, Dr. John C. Van Dyck, authority on the master, says in his new book on Rembrandt drawings and etchings. He attributes all but 15 to col- laborators, assistants, pupils and imitators. Among - those he ex- tludes as not genuine, are such fam_ ous works as "The Hundred Guild- er," "Christ before Pilate," and the "Three Trees." George W.' ( SPECIALIST. ; , discomfort, nervous fatigue. Vanity becomes menace. 1516 =P HONBE- - Opposite Post EYESIGHT Dreading the ch: hantanh | R pl Do wa ae - FOR GAS, ACID STOMAC INDIGESTION. Bisurated Ms Magnesia Is Safe and Reliable - If you are a a vietim of Stomach ™ Tt ouble,--Gas, SBougness, Acidity, Pain or Bloating after eating, Bisurated M3: gnesia is made for you. 4\t the nearest drug store, get a bote tle- --powder or tablets--take a little= and get instant relief. R eps _ your stomach sweet' ant? stra ng--digestion perfec t wo like a charm, Pe % $ - ge |i = --- On fequest w we EL BABY BOOKS LYRE ya on pr rnc fod Jt That is natural. » 3 i EAGI "CONDENSED MILK 5 Jour: Baty « A normal infant shows steady progress. If} pour baby is not doing so consult your doctor. If it is a food problem, Eagle Brand may solve it. For bottle-fed babies Eagle Brand has been the standby of mo thers for three generations. It is especially valuable in difficult feeding cases, being such. a safe food--pure, uniform, easjly digested. [fouwill be pleased to see your baby begin to thr riveimmediately when placed on a carefully prepared Eagle Brand diet. It is highly endar:ad by doctors and nurses. Sold byydruggisis and grecers everywhere. BRAND .~ bn "oss MIIVLRE R iiqa avn 'ovo jilalyd did a ---- / ' 1]

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