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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Oct 1927, p. 16

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$0 \Y ¥ Suburban and District News Ebenezer, Oct. 11.--Three regular | services were held at Ebenezer i church on Sunday last when good { crowds gathered to the instructive and interesting meetings: Our pas- tor, Rev. H. J. Stainton, was with 'his congregation both morning and | 'evening and gave two excellent ser- mons. His morning subject was the text, "Ye must be born again," and ¢ in the evening he gave an illusirat- ed lecture on Bunyan"s Pilgrim's , Progress. The choir rendered beau- 'tiful musi in both [services and : added much to the servites and a regular session was held. ,. Miss Lyla Osborne, of Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. The opening meeting of the Young People's League was held on Thursday evening last when a gova 'meeting was held. The special speaker for the evening was Rev. Dr. Horwood, of Toronto, who gave an fllusirated lecture on '"Music." His lecture was excellent and the music which he rendered on both the piano and organ as {illustra- tions was wonderful indeed. The remainder of the program consist- ed of a vocal solo by Mrs. (Rev.) "CN WILLIAMS PIANO Made by the largest pro- ducers of pianos in Canada. Established in 1849, Johns Piano Store 80 Simcoe St. N. Phone 251 For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE 8S. PHONE 389 Cash or Terms 1--1926 Chevrolet Coach Loaded with Extras 1--1923 Star Touring Very Cheap Chadburn Motors -- Stainton, an instrumental by Miss Hazel Rundle, a paper on "Jenny Lynd" by Miss Frances Hancock, and the Bible reading and istuuy by Miss Sadie Muir. Following this splendid program, a social time was spent by all with a pie social which brought a splendid evening to a fine close. Mr. Cyril Weyrich, of Oshawa was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Oke Miss M. Palk, of Toronto, was a zuest on Sunday .with Miss Sadie Muir. is Three regular "services will be held on Sunday next at Ebenezer church. Rev, Stainton will preach in the morning while Rev. J. Bick, of Solina, will be in the pupit in the evening. Sunday school as usual in the afternoon. J Mr. and Mrs. Elton Worry, of Bowmanville, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B,. Werty, on Sun- day. bi ! League meeting on Thursday night will be in charge of Miss Aura Osborne and the Tuxis Square. The speaker for the evening will be Rev. John Trumpour, of Tyrone, who will speak on "Trinidad." The remain- der of the program is being pre- pared and promises to be gouu. Come to League on Thursday 'and enjoy an evening among the young people Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider motored to Hamilton on Saturday and spent the week end with friends there. Gloom was cast over the com- munity when on Friday, there pass- ed to rest, Mr. William White, who has been ill for some {ime and has lived in this vicinity for many years. The funeral which was held on Monday afternoon was well attend- ed by relatives and friends wno mourn the loss of the one who fis gone. Excellent weather still continues and everyone is appreciating it as | they think of winter goming on. MYRTLE Myrtle, Oct. 11.--Mr, and Mrs, Russ®l Richardson and family, of Ashburn, visited at Mr. W. J Cook's on Sunday, Mr. Edgar Cooper, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. James Dickson's and other friends here. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Swayne and iaughter, Marjorie, have returned 'rom visiting friends a tShannon- sille. Mr. Thos. Duff, and son, had the pisforiune to have a horse drop dead while ploughing last Friday. t is thought that it was over come vith the heat, which is a very un- sual thing for October. Mr Ronald Pike has returned to 'oronto after visiting his sister. frs. Lucy Hughson and other old riends here. i Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Luke were at Mt. Carmel on Saturday night. attending the reception of Mr. and Mrs. Erle Squelch, at the home of the former's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squelch. Mr. Wilmer Harrison, of Laich- ford, New Ont, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Long and his brother, Mr Clarence Harrison. Congratulations to *'is3 Marjorie Swayne, who rece! ed the prize do- nated by the W &men's Institute, of A 100 HOUSES We guarantee The Howard Furnace Company : Making. and Selling Furnaces for 38 years. 881 Yonge Street. je Agent for Oshawa and District There Are Now EEA Being Heated With HOWARD F economy of fuel with our straight firepot and patent two-way draft, IN OSHAWA - Toronto "te "ge © Phone 1125¢ ]tk Western {new store . Tim. Brooklin, for the best scrap book at the School fair. ; Mr, Stanley Rodd has sold his Mvery barn to Mr. Jack Beckett, who expects to rebuild it into hen houses. Stanley is giving up the livery business, but will continue his taxi service. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Hahn snd daughters, of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. : Mrs, James Cook spent Suhday with Toronto friends. Mrs. Mary Ballard, of Weston, has been 'visiting friends here. Mr. Johnathan Thompson was around this neighborhood last week cutting corn for the farmers. Paving operations on the hign- way were completed on Monday, the road is" now paved from Man- chester to Toronto, and will soon be open and ready for general tra- fic. The men are mow busy ditch- ing and shouldering up the road. Mr. Robert Chisholm was in Pe- terboro on Sunday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Frost, who has been one of the head officials of the C.P.R. for a number of years. Mr. Will Cook has sold his team of light draught horses that nave been winning ged ribbons at the fairs for the past two years to Mr. Nelson. Wagg, of Claremont, who shipped them to a buyer in Western Ontario where he will show them at the fall fairs there. ~ ASHBURN Ashburn, Oct. 11.--Mr., Phillip Parrot has 'about completed the erection of Ais new house in Oshawa, and he expeuts to move there shortly. Rev. W. B. Miichell preached an- riversary services at Utica on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richardson and family spent Sunday with friends at Myrtle station. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Joseph Bryant in the recent death of her brother, Mr. Harper. Burn's church Community Ciub has been re'ently re-organized for the winter months with the follow- 'nz officers: president, Miss Dorothy Miller; vice president. Edgar Heron; secretary, Miss Da'sy Fisher. treasurer. Harold Walker. There | win be weekly meetings every Tues- | day night and it is hoped that = iively interest will be taken in this branch of church work. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Oct. 11.--A pair of Dutch silver salt and pepper shak- ers are on display ai Mr. Thos. Hea- slip's stor¢. They are offered as a prize to the one who brings in the most paid up members to the Home and School Club at their next meet- ing on October 20, at which date new officers will be elected for ihe next term. On Monday morning a Pontiac coach ran into the ditch near the home of Mr. Frank Snudden, snap- ping off a telephone pole. The driv- er was not hurt. Mr. and Mre. John Cameron and family have moved fo their own home on College Hill. We are very sorry to lose them. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Rahm, and children, of Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welsh and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gage and son. of Toronto, were all Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffott. Mr. and Mrg. Thos .Solomon and baby, Lyla, Mr. Solomon, Sr., and Mrs. Woolley, motored to King, Sunday to' visit Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vil Hare and son, Wilfred and daughter, Evelyn. Wilfred Hare, who fell from his wheel on Sept. 13, had returned home from the Hospital and was some- what improved. He still suffers a head wound which is discharging and is very weak from the shock. Mr and Mrs. E. Tattersall and tamily, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hay and family at Oro- no. While there, little Gorden Tat- tersall, was accidentally burned about the head and face with ten and not very well at time of writing. . Much building is being done here. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton and children have moved here from Columbus. The foundation is being put in for Mr. John Beckett's home. A cellar is dug near Mr. Moffott's. Addison Scott is building a fine chicken house. Mr. Thos. Heaslip will trans. fer his stock to his new store next week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heaslip ana Miss Beatrice entertained with a dance in their new some on Friaay last. Dancing to music by Messrs. Farrow and Lawson on the violin with Mrs Farrow and Mr Heaslip at the piano, was much enjoyed in tne . on hardwood floors. Others played cards' At midnight a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Dancing was again resum- ed for a time. All present had a wonderful time. Mrs. John Lindsay is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. F, Manning spent Sunday with friends at Bowmanville. Don't forget to phone your news items to the correspondent. Phone 1653 ring 1 and 4. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Britton, of Smith Falls, spent Sunday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ana Mrs. Will Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons, of Haromhy, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Fico. THE BLESSED EVENT (Lite) ~ Young husband: Why, here's the announcement of the Jones's new, hw already! It was only born this morning. . Ditto Wife: "I'll bet they knew about it all the time, "I don't see that there is any ad- vantage in those clay pipes you al- ways smoke," said weary Willie, "h, hut tuyere 1s," replied Tired "When they drop on the ground, for instance, you hayn't got jo stoop and IER Shem wp." INTRODUCES BOYS T0 CANADIAN LIFE Wide Work Alte Five Stirling, Scotland, Oct. 13.--The boyhood dream of Donald Cameron, millionaire Canadian lumberman, to have his own band of private pipers has materialized. - - Cameron, who is of Scottish par- entage and who in his youth had a great love for the sound of bag- pipes has completed the orgamza- tion of a band of 24 hoy pipers, They are from the Queen Victoria Military School, Perthshire. He will take them to Canada. The lads, whose ages range from 12 to 16 years. will start with $25 monthly and expenses. They wil stay in Canada five years, then work will be offered them if they wish to remain. Cameron went to London first i¢ search of pipers. There he heard of the Queen Victoria school, which has as its pupils the sons of soldiers who served in Scottish Regimens, and is tamous for its boy bands. After an interview between Camer- on and Pipe-Major Taylor, one of the schools faculty, Taylor agreed to resign his post and take charge of the band going to Canada. Out of 300 boys in the school, 40 volunteered to go and the 24 con- sidered the best bandsmen were se- lected. The parents of every one of the boys gave permission for their sons to be absent for five years. EVANGELINE BOOTH BACK IN TORQUAY Army in U.S. on Scene of Early Labors Torquay. Eng., Oct. 13 --Thirty- seven years ago a young woman stood trembling in the Torquay dock charged with playing musical in- struments in a Sunday sireet pro- cession. Monday she returned, and 28 Commander Evangeleine Booth, head of the Salvation Army in the U.S., received high honors from the city. The mayor and leading citizens welcomed her at the town hall. Commander Booth recalled how on the earlier occasion she pleaded the cause of the Army before the Justice while a crowd of many thou- sands gathered outside the court. She demanded the right to attract the poor with a band in the streets. just as the churches did by ringing bells For a time Torquay was intolerant to these now well established Sal- vationist methods, but her fight ended in ultimate victory. RIVERA DENIES RECENT INTERVIEW Declares Spain Well Off With Possessions . 18 Her Madrid, Oct. 13 --General Prime Rivera, has denied an interview in the London Sunday Times which guoted him as saying "Spain would be better off out of Northern Af- rica." i "I never saw an English news- paperman while I was in Morocco," he said, "and never made such a statement to anybody." The Riviera's quoted declaration had cansed speciulation in all the chancellories in Europe. English diplomats were perturb- ed because of the possibility hat u country stronger than Spain some day might get a foothold opposite Cibraltar and conceivably could cut England off from iis Pmpire in time of war. . 2 "Spain is well off with its pos- sessions," De Rivera said. Summer 1s not going out-- To say so were a sin-- Summer is not going out. Because it ain't been in. Commander of Salvation' HEENAN RETURNS FROM TORONTO Minister of Labor's Sugges- tions Accepted by Two Parties to Dispute Ottawa, Oct. 13.--Expressing the hope that the dispute in Toronto between the United Brotherhood of foIventers and Joiners, the Amal- 'amated Carpenters of Canada, and . their. employes would shortly be ad- justed, Hon. Peter Heenan, Federal Minister of Labor, returned to the capital Tuesday morning. The Mini ster spent Monday in Toronto exam- ining the situation that has result- ted there in a demand for increased wage rates by ithe unions and by the request of each union for recogni- tion as sole representative of the men. / Mr. Heenan saw all three parties to e dispute Monday and made several suggestions for settlement, the nature of which he would not disclose, Two of the parties, he de- zlared, agreed gto his suggestions, and the third was considering them. The Minister would not reveal ine identity of the third party. He ex- pressed the hope, however, that ac- ceptance of his counsel would re- sult in the restoration of normal ac. tivities. -- ------ Y_ endure another winter with a cold garage? By adi Jiin it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cr. ke lator, frozen water pump an repairs zero weather. emp Sain y Gyproc keeps St, Winter's bitter cold. It is also fire- sy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for fi booklet--: My H od be ns, eh 2, Foy lor THE ONTARIO GYPSUM 'CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA repr For Sale By Waterous-Meek, Ltd. F. Flintoff & Sons - Cleve Fox Hardware - Gale & Trick = .- '= Oshawa, Ont. L.A. Koch - =~ = = Oshawa, Ont. W. J. Trick & Co., Ltd. - = Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. For-- Telephone-- 26 2 Four direct lines to Central Solvay Coke We are Sole Agents Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired. PHONE 705 : Kelly's Drug Store 34 King St. W. Prompt Delivery LY METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR King St. W. Oshawa a lA i UU Radio Electric 1% Prince St. Pheae 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock. Foll line of fixtures in stock. EAH Tn 500 Yards New Fall Silks % | 4 Gard Sl.KS of every description that are new in the fashion calendar for fall are included in this great two-day sell- ' ing which begins tomorrow morning. Quality silks in plain and figured de- signs. 36 inches wide. Georgettes--Cfepe de Chine--Satin HESE silks have been advantage- ously purchased and marked at low prices during this very special sale. ; aid AHR KA Rel NEIL We . SO \

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