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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Oct 1927, p. 1

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~ RUTH ELDER LANDS AT SE ( ' farther west where he has practiced gw ry tatesmen and leaders of the Bar nave arrived. "ACCUSED ABSENT 4x The Oshawa Daily Reformer pc : . VOL. I--NO. 86 Fe Dr SIV OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1927 Sm 0 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. SIXTEEN PAGES BENNETT T0 TAKE OFFICE END OF OCT. Showered With Congratula- tions from All Over Canada , NOPLANS AS YET Is Leaving Tonight for Cal- gary, Alta., His Home - (By Canadian Press) . Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 13.--Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett will prob- ably take over the mantle of lead- ership toward the end of October. As yet Mr. Bennett has made no arrangements to take up his vesid-. ence in the Capital. The man elected at yesterday's Dominion-wide convention to guide the destinies of the Conservative Party will likely leave Winnipeg late tonight for Calgary. Definite ar- rangements in this regard are con- tingent on appointments to be made in the course of the day. Throughout the night and today, telegrams and cables of congrtula- tions from party followers, former class-mates, legal associates and others, poured in. From New Brun- swick where he was born, from Nova Scotia where he was educated, from Ontario rnd Quebec where he has business associations. from points for years and {rom British in England, congratulatory messages, CASE ADJOURNED Mary Stadnik Charged With 'Land Lies Between Hillcroft BLAZE IN GALT . (By Canadian Press) Galt, Oct, 18.--bamuge to the extent of $10,000 was caused by a fire which broke out to- day im _ the Galt Creamery Block. The fire was in the heart of the business district and partiall destroyed. the Bu- chanan Block also. Defective wiring was given as the cause of the blaze. The buildings were covered by imsurance. ANOTHER NEW SUBDIVISION OF 50 ACRES T. R. and G. W. Pinner Ac quire Property from J. D. Storie RESIDENTIAL AREA Street and the Third Concession Fifty acres of land owned by J. D. | Storie, lying' on the west side of Rit- son ad between Hillcroft street and the Third Concession, have been op- tioned by Messrs. T. R. and G. W. Pinner for development in the near future as Oshawa's finest residential section. They announce that they will exercise their option in the nedr future and that, when details have been worked out, the district will be .pened as an exclusive residential sec tion of the highest type. "This district," T. R. Pinner $tates, 'is wonderfully valuable from the to- pographical point of view. Rolling in nature, it affords prospectice owners of fine homes a magnificent field for landscape gardening. "Restriction which are to be im- posed wil not only be in the eld of cost but also in the matter of select- mg the highest type of association up- (Continued on Page 3) TANDEL IS FACING Keeping for Sale Following Raid : Since Mary Stadnik did not appear | in court this morning for her ad-| journed hearing on a charge of keep- ; ing liquor for sale, the case was proceeded with ex narte, but again had to be adjourned. Her husband had been convicted for the same of- fence and had his permit to make liquor cancelled, but his wife still continued in the business with the result that the house was raided the night of September 18th and nearly 300 hottles of liquor seized. The case has been adjourned- several times. It will come up again later in the week. FOUND GUILTY OF STEALING MILK John Fleming Convicted Fol lowing Arrest With Bottles . in Possession Charged with the theft of two pint bottles of milk, John Fleming was found guilty by Magistrate Hind in olice Court this morning and remand- ed until October 20 for sentence. The remand was for the purpose of await- ing the report of his finger prints which have been sent to the Federal authorities for investigation. 4 Fleming was arrested at Ontario and Bond streets about one o'clock on the morning of October 5 with the bottles in his possession, and later it was found taht similar bottles had been stolen from nearby houses. He plead- ed guilty the next morning and was remanded. Crown Attorney Grierson conducted the prosecution while A. J. Parkhill acted for the defendant. FAMOUS FIGURE IS DEAD IN BELGIUM q . (Cable Service to The Times by rr -- Canadian Press) London, Oct. 13--The FEvening|ed News reports the death today of Wil- liam Le Quex; novelist and authority on the secret service of Continenta. powers, in Belgium, atter several weeks' illness, from heart trouble. PORTUGAL APPROVES TREATY OF ARBITRATION WITH SPAIN Lisbon, Oet, 12 Portuguese Cabinet today approved "conclusion of the treaty of arbitration and con- ciliation between Spain and Portu- gal.' The negotiations began some mathe ago. Co SUSPENSION FOR NOT" DEFENDING CROWN « (By Associated Press) 'New York, Oct. 13--The National Boxing Asscgiation is planning to sus- pend Sammy Mandell as the world's lightweight champion, it was learned oday from the Association's president. 'allure to defend the crown has orought Mandell into disrepute. The Association will consider the case next week. 4 REBEKAH PAST NOBLE GRANDS HOLD EUCHRE a Past Noble Grands of Rebekah odge No. 3 entertained at a eucure party yesterday afternoon in the Jddfellows Hall. The winners of the orizes were Mrs. Holsworth, first; drs. R. Bint, second; and the con- solation prizes went to Mrs. B. uil- luird. The {prizes for ihe 'euchre were donated by the president, Mrs. Mary Shaw, Mis, A. Thrasher and Mrs. W. Caverly. Dainty refresh- ments were served which brought he very pleasint afternoon to a close. $10,000 LOSS BY | Lands Safely On Sea Beside Steamer wef 0.C.L TAKES EARLY LEAD AT BIG MEET Cold Weather Affects the Athletes Who Are After Records KEEN RIVALRY Bailes of Oshawa Wins the Senior Standing Broad Jump Oshawa Collegiate Institote took an early lead in the Inter-school Athletic Meet being held in Alex- andra park this afternoon between Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whithy collegiates. The events are being witnessed by a small crowd from each school and the" cold weathe' has a telling effect, the nsual noise of school yells and cheers being missed, The condition of the wea- ther is hampering the students in their effort to create records, ®- though one that of the Junior Standing Broad Jump was broken by one eighth of an inch. The local collegiate established history for itself when it ran one, two, in the Senior Standing Board Jump. C, Russell came first with a distance of 8 feet, 8 inches, while J, DeMille came second and D. Colmer of Bowmanville, third. The record for the event was made in 1924, when Bailes of Oshawa (Continued on Page 3) CHATHAM SANITARY INSPECTOR SUCCUMBS AT THE CITY HALL (B | Canadian Press): Chatham. Oct. 13 -- David Holmes, city sanitary officer for twenty years, died suddenly today at the city hall CONDUCTOR INSTANTLY KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY TRAIN Quebec, Que., Oct. 12---Rosario Lezare, a conductor of the Cana- dian National Railways, aged 47 years, a resident of Charny, was in- stantly killed by a train today near Charn Station. iin 4 Year's Building Reaches $4, 253,539 -- $35,000 Permit Taken Cut By General Mo- tors -- Several Fine New Homes Authorized October's building permits totall- ed $192,934 at the closing of the bullding inspection office Wednes- day evening, bringing the year's to- tal up to $4,258,539. The first half of the month will, it is predicted, see the quarter million mark pass- Wednesday's larger permits dn- clude one for $35,000 issued to General Motors of Canada, Limited, for its new salvage building now under construction by the Anglin- Norcross Construction Company. George Clarke obtained authori- ty for the erection of this week's finest houses. He is building two brick dwelling houses on Frederick street to 'cost $5,500 each. These residences will both be two storeys in height, Building Permits So Far This Month Total $192,934 CITY NOW FREE OF DIPATHERIA Last Case is Discharged from Quarantine--Disease is Under Control Oshaya is now entirely free of diph- theria, and if the Public. Health de- partment can prevent a, recurrence of the epidemic which has resulted in the closing of a rural school near the city, no time or pains will be spared to that end. The last child known to have diph- theria wagftlischarged from quarantine this morning, Miss Harris of the Pub- lic Health nursing staff announced. During the past few weeks the pub- lic health nurses have worked un- sparingly with a view to getting the disease isolated as the first step to- {Continued on Page 3) wards an' effectual check. ory Ox 7 IN Se FORA NJ a Miss Ruth Elder, pretiy aviatrix, vho aspired to be the first woman o cross the Atlantic and who with ier co-pilot George Haldéman, was vicked up today by a Dutch tanker ifter landing on ithe sea. She. is thown here in three poses. 'I'ne lane was forced down by a broken Ml ne. {25 STUDENTS ~ ATNIGHT SCHOOL _ Classes Progress -- More to Come With 425. students enrolled in the Oshawa Collegiate night school and more known to be coming, the Advis- Vocational. Committee of the Board is faced with the probability that in 1928 the Oshawa Collegiate may be as busy and as well filled by night as by day. Enrolment for night work exceeds all expectations, and -is considered as evidence of unprecedented interest in higher and technical education. So many newcomers to Canada have enrolled in the "English. for New Canadians" class, renamed at the re- cent Board meeting, that a second class has had to be formed. In 1926 one class was.amply sufficient. Commercial subjcct§. "have alsé had an unprecedented rush for instruction and Miss D. E. I. McNichol has been appointed to take charge of an addi- tional class. \ Demand for a course in electricity, apart from gencral physics, has war- ranted a special class in that subject and William McArthur has been ap- pointed as instructor. Great interest is being shown in the nursing class which, though a new de- parture, has attracted large numbers of young people who want practical raining mm home nursing, diefics and child welfare. : Asked 1t there was a possibility of ihe classes being held on three mights + week instead of one Tuesday and thursday might as at present, Prin- upal O Neill stated that no move in that duection was scheduied tor this year at least. 44 COMMUNISTS EXPELLED, FOR REBEL PROPAGANDA Cable Service To He Times By ress Moscow, Oct. 13--Forty-four com- munists were expelled from the party. today charged with carrying on rebel propaganda, against the Central Com- munist Committee. Chief Lieuts. of Leon Trotsky, who is the so-called jeader of the. opposition were among those expelled. 3 ACTIVE "JAPANESE VOLCANO ASANIA-YAMA IN ERUPTION Tokio, Oct. 12--With a thunder- ous roar, Asania-Yama, active Jap- unese volcano, ' erupted this morn ing, emitting an immense volume of thick black smoke and covering the ountryside with a white ash. Farmers at work in the fields were compelled to use umbyellas as a. protection from the ashes, which fell as far distant from the volcano as Utsonomiya, 70° miles to the east: (Asama-Yama is about 80 miles northwest of Tokio.) WEATHER cook Sanight and a fair and {| devote NEW LINE To WHITBY DOES NOT_AID CITY Oshawa May Face a Bitter Fight tp Hold Past Attainments ERRONEOUS REPORTS Hopes of a Ney Power Line Here Seem as Remote as Ever (Special _to The Times) ' Whitby, - Oct. 13---1Is Whitby about to be armed. with {he most potent of all industrial weapons in its civic fight for industrial leader- | ship in Ontario County? And, in- cidentally, is Oshawa to be face- with the biiterest fight of its history to hold its past achievements in the field of industrial expxansion to say nothing of what it hopes for the future? One of the possible answers to these questions is that linemen of the Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion are today bringing a new pow- er line into Whitby, from Oshawa and that prominent business men of the Count seat see in that exten- sion the beginning of a new era. Erroneous reports published in Toronto are to the effect that this new line is from Whitby to Oshawa and that Oshawa indusiries are to benefit. The facts are, however, that Oshawa"s hopes of new power lines seem as remote as ever. There was talk of a new line being brought (Continued on Page 3) LIGHTERS WRECKED THO ARE DROWNED Six Men and Women Are Res- cued By the Rye Beach Firemen (By Associated Press) Rye, New York, Oct. 13--A five-hour struggle with the wind and heavy waves that wrecked two lighters oft the coast of West Chester County early today, ended with the rescue of six men and women by Rye Beach firemen after two men had been drow- ned 'in Long Island Sound, The re- sult was made possible when firemen Lawler swam forty feet to the rocks and tied a ladder to the lighter. The two drowned were Charles Livermore, cook, and Jack Cunnirigham. Sister of New Leader Pleased With Election (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Oct. 13--"I am tres mendously pleased my brother was chosen and I know he will his "whole heart and energy to the good of the coun- try and the people of Canada," said Miss Mildred Bennett, sis- ter of the new Conservative leader, after his election last night. Mrs. Howard Fallis, of Peter- bore, member of the National committee said that "a§ women we appreciate greatly the state ment of Mr. Bennett that wo- men and young people within the ranks of the party were to be considered more than had ever before seen the case. Wonien delegates can take that stimulat- ing message back with them to the districts they represent." Daring Aviatrix Fails To Reach Destination But Is In No Danger ESIDE SHIP » Miss Elder and Co-pilot Geo. Ha'deman in Plane Ameri- can Girl Land Beside Steam- er Barendrecht -- Forced - Down By a Broken Oil Line GRAVE FEARS SET AT REST Miss Elder's Family Receive Gladdening News After a Night of Agony, Waiting for Some Word of Fliers-- Plane Well Equipped Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Paris, Oct. 13--The plane American Girl .with Miss Ruth Elder and Cap- tain George Haldeman landed at sea beside the Dutch Tanker Barendrecht with a broken oil line, she radio'd the Paris office of the Associated Press to- day. The message was wirelessed from the Barendrecht to the steamship Bay- ano which relayed it to the wireless station at Devizes, England. It was as follows: --"Landed by Steamship Barendrecht with broken oil line. Both Haldeman and I O.K.--Ruth Elder." The Tankér is reported as leaving Valencia, Spain, on September 21 for Houston Texas. The position of the Tanker was not given in the message. The radio corporation of America announced it was informed by the Steamer Olympic that the Dutch Stea- mer Barendrecht had picked up the (Continued on Page 5) "YOUNG BREWERY" FOUND BY POLICE Mrs. Frank Kobernick to Ap- pear on Charge of Keeping for Sale As a result of a raid on her prem- jses. 335 Ritson road this week, Mrs, Frank Kobernick will appear in court next Tuesday to answer to a charge of keeping liquor for sale. The raid was made late Monday night by Provincial Officers Cook- man and Mitchell, who found sev- eral people in the house, besides the owner. They seized a large quantity of liquor, there being quite a num- ber of cases of intoxicating bever- ages. Mrs. 'Kobernick apparently did not manufacture the wet goods her- self, but handled the real article, purchased from Government stores. The officers described the place as "a. young brewery." It will be re- membered that her husband is at the present time serving a térm for perjury. ROTARIANS GOING T0 STREET FAR Members of Oshawa Club to Visit Bowmanville in Full Force Ochawa citizens in. general are ex- tend 4 a cordial invitation to take part in Bowmanville"s nicht of carnival which will center about the Bowman-- ville 'Rotary Cluh's street fair tonight The Oshawa Rotary Club is attend- ng in bady cally, and will form up at Welsh's Parlors at 7.15 for a trip which will bring them to Bow- manville in time for a street parade which will be headed bv the Oshawa Lecion Post's pipe band. 'Proceeds of the Bowmanville Fair Je devoted to the erection of a mn 's' home in connection with the Bowmanville Hospital. Twelve booths, splendidly equipped for pleasure and mutual profit" will be erected. Two bands will be on hand to furnish music for the merrymaking throng. Bowmanville Rotarians oro- fise an evening of continuous pleas- ure and happy memories for all that attend. f CARDINAL'S CONDITION GRAVE (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Belfast, Oct. 13--Cardinal O'Don. nell, primate of Ireland, sufferins from pneumonia, had a severe attac! tedav and his condition is extremely rn A Abeta + - graye. READY FOR FLIGHT TO DENMARK PLANE . IN GRIP OF GALE (By Associated Press) : Orchard, Maine, Oct. 13-- The position of "dawn," the great amphibjan plane ready for the flight to Denmark became pre- |carious at moon today when a re- cord tide with 3 southeast gale reached out to engulf the plane, which was resting on the sands well above the normal high water mark. An hour before the waters were to reach full flood, rollers were washing the sand away from the planks on which the plane rest- i Ew Ty Se gasoline it was ly 7 Shovels and sandbags were used in an effort to stem the tide uxtil some plan could be evolved for moving the plane. .The plane can float if necessary, however. T0 ASCERTAIN COST TO CITY OF SUBWAY City Engineer Smith Leaves Tonight to Consult C.N.R: : Officials TO PRESENT. CASE Will Be Carried Out if Mutu- ally Approved By City and Railway Oshawa's efforts to obta'n con- strution of a subway under the Canadian National Railway linés ai Simeoe south will be brought to thé attention of Sir Henry Thornton. president of the system, at Mont- real tomorrow by Cily Engineer Smith who leaves Oshawa tonight for the Canadian metropolis. Mr. Smith will also confer with the chief engineers of the C.N.R. headquart- ers, and the subway committee of the City Council of which Ald. D. A. J. Swanson is chairman hopes that with this initial move the. way will be cleared for direct action on (Continued on Page 3) GERMAN AVIATORS - ARE FORCED DOWN Leave Berlin for Amsterdam But Are Halted By'Necessary : Repairs (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Berlin, Oct. 13.--Adter starting from Brunsbuettel for Amsterdam on the second hop of the flight to America, the Heinkle hydro-aeroplane wag" fof= ced to land at Wilhelnishaven for 're- pairs, The Heinkle hydro-ac¢roplane, whith arrived here yesterday. from Warne- muend,. leit today fer Amsterdam. in continuance of the attempted flight to the United States by way of Azores. Pilot Horst Merz said it was probable he would head straight for Libson, Portugal, after reaching Amsterdam. Ccming Events RATES ~ # 8 Cents por word each inser: Minhmum charge for each imsertion, 35c¢. ! G. M. C. FOOTBALL CLUB WILL hold Dance in Convention "Hall, Friday, 8.30 p.m, Come and aye a good time. (860) HEAR JESSIE ALEXANDER AND Bettina Vegara, at St. Andrew's concert and entertainment, Oecto- ber 17. b 3868) NEVADA, PALMIST A MADAME 267 French St. Hours 2 to 9. : gece)' EUCHRE TO BE HELD IN .THE new Westmount School, Friddy at eight o'clock. Good prizes. = (86a) HEAR JESSIE ALEYX/MNOT'™ hi: 1 Bettina Vegara; rf © * Tiawig Concert and Entertainm-r'. = "'a- | ber 17. aE

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