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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Oct 1927, p. 9

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The Oshawa Baily Time \ ' The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1927 - : I -------- VOL. ]--NO. 88 Second Section--Pages 9-14 a Sublished at Oshawa, Ont., Canada Every Dav" 7" Except Sundays and Public Holidays Collegiate Crater) r. TT. / | 0 Cents a Weck; 2 Cents a Copy. \ So near and yet so far. Only fif- teen points required to win the coveted Bassett Trophy, emblematic of track and field supremacy be- tween ihe schools of Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby, and yet only @ possible' 31 points in sight, in which to equalize the points the leaders, Whitby, might gather at the same time, and to climb fifteen points ahead of the present raiing as well. It's an oversized job but Just watch and see if the green gold and red doesn't do it, or fail- ing, makes the most heroic effort' to do so since the school won the Me- Laughlin Trophy in Whitby for thc third and deciding time, three year: ago. ' LJ * . At that much to be rememoe eo contest in Whitby three years ago. Oshawa was eleven points behind in the middle of the afternoon wit! only a possible 44 in sight, and ye! what was then "O.H.S." cau through in glorious ptyle to win the cup for good, ithe Bassett Tro phy now having taken its place. S¢ don't be disheartened; nearly al all of O.C.I.'s best events are ye to come and ye good olde days o: Whitby, 1924, might come again into being, 8» . The meet in Whitby three year. ago wasn't decided "until the very |- last event of the day was ruu off, the Junior half mile, It was then that Murray Kohen, then in his first year, came through with his first real laurels for Oshawa Colle- glate Institute. Will he again come through, along with the rest of his team mates, to win the meet as il finally was on that day in Whitby when Murray, still wanting in tue school of experience, stuck to Oscar Baird in his second year as. junior, and came through with a second place only two feet ahead of Whit- by's runner who placed third, to win the meet by one point? That final event of the day in which Oshawa émerged on top will re- main in the minds of those that were there, for many a year, and so also might a climax which may come about this year when the re- mainder of the events are held at Alexandra Park,-«... Ti LJ LJ] LJ The following are the events which are still' to be held; junior relay, half mile and 440 yards, sen- jor relay, 440 yards, half mile and mile run, Three points may, are likely to be scored in both of the relays while if Oshawa places first and second in each of the jun- for and senior runs and individnal runs five points wil be scored in each event which figures down to a pos- sible 31 points. Carrying the sup- position further, if Whitby finishes nex: to Oshawa in all these events, they will score nine points, This would make a final standing of 52 to 61 in favor of Oshawa so don't give up hope_yet. Records fell almost at a whole- sale rate on Thursday and more will likely follow before the meet has drawn to a close. The senior events und especially the 440 yards and half mile runs are due for a "tumble and we won't be at all sur- Prised if it is Murray Kohen who gends the 2.13 mark for the half mile set by Richardson, of Whiiby, into oblivion while either he or Os- car Baird gives the 56 second mark for the 440 yards set by Blow, of Whitby, a similar shove out of sight. Also keep an eye on either Louis Kohen, Murray Kohen or Armitage in the mile, | ale WR M Bill Engel certainly had hard luck dogging him in the senior hund red yards when Northam from Whit- by apparently fouled him and spoil- ed his chances for placing in the event. The judges who nearly all happened to be from Whitby decid- ed that it was not a foul, however. and Oshawa was left with a first against a second and a third frome Whitby, instead of at least a third for Oshawa added to the ffrst. Ld 0.C.1, juniors, Brown and Smith also were none too satisfied with things in general in their hundrea yard dash. Having been warned that two breaks before the gun had been fired would mean that they would be excluded from the race, they walied much longer than they had been accustomed to in the "get set" position and then broke de- "spite themselves, in their anxiety io be on their way. The gun was 'sounded a baresplit second after 'they wed from their holes but thinking al they would be caliea ek y hesitated while the fe- mainder of the runners flashed ahead of them. They were uw broughts back for another star: however, and although they wu.cu ran a wonderful race, neither did justice to himself. It is noteworthy "hat Smith took out saisfaction with a vengeance when he romped home with a record in the 220 yards that should be a mark to shoot at for many years to_come, . Oshawa's 30 points were scoreu or w Hicks, 2; y' 3a Senior--O. Baird, 8; C. Russell 3; J. DeMille, 3; L. Daniels, 1; H Armstrong, 1; €. Cox, 1. * * . . ; Ga a i - A and |" RUTH ELDER PLANS T0 G0 ON T0 PARIS BUT NOT BY PLANE The Aviatrix and Pilot Are Expected at Azores Today " 'Paris, Oct. 14--Ruth Elder and George Haldeman, rescued from the sea by the Dutch tanker Baren- drechi yesterday, will set their feet on land tomorrow at Horta, the Azores, for the first time since they hopped off Tuesday afternoon from Roosevelt Field, N.Y. in their ill- fated plane, the American Girl. It is understood here that Paris, which was their goal when they climbed into their plane, is still their destination, and that they will continue their Journey here by the more ordinary means of trans- port, J | Charred Wreckage. Tt is likely that the two fliers will land without even a toothbrush, for J is believed that all their be- loneings were destroyed when their plane took fire as an effort was be- ing made to lift it aboard the Ba- rendrecht. The plane lies beneath the waves.of the Atlantic, a mass of charred wreckage. Although no definite news was »~-aived from the fliers themselves, it was known from wireless messag- es sent by Captain Goos of the Ba- rendrecht that the fliers were tired, and Parig assumed that they are al- so happy. The tenor of aH the comment in the Paris newspapers is that the fliers had a miraculous escape; that thev ought to be congratulated, but at the same time told not to do it dgain., It is likely that Miss Elder will get quite a welcome, for the (Continued on page 10) . Shields to Continue Hostile Campaign To Be Held Next Wednesday Night--Site on Which New Valued at $2,000 -- Splen- did Program to Mark Oc- casion -- South Oshawa Band to be Present. Notes covering the Albert Street building, which adjoins the pres- ent church property, w.ll be burned at a congregational "At Home" to be held in the church auditorium nex+ Weinesday nivhi. The new site which the congregation will ulti- mately erect a fine church ®uilding The Board of Management of the church, of which Fev, R. A. Wattam the minister is (airman, has in its capacity as a committee in charge of the congregational gather ing arranged a splendid program to wae uuraing of the notes, The South Oshawa Band will fur- nish the music for the evelun: which will be featured by 'a con cert program by talented represon tatives of the Ontario Lad'es' Col lege, at Whithy. The numbers wil include solos, dueis, choruses and readings, ' Rev, Mr. Whattam points om that while this "At Home" in con- gregational in nature, the public a! large is cordially {invited to jo'n with the Albert Street United Chure in marking a highly significant even: in the church's history. The ladies of the congregation wat Church 'is to be Erected is) United Church's new s'te for future | on | is conservatively valued at $2,000. To Burn Notes Covering New Albert St. Church Site Congregational 'At Home' following the general program, will serve refreshments. Asked if the church was contem- plating immediate erection of a new church building, Mr. Whattain stat- ofl that no delinie move in that di- re-tion was contempiated just at this time, The zrowth of Oshawa to '0-n and the flourishing work of {the Albert Street United Church is | enccally considered as evidence tha. 'the ndw site which it has secured, and for which the indebtedness has {now been wiped out, will be requir- led for a new bulding probably much (sooner than even the congregat.on ltt present allows itself to hope. the TWO WINDSOR MEN DISMISSED BY HEAD PROVINCIAL POLICE Windsor, Oct, 14 --Two of the Provincial officers attached to the staff of Inspector W. H. Gardiner have been dismissed, it was learned tonight. These officers were recently sent to the border, following the agita- t'on for » clean-up of blind pigs and gambling resorts, police heads stated: "There was a little trouble, one of the Provincial officers said, "and General Williams or dered their dismissal just bes ' fore leaving for Toronto this afternoon at 4.40 o'clock." Inspector Gardiner declined to talk about the dismissals, He enld it was a matter for the General to "give out," " {smile, Corpl. Songs. ANNUAL REGIMENTAL SMOKER ON NONDAY Good Prcgram Planned -- Should Be Best Ever Held By This Unit The 34th Ontario Regiment will hold its annua\ smoler in the Ar- mories Monday night and indiea- tions ave thai the event will be the best ever. A survey of the pro- <ram shows that some good material as beon secured and many of the old war-tme favorites will again be seen in action The e.cent ia sched- uled 0 abont o'clock and admission is only possihile hy ticket These may he secur the company ofiicer -. Too rowd will be pre the demand for tckets, The following start 4 froin That a ent ls is the program: Opening songs and chorus--H, I, Russell at the piano, Al Hamilton song leader; chairman's remarks-- Appoiniing of committees; The vhotoof the g'rl 1 leit benind me, yy Reg, Teorritt; selection, Offlecers of Ontario Regiment Muz'or E. €. Fod vins, leader; Pcorallel bars. Sergt. F. Hardman, Cornl, C, Wright: You are well dressed {if yon wear a W..-Brown; Old Time Ettles; Cucumbe¢ his vesmiahles) Sergt W. Fitch The company Sgt -Ma ior Revellie, Al Hamilton; "behind the lines," comedy act, by the lead swingers; She loves a sailor, Rec. Territt; Cornet solo, Binds, Ton taine; The arm is full of Mother, L. Cpl, Rich; O Irish Sgt.G, Brown; Oh, it's a lovely war, Bard: Hainer; Selections Officers 31th Ont. Regt; The most miserable m:n on earth, Reg. T itt; Moth ergan selection Bands, ding: 4th Ont Regi. Band. (Eve®bhody jein in the second chorus): God Save the Kinz. Bands, (He knows assured by | s | Irish | 85 MINERS ARRESTED FOLLOWING RIOTS AND A REVOLVER BATTLE Cambridge, Ohio," Oct. 14.-- Eighty-five union coal miners and twenty non-union miners, the latter working in the Moonshine Wagon nine in Eastern Guernsey County, were brought to the city this af- ternoon by Sheriff Ed. Wilson and deputies, following a battle between the two forces at the mine in which revolver shots were said to have been fired by both sides. As far as {round be learned no one was injured. No charges had been plsced against anv of the men late this afternoon. Three weeks ogo union pickets topped a non-nnion man near the Moonshine mine, and a shot' was fired, one of the union pickets being wonnded. An injunction later was {lssuved bv Common Pleas Judge | Charles S§. Turnbaugh, forbidding | the miners" union to use more than | three nirkets at the mine or union i miners conrrecating near the com- rany's property. [ALBANIAN MINISTE | AT PRAGUE Pra~ne, Oct. 14 --Cena Beg, | nen appointed Albanian Minister | to Czecho-Rlovakia, was assassinated | here tonight by | Rent Ygiviadh Rebi. The Minister was A'nine at his hotel when _the aseascination occurred, { Debi was arrested immediately. {"He calmly admitted his intention [10 kill Cena because he said Cena | wished to betray Albania to Czecho- { ovakia. MURDERED DELAYS HARVEST WORK | k., Oct. 14.--Hopes of | an early resumption of harvest work "nurned high Thursday under the in- fluence 'of warn sunsihne. but were ridely dashed today by a heavy rain | that appears to he fairly general | ever the southern part of the Prov. ince, | Pacina, Sa Sea an Albaniwn stu- HEAD OF JARVIS 3T. CHURCH 13 RELYING ON'HIS SUPPORTERS Beliéves Churches Who Vot- ed With Him Will Join His Group Toronto, Oct. 15.--Following the ex- nulsion of the delegates of Jarvis street church from the Baptist Con- vention of Ontario and Quebec ves- terday morning the excluded dele- gates, along with some 250 sympathiz- ers, gathered at Jarvis street church. where a resolution was drawn up challenging the Convention to adopt the same attitude to the other chu ches which had identified themselves with the Regular Baptist Missicnary Society. A deputation was appointed tq carry the resolution to the night session of the Convention, and some hours later the deputation: returned, reporting the mission fulfilled. Mass Meeting Tonight At the same time preparaticns wer made for a great mass meeting to be held tonight in Jarvis street church while Dr. Shields, looking about.at his laudience, declared that "his chance would come when he entered his own pulpit on Sunday." | The deputation on its return por'ed that the members had cessfully carried out their mission. "lI felt that they were dumbiound- cd by our action and by the namcs f some of the churches which had attached their signatures to the com munication," Rev. G. W. Allen told the meeting, However, he had few comments to make on the reception he and his deputation had received, and there were no observations forthcom- ing from any of the delegates gath- red at the meeting. Dr. Shields; when he heard that the - (Continued on page 10) re- suc- A GUIDE TO VALUES IN OSHAWA Help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping is --_ a ) In Oshawa 'When We Test Eyes It is 'Done Properly JURY & LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS Phone 28 or 29 "PM S80 PLEASE That's what our patrons so frequently tell They like.the way their clothes come back so re- freshingly new. And like the service they get by just calling Phone No. 2520, Try it! " Oshawa Laundry |] 3 Add us. Presentation Club they Radios vd. he Also Exclusive Dealer for the 'in Oshawa 'D. J. BROWN Jeweller KING STREET WEST . -- Orthophonic Read the Advertisements To know what is advertised. To know where values are obtainable, To know where quality reigns supreme, "The Oshawa Daily Times" OSHAWA LUGCAGE Initials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 Bags and Suit Cases with J. C. 4, PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and ' REAL ESTATE YOUNG Victor Record PHONE 189 Seiberling All-Tread TIRES "You Get Married-- We Feather the Nest" If It's Electrical ~ We Have It BOWRA'S ELECTRIC SHCP SIMCOE ST. N. Prompt Garage Service J F.J. McDonnel King St., W. Oshawa Phone 1568 reasonable. Old gold silver bought or exchanged for mew good: The Credit Jeweller 23 BOND STREET EAST -- OSHAWA and EVERYTHING FOR TOMORROW'S DINNER AND LUNCH ELECTRIC BAKED "Quality and Prompt Service" our motto

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