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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Oct 1927, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY , TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1927 Fal "KANE A LASTS WN PAGE, ELEVEN nH sn. CO 2 J a Se an LWA TA a IE ANTE AW OFFICE, BE. DOUGLAS BELL. Bradley Bloek, 29 'Sim street south, y 40s, Nov. 6) LS Oshawa. Phone 6s. ry D. Cor B.A. LLB; A. F. W. E. N. 8I of Commerce oR = JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- wa Soliciter, igh Pubile; oon Con- neer, loner, 143 Kind. 3] Sha Supe. Fons holly 2H GRIERSON & EE risters, Conveyancers, Me, ete. Office over PRA nok pi Entrance Simcoe St. Phome 13. .J. by Grievaon, B.A., T. K. Creighton, LAL i : SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kengle,. Barristers, Gonveyancers, Notary Public, étc. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. ,©@"%ce over. Lamble's stare, 2- King St. east. Phone 940. D. A. J. Swanson, H. N. German, F. G. Mackenzie. A. J. PARKHILL,; BARRISTER, SO- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 2289J. (621) LOUIS S. HYMAN & ©o., BARRIS- ters, Conv re, Notarjes, | ete. Over Engel's gtors, 16 :Simeoce St. North, Money to loan. Phones-- office 67! Residence 2191. (tf) * Medical Annis, Bad on B." feu Sons 6 fo Sie st. 'west, Fire Agency in Oshawa. /30 putable Fire Companies. (11416) WHEN PLACING INSURA CE, tonisult R. N. Jolins, 80 Si fiorth. Your fhsurance wants, A tended to and your interests pro- tected. saz (Oct. 11-1yr.) RET E. ARTISTIC DU. n paper, wood cot- ton, prick: ow cards, price tickets of evarg description, Regent b osk over Jerry's Barber Shop, Osha Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW 'CLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors, polished, screens. and store windows put or and removed. Phone 1302w. Tra A? Pad | Ses 2 raseporiation SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St., 3., phone 3467, 242 Front St, B., Torouto. Phone Main 7637. Superior Trausportation Ser- vice. (42-t) COLEMAN. GARTAGE AND STOR- lage. 86 Bond 'St. West." Phone 82. € trucks for prompt service. Moving v. Jon and storage warehouse eduipment. Baggage transferred tq md from. all grains. - .. . (64-it) - (229- 0) | . FOR SALE-- brick house y. equipped fo! extra large corner lo i uil {two more how - i: piece bath, urnace, etc. Wil going concern, mplete as 4 wih _ A89¢) $5,500, NEW BUNGALOW, CARN- egie Ave. & rooms, all conyeniences. Fire place. $1000 cash. Phone 15b0. % An (89a) $4,400 NEW. BUNGALOW, RUG brick, 6 rooms. Fir trim, all conven. iences. Division, morth of Alice. $600 cash. Immediate ° possession. Phone 1550. (89a) FOR SALB---VACANT NEW RED brigk 6. rooms . and Sa ni electric tiitings included. $5, 400 or near offer. 620 Hortop| avenue, (89¢) | ONE NEW FRAME Tole NINE | rooms, | Maple, floors downstairs, pine , tioors iipstairs. All electric wired, Would ; sell cheap for cash. 3 houses south C. P. R. track, Park | road . south, (88c) | FOR SALE---$2,800 oy BUN- galow, five rooms, St. Julien street. $300 down, balance monthly. Louis S. Hyman '& Company, Barristers, Phone 67. (88¢) FOR SALE--5 Room HOUSE near General Motors $400. down. Palance monthly Phone 869. postin ou large 10 Hous | sol on Siniege "Sthnet, fully 22 boarders, with roofh io. (87-c) FOR SALE--YOUR CHOICE OF 9 modern bungalows. $300 down. Balance monthly. Phone 869. (87-c) . 0.0.8 2, BoBestecteitocoidetetododtetodtode dete ded. 5. 5 'ur {) ------ Effective immediately clos- ing time for classified ads 9,30 a.m. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Colitis Yul received ERE EER) 2. dedi I | OOD WORKING -- MISOBLLANE- | dashes add CHIMNEY , CLEANING, REPAIR- ing, shingling, repairing roofs: Guar- antee first class job. 93 'William St. W. Phone 2582W, . (Sept 24-Oct. 24) d-wotking | shop. Screens, nd doors made; & 180 1 rs. 8. B, B4uoudson, 251 hk sti, 8. (17°48) MNT SPEECHES GH A CONVENTION { (Continued on page 9) mously accorded. Miss Hazel M. Turner of Tyrone, gave a very interesting address un primary methods at the opening of the i yesterday. Speaking oc For Sale of Extharige FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Oshawa property, general store $35,000 turnover. Living attach- ment, Write C. EH. Thowpson, North- breok, Ont. - - (87d) SOLID OAK GLASS CUPBOARD. Almest new. Apply 313 King Street east. (89¢c) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic St. Phone || 520F. (75t0) Help Wanted--Female WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework. 426 Simcoe street north. Rhone. 668. (69¢) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for. general housework. Apply 458 Simcoe street north. : (89b) WANTED--A GOOD GENERAL maid for small family, Box "K" Times. (88¢c) WANTED--HOUSEKEEPER TO GO on. farm near Whitby. Reasonable wages. Apply Box 208, Whitby. (88¢) Wetton Hd BOY WANTED FOR SURVEY work, 16 years of age or older. ap- ply between 7 and 8 to F. J. Done- van, Bradley Block, tonight. (89a) CARETAKER WANTED FOR BAP- tist Church. Salary $18 per month. Apply by letter to J. G. Anderson, 46, Hillcroft. street. (88-b) BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRINT- ing trade. One with high school edu- cation preferred. Apply Oshawa Daily Times... (81tf) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- can, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Spe- cial reference to maternity work. Two years post graduate experience, nine months having been spent en- tirely in{ maternity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada. Office and resi- dence, 167 'Simcoe street north. (Cor. Brock). Phone 303. ) (Oct, 17-i mo.) DR. R, E. McMULLEN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Home and office, Simcoe street south, Phone 730M, (Oct 10-Nov 10) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-4) Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN BN first mortgares, r farm lands. Lowest int es. rate. . Hym & Co, Sten, oe St. N, Phone 6 52tf 1 DL. BE, R. BARTON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, ! Obstetrician, Office and residence, 142 Simcoe street North, Successor to Dr, Finigan, (Sept. 24-Oct. 24) 64% CITY AND ARM LOANS. No commission. Building loans, Le- gal work dome at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176tf) DR. McEKAY, PnYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Acgoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgebn. Special referemcer to diseases of infants and children. Of- tice and résidence, 97 Bond east. | DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Blectro- «~heopy. ! Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Af) Dental DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICW OVER Ward's store, Simcoe south' Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, ede Jats tendant, Phone 231. oaigences 2087 : DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, fice over Bassetts', omy "959; Residence 306. ; ' 4-1 yr. LR, H. M, COOKE, 9 north, over Mitch Gas for extraction. U LUKB BURIAL CO., 67 KING | East. Amb ce. Reéstdgnce, Divisfon King Street Phone one 210. Hi Repwrine. F.. A, Yon G SEPERT Swiss wat¢hmalk , fm shop af 44% King We lairy sho pat: ronage is Salleited. _ (29-1) For Rent FURNISHED HOUSE, EIGHT rooms, will lease for a year. Apply 25 Division st. (89¢) NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room. to Iet. Phone 667J. (89a) FURNISHED ROOW SUITABLE for two gentlemen.. 135 Broek . st. Phone 962F. (89tf) TWQ OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms to let. 104 Mill street, (89¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, HARD- wood floors, downstairs. All modern conveniences. Phone 599W. (89¢c) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT, mear General Mptdrs. 106 Agnes ot. (89h) PART OF HQUSE -4 LARGE partly furnished rooms. Living room kitchen and 2 bedrqoms. Gas, el- ectric and = furnace. Very central. Phone 226, i t (89a) TWO UNFURNISHED, ROOMS , TO rent, 34 Arlington Aye. (89b) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. Suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. All conveniences, Central. 217 Bruce St. (88h) R, SPR PAINTING, TAPER. banging, ng yori 4 right. ork'guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2087W.. . 2 (45-42) Furniture Storage OF-\ FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- @te: compartments. 85 Bond .St. 'West. Phone 82. Coleman's Cart- "yge and Storage, ; Architects DR. L. B. HUBBELL, D| FIST, oF. fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence, 1378M. , 35-4 Ro DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatte Bldg. Phoue 1780. Res. 669. @ _ _ [18 DR. R. B. ADAMS, Block, 107 Simcoe Ld on. Res. 1114 DR. RUND Telaphone Music HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and voeal music. A free booklet 134u giving full; Paxiichlars will be fur south, nished upon , 50 William street east." . 1057). (Oct. 14-1 mo) MR. R. FOUNTAIN OP FOR pupils, Cornet dnd' tmimpet a spe- cialty, 20 years experience in first class theatre orchestras and bands. Other instruments taught, . Phone 710J. 1 (84-0) |S LLAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- fan Guitar. Individual instruction to all pupils. Music supplied for all oc- Pho casions. Wilson & Lee's Music Store, | Phone 2388, (Oct. 6-Nov, 6) JOHN 'H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmaster Simcoe® St. United Church, a Pupils for any, exam- i ination in Piano, Organ and Singing. Studio at tfle church. Phone 251 for appointment or information. (Oct 10'Nov 10) ARTHUR Eousirys , also church, comcert, 11 Simeoe south. (722) opera, Oshawa, days FEE c..C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL parchitostitn wi ng yn EEE Phons Bsr: THREADGO BROS. GENERAL bi contracors. Let us- give. you tes. Write, o Phone gi Surfacing NBW Ing (Including sanding, w ing). 1 2 aging. s ng br polis 'néw. Bdmgndson, -phone 440. . CONC Cat and os anti uma 50s WTHGD FLOOR | SURFAC | FOR RENT-- ROOM SUITABLE for two gentlemen with board. Five minutes from Motors. 300 Haig St. (88c¢c) FOR SALE OR RENT--2 ACRES, seven roomed house, four mies north of Oshawa Also good build- ing lots An North Oshawa, Apply Fred Conlin. Phone 1654r14. (88-c) ROOM TO RENT, SUITABLE FOR 2: young business men. Private fam- ily. Centrally located. Box "P" Times. (87¢) ™O ROPMS 11477. : (87¢) room sui William ble for two. Apply 106 I: B, (84tf) 'and Rooms 'TWO GENTLEMEN BOARDERS ) jor roomers wanted. 105 Burke St. (¥vu) TO RENT. PHONE | 'six, FOR RENT--A FURNISHED BED. | FOR SALE--A CHAMPION RANGE in splendid condition. Six lids and reservoir. Apply 292 Athol Street east. Phone 849J., (89¢) SECOND HAND CELLO FOR SALE. Box "H' Times, (89a) PIANO FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- dition. Snap for quick 'sale. Box "I" 'Times. (88¢c) FOR SALE -- COFFEE COLOR Baby Carriage in good clean condi- tion. Price $10. 497 Simcoe St. S. (88c) BRIGHT BOY OF GOOD APPEAR- ance and manners wanted to! assist with collections. Must have bicycle. Apply Oshawa Dajily Times. (81tf) GORDON PRESS FEEDER WANT- ed. Mundy Printing Co., Simcoe South. : Agents Wanted $4 A DAY PAID MEN OR WOMEN for distributing religious literature until Christmas, spare or full time, for particulars write Mr. Conrad, Spadina Bldg., Toronto. (88-a) FOR SALE--CHEAP, LARGE COAL Feeder, first class repair. Apply 79 Colborne West. (87¢) ONE COMBINATION QUEBEC heater, and cooker, quantity of stovepipes, man's overcoat, persian lamb collar, size 40. Phone 2061W. (87c) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, and brass trimmed beds, springs, new felt mattresses, slid- ing . couches, child's' cribs, side- boards, tables, chairs, dressers, washstands chiffionieres, coal and wpod ranges, heaters, gas stoves, baby buggies and go carts, parlor sgt. Other bargains, Goods less than half price. 17 Prinee street. . (88-c) ELECTRIC FIXTURES FOR 6 roomed house for $12.90. Also com- plete sets from $19.90; up-to-date factory samples, half price. Light- ing Fixture Sales Co., 70 Queen east, Toronto. (871) COOK STOVE AND HEATER FOR sale. Apply 118 William St. E. (87¢) FOR SALE--FAMOUS HEATER IN IRON steel 'good condition, also zinc board for underneath. Apply 115 Celina St. Phone 1474W. (87c) GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE, eight horse power, new. Apply after Elmer Toms, Church St., Pick- ering. (871) FOR | SALE--BELLE OAK HEAT- er, size No. 10, in good condition. Apply 334: Centre street. (87-¢) FOR SALE--MOFFATT range, high oven, nearly new. BT . GAS North. Phone 2341J.. (87-c) Wabked to Ret WANTED To 'RENT THREE OR four unfurnished rooms or apart. ment in private home, for teacher =| and mathe Central, Phone or write 716M. (8 7c) Tuning 8 Phone 629., ABH ty oa Voterinary, $4 1960 ys phone METAR Miss Flossie Boyd. Corsetiere CORSETIERE--. SPIRELL2 SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annie (entland, managing corstierv, Evenings by ap- pointment, Phone 442J. (Sept. 23-1mo) -1 eyery week, ( Sept. 27-1mb) NEIL ¥X : WLLES, ... EXPERT manb Sh, . WE ow wo, be. in, Oshawa. ders :left: at Harri usic store. Phone. 1490, » ph opt. 7R-Oct. 28) _Peté and FoR. SALE FEMALE. BEAGLE, Phree years old, 145 Olive Ave, ¢ he 87¢) -- SI all kinds of Excelsior starter ring 1d; connecting rods --' Fea, erewn gears or pinions supplied for 3)l makes of cars. 161 King St, ®. Phone 619. nn $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV- ery. Place your order now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, . silverware, china- ware, electric floor lamps, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds. Payments from 50 gents weekly. O, H. Dell, 22% Simcoe South, Phone 1656. ' (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) Ap- | 'ply evenings at 282 Ritson Road Situations Wanted WANTED--A POSITION AS CARE- taker of gentleman's resilience or public institution, or other perman. ent work by a man willing to work. Other work taken in meantime. the immature minds of the small children, Miss Turmer pointed out that they should not he given too much tjresome work; but that all work should. be interspersed with periods of play. The reports of the committees were approved by the congress which then listened to an illuminating ad- dress by Miss F. F. Halliday, of Bowmanville, on "The probem of the History Teacher." G. H. Dickinson, B.A., Headmaster of the Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, gave a very scholarly address on: "Char- acter Education." in, which he paid tribute, to the work which is being done , by the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Organization, W. J. Dunlop, B.A. Director of Extension Courses at Toronto Uni- versity, in his address, "The Teach- er as a Citizen," spoke of the trials and iroubles of the school teacher, some of which, he declared, could be eradicated by co-operation with the parents. Miss Leta A. Bragg gave the ie- port of the O.E.A., which was follow. ed by a thesis on "Composition," by L O. Wannan. Marshall Malcolm, in his address, "Homework," point- ed out the error of giving the stu- dent too much to do, but declared that some should be given. Neil S. Stewart, of Bowmanville, placed himself on record fin his speech, "Nature Study," as being utterly opposed to the wanton de- struction of, wild flowers by thought- less vandals, and advocated the teaching of the conversation of these woodland beauiies by an appeal to the children through, the schools. The report of the O.E.A,, by Mer- vin Hobbs, and the passing of a vote' of thanks to the secretary, D. D. Barion, concluded the final ses. sion of she Convention Convention. NATURE STUDY 13 SUBJECT OF TALK Neil S. Stewart Opposes the Pciking of Wild Flowers-- Addresses Teachers (By Staff Reporter) : Port Hope, Oct. 15. --Declaring First class references at Box: Times. (891) YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION ag companion or nursemaid.! Re- ferences if necessary. Box : "uW" Times. (87-c) Lost and Found RING OF KEYS LOST SEPTEM- ber 30th. Valuahle. Reward. Phone 567F. (89a) LOST--WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- rier, white With hlack sadale-brown on nose, answers to name of Bennie. Finder suitably rewarded. Phone 921. Mrs. G. D. Comant, (88¢c) LOST---A FEMALE DOG, SHORT hair, light brown. Apply G. Galka, R.R. No. 1, Oshaws. (87-c) Truck for Rent OWNER OF | TON AND HALF truck would rent truck for winter either stake or dump body. Wilh or without driver. Apply D. L! Car- son, Parry Sound. J (86e) Motor Can FOR SALE, 1927 MODEL CHEV. coagh, used six months;!.excellent condition. Will sell cheap 'for cash. Box-."Q". Times. ... .a | (88-c) Notice THE STAR LAUNDRY, 13- CELINA Street, owner Willie Hoy, has been sold to Young Lee, Mark Ying and Chin King, the latter assuming ; 05- session and being liable; forall deb 's as- from Oct. 24, W. ! Hoy, only li- able for debts prior. to Oct. 24. Fur- ther particulars apply Swanson, Ger. man and MacKenzie. ' (89-91-94) 7 MIXED RD AND SOFT woop | slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body woo. i. Phone 660. Waterods: . Mee! k. (Mar 26-tf) 4 ' kal 'ME, 8. JACOB, a IN RAGE 'and all Tago, ls. I am pay- 8 for. scrap batteries $1 and $1.5 Bytes old Fd Phone 764. ok Er 'at. 1deal Tire Shop. Tires ¢ Tamieson Bros. Phone 43% (tf) ' : WOOD AND METAL done, H. A, Le Barr, Phone 681J. (841) LATHING | bdaal hp, Bad ASKED FOR iT' (Glasgow, Herald) A meddiesome woman riding jn a tramcar began sneering at & ybung mother's awkwardness in hotaing a fretting baby. / "1 declare," she snorted, "a wirgh ought never to have a "baby until she knows how to hold-it," "Nor a tongue; either," . calmly re- plied the worried young mother. > Re" rhipnnpppph;ét "A DEFINITION OF TACT Philadelplia' B tin) Tom--How «da; you define tact? Joe--Well, if Jou tell'a woman | ithat time stands still when you look in 'her eyes that's tact., But, if wou tell her that her face would stop'a clock, it isn't tact. Many planes, are being "forced dogn" these days. If that happened to the price of coal, it would be mews. --Toronto Telegram. Xa wy" J himself fully opposed to the picking of wild flowers in the woods, Neil S. Stewart, of Bowmanville, pointed out at the Teachers' Convention that if the vile. practice did not cease, this district would be devoid of them, for they were getting more scarce every year. "People go out in their cars, en- ter the woods, tear up whole roots of varieties of wild flowers, then take them home and plant them in their garden' asserted Mr. Stew- art. '"'Sometimes these roots grow, but more often they do not, and some of our loveliest varieties are facing = extinction." pointed the speaker. "Let us teach the children in our charge," pleaded Mr, Stewart, "to admire the beauty of the flowers, but to leave that beauty where they find it, that someone else may en- joy it. As I see it, one of our big tasks," continued the speaker. 'is this conservation of these natural woodland beauties." "The..subject of nature study is the easiest one to teach,' Mr. Stew- art believed, continuing his address, "and I think the only way to do it is to study living speciments. I do not hold with some that stuffed dead birds are necessary for this branch of the subject," averred the speak- er, "but believe that these winged creatures should be studied as they fly. " I] "Pictures of birds, and encourage- ment given to children that they ask questions about species unknown to them will, in my opinion, make them understand and feel nature far better than any stuffed collec- clared Mr. Stewart. "Some of: the music has been written about na- ture," concluded Mr. Stewart, "and the one which comes to my mind at the moment is "William Tell's Over- tur'e" by Rossini, in which, starting with the singing of birds, the com- poser carries you ecstatically along to ther last thunder clap and noise of falling tree." ---- ny a 'Davidson' Samells 33 Sirvcoe St. N. Phane 22 "For Better Shoe Values" tion which a school can get," de- | most enchanting' : s AR Gn fh bd WING OF NUTS IN CANADA URGED (Continued on page 9) fruit in Ontario in fayorable seasons, they are not recommended by the department for general planting, as they require more heat units to ma- ture a crop that are generally found Ontario. There are pecans near Simcoe, Richmond Hill and Niagaraf on-the-Lake, however which give fair yields. The intermingling of certain spec- ies of hickory has resulted in the production of some fine hybrids. Mr. Neilson, believes these hybrids may be planted with success anywhere south of a line drawn from Toronto to Sarnia, but advocates not plant- ing them near peach orchards, as they are attacked by a small beetle which feeds on the peach tree. Sweet chestnut trees at Newcastle and other points haveb een reported to be doing well, producing a nu; of good flavor which is highly esteem- ed by many people The one draw- back to the planting of this specie, Mr. Neilson points out, is that it is subject to a blight which has de- stroyed many trees in United States. Some filbert trees, introduced from England more than half a cen- tury ago, still bear fruit, which, Mr. Neilson thinks, is quite indica- tive of their hardiness. Varieties of this, nut are grown successfully in Gefmany, it is pointed out, which would be well suited for growing in Ontario. Even almonds may be grown in Ontario, Mr.. Neilson avers. There are two kinds of almonds, the hard shell and the soft shell. The latter has been produced in southern countries and will not do well in Canada, but the hard shell almond will grow in any section in which the peach does well, One of the hardiest nut trees in Canada is the beech, which is feund in the Maritimes, Quebec and as far north in Ontario as the eastern end of Lake Superior. Under forest conditions, this tree grows tall and straight, but in the open it forms a large, rounded crown. This tree thrives best on rich clay loams well supplied with lime. It will also grow on slightly acid soil. The nuts are highly esteemed for their good flavor. Mr. Neilson advocates planting nut trees along the highways as an addition to beauty. This work has, been dane by the Ontario Highways Department and in some of 'the northern States, but there is plenty of room for more. Nut trees in parks and school grounds as an educational feature is another, suggestion of the depart. ment, as well as in ravines and on hillsides where farmers find it im- possible to plant and reap grain. Commercial plantations in the warmer parts of Ontario of the best varieties of walnuts, hickories, fil- berts, and the blight resisting chest- nuts are strongly advocated, Mr. Neilson, in concluding the booklet, warmly weléomes any sug- gestions from any part of Canada or queries, as to the propogation or Banting of nut trees. REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, Tce Cream, and Light Lunches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N, A Phone 2264 UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, Workmanship Guaranteed G. A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St. Phone 1595) ' AT TEN A MAN is S HUMBLE BECAUSE HE'S IGNORANT-- AT SIXTY HE'S HUMBLE BECAUSE HE'S WISE! And when he's really wise he ' has concluded that there is no better, hotter coal in town than the kind we sell. And he'll know our price is right. , J a a Led W. J. Sargant /OOAL; COKE and a Woon | Bloor: St BE Phone +198

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