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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Oct 1927, p. 15

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{WA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1927 7 PACE FIFTEEN «3 0.0 8.0 80.8.0 00 000 8s s ass 80000 280 0 88 8000000000000 00 0a FPPTPPEETTITTETERTETITTTTY TY LAW OFFICE, BE. DOUGLAS BELL, 'Bradley Block, 29 Simcoe street south, (Oct, 6-Nov. 6) JRANK BS; tor, Notary Fable, Gon Convey ancer, money to La R Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe and a Bond | ob Bank Blas (121-mo) streets. Phone 1496. ANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, tors, Netarim Failte me Come veyancing an Jesanl J practice o Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 63. . G. D, Conant, B.A. LL.B; A, F. Anais, BA, MLE W. 8. N, SINGLAIN, xo. BANK of Commerce Building, (116-1 Be JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A, --~B mister, fallsttor, Notary Publjo, ¢ Gon: veyancer, Money to loan, 34% King St, east, Oshawa. kid 145. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & ORBIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Ye, ete, Office over Standard ntrance Simcoe St. , Grierson, B.A, T, K, B.A. SWANSON. . GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, ete, All branches of Oriminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, "ce over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east. Phone 940. D. A. J.. Swanson, H, N. German, F, hoi Mackensie. A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 2289J. (621) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, . ete. Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. North, Money to loan, Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191, (tf K. Creighton, TET TETTTTTTTTTTeTTTTeTee Real Estate for Sale DR, F. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOO Street West, Tordnto, will he at | hn Sat Si & ly Te eac! urday, m 1 4 m;: for consultation 2 disonsen of ome sad. throat mly. I as at drug stove Phone 81, 91. C4 42 (49-tt) Dd DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa... The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE, consult R. N. Johns, 80- Simeoe north, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. (Oct, 11-1yr.) Phone 18. J. i Signe H. R, COULDERY A ARTISTIC DK- corating, Signs on paper, wood cot; ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description, Regent , block over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. (229-tf) Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house gleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put or and removed, Phone 1803w. - . Transporta , tion SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simeoe St, 3, phone 34677, 212 Front st, B., Torouto, Phone. Main 7637. Superior Trausportation Ser- vice, (42-1) + - $4,000 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low. All conveniences. Close to fac- tories. $300 cash, balance monthly, $6,600. 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, very central, hot, water heating, be made | laundry tubs, French doors, 3 piece bath, kitchen . cabinets, Garage. Paved .side drive. $300 cash, bal- ance arranged. BRADLEY BROS. 29 Simcoe St. S. Phone 169 (91a) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE. Phone 2437W, (91¢c) FOR SALE--A NEW FOUR ROOM- ed bungalow, size 28 x 24, Full size cellar. Cheap for cash. Phone 2437W, (91¢) FOR SALE--26 ACRES FARM land on. gravel road, not far from Highway, in A1 locality, solid brick house, with 6 good rooms, combina. tion furnace, cistern, beautiful shade trees, and shrubbery, banked barn, stone foundation, very fertile, clay loam soil, sloping to the south, Further particulars write Box "J" Times, or phone 202 rb, (91d) BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE-- Large 10 roomed solid brick house on Simeoe Street, fully equipped for 22 boarders, extra large corner lot with room to build two more hous- es. 3 plece bath, furnace, ete, Will sell complete as going concern. Phone 2281. (89¢) FOR SALE---VACANT NEW RED brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, electric fiitings included. $5,400 or near offer. 620 Hortop avenue, (89¢) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, .Phope 82, € trucks, for prompt service. Moving van spd storage:warehouse equipment, Baggage transterred to and from all trains. . (64-12) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- can, Surgeon and Obstetrigian. Spe- cial reference to maternity. work. Two years post graduate experience, nine months having been spent en- tirely in maternity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada. Office and resi- dence, 167. Simcoe street north. (Cor, Brock). Phone 303, (Oct, 17-i mo.) > DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSICIAN Wand Surgeen. Home and office, 666 Simcoe street south, Phone 730M. (Oct 10-Nov 10) DR. E. R. BARTON, PHYSICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, 142 Simcoe street North, + Successor to Dr. Finigan, (Sept. 24-Oct. 24) DR, McEAY, PnYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants snd children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond eest. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- eilan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Bleetro- «heopy, Office, Disney Blgek. Phone 2060, 2 tf) Dental DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICM OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- Istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087, (tf) DR. 8, J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts'. Phone 959; Residence 306. 41 yr. Building Supplies WEB HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and 3, yard, Ogh- awa, phone $24. (69-1) For Rent FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. Suit two gentlemen, 98 Rosedale avenue, (91a) FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, 277 Albert Street. (91b) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMED BATH- room flat, furnished, all conveni- ences, heat, gas, light, plione. Box "Dr Times. (91-a) Sede dedede deed 8 2 2 Rid J ve Noticé Ré Clasdified Ads. Effective immediately clos- ing time for classified ads 9.30 a.m. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 a.m. H MUCH THLIPHONE 85 Shy. Yor 'Cliiaten 54° Diipin a a HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished. - Prices reasonable. Phone 7864. (90-¢) CHIMNEY CLEANING, . REPAIR- ing, shingling, repairing roofs. Guar- antee first, class job... 93 Willlam St, W. Phone 2582W, - (Sept 24-Oct. 24) FOOT WORE -- MISCOLLANE. | Sv PC og Pg pei L) i) eB B. Edmondson, 251 Steve Si, 2 UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order, Work- manship guaranteed. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic St. Phone 520F. CI6tL) Contracting ANYONE WISHING built, call 1337J. specialty. Cellars coniracted for, Help Wanted--Female PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER wanted, Apply Box "W' Times, (91c) YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO HELP with housework, Sleep in or out. Apply 301 Eulalie Avenue. (91-¢) EXPERIENCED MAID, APPLY DO- minion Clothing Co. 6% King Ht. W Phone 2141, (90b) WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework, 426 Simcoe street north. Phone 668. (89) A HOME Brickwork =a and. excavations (Oct. 18-1mo) Articles For Sale FOR SALE--QUEBEC HEATER with square jacket. Practically new, 238 Albert St. (91c) MAN'S OVERCOAT FOR SALE, will sell at half price, Almost new. Call at 3Y% Simcoe street North. (91-b) Help Wanted--Male DELIVERY BOY WANTED WITH bicycle after school hours, Apply 138 Simcoe St. 8, ( 91a) WANTED--OFFICE BOY. APPLY at once. W. E, Phillips Company, Limited. (91-tf) KITCHEN, 10 FT. BY 16 FT. ON Gibbons street. Snap for quick sale, Owner leaving city. Apply 134 Gibb street, (91-c) Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages, City or farm Jands. Lowest interest rate, Louis F., Hyman & Co., Barristers, 16 Simcoe 5.x i tf Phone 67, 58% CITY AND »rARM LOANS. No commission, Building loans. Le- ¢al work done at this office. A J Parkhill, Barrister, ney Bldg. Phone 1614. {176tL) Undertaking LUKB BURIAL CO,, 67 KING ST. East. . Ambulance. . Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east. Phone 210J. TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED double bedrooms. Apply 122 Sim- coe street N. (9%-a) TO RENT--BEDROOM SUIT TWO gentlemen, Board if desired, Apply 199 Court St, (90c) 2 LARGE ROOMS FOR LIGHT kousekeeping, Phone 2362W, Apply Ly 7 o'clock. (90b) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM suitable for two gentlemen, 206 Alice street, (90c) GARAGE FOR RENT ON AGNES street. Phone 1168J. (90¢) ONE FURNISHED SINGLE BED- room for rent, suitable for business- man. Phone 1910J. (90b) Watch Repairing F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat ronage is solicited. (29-11) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. 292 Celina street. (90-c) TO RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, suit two gentlemen. Private, Board if desired. 46 Kenneth Ave. Phoye 1393J. (90-¢) CASH REGISTER PRACTICALLY new. Used less than 1 year. Apply 93 Division Si, Phone 1014J. (90c) 2 LARGE MIRRORS, CASES SUIT- able for Beauty Parlor or Barber Shop. Phone 2133, (90¢) FOR SALE--GOOD COAL STOVE, burns wood or coal. Apply 31 King St. E. Apartment 2. Phone 25676. ' (90-c) FOR SALE--VICTOR ORTHO- phonie, new scale Williams piano, Wilton rug, bathroom medicine cabinet, 2 congoleum rugs, gus stove, lady's coat, and man's over- coat. 107 Broek Street east. (90-c) FOR SALE---ONE KITCHEN CUP. board with glass top, also one elec- tric fixture. 45 Arlington Ave, (90-c) RUDD GAS WATER HEATER, nearly new. Apply 517, Simcoe st. N. (89¢) Painting and Decorating BR. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- banging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience, ..- Prices right. Work guaranteed.' 161 Huron Sgeck Phone 2087W. bf) Furniture Pion FURNITURE STORED IN BEPAR- ate compartments. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- ge and Storage, LR, H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB ST. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL Cc C QF- | architectural work. 6-if | Res. DR. W. RB. GI Ek SILTORD, OFFICE RE- Be Son os. HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur- mished upon request. 50 William street east. Phone 1957J. (Oct. 14-1 mo) DRUMMER OPEN FOR ENGAGE- ments. No objection to work out- side Oshawa (dance work prefer- red). 'Telephone 1539. (91-¢) LAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- fan Guitar. Individual instruction to #11 pupils. Music supplied for all oc- casions. Wilson & Lee's Music Store, Phone 2388. . (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmaster Simcoe St. United and £h prepares pupils for any exam- ination in Piano, Organ and Singing. Studio at the church, han. 251 for {#ppointment form: or, fnforss Oct 10-Nov 10) ASTHUR WwW. LYNDB ( HAMBOURG gd Teacher of i JUShAteg | for ai also church, concert, 11 Simcoe south a Fridays Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Phone. $027. = ®| THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL or Write, or 504, | 20) Let us. give you phone (W NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including ing and polishing). oew.. Edmondson, 2 South, phone 440. Vetedinary Surge DR. SHIRLEY,. VETERINARIA, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56tt) 2 S. DICKENSON, V.8S., DISEASES »f sll domestic snimals seientific- ally. treated. Veterinary, (tf) Dominion ne. 34 Brock St. B. Phone (18140) TWO ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE for four gentlemen. 41 Bond St, east. Phone 781M. (90-b) TO RENT---NINE ROOMED SOLID brick house, 17 John St., opposite Central Park, oak flooring, hot water heating, electric range, ela- borate electric fixtures, three piece tile bath, stationary washtubs, pullman breakfast room, garage. Possession, November 15. Rental, $75. Apply Dr. Belt, 13 John St, Phone 112. (90-¢) TO RENT---ROOM SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. All conveniences. Central; board next door. Apply 178 Albert St. Phone 731J. (90-¢) FOR RENT--ONE BRIGHT FRONT room, suitable for two ladies or one gentleman, Breakfast if de- sired. Phone Whitby 397 or write box 633 Whitby. (90-b) TWO UNFURNISHED R%OMS ON ground floor. Rent reasonable. Phone 24647. { (89¢) THREE LARGE BRIGHT ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Box "8" Times. (89b) FURNISHED HOUSE, EIGHT rooms. Will Jease for a year. Apply 25 Division st. A89%¢) FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE for two gentlemen.. 135 Broek st. Phone 962F. (89¢tf) SOLID OAK GLASS CUPBOARD. Almost new. Apply 313 King Street east, phone 552, (89¢) FOR SALE--A CHAMPION RANGE in splendid condition. Six lids and reservoir. Apply 292 Athol Sireet east. Phone 849J.. (89¢) ELECTRIC FIXTURES FOR 6 roomed house for $12.90, Also com- plete sets from $19.90; up-to-date factory samples, half price. Lighf- ing Fixture Sales Co.,, 70 Queen east, Toronto, (871) GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE, eight horse power, new. Apply after six, Elmer Toms, Church St, Pick- ering. (871) $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV. ery. Place your prder now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, silverware, china- ware, electric floor lamps, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds. Payments from 50 cents weekly. O, H. Dell, 22% Simeoe South. Phone 1656. MIXED HARD AND sSOF7 . WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterogs- Meek Ltd: (Mar 2641) For Sale or (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) | BOY WANTED WITH WHEEL TO deliver parcels, Apply Karn"s Drug Store. (91-c) BOY WITH BICYCLE WANTED for light delivery. Phone 1611, 64 Ritson Rd, S., (89¢c) BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRINT- ing trade, One with high school edu- cation preferred, Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (81tf) BRIGHT BOY OF GOOD APPEAR- ance and manners wanted to assist with collections, Must have bicycle, Apply Oshawa Daily Times, (81tf) GORDON PRESS FEEDER WANT- ed, Mundy printing | Co., Simcoe South, Situations Wanted WANTED--A POSITION AS CARE- taker of gentleman's residence or public institution, or other perman. ent work by a man willing to work, Other work taken in meantime, First class references at Box *"'U" Times, (891) Lost and Found LOST--A SMALL WHITE GOLD wrist watch with initials A.G.B, on back, between Mary street school and 142 Division street, Finder please leave at 142 Division street or phone 156M. (91a) LOST--WILL THE PARTY WHO stole bicycle from King St. School between nine a.m. and recess please return at once from where iy was stolen, and save further trouble. (91b) WILL PARTY WHO WAS SEEN removing spare tire from 298-326, Friday evening at Columbus, kinaty return to Cook's garage. (90-b) LOST--BETWEEN MRS. FRED McKenzie's, east of Columbus, and Union Cemetery, Oshawa, one Fire- stone balloon tire, tube and rim. Finder kindly leave at Chadburn Motor Co., or Mrs. McKenzie. (90-¢) THE STAR LAUNDRY, 13 CELINA Street,, owner Willie Hoy, has been sold to Young Lee, Mark Ying and Chin King, the laiter assuming pos- session and being liable for all debts as from Oct. 24. W, Hoy, only li- able for debts prior to Oct. 24. Fur- ther particulars apply Swanson, Ger. man and 'MacKenzie. (89 91- 94) STACEY ORIGINATOR PAPER EXTENSION (Continued from page 11) "Now don't try to get smart," answer my questions," said Mr. Grant. "Did you want people to know before July 1 that you were think- ing of moving to Oshawa?" "No, I did not," answered Mr, Brown," "We were ready to make it pub- lic sometime in June, but we were negotiating to buy a Port Hope up- position paper," explained Mr, Brown, "You did not want it to leak out before July 1, did you?" said coun- el, "But it did," declared witness. "How do you know?" asked Mr. Grant, "I was back and forth to Oshawa and I heard Mr. Stacey telling some- one," declared Mr. Brown. "There was no sign on your of- fice in Oshawa until August 1," sad counsel, "There was a sign there a weck after we entered [the office," de- clared Mr. Brown. + "Have you a bill here to scttle the point, because your Oshawa branch manager says it was Alter August : id "No, I haven't it Bere," confess- ed witness, "You flooded the town with free newspapers," charged Mr. Grant, "We send papers to paid subscrio- ers, of which we have 1,500," said Mr. Brown, "You know you are trying to give the court a wrong impression" thundered Mr. Grant. "You say you have 1,500 paid circulation?" "Yes we have," said Mr. Brown, "Who paid for it," demanded counsel, "He says that the persons who paid for it were not the persons who received the paper," said Mr. Just- ice Rose. "Who paid them, there was a fund," charged Mr, Grant. "1 wouldn't worry about the fund, we know the subscribers themselves did not pay," said His Lordship. Counsel for the plaintiff and the defendants then briefly addresses the court, citing precedents to sup- port their respective cases. Mr. Justice Rose then advised the liti- gants to get together and try and work out a solution to the contro- versy themselves. He said that in case they were unable to do so, he would give judgment tomorrow morning. PAULIST FATHER ASSAILS EDITOR American Mercury's "Vici- ous" Articles Severely Sab # Criticized Brooklyn, N.Y. Oct. 19. -- H. L. Mencken, editor of the American Mer- cury, was attacked as an enemy of democratic ideals by the Rev. James M. Gillis, Paulist father and editor of the Catholic World, in an address to the Knights of Columbus. The Catholic divine also spoke in un- complimentary terms of Mussolini's manner of Italian government. Menecken's writings were termed "continual vieious, vile and determined expression of disdain and disgust for all d atic principles." Father Gil- lis cited the following list of terms from Mencken's book, "Notes on De- Agents Wanted mocracy." *"Booboisie, the city moron, country kels, righteous clod-hoppers, hinds $4. A DAY PAID MEN OR WOMEN for distributing religious literature until Christmas. Spare or full time. For particulars write. Mr. Conrad. Spadina Bldg., Toronto. (81a) -- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR shotgun, female black and tan fox- TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. to let. 104 Mill streei. (89%¢) SIX. ROOMED HOUSE, HARD- wood floors, downstairs. All modern conveniences. Phone 599W. <(88c¢) acd ic Rois Drie I. THE UNDERSIGNED AM PRE- pared to de all kinds of sewing. Call at 354 Leslie St., or phone 18427]. Miss Flossie Boyd. (Sept. 27-1mo) Corsetiere CORSETIERE-- SPIRELL. SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, managing corstiere. Evenings by ap- pointment. Phone 442). BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanied. Apply 105 Colborne street east. (Oct. 18-Nov. 18) Wanted to Rent TWO. OR THREE ROOMED HOUSE in Oshawz, wanted to buy or rent, by young couple. Box "E" Times. (90h) h d, three years old. A good one. 123 Celina street after six o'clock. (9le) lh dui £63 Money to Loan Wanted to Buy MONEY AVAILABLE FOR FIRST class first mortage loans. Swanson, German and MacKenzie, 2 King Si.) Fast. (90L£) and Board Wanted BUSINESS WOMAN DESIRES BED- sitting room and beard. Central. Apply. Box "A" 'Times 91-a) DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WB DO WANTED TO RENT--FIVE OR 6 roomed house by tenants with steadv (Sept. 23-1mo) J employment. Phone 2530, (90-b) re-babbited, wees. geprs or pinions supplied for Ml makes 91 cars. 161 King St. [C4 NN --5t. Joseph Gazette. NEIL YELLOWLEES, EXPERT piano tuner, will be in Oshawa once every week. O left at Harris' Music store. Phone 1490. (Sept. 28-Oct. 28) of Dayton, Tenn. anthrapoidal pro- letariat," and Mencken's assertion that American people were "sheep, don- keys and jackasses." "The principle involved is that you and I and the mass of men are a crowd of boobs and should not have the right of suffrage," he said. - "But if boobs are to be disfranchised, I say let us continue the process and also deprive the shrewd, capable, intellectual fel- lows of their right to vote. They are working more harm toward democracy than anyone else." ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. fsmicson Broa. Phone 438 me) Love msed to make the girl g round, but mow gas is what does 4 EE ENGLAND WATCHES FLAG CONTROVERSY Hertzog Introduces Contro- versial Bill in Parlia- ment Again London, Oct. 19, --Political ecir- cles in Great Britain anxiously are awaiting the outcome of the parlia- mentary session at Cape Town where the controversial flag bill is to be re-introduced. Although some quarters minim- ize the importance of the flag con- troversy as a mere quibble based on superficial rivalries, many well informed. persons declare Pibmier Hertzog's efforts to have an inde- pendent South African flag to re- place the Union Jack voice the deep republican sentiment or duu, sy Africa, It is asserted that the flag mil revives racial enmities which aross when Boer and Briton fought each other, The British press, generally op- poses the flag bill. The Sunday un- server says that South African poli- ties tremble on the ends of passion. An added shield with a microscopic Union Jack (the government has conceded that South Africa mignt have its flag with a small Union Jack in a corner) is too artificial advice to secure a compromise, Another newspaper, the Releree, says: "All the other great Dominions are proud to display the Union Jack in a place of honor, Does Presi- dent Hertzog think it loyal and proper to submit a flag in which the Union Jack covers only a one 6th part," The Sunday Times recalled tuut Great Britain blunderéed when it permitted the shamrock 70 'become the symbol of Irish dissaffection. PLAN NOW FOR PLAY DAYS FLORIDA Get ready for a season in Florida. Have a few weeks' holiday down south--where winter is only the name of a season, Your friends will be there. Your favorite caddy will be ready to follow you around tne course; your favourite chair will ne waiting for you on Lhe ocean side of the hotel verandah, . Florida is famous for its hospi- tality--for its sports and pleasures. There are leagues of clear ocean beach for swimming and sun bath- ing; miles of tree-bordered roads for motoring; motorboating, yacht- ing, polo, tennis and golf in abund- ance, Now winter IN is the time to plan your vacation. Any Agent of the Canadian National Railways will gladly supply you with all the ne- cessary information about Florida-- its rates, routes and resorts. CUCUMBER PICKLES Take small cucumbers, wash, fll quart jars with same; add one tea- spoon sugar, one salt and one dry mustard, pour over cold vinegar and seal. These arc fine, A pinch of powd- ered alum add to the flavor, Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL PEALE AND EM Successor to DISNEY FUNERAL. SERVICE 82 Simcoe St. S, Phone Unsurpassed Ambulonce Service A, G. BROOMFIELD

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