FAGES DEFICT Premier Poincare Urging Re: tention of all Present Taxation Paris, Oct. 20.--The French bua- get is faced with a deficit of 30, 000,000 frames (about $12,000,- 000) to avoid unbalancing the bud- get several unpopular taxes which the finance committee of the Cham- ber of Deputies recently decided to reduce will be maintained. Premier Poincare will go before the committee to insist upon tue taxes remaining as they are, In- dications are he will have a difficult time inducing the committee which voted by a big majority to reduce these taxes to change its decision. Behind the meeting is scented a political fight opening the spring election campaign. Radicals and radical Socialists oppose M. Poin- care's financial policy. They are preparing to appeal to the voters on a lower tax platform and will combat the premier's sinking fund which was instituted last year as a constitutional amendment, The radicals do not oppose ine sinking fund in principle to reduce France's debt, but they hola Mm. Poincare is asking toe much of the present generation of taxpayers who are contributing nearly 2,000,000,- 000 & year to the national govern- ment alone. They propose to re- duce the sinking fund payment by several billion francs a year, Two unpopular taxes which M, Poincare wants retained are the va. on farm products and the sales tax. In the coming parliamentary figHt the strongest opponet will be former Finance Minister Caillaux. He is for greatly reduced taxes in the hope of inspiring national in- dustry into greater productiveness. He maintains the state has become rich at the expense of the pubic which is taxed too high to produce. INCREASE GRANTED ALL ENGINEERS Terms of Agreement Cover Pay of Three Classes on Railroads Ottawa, Oct. 20,--The increases granted to the locomotive engineers of all roads in Canada under term: of the settlement arrived at in Mont- real last Friday when Hon, Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor, consultl- + ed with Sir Henry W Thornton president of the Canadian National || Railways, £. W. Beatty, K.C., presi- dent of the Canidian Pacitic Rail- way, and R. H, Cobb, representing | 8 the men's committee provide for a minimum rate of $7 a dady in ue passenger service. The increases are divided into three classes; the passenger, freight and switching services and work out as follows: Passenger service (increasc) 24 cents per day of eight hours. Freight service (increase) 3b cents per hundred miles, Switching service (increase) 32 cents per day o feight hours, The settlement further prpvides that when boosters (which are aux- illiary engines) are attached to ten- ders or trailers, the weight of ten- ders or trailers as the case may be will be added to the weight of the drivers, and the total weight so produced will - define the class of engine and the rate of pay for such class, The whge increases are retroac- tive to July 1, 1927. About 7,000 locomotive engineers are affected by the increase which takes in all the Canadian steam rail- ways and & number of electrically operated roadd The negotiations had been protracted and last week had resulted in a stalemate. Hon. Poter Hednap, was invited to sit in consultation with the disputants and on Friday the agreement as in- dicated, was arrived at. Many a man puts his best put for- ward only .to*have his corns trod on. Chicago News. RAILWAY TIME TABLES CHR. ~ x N er fms tables. Eastbound T) THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1927 A cA i --" Vb SELECTION of BEST STRIPS for TIMES READERS) vot ---- IF you ; i 4 OGEEGOSH BETRAY US ---OR THE NIHILISTS -- EVEN IF YOU FAIL~ LL OWA - TW L BETABS _- WR CANS € oo? BI SoRNES! al U.S. Pav. OF: Copyright 1927, etropolitan Newspaper Service PVE COT TO Q\T i A At fi TW i i ti ii ra ---- -- AWAY FROM THESE 1 rue SEER i WHAT \WAS = SENGANDS- | DON'T, : A ROURDT THAT 2 \T ARC pR 5 Y ONE wr fie a i SOUNDED SHEL OT NRT : Z X / rr rt LIKE A % OUY THERE! MAN \ ' 7 4 ™, dl 3 ANY CHANCES! i : i fi pA Sibi on BAT TLE! 'reat Britain rights reserved 10-20 © 1927 ay Inv. Feature Service, Inc C LAN INTERESTING STORY IN GREEK p! £30. THE DAUGHTER OF INACHUS, AT TRACTED JUPITER. TO HIDE HER FROM HIS JEALOUS a ehiibans i 3 yn WIFE HE TURNED 10 INTO A BEAUTIFUL HEIFER CALF AND TOLD JUNO THAT IT WAS A NEW gli i te CREATURE FROM THE EARTH. JUNO, SUSPECTING HIM, PLACED THE HEIFER IN CARE OF THE SPOTS ON THE | OLD ARGUS WHO HAD A HUNDRED EVES. JUPITER SENT MERCURY TOARGUS Discus lil. ~~ PEACOCKS TAILARE Jl HUH! THAT'S | AS A SHEPHERD. SINGING BALLADS, MERCURY PUT TO SLEEP ALL THE HUNDRED # JTHEEVESOF THE fl A FUNNY J J 48, EYES OF ARGUS AND SLEW HIM. JUNO,ENRAGED THAT ARGUS, ~~ "Sy onSOONN § oanT ARGUS. WM EYE-DEA! LOW SHOULD BETRAY HER TRUST AND er ARE ol : 2 x IANS A ide EACOCK iS SACRED _ alii ri ALLOW ANYONE TO KILL HIM, TO JUNOWIFE OF JUPITER WHO RAE © ; Cg) CUT OFF HIS HEAD AND KEPT HER PEACOCKS IN 2200852 Ean SCATTERED HIS HUNDRED THE PALACE GARDENS cr 4 ye . _ Ng. EYES ON THE TAILS OF HER 74 £ w 7s 2 ey . . ON MOUNT OLYMPUS. f dk ==, a == NL ACOCKS. ndicate ne Creat Brian nights reserved 10-20 You TWO KIDS Look JUST ALIKE! Hior | Tl ca Aa] Fobler) FoR YEAS ; oid EACH! Wakes His Ow n introduetions '--By Russ Westover Sy GS Bor [rasa aie y PAE Wl Tre came MMP MAC NEEDN'T Th NIE iE o| JJ DOSGONE 11 THATS SHE See a 3 | o SEDN'Y INA AE | GONE 171° THAT'S THE SECOND Cars ME MSTER! {voy AZ - Caw ER HH Time i S80 JHE CAM SOON BOR NMG ==] fl rime ve TRIED TO MAKE UP; TUST CAM. MB | I'Mier BY woue FACE il TO HER Fipy | APTER HE'S BEEN TALKING wae TiaE - SHE CAN TAY | f*r0 Mer. »i1S8 2i088om --| | , YAD For EVER. FoR meee d ALL » TARE MO! MAC he FUBT : Lamour ONT TF 38 LOVELY (ii SHS Says rr RESAAR OLY | ov Loup RNG UP } rae ™E |! 00 PLOSSOM. | - MRS | > A Tones AND coL® : A Ss Say SO0D MORN ING EMOLLOER] ~ -- i HERZ Duy Mit g TRy +7 hoon DARL by King Fastuves Srodonie lm ' A cused