Courtice, Oct. 19--Mr. Frank Os- borne, Albertlea, Minnesota, was guest of his aunt, Mrs. Eli Osborne on Sun- iss Florence Courtice spent a few days with her cousins, Misses Jean and Eideen Wight, Providence, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay spent Sun- day with Rev. and Mrs. C. C, Wash- ington, Fenelon Falls, Miss Carrie Courtice has returned to Chicago where she is superintendent of a hospital. She has been with the late Mrs. Mary Everson through her illness for some weeks past. Mrs. Johnson, Whitby, visited her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) H. J. Stainton at the parsonage recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and daughter Mary were with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Rundle on Sunday. Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Miss is the result of three-quarters of »_oanlur 's experience in fine piano Made throughout in Canada, and i gf ply igh price basis--$450 ' The Williams Piano Co, Oshawa - 8 Ontarig SE -------------- ; For Sale by Johns Piano Store 80 Simcoe St, N, Phone 251 Louise and Master Nelson, Bowman- ville, were also Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle. Mrs, John Worden is home after spending two weeks with her grand- daughter, Mrs. Lorne Stevens, Bow- manville, Sunday services were good. = Our pastor, Rev. H. J. Stainton, preached an excellent sermon in the morning and in the evening the Rev. J. R. Bick occupied the pulpit and delivered a fine sermon, Next Sunday is the annual Thank- offerimg Sunday and Rev. R. Richards, Port Perry, will preach morning and cvening. Special music by the choir, Visitors will be made welcome. Young People's meeting will be held this week on Friday evening on ac- count of the convention being held in Oshawa on Thursday. The meeting will be in charge of young peoples' group and Mr. Kenneth Courtice will sua, were Sunday guests of Mr, and give an address on Temperance, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle, Beth- Mrs. Eli Oke. : Farmers are beginning to get busy picking apples these days. The leaves on the maples are beconung tinted with beautiful colors and soon the trees will be leafless. ASHBURN Ashburn, Oct. 19--Miss Werry at- tended the Teachers' Convention in Port Perry last week, The children enjoyed, a three day holiday, Mr. Fred Tawes of Columbus spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tawes, Fred has just recently purchased the blacksmith business there, His friends are pleased to learn that he is making such rapid strides upon the ladder of success! Our football team accompanied by a number of others chartered a bus on Saturday and journeyed to Toronto where they played the Knox College team, but alas the city friends proved too much for them and they came home badly beaten but determined to play a return game when they have had more practice. The cold spell of the last few days has had a tendency to speed up fall work. THere is a great percentage of it pretty well done, the farmers are now busy with their turnips which 1s a splendid crop this year, Rev.: W. B. Mitchell conducted a very impressive Thanksgiving service Write for free booklet--'"'My Home."' 20 wo per Waterous-Meek, Ltd. F. Flintoff & Sons ~ Cleve Fox Hardware Gale & Trick .-» =~ L.A. Koch ~- - W, J. Trick & Co., Ltd, - ~ Oshawa, Ont. Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard, Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh, Takes any decoration, and heat proof, The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known, Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insule! THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 156 : PROC For Sale By Make Old Rooms New MAKE your attic into extra sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play-room, Gyproc will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at small cost, Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Fireproof, cold proof It will tell you how Gyproe, Rochoard will reduce your fuel bill from Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa; Ont. Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, ' AE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927 gation was present. choir that delighted the congregation with two numbers. Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Werry deserve much credit for their training as some of them were very young. Mrs. (Dr.) Rogers of Sudbury was a recent guest of her biother, Mr. George N. Holiday. A very sad and fatal accident oc- curred about three miles north of here on Monday morning as Mrs. Frank Moore and her father-in-law, Mr. Albert Moore of Whitby, were driving to Port Perry ncar High Point. They were Both thrown from the buggy in- to the, ditch, Mr. Moore sustaining internal injuries from which he died a few hours after never regaining consciousness, Mrs. Moore was left unconscious for hours and had her face badly cut up but is able to be around although in a very nervous condition. The cover of the buggy was wrecked but the horse was injured and was found where the accident occurred. The strange thing about it is that the cause of the accident re- mains a mystery as no one witnessed it and by the tracks it is supposed that a truck had struck them and drove on. A Port Perry truck was seen in the neighbourhood about the time of the fatality. Mr. Moore's re- mains were brought to Whitby where an inquest was held on Wednesday night. The funeral will be on Thursday. Much sympathy is felt for the family as Mrs. Moore is the mother of four small children and this trouble was a great shock to them and her husband. HARMONY Harmony, Oct. 19.--Mrs. K. Fletcher and children spent last Wed iesday and Thursday in Bowmanville visiting | her mother, Mrs. Wrenn and attended the Rotary street fair, Mrs, T. Littlejohn of Orillia spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peeling of Picton | visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. Lott last | week. : Mr. and Mrs. N. Lyons attended the | fowl supper and concert at Columbus last Friday night. Mr. and Muss. F, Sprung of Nap- anee visited with Mr. and Mrs, A, Lott last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson of Lindsay visiting with Mrs. J. H. Baker and Miss Florence Baker, i Mrs. Shank of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. A, Lott last week. | Mr. and Mrs. N. Lyons spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fice at North Oshawa. | Mr. and Mrs. G. Glover have moved into their new house. Mr. D. Williams, Mr." and Mrs. V.| N. Clymer, Miss +". Davies and Mr. Philpott motored to Weston on Sun- | day to visit Mr, Olfield at the sam-! tarvium. Last Thursday evening the Sunday School hed a social evening. A good crowd attended. They had a short business session and the rest of the! evening was spent in games and con- tests, a short program was pro- vided. Refreshments were served and | a good nme enjoyed by all | Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and family motored to Beaverton and spent Sun- day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hopps of Ebenezer | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cy Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson of the city spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Branton. Mrs. A. Nichols of Solina visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. C.| Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. P. Allman spent sn | day at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ogden of Port) Hope spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, | F. Branton. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Biglow of Lindsay | visited with Mr. and Mrs. DD. E. Weese on Sunday. | Misses J. Hurlbutt and O. Wilson of the city at Mr. and Mrs. F. Bran- ton's on Sunday. Jo Mr. Hazel is getting along fine with his new house. { A contractor of the city has pur- | chased ten lots at Eastmount Heights | and will start building very soon, also a contractor of Toronto has pur- | chased several lots and will begin building in a couple of weeks, Mr. and Mrs. G. Glover and child-! ren visited with friends at North Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N.Wager and Mr. | Stray Coke Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desived. on Sabbath, when a splendid congre- | H. Wager left last Thursday on a j A special fea- i ture of the service was the children's trip around the lake. They motored to Brockville and crossed on the boat, then to Watertown, Rochester and Niagara haus. au€y Ieport a very pleasant trip. : Miss Effie Carson and Mr, Jones of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bates on Sunday. : Mrs. Coppin and son Chas. Coppin of Cameron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pates. Mrs. L. Edwards spent Sundav with her daughter, Mrs. McKay at Orono. Mrs. Ed. Michael, Mrs. O. C. Lander and Miss Doris Lander spent Tues- day in the city. Mrs. S. Graham spent the week end in 'Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, before they left for Mr. H. Hart at Columbus, Ohio, at- tending the International Dairymen's visited with their Fleury Convention. Rev. and Mrs. F. Dickie of Toronto niece, Mrs. Frayling over the week end. Miss Ruby Greentree and Mr. F. motored to Woodville and spent Sunday with Mr. Benson. Mrs. Herring of the city at her daughter's, Mrs. Ed. Michael. Mrs. F. Danzey and her son Earle spent Wednesday with Mes. H, Will- sen. Mrs. J. Scott of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J." B. Hutchi son. COLUMBUS Columbus, Oct, 18.--Miss Thelma Ashton, of Oshawa, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Ashton on Sunday. A few from here attended the miscellaneous shower givem to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch (nee Erie Nottingham) at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Johan Notting- ham, Raglan, on Tuesday night. Miss Doris Nesbitt, Miss Margaret Dearborn, Mr. Stewart Murison aua Mr. David Mackenzie, were appoint- ed by the Young People's class on Sunday to attend the Young People's Rally in the King Street United Church on Thursday. Miss Evelyn Ellins, of Prookhn, spent a few days of last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L Ellins, Miss Vera Magee, of RBrooklin, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Beckett for a few days this wees. Born--to Mr. and Mrs. R. Beuch- 'er at the Oshawa hospital ,on Sat- urday, a daughter, Mr. Wherry, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs John Stone ior a few days last week. Mr. Jack Bromell visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Metcalfe, of Bar- rie, visited their daughter, Mrs. Lorne Cook on Sunday. The chicken supper held in the United church here on Friday night 'ast was a grand success. Supper was served from 5.30 pm. until all were served to about 750 people. After which a good program was enjoyed by all. Proceeds amount- ed to about $400. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Purves are visiting with the latter's parents at Chatham. Reading or working becomes doubly r- able when done by the well-diffused light of the new Edison Mazda inside they prevent glare and give a soft, Lamps, Frosted on the Leta? EDISON MAZDA ACEI LAMPS A CANADIAN GEMERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT --=THE COUNTRY At The Arcade ME WITH THE CROWDS It will be well worth your while t o walk up and down the isles of this store and see the wonderful e xhibits of seasonable goods on dis- play and at savings that will plea se you, A Grand pp ---- Carnival of Bargains in Every Dept. of Boys and Girls To the age of 15, who bring to this store, from October 20th to October 20th, the largest Pump- kin, will reaceive Samples, Sho ping Bags ouvenirs Given Free to Children Who are Accompanied by The Store $5 Worth wise FREE Parents COME FRIDAY ------ STORE FULL OF BARGAINS Aluminum Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils--Roasters, Sauce Pans, 49c Gloves 59c Serge and Tricotine Dresses EEE $4.95 50 dozen Manufacturers' surplus stock of Chamoiseite Gloves, new for fall wear. Values to $1.00. Friday, pair, Jumbo Knit Sweaters Wool Jusbe Kb Shes $5.95 One Lot Manufacturers' Samples in New Chamoisette sizes, Reg. $7.50 valve. Friday, OSHAWA, Miller's Old Store LIMITED 'Simcoe Street North