Almonds, Oct. 20.--Mrs. John Allan and Mr. Cliff Allan, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. bals- don. Mrs. Crawford, of Brooklin, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mrs. Challis and Miss Mable Chal- lis, of Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. | Challis, "of "Orono," spent several ddvs wi M+ and Mrs. T. C. Asborne. Miss Clare Ridgley, of Oshawa Gen- €1. idUNPILAL Sida, spent Sunday with Miss Hilda Lee. Mr. Charles Fothergill, Mrs. George ™ heraill, Mrs. Hugh Jeffery, Messrs. Norman and Irvin Jeffery attended the Provincial ploughing match on Thurs Almonds anniversary services will be held on Sunday, October 23. Rev. Mr. Howard, of Millbrook.. a dormer n tor on this charge, will preach bot morning and evening. Special music by the chor, assistea by vr, lalhse 0 Pickering and Mrs. French of Whithv. Mr. Lemon, of Oshawa, visited last week with Mr. aid Mrs. Usborne. The passing of Mrs. Wm. Kemp, Sr., 1emoves from our commmity 'and church its oldest member, Her death took place on Friday, October 14, ut the home of her daughtér, Mrs. J. Draper, Pickering, with whom she had been spending several weeks. Deceas- ¢d has enjoyed splendid health until the past two months when her heart hegan to weaken, causing her a greai deal of suffering at. times, which she hore with great' patience. A beautifw wneral service was conducted on Monday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Irwin of Whitby, assisted by Rev. Mr. Lang- ford, Port Whitby, and Rev. Mr. Sproule, Pickering. Mr. Leonard ren- dered two very fitting solos. There are left to mourn, onc sen, John, 'of Port Whitby, and four daughters, namely, Mrs. Ashby, Port Whithy; Mrs. J. Draper, Pickering; Mrs. F. T. Rowe and Miss Gertrude, of Whitby, tc whom the sympathy of the com- munity is extended. Interment was made at Nshawa Union Cemetery. The pall bearers were, Mr. Vernon Rowe, Mr. Lloyd Morcombe, Mr. Lorne Kemp, Mr. Joseph Ashby, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Wm. AVIS: Ly { "COLUMBUS -- Columbus, Oct, 19.--Harvest Home services were held in the Uni- ted church on Sunday, Oet, 9th. In the morning, Dr. W, P. Flewcher, or Oshawa, gave a rousing address. He asked the question 'Is the church worth while?" The answer which the preacher gave to his ow question left no doubts in the minds v. ls hearers as to the value of the '"ri~tian chureh in the community. In the evening, Rev. J. 8. Fergu son, .of St. Andrew's, Pickering, spoke most effectively on the ""Stew- ardship of Talents' to a large con- gregation, Special music was ren- uered by the choir. On Friday eveni a chicken . supper brought crowds from far near. The ladies rose to the occa- sion and served over 700 satistiec guests, The supper was followed by a fine -coneert in. the' church :by Toronto talent. The proceeds from the entertainment amounted to $411, Come again next year. Rev. G. A, Little, of Toronto, will preach at Columbus and Kedron on Thanksgiving Sunday. Quite a numbér of members of the "Livewires" Bible Class attend- od the Young People's Rally at King street church, Oshawa, on Thursday. U.T.S. TO PLAY COBOURG University of Toronto Schools plays its first game in the interscholastic . schedule on Satudray morning as the Varsity Stadium, with Cobourg as the opposition, The students will stake their fixture in the morning, starting at 9.30. Lic Loftus, coach of the Bloor Street boys, has moulded . a. clever machine out of a number of novices, although he has lost Bradley, his cap- tain, and Quarterback Gilmore, one ui the stars of last season, is taking Bradley's place, and is about the best on the team. Gord Gunn may do the kicking for U.T.S. on Saturday in place of Evans, as he is an extra good hooter, although he lacks experience. U.T.S. will have to be at top strength to get the win over Cobourg, as the easterners held Oshawa in check, and the Motor City students are favored to win the group. SENATORS DRILL IN RAIN FOR BIG CLASH WITH TIGERS Ottawa, "Ont, Oct 19--Despite a driving rain that turned Lansdowne Park into a small lake, Dave McCann drove the Ottawa rugby team through a strenuous hour's drill this afternoon, With only one niore workout interven- ing before the Dominion champions take the field against Hamilton Tigers on Saturday alternoon, no effort is be- ing spared to have the squad in the best possible -condition: The Senators have been concentrat- ing on line work, with a view to off- setting the vaunted strength of the Hamiltonians in that department. Bert Mclnenly will not likely start against the Bengals. The backfield burden will rest on Joe Tubman and Harry Kehoe, with Brassington in reserve. When Tubman went to the side lines in Tor- onto last Saturday, Chevrier went up in Lvnch's place and the quarter drop- beside Kehoe. This order way be repeated here Saturday if either of the backfield starters falter. Baier} Weakness Nights Relieved by Doctor For Many Years WS On For Many Yous $ aud not gel 8p ouce ftom Plad- eakness and Irritation. ec] the ives .of rsking. be in the bes Lealth-giving i ritation--that's rom browght int help thousands. > | be or_how a Bang thd witht Sue al ey irr UKATARS today. ill fund tae ic By BOR S Phone 295 | On Ritson Road One Our Cavs For All Block North of The are at Your Information G ener a l | M olors Service FAIRVIE ARK NO. 1he First Re-Sale 1 S R ea dy F or T he | Oshawa's Great In Fairview Park E o No. 1 has Already M ar kh e Lt! | xpansion Means Made for one man Fortunes For 203% ; Ready from the standpoint of property development -- street Investors in Inside signs and number stakes placed, street grading under way, sewer . .. onamount Invested and water already installed in part of the property. Ready, too, City P roper «) for the great value increase that Oshawa's tremendous expansion rorthward is bringing to the whole Fairview district. Inside City Property, Every Foot of It, Located Directly East of Fairview Park No. 1, The Property That Sold Out Completely From September 22nd to October 8th Come { n and More than 80 per cent of Fairview No. 1 sold to builders, and Bu y i n g a Lot the number of houses under erection there today bears witness 0 V. E T l k ° 0 to the desirability of this section from the builders' viewpoint. isa ery asy alr it Over Fairview No. 2 will equal or surpass the success of Fairview No. 1. M. att er Opening Prices in Fairview Park No. are Very Low, and Terms are Very Easy. ig Profits Await Original Buyers---- Be Sure To Get YOUR Share.